Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Eleven

Nateand I decide to head back inside after Eli goes back in the house. We figure it’s time to see if everyone else was up. We could have continued sparring, but I know there are other things that need to be done today. Maybe later we can pick back up again.

Once inside, I hear the murmur of everyone so I know that the whole house is well and truly awake.

We all sit around talking for a bit enjoying our breakfast. Jason takes me aside once we finish eating to let me know he’s leaving soon but I can still stay behind if I want to.

I rush to get dressed but now the only thing stopping me from leaving is two of my mates.

Jonnie and Mitch are both standing in front of me, their arms crossed and worried eyes watching me carefully. They've made it extremely clear I should not be going and part of me wonders just what they will do to stop me.

I'm surprised that out of all my mates that they are the ones most against me leaving. Sure the others objected a bit, but when Jason explained I would be going with him, Rick and Jake, they were a little more at ease. They all know what this means to Jason, and I think it is understood that he may not find good news so they wish for me to be with him.

"This is ridiculous, guys. Can you please move?" I plead, wanting to go and find answers for Jason. Stalling like this is just going to waste time.

"We don't think you should go. How do we know it's not a trap? You should just stay here. You’ll be safe here." Mitch says, reaching out to take my hand. He squeezes it like it's a lifeline he does not wish to lose.

Sighing, I glance around the crowded entryway, offering an apologetic glance to Jason. "I'll be safe, I promise." I use Mitch's hold on me to start dragging him towards the living room, grabbing Jonnie and pulling him along too. Obviously, we need to have a quick chat, if they are this concerned over me leaving.

We make it into the lounge and I force them both on the couch, standing over them with my arms crossed and waiting. "Well, do you want to tell me what's going on? Why are you both acting as if you'll never see me again?"

Jonnie refuses to meet my eyes, his gaze on the floor. Mitch, however, stares defiantly, his brown eyes sparked with anger and hurt. "You don't get it, Dani. We just got you back. The days without you have been some of the worst we've ever been through. How do we know we won’t lose you again?”

I'm saved from answering by Jake barging into the room. "Dani, get in the car."

I frown, not liking the demand. "I'll be there in a sec-"

"No. I understand this is hard for everyone but we do not have time for you to stick around and soothe their egos." Jake turns his gaze to my two mates. "You two are coming with us. Get your asses in the car."

"Jake, I don't think that-"

He holds a hand up and stops me. "No, Dani. We don't have all day. I want to get this dealt with and be back before dark." With that, Jake turns on his heel and stomps out of the room, leaving me confused. Shit, am I pissing everyone off now?

I trudge after him, Jonnie and Mitch quickly moving to follow. We stop when we reach Rick standing by the door. Everyone else seems to have dispersed, either because of Jake's snippy tone or something else, I'm not quite sure. The only person who's still in the hall is Eli.

"Is there something more going on here or is he just angry at me?"

Rick sighs sadly and hoists a bag over his shoulder. "It's not you. He's just worried. We may not be like the enforcers of old but he feels something bad is coming. He's barely been sleeping. He doesn't want us away from everyone but he knows this must be investigated."

Eli nods solemnly. "What about you, Rick? Do you feel the same thing he does?" Eli's eyes are worried as he waits for an answer. Something tells me that Eli too has been having the same feeling which doesn't bode well for any of us.

"Honestly?" When Eli nods, Rick lets out a sigh. "I don't feel exactly what Jake describes but I do feel as if everything we're going through right now is nothing but the calm before the storm. I can't help but wonder what will happen when the lightning strikes. Will we all survive it? I'm not sure. But I feel it with every ounce of my being that we are not safe and I don't think we will be until the threat of Luke has passed."

Eli runs a hand through his hair nervously. "I wasn't sure if this would happen or not, but it seems simply being near Dani has caused both of your natural abilities to amplify. Like how her heat is triggering in those she is around, it seems her royal lineage is triggering you to become the enforcers of old and causing your powers to amplify more than what you are used to.”

"Should we be worried?" I'm not sure what this means but it feels like something we need answers for.

Eli offers me a tight lipped smile, one that shows me how uneasy he is. "It may just be a coincidence but I wouldn't be surprised if by the time you are eighteen, they have all the powers of the enforcers that Malina had defending her. Which means sensing danger before it comes. There’s no need to worry right this moment but when we do have time, I would like to talk to my mother about it all. I’m not sure if it’s something we need to be wary of or not. I’ve had time to adjust, they haven’t."

I guess it would be logical that I’ll have enforcers that hold the same power as Malina’s after everything that I am. Being the last of a royal bloodline means I’ll need that protection but I'm not exactly the last. My grandmother is still alive though, so I'm not too sure what to think. But the idea of it causing Jake or Rick harm is a little worrying. What if they too have visions like Eli did?

My Enforcer mate turns to Rick with a serious expression. "Promise me that if you get an immediate need to protect Dani you won't dismiss it. Until we know for sure whether you will get the same affinities I have or if yours are just feelings of wrongness, then it's important to trust those instincts. It could be nothing but your natural need to protect your future Queen. Though it’s better to be safe, then sorry."

"Don't worry, man. I don't think any of us will be letting her out of our sight any time soon."

"Good." Eli is satisfied by the pure honesty that he doesn't question Rick or threaten him, just one hundred percent trusts his word. It warms my heart to know my mate trusts my friend to keep an eye out for me. Not that I can't protect myself if the need arises, but I love that they are developing their own relationship of trust. It’s a big change from when they first met Eli.

Eli wraps me in a quick hug, pressing a quick kiss to my temple. "Stay safe, my mate. If you need me, call. I'll have my phone on me at all times. Jake and Rick both have the number programmed into their phone too."

I return his embrace, only letting go when he does. "You better go before Jake storms back in here," he chuckles. Jonnie and Mitch who've remained quiet this whole time quickly exit the house, eager not to agitate Jake further. I think earlier is the first time they have seen that dominant side of him. The true enforcer role.

Then again after what Eli said about the enforcers of old and their affinities possibly being transferred to them, maybe that's part of it. Jake is never really forceful or had an alpha streak but he’s protective. Maybe this is yet another sign he can become more than a regular enforcer.

Eli steps back further into the house and Rick waits for me to leave the house before following. I think he too wants to make sure I don't linger too long.

The moment I get outside, I see Jake. He's pacing back and forth in front of a van. I thought he said we were going in a car?

As soon as Jake spots me, he stops his pacing to head straight for me with an apology in his eyes. He wraps his arms around me in a bone-crushing hug. "I'm sorry Dani. I didn't mean to snap at you."

I sigh, snuggling into his chest. "Don't apologize. You're right to be worried. You have one of the toughest jobs on this earth. Taking care of me. Which is why we need to learn to communicate effectively. There will be times that I will want to do my own thing. You need to tell me when those things compromise my security. Like if it was just Jason and me going today, I would expect you to object or insist on coming along. I know there will be rocky times when we don't agree on those things but we should still discuss them."

He nods, a sigh escaping him. He pulls back, squeezing my shoulders firmly. "We will do our best to work this whole situation out but sometimes I forget that you are only a child and you weren't raised among us."

"Don't remind me of how much I don't know, Jake. It already bugs the hell out of me the lack of knowledge I have about the packs and this life."

"You'll figure it all out in time. I have faith in you." He lets go of my shoulder with a grin. "Now get your ass in the van so we can go. I want to check this lead out then come home before dark."

I agree with Jake. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can come back. I don't like the idea of being separated from my mates for long. I just got them back. But Jason deserves answers on what happened to his pack and where they are.

I climb up into the back of the van, taking a seat on the bench seat along the wall between Jason and Mitch. They are all belted in, and just waiting for me.

Jake closes the door and walks around, jumping into the passenger side while Rick takes the driver's seat.

He starts the car, glancing back in the rear view mirror. "You four remember, it is our job to protect you all but if it comes to it, our loyalty to Dani will come first. So make sure you stay near her so we can protect you all. If you leave her side while we're under attack, then we won't be able to protect you. Got it?"

I open my mouth to object but Jason grips hold of my hand. "He's right," he murmurs, before lifting his eyes to nod at Rick in understanding. "We know the risk and Dani's safety will always trump our own."

Satisfied with Jason's answer, Rick turns his attention to the front and for the first time since arriving in this place, we leave the rogue pack's land.

I settle back, leaning into Jason's shoulder. I can feel his tension and know he fears what information he will find. Will it be good news and a lead that can tell us where his pack and mother are? Or will it be bad news? For my mate's sake, I really hope we find out Mrs. Parks is alive and well, and just hiding away. Keeping her pack safe from Luke and all the carnage he's wreaking on wolf kind.

I don't know what Jason will do if the news is not good.