Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Twenty

I blink,the sunlight from the new day making me feel grumpier than normal. I know that’s not it though, it's what awaits me after breakfast that has me grumbling as I make my way out to the kitchen in my pajamas.

All of my mates, along with Jake and Rick are already assembled and eating. Hell, they're already dressed. Why the hell do they look as if they've been up for hours already? The sun has only just risen, hasn't it? Maybe I slept in longer than I expected.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask Jonnie, feeling a little hurt that he just snuck out of bed. He was the first to volunteer on a night alone with me when we got back last night. But I passed out pretty soon after hitting the pillow. I figured that he would at least wake me and spend what little quality time we had snuggling or something. Maybe I'm going about this mate thing all wrong? Maybe I need to vocalize my wants a bit more or something? I thought for sure he would be thrilled to get what little time with me he could, but maybe with the Luke stuff he's too preoccupied.

He stares at me a moment, unsure why I'd be annoyed at him leaving early when Pete starts to snicker. Jonnie seems to understand immediately what Pete is laughing about. His cheeks flush in embarrassment. "Sorry Dani, I just wanted to get up and help get things sorted. I figured you could use the extra sleep so I just slipped away. I won't again though, promise. Next time I will barricade the door and cuddle in bed for as long as you want me too," he smiles, making my fears float away.

I move to sit on his lap, relaxing even more when his arms come to wrap around my waist as I steal some of his food. "So, what's the plan? Are we going to take a laptop and see what Aiden can uncover? Or do you think they're just messing with us?" I ask the group at large.

No one seems to have the answers because they all look around at one another with various expressions of confusion and uncertainty.

Rick, however meets my eyes across the table, takes a sip of his coffee and sets it back on the table before speaking. "I think that maybe they do have something to offer, but like you, they're being cautious. They know whenever they offer up the information they have on Luke, their safety becomes forfeit. You could brand them traitors, or tell Luke's followers that they are looking for him. Not that you would, but they don't know you. They are feeling you out, just as much as you are testing them. I think you go down there, and be one hundred percent yourself. No threats, no show boating, just be you. Show them the woman I've seen these past few weeks and they will want to help you because they see the good in your heart, not the fear you're trying to inflict."

I stare at Rick a moment, not quite able to articulate a response. Everything he says makes complete sense to me, but it is that it’s from the wisdom of someone who has faced a century on this earth, not a few measly decades.

"Wow Rick, some days I think you can't surprise me any more than you have, then you go and say shit like that. How on earth did I get lucky enough to have you as a friend and an enforcer?"

He snorts at me, his eyes sparkling with laughter. "You didn't get lucky, I was kidnapped. Jake set eyes on you when you came on pack lands and knew he wanted to protect you, that he had to be with you so when the position was offered to us by Tim, I was dragged along for the ride. You consider yourself lucky, but I consider it a privilege to be there to watch you grow into such an amazing Queen. I can't wait to look back in ten or twenty years time and tell your children about what a pain in the ass it was keeping you safe," he laughs, but I sense his sincerity under his tone. He truly does believe in me more than I believe in myself. I feel a strange sensation in my chest, like a need to prove him right by becoming an awesome Alpha Queen.

I clear my throat, trying not to get emotional by his words. Instead, I focus on the task ahead of me. Working with Cam's grandfather and a wolf hunter to find Luke. That's what matters. "Right, then we better get over there before they change their minds about helping us."

I rise, fully intending to leave when Jonnie grips hold of my waist. "No, you can go once you've eaten, had a cup of coffee and are fully recharged. You are not leaving this house unless every single one of us is satisfied that you won't be weakened because you didn't eat enough."

I roll my eyes but settle back into his lap as a plate of reheated lasagne is put in front of me, along with two muesli bars, a cup of coffee, and a bowl of fruit and yoghurt. There's no point in arguing over the ridiculous amount placed before me so I just dive right in while Jonnie picks at his own plate of lasagne, and various fruits.

I remember a thought I had last night, pausing in my meal to look up at everyone. "Oh, guys, before I forget, Mitch is mine for today."

Mitch's gaze snaps up to mine. "What do you mean?" He looks genuinely confused and a little scared. Maybe he thinks he's in trouble?

I grin over at him, only furthering his worry before explaining. "Well, I figured that it was time to take charge around here. Screw waiting for all this shit to be over before I get to live my life a little. I want to know my mates better, hell I deserve to have the time to bond with you the way any other wolf would. So, every day I'm going to pick one of you and we're going to spend some quality time together. Today I chose you. After we get back from dealing with Aiden and Anthony, we're going on a picnic."

"A picnic?"

"Yep!" I pop a strawberry in my mouth, chewing slowly as he thinks. It's like he's never been on a picnic before.

His eyes are filled with worry. "Are you sure it's safe?"

That’s what he's thinking about? My safety? Not spending quality time with his mate? I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt but I guess at least he's trying to think about me.

"Jake and Rick won't let me go far, I'm sure. We'll be on our own, but they will be within calling distance in case we need protection."

He nods seeming to accept that, but still doesn't appear one hundred percent happy with my decision. I frown, looking down at my food and try not to let his lack of enthusiasm bring me down, but it's hard. I'm trying my best to make this situation work, to get my time with each of them, to bond before the mating ritual takes place, but I can only do so much. If he isn't willing to meet me halfway, then what's the point?

"So who's tomorrow's date?" Jason asks, genuine curiosity in his voice.

I look up at him, surprised to see his gentle smile. His eyes show sympathy and compassion aimed my way.  Maybe he can sense my internal thoughts. I clear my throat, and look around at everyone surprised to find everyone else with eager expressions.

"Well, I hadn't really decided. It was a tie between two people so I was thinking of doing eeny meny, miny, moe."

Pete gasps exaggeratedly. "You were going to hedge who gets alone time on you with something as ridiculous as 'Eeny, meny, miny moe'?! That's not fair. The first person you pick is automatically excluded."

I cock my head in confusion. "What?"

"Watch." He turns to Jason and Cam, his finger pointing to Cam first. "Eeny, meny, miny, moe, catch a wolf by the toe, if he bites let him go, eeny, meny, miny moe." His finger goes back and forth as he sings the tune, before settling on Jason.

I stare, a little befuddled. How the hell did I never know that it worked out like that? "What do you suggest then?"

"Well, I say just choose me." The others start laughing around the table. Pete frowns in annoyance. "I don't think it's such a ridiculous idea, but if you're all opposed, maybe names in a hat?"

That's not bad. At least then it's fair. Once a name is drawn, I can just put it to the side, until everyone has had some alone time.

"Or," Cam says drawing my gaze. "Maybe you just follow your instincts. Why did you choose Jonnie last night, or Mitch today?" He queries, his blue eyes piercing me.

"What do you mean? I didn't choose Jonnie, he volunteered."

"Maybe, but we all volunteered, but you chose him. Just as you chose him when you came into the room and sat on his lap."

My eyes widen. "Well, I mean he volunteered first, and I thought it was best to let him have me to himself, well because the rest of you guys seem to overwhelm him in this relationship. Which is also why I chose Mitch."

Nate is the one to speak this time. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you guys are all super Alphas but you're also pretty dominant as well. Jonnie and Mitch," I direct my gaze to Mitch, while giving Jonnie's hand a squeeze. "You guys don't seem to want to be dominant. Like you're happy to fly under the radar. Which there's nothing wrong with, but sometimes it makes me question if this is too much for you all. Spending time with you two first is my way of building a stronger bond with each of you, so you know that while you are staying out of the way most of the time, I do see you and I appreciate you just as much as my other mates in this relationship."

Jonnie squeezes my hand back, nuzzling his face into my hair. "Thank you, Dani."

Mitch looks a little shell shocked, and shakes his head. "Hurry up and eat Dani." He smiles at my confusion. "I want to hurry things along this morning now so I can have my picnic with you." He comes around the table and leans down to give me a soft kiss. When he pulls away, he rests his head on mine.  "Thank you for being the kind hearted person you are and for not forcing us to change despite how Alphas are represented. You are truly the most amazing mate I could ask for."

Cam chuckles softly. “See, Dani, whether you intended to or not, you chose who to spend time with. And your instincts helped you make the right choice. Don’t dismiss them so easily. It’s not supposed to be a chore to have mates. Let your gut guide you to who you need to spend time with. None of us will fault you for who you choose.” He glances down at my food, “Now, Mitch is right. Eat up so we can go and deal with my grandfather and his friend. Then once they’re dealt with, we can relax a little better.”

I nod, and dig into my food knowing he’s right. The sooner we deal with this hiccup, the closer we get to ridding the world of Luke and his followers.