Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Thirteen

The van slowsas we reach a gravel driveway, making our way slowly to an old dilapidated house. It looks very much like the house you’d expect to find in a scary movie. One that’s haunted by ghosts, ghouls and goblins. Its red paint has faded, washed out streaks running down the side. The front porch looks like it’s barely standing, wood beams over it broken and the little gate hanging off the edge.

“Are you sure we’re in the right place?” I glance around at the property, noting how overgrown the brush is. “It looks like the place a crazy cat lady may live in, not a place to meet a possible informant.”

“I have no clue, Dani. This was the address he gave me. I just followed his instructions.” Jason glances around at everyone in the van. “Well, for the most part. Hopefully he won’t be an ass because I brought people along.”

I don’t say anything because if it were me demanding things in order to meet someone, and the other person ignored those requests, I’d probably be pissy.

“Just try and stay quiet unless you have to speak. I don’t want him asking too many questions.”

We all nod, knowing this show is Jason’s. He needs answers about his family and his pack. We’re just here for emotional support.

Jake leans around as we pull to a stop beside the house. “Right, everyone stick close. I don’t want us being separated with a possible hostile in the vicinity. No exceptions,” his gaze lands on mine, like he’s saying I’m the one who would ignore his rules.

I mean, he’s not wrong, but still, rude to point it out so blatantly.

Rick turns the engine off, and we all unbuckle, then climb out of the van.

Immediately, I know something is wrong. Everyone is tense, and it takes a moment for me to understand why. The scent. Blood. Fresh blood is close by. And not a small amount. It’s enough to have my wolf pushing at me for control, to protect us from whatever threat is nearby.

Jason, however, isn’t as restrained, and shifts in an instant, his clothing shredding to pieces. He bolts off with Jake yelling after him, while Rick tries to hold Jonnie and Mitch back but it’s no use. They shift and take off after their friend. Rick curses and grabs me by the hand, pulling me after him. “Sorry, Dani, I can’t leave you alone, so you’re coming with me.”

I don’t argue, running alongside him as best I can towards the growing sounds of wolves growling and yelping. Clear indicators that a fight has erupted.

We run alongside the house and round the back where Jason, Jake, Jonnie and Mitch all headed, to find a scene that throws both Rick and I into a state of shock.

Rick only hesitates a second before pulling me behind him in a move to protect me. “Stay behind me, if anyone you don’t know gets close, kill them.”

I nod, but I know he doesn’t see it. I’m completely frozen, unsure what exactly I’m witnessing. Wolves are all over the place, fighting each other, while others just lay prone on the ground. Critically injured or dead, I’m not sure.

I can’t tell exactly who the wolves are either because they are in their shifted form. I recognize Jake and Mitch’s wolf, but not anyone else’s. The wolves go so far back in the yard and among the trees though so hopefully Jason and Jonnie are just hidden from sight.

“Shouldn’t we do something? I could command them all to stop?”

“No!” Rick glances back over his shoulder, his eyes filled with fear. “You don’t know whether it will work on this many people. And I don’t want you to risk doing it only to stop everyone on our side and get them killed.”

“Well we can’t just stand here and watch them kill each other.” My wolf pushes at my barrier, telling me something. Instinctively I know that she has more command over them than I do.

“I need to shift.”

“What? No, Dani, don’t you fucking dare!” Rick grips my arm in a vice like hold.

I give him a small smile. “Trust me. My wolf knows what she’s doing.” I hope…

He lets go of my arm, unconvinced but gives me a nod of acceptance. He turns back around and protects me while I strip out of my clothes and shift as quick as possible. The moment my wolf is in full control, I feel what she was trying to tell me.

A pulsing begins in my chest, a low whine building in my throat until a full blown howl erupts from me. At once, everyone stills, their gazes swinging to me unable to deny the command my wolf has issued.

If any of you support Luke, leave now. I do not wish to hurt you but I will do so if need be. All I want for our kind is peace. Not more bloodshed. Go now, while you still can.’

Surprisingly, all of the wolves turn tail and run, leaving behind a bunch of confused wolves. People shift back and immediately go to help the wolves who lay prone on the ground. I stay in wolf form as I move among people, brushing against a few here and there. My wolf knows instinctively they mean us no harm.

I sniff along the ground, trying to determine where Jonnie and Jason have disappeared too. Mitch and Jake join Rick and I, Rick choosing to stay in human form as we weave through the bodies around this chaotic scene.

I don’t know for certain that these wolves mean me no harm but I trust my mates and enforcers to protect me as I spread healing energy among the wolves that are severely injured.

As I move among the pack members, I sniff along the ground, trying to find a trail of Jonnie and Jason, concerned when I can’t find a trace of them.

I whine, turning to give Rick a look and hoping he understands what I’m trying to say. Judging by the worry in his eyes, he isn’t having any luck either. “I can’t find a trail either. Sorry Dani, but maybe we should go back. Maybe we missed them?”

Jake growls, and my head whips around to follow his gaze. Jason and Jonnie appear from among the trees, but not alone. A man is behind them, his hands raised and each one holds a gun pointed at my mates heads.

A low snarl erupts from my lips and my body is poised, ready to fly through the air when his right hand twitches, the one pointing at Jason’s head. “Uh, uh, no one moves or pretty boy gets a bullet to the head.”

My gaze zeroes in on the hand holding the gun to Jason’s head, the tattoo on the inside of his wrist painting a big target to me and my wolf.

Another man appears from the trees, his hands raised. “Oh, stop it, Aiden. No one is shooting anyone. Put the guns down and let the Alpha Queen have her mates back before she rips your hands off.”

Rick is staring at the newcomer, studying him intently. “Who are you?” He sniffs the air, his eyes never leaving his face. “You smell familiar but I’m sure I’ve never seen you before. Yet, you reek of wolf. But you bring a human here? Why?”

“Not that it’s any of your concern, but my companion and I are here for the Queen.” All at once, everyone tenses. “To help her, you fools.” He rolls his eyes.

I shift back to human, and Rick hands over my clothes, like he knew I wouldn’t stay in this form for long.

“How could you two help me?” I ask, my gaze glancing between the blond haired older gentleman and the dark haired human.

“Well, I hear Luke has gotten out of hand and I figure who better to help than the person who raised him.”

He grins at my confusion, before bowing deeply. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, your majesty. I’m Anthony Bairn, Luke’s father.”