Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 48

Lexi walked from the restroom and crawled back under the blanket. She cursed her internal alarm clock that woke her no matter what. She had grown accustomed to waking up early with Maura as a baby. Now that Maura slept later, she could not get her mind to do the same.

“Good morning.” Rafa touched her cheek and moved his legs to the edge of the bed. Lexi felt a little disappointed, wondering if he was going to get dressed and start the day, until she watched him stand. The sight of him made her inhale and forget what she was thinking. She appreciated every single one of his muscles as they flexed when he moved. Then she saw the tattoos. Lexi knew there was meaning behind them, that he did not get them for show. Right now, they made her weak.

She sighed and covered her head with a pillow when she heard a faucet turn on; lack of air caused her to shove it back under her head and stare at the ceiling. She could not get enough of him at home. With campaigning and being Angelo's right hand, she wondered how much she would be able to see him in the coming days.

“Hey.” He scooted back against her in the bed. She had not heard him come out. “You’re deep in thought.”

She looked away, embarrassed, shaking her head. “How do you expect me to think when you strut around here naked like that?”

“I doubt that you really want me to sleep with clothes.” He smiled but only one corner of his lips curved. That seductive look in his eye was going to trap her mind. “You’re almost naked too.” He pinned her underneath and slowly trailed his fingers along the contours of her sides. “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to think when I’m around you half-dressed too?” His mouth touched her neck, instantly causing chills to form as he slid his fingers down.

“You promised,” she whispered as his lips stalled over a spot too high to cover with a shirt.

“I know.” He lifted her arms and kissed her lower instead. “And no one had better be looking here—ever.” He emphasized and glanced up, enjoying her shallow breaths as he eased his palms underneath her tank.

A light rattle of the doorknob let the two know they were not the only ones awake in the house. Rafa instantly stopped his advances and rolled to his side. “We've been found,” he said and closed his eyes, trying to reduce the bulge between his legs.

Lexi leaned against him and moved her fingers through his hair. He was so handsome that she almost forgot what she was doing, but then another tapping at the door reminded her. “She must sense something’s going to happen later too.”

“Maybe.” Rafa forced an eyelid open. “Kids can be sensitive to these sorts of things.”

Lexi returned an apologetic smile and slipped on a pair of shorts, leaving Rafa in the bed to watch her go. He still wanted to spend time with her and grabbed his cotton pants. Who needed a shirt? They were alone at home.

Rafa started to open the door when he spotted Lexi's phone. He went ahead and picked it up to save her the trouble of coming back upstairs, his fingers accidentally turning it on. Intending to turn it back off, something on the screen caught his eye before he had the chance.

“Shit,” he said aloud and looked at the door, then at the screen again, pressing the back arrow to see all of her previous searches. He did not know if he was strong enough to give her more. Closing his eyes at the images, he considered how difficult it would be to protect a woman like Lexi, especially being Angelo's sister. When that came out, every asshole on the street would use that to their advantage. It was true. He knew it would be hard, but it was not a good enough reason to stop life from happening. It would always be dangerous—another day, different foes.

He scrolled through some of the pictures again and gave a weak smile. There would be good times to level the bad. He felt confident that a woman like Lexi could adjust to anything in life. She always had. They would both have to take it as it came. Well—he thought—I guess I should give her what she wants.

Rafa walked out of the bedroom to see what she was doing but barely made it to the stairs when he saw Jim, Ray and Brett on his sofas. He crept downstairs and looked around, making sure both Lexi and Maura were in the kitchen; then he casually passed the men and reached for a gun hidden in the highest cabinet of his entertainment center. Rafa aimed at the intruders.

“I don't need you here today. All of you need to leave.”

“The boss sent us,” was Brett's defensive reply.

“He didn't call me first so get out of here. This is my time.” Rafa clicked the hammer.

“Rafa.” Jim pointed. “You know how Angelo is. He probably didn't call you on purpose. You know why we’re here. Been here all night.”

“Oh yeah? Well you can tell Angelo that I don't need anyone to guard me.”

“You want me to call him?” Jim crossed his arms. “I'm not going against Angelo.”

“One.” Rafa placed his finger on the trigger, making Jim jerk his head at Ray.

“What a way to start off the day.” He stood up.

“Get out. I’ve had enough of my house being some kind of gathering place for the ranks.”

“Fine, but Angelo’s going to be pissed.”

“I don't give a shit. Blame it on me; tell him I’ll be there at three like I said I would.”

As the door shut, Lexi came behind him and slowly slid her nails against his back, meeting his tense muscles. “Do you feel better now?” She asked, almost sarcastically since she knew the answer. His stiff neck told all.

“Only if they actually leave,” he said; then he returned the gun to the cabinet and turned around, bringing her to his chest.”

“What do you mean?”

He faked a laugh. “They would never go against Angelo. I guarantee they’re waiting outside, guarding my house as they were told.” Lexi's brows lifted. “Don't believe me?” Rafa led her to the window and opened the blinds, showing Jim and Ray on the porch furniture and Brett standing against the back of the Escalade.

“Wow,” Lexi mumbled.

“That's what we signed up for. No questioning the boss.”

“But you’ve questioned him before, haven't you?”

“Yes,” he agreed. “I’ve also been shot for it.”

“What? He shot you?”

“Yeah, I recovered. We won’t go into that right now.” Rafa smiled and turned her to the kitchen. “I'm starving. Let's eat. Then I guess we can let them back in when we're done.”


With fifteen minutes until three, two Escalades pulled outside of the hotel. Rafa stepped out and reached for Maura while Lexi got out behind him. He did not wait for valet or the others, wanting to find out what this meeting was about. Once they were inside, Angelo stood against the front desk, speaking to the receptionists. Rafa found it odd. Angelo usually sent one of the guys to do what he needed.

When Angelo noticed him, he walked straight over and looked at Lexi. “Take Maura and go to the conference room on the banquet floor. Rafa, come with me.”

Shaking his head, Rafa held Maura tighter. “They don't go anywhere without me from now on. Not here.”

Angelo crossed his arms. “I have men at every door and Jim will go with them. Do what I said. Now isn't the time.”

Rafa glared but then looked back at Maura. “Give me a kiss.” He slightly puckered, receiving a tiny peck from the girl. “I will see you in a little while, okay?”

“Promise?” She smiled as he handed her to Lexi. Rafa said nothing. He was not going to promise anything he was not sure about. Instead, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered to Lexi.

“Call me if anything seems off.” Then he pointed them to the elevator and watched until the door shut. “I thought you wanted to see us both,” Rafa said as he followed Angelo through the lobby.

“I do,” Angelo replied, shutting them into the conference room.

“Then why did you send her away?” Rafa dropped on the sofa, glancing at the television on the wall. “Do you have that loud enough?”

“I couldn't hear it from the office.”

“Are you that interested in my campaign?”

“Course I am; you’re dominating the polls.”

Rafa looked back at the television, noticing his numbers far ahead of Pearson. “I’m going to win. You know that?”

Angelo leaned against the back of the sofa and crossed his arms. “I know.” He stared at the table and let out a breath; his hands rested in his lap. Angelo did not seem thrilled.

“This was your idea.” Rafa glanced at him and reminded. “Do you really think I can be two places at once?”

Angelo flicked his hand in the air, bringing it back to rub his chin. “We'll talk about it later.”

Rafa rolled his eyes. Why did Angelo avoid the subject? They would have to talk about it eventually. The results were six weeks away. “So what’s this meeting about? It’s almost three. Why isn't Lexi here if you wanted to talk to her too? I don't trust her away from me.”

“My father told my mother,” Angelo mumbled, leaving silence to follow. Rafa briefly shut his eyes, trying to hide his disappointment. This was the only family he had. He hated to see it fall apart. Dangerous situations never affected the men nearly as much as family conflicts. The personal hit much harder. “How is she?” Rafa asked when Angelo shrugged.

“Not good. She won't speak to him.”

“Does Ella know?”

“She knows. It was kind of hard for her not to know with my mother ranting about keeping secrets. She’s staying at my place.” Rafa nodded in understanding when Angelo continued. “You know, he was raised like that. Women on the side were the norm. He did it. His ranks did it. That's how it went. It never meant he loved my mother less. Just a power show.”

“And you’ll do the same?” Rafa asked, interested in his answer. He knew how much Angelo loved Ella, but he also wanted to know how far that would take him.

Angelo stared off to the side. This conversation was getting too personal, but Rafa waited for an answer. Maybe he looked up to Angelo more than he knew. Angelo had to reply. “Ella’s the one thing in my life I can call normal—the only thing, Rafa. This life is hectic enough. Why fuck it up?”

Rafa nodded in agreement and pointed to the clock. “It’s past three.”

Angelo looked at his watch. “Sure is. Go ahead to the banquet room. I'll meet you down there.” Angelo waved him away.

Rafa nodded and left him by himself. When he exited on the banquet floor, he immediately stopped. What was going on? His eyes narrowed as he wondered who booked the room. As far as he knew, it should be empty. That could mean one thing. Angelo reserved it. He was the one responsible. That was why he sent Rafa down alone.