Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Nineteen

"You wanted to see me?"

My eyes land on Anthony. He's sitting on a mattress in the middle of what is indeed a silver cage. But it isn't quite what I expected from what my mates had told me in the past. It's not just a simple silver cage, this is a masterpiece of work designed to keep wolves in.

We're at Vivienne's home, and down in her massive bunker like basement. As she guided us down, she proudly informed me that she had the space modified not long after Luke took over as King. She foresaw a need to imprison others of our kind, she said. That if the cages weren't impenetrable from escape, then there was no point in making them.

The walls, floor and ceiling are all made with what looks to be some kind of concrete. Instead of a small basement with barely enough room to move and a cage or two in the room, like I was expecting, this place is huge and has six silver cages in the room, each big enough to have at least three shifted wolves within.

Each of the cages is different to what had been explained. They are actually solidly embedded in the ground, and are part of the roof, almost like they are load bearing, and that several structural changes had to be made for the home above when all of this was done. I mean most basements have wood roofing because that's what the base of the house is designed with but if there's wood, then it's been covered with all the concrete.

Aiden is also in a cage, but his cage is different. It's the only one in the room that has manacles attached to the roof. Strange thing to see, but I guess no stranger than knowing a woman who is going to one day be my mother in law has six cages in her basement.

Anthony clears his throat, his eyes filled with annoyance as he tries to grab my attention. "Yes, I did want to see you. I don't think you quite understand what we're offering you, and for you to do this," he looks around his cage and over at Aiden's with frustration. "You've treated us like criminals. We deserve a little bit of respect for the help we're offering you. Especially if you expect us to cooperate."

I glance around the room at my mates, each of whom remain silent and leave me to handle this situation, just as I had asked before arriving.

Vivienne is over by the wall, watching but not doing much of anything. She was only down here to open the cages if need be. She felt that this was for me to deal with as I would when I was Queen. But offered me any help if needed.

"To be honest, Anthony, I'm still not fully sure you intend to help us at all. For all I know, you're some kind of trojan horse, sent by Luke in an effort to weaken us from the inside. So for now, I am perfectly happy to keep you in these cells until I know whether or not you can be trusted."

He frowns up at me. "You're a very suspicious girl, aren't you? One minute you were all too happy to accept our help, now you've changed your tune. If you truly don't want our help, then just let us out and we'll be on our merry way to continue the job you are supposed to do, but have failed at so far.”

"Can you really blame me? We've been struggling to figure out where Luke is, what his plans are, then all of a sudden when I leave safety for the first time in a week, we stumble upon my mate's pack being attacked and you two just conveniently appear among the trees and admit surrender? I'd be stupid not to suspect you of some kind of other agenda."

"Well, it's still rude to put someone who intends to help you in a silver cage without food or water. At least give us those basic necessities."

I think it over, wondering what best to do. I know the effect the silver will have on Anthony. It will weaken him the longer he's in there so it doesn't do any real harm to provide him with such things. And Aiden, while a hunter, is still human. If Anthony would be slightly weakened from the night without food, Aiden would be more so.

I turn to Vivienne. "Could you please see to it that they both get some food, water and possibly some blankets, in case it gets cold tonight. They should remain in the cages until we are sure we can trust them, but I see no reason why they can't remain somewhat comfortable until then."

"As you wish, my Queen." Vivienne smiles warmly, bowing her head and disappearing back up the way we came.

I glance to Mitch and Jason wordlessly and they follow after her to help bring back the supplies.

"While we wait, I don't suppose you would like to offer up what information you do have?" I ask hopefully, thinking that maybe with a bit of kindness they might be willing to stop being so damn secretive. Supposedly we want the same damn thing, but if that's true, they would have given us some indication as to what Luke was up to or told us where he is.

"Sure!" Aiden says with mock excitement. "Just release me from this cage, get me a laptop and sit on a cactus and I'll give you anything you ask for oh marvellous queen."

I blink, a little shocked by his retort. My mates are growling behind me, most likely pissed by his attitude, but my snicker shuts them all up. "Seriously? Sit on a cactus? How old are you? Ten?" I roll my eyes and turn my back on him. I assumed he was a lot older than me when we met among the woods but maybe I mistook his overly shaggy appearance for age.

I'm saved from having to think about it any longer, because Mitch, Jason and Vivienne return, their arms piled with supplies. "Just throw the stuff through the bars as best you can and leave them. They didn't offer anything helpful," I explain when Jason sends me a quizzical glance.

He nods, and moves to the cells, throwing a blanket through the bars to Aiden, along with two bottles of water, a couple of power bars, a pack of chips, and a packet of crackers. "Don't eat too fast," he warns. "You won't get any more."

Mitch and Vivienne put the same supplies through for Anthony, adding in two bags of jerky for him to satiate the need for meat from his wolf.

"Right, let's go everyone," I announce, ready to head up and go to bed. I'm over all these games that seemed to be played. I just want simple answers to simple questions. None of this running around in circles business. My mates all let out various sighs of relief, no doubt exhausted from the long day they've endured. Even though they could have stayed behind tonight and avoided this in favor of much needed rest, I knew none of them would because they care for me that much. At least it gave Jake and Rick some time to get some shut eye though.

As I start walking up the steps, I pause and call back. "Don't worry, hunter, I'll bring you a laptop tomorrow, but you better be ready to help. Any more games, and you'll find out just what type of queen I really am," I threaten, not an ounce of intention in doing him harm in my mind. But maybe a little fear will help him into giving up whatever he knows.