Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Twenty-Two

The sun beamsdown on me, soaking into my skin and I can't help but relax. I'm where I'm meant to be. Mitch's hand brushes against my own, and I reach out and curl my fingers through his. It feels nice to just take a break for a moment, away from the responsibilities of being Queen.

Mitch and I are laying on a picnic rug I found, just relaxing after enjoying a nice lunch of fruit and cold meat sandwiches. It's been a bit awkward, but I guess that's how all first proper dates are supposed to be. I don't want to push Mitch, so I'm trying to keep everything light.

But it's hard. I want to know more about him. His plans for the future. What he wants out of this relationship. I want to be able to balance my relationships with them all effectively but to do that, I need to know what they all want.

Screw it, I need to break the silence now before I'm too chicken to. "Mitch, when everything is all said and done, do you have plans? Like college? Do you want to do anything with your life, or just stick with the pack and lead?"

I turn my head to him, his gaze fixed on the clear blue sky. He remains silent for so long that I worry I've upset him by asking, when he finally rolls his head to meet my gaze. "I don't want to be Alpha. I don't want to be stuck in the woods for the rest of my life. I want to go to college. To lead a normal human life. I may not be as good as the others when it comes to football, but I know I could still try for a scholarship and get myself a good education away from all the drama of the packs." He lets out a long sigh, and I sense just how much this has been wearing on him. "I love my friends and my brother, but being an Alpha, that's just not for me. Regardless of my genetics. Some days, I just wish that being Alpha wasn't related to bloodline."

He turns his head to stare back up to the sky. "Sometimes I dream that we live in a home on the edge of a forest, but not too far from our school. Each day we go to college like a normal couple, and each night we come home and run in the woods as our wolves. But, I know it's nothing but a dream. The reality is we're Alphas. No matter what we want, our people's needs will always come first."

"I get why you would think that, but we have a choice Mitch. Do you think I want to stay here for the rest of my life, never leaving the woods? I grew up in the human world, it won't be so easy to just leave it all behind once I'm coronated as Queen."

He turns his head to watch me with a confused expression. "Well, what are you planning to do then? You can't be Queen and live amongst the humans."

"Why not? Who says I can't rule, and have a life outside of the pack? As far as I know, there is no law that says I can't do both. The packs each have their own Alphas. Not to mention they will have a new set of Elders to turn to in times of crisis. That’s not to say I won't still be around, because I will be. I just want to have my own life, seperate from the pack."

My mouth sours as I remember the obstacles I'm going to have to overcome if I want that to happen. "That’s only if I manage to get a scholarship of course. Can't go to college and pay with nothing but hopes and dreams."

"Why would you need to pay in hopes and dreams? Why not just use the money in your account?"

"Ah, because I'm not rolling in dough. My dad and I lived very frugally while we weren't with the packs. Now that he's gone, the money left is all I have. I have to use it sparingly or I'll have to get a job and that will eat into any time I spend at college trying to get a degree."

"What about your trust?"

"What trust?"

Mitch looks at me with confusion. "Your Alpha Heir trust. The ones your parents left you."

"My parents didn't leave me a trust." If they had, Dad and I wouldn't have had to live the way we did. We would have had decent homes, decent food, and not had to struggle with every paycheque he got.

"Dani, every Alpha from every pack develops a trust fund from their predecessors. Once the old Alpha is retired, they keep a small percentage of the fund, and then the remainder is passed on to the new Alpha. It's how they keep the pack up and running, and pay for the things their pack needs as a whole."

I simply stare at Mitch dumfounded. "So, I'm not broke?"

"Not in the least." He grins. "I'm surprised that Monique or Walter didn't tell you. It's probably one of the many reasons Luke doesn't want you to lead. Before your existence was announced, he had the funds of both his pack and yours, but once you were found and introduced to the packs, his hold over the account was terminated."

"Is it really that much to be angry at?"

"Babe, the Jackson family has millions of dollars accrued from the many families who have held onto it over the years. It's the Alpha Queen trust, not just any Alpha's. When we see Monique and Walter again, we'll talk to them about numbers and get you set up with access to it. You can buy whatever you want."

"Even if I wanted it to go to Luke's old pack to build them better homes? Even if I want to build our families a new home? Or build us a home?"

He nods with each question. "It's your money to do as you please. The only restriction I know of is that an amount has to stay in the account to pass on to any future heirs. Other than that, you can buy whatever you want. Hell, even if you couldn't, you have seven mates, each with their own trusts attached to their names. We could buy you whatever you want too."

"All I want is a home," I admit. A place where I no longer have to worry about being on the run. A place I can actually settle into, decorate my room how I want. A home that will belong to me and my mates. If they want to live with me when this is all over, that is.

"Well then you buy whatever home you want. We'll all stand behind you."

I smile and roll over, snuggling into his side. It takes a little manoeuvring before I get comfortable by putting his arm under my head as a makeshift pillow. "Are you happy, Mitch?"

He frowns down at me. "Of course, I am."

"I don't mean right here, and now. I mean with everything. You and your brother only recently found out about your father being dead. Then, your mother had to be sent away for her safety and that of the rest of your pack. Not once have you broken down though. I just need to be sure you're okay. If you need time, or want to go back to your pack for a while, then I would understand."

He remains quiet, just staring at me. I can't help but fidget under the intensity of his gaze. "What on earth did I do to get so lucky as to have a mate like you," he murmurs. He turns so he's on his side, his free hand reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Not that it is bothering me.

I try not to let my heart beat so loudly so he doesn't stop. I can feel this moment with us is meant to happen, and I want it to. He leans closer, licking his lips ever so slowly. I can't help but lean forward excited for his touch. The moment his lips touch mine, it's like fire courses through my veins and I can't help but let out a moan of desire.

I reach my hand up to cup the back of his neck, encouraging him to take the kiss further and he doesn't disappoint. His lips open ever so slightly, and I respond eagerly, kissing him back with an intensity the likes with which I've never felt before. My wolf is excited, rattling around in my mind, telling me to mark him, to make him ours.

Mitch's free hand runs down my side to take hold of my hip and pull my body flush against him. I should feel guilty about being out in the open where anyone could stumble upon us. I know Jake and Rick are keeping watch somewhere, protecting me. They won’t let another of my mates stumble upon us like this. Which gives me even more of a thrill. I wrap a leg over Mitch's hip and use my body to push him over and land on top of him. He's startled enough to break the kiss.

I sit up, and grin down at him. "Can I mark you?" I ask him softly unsure whether it's allowed. All I know is a mark is supposed to happen during sex but not until after the mating ritual. But this need inside me is telling me it's time. That I have to make him mine.

"You can do whatever you want to me, Dani. I'm all yours and nothing will ever change that."

"But, is it allowed?" I lean down, pressing my lips to his neck.

His body shivers under me, his breath coming in short pants. "I, uh, don't know. I've never heard of a marking before the mating ritual. But even if it's not a true mark, I would love to have your bite on my skin."

That’s all the approval my wolf needs, her urges pushing me hard. I don't want to just bite though, I want the intimacy I've been craving. I stop peppering kisses on his neck and collarbone, pressing my lips to his again and enjoying the moan of desire, along with the proof of his arousal pressed at my center.

It's empowering to know just how wanted you are by someone you love.

Mitch grows tired of my soft kisses and flips us over, scattering the tupperware I brought with us for the picnic. We can clean it up later though. His brown eyes are glowing, turning amber as his wolf peeks forward. He pounces back down at me, his kiss ferocious as he grinds his body against mine. I arch back, wrapping my hand up around his neck.

I quickly break the kiss and clamp down on his neck, my teeth ripping into his skin. My mouth fills with the tangy taste of blood, which should disgust me but it just turns me on even more. I hold my lips to his neck, but release my teeth enough to run my tongue over the indents of my teeth.

His body shivers against mine, and I can tell he's only holding on by a thread. "I need you, Dani," he murmurs against my neck. My wolf is excited by his admission, as am I.

I let go of his neck and push him up so he can see my eyes when I speak. I want him to know just how much I want him. "You have me."