Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Thirty-Two

“What doyou mean this is all for me?”

I stare at Vivienne, not quite comprehending all that she has put together. I glance to my mates, unsure if this is some kind of practical joke. Maybe they’re having a party for another pack member, and they’re just adding my birthday celebration into it. Not just an entire party for me and me alone.

All among the trees, they wrapped fairy lights around the branches, and down the trunks, giving them a mystical feel. There are streamers hanging from tree to tree, and what appears to be silk ribbons too. At first I thought the pretty decorations were because the Elders were arriving, but when I said just that, Vivienne set me straight.

“Dani, it’s your birthday this week. I may not know all of what you went through living in the human world, but you never got to experience what it was like to have a birthday as a wolf. We celebrate each important birthday and it’s encouraged that the entire pack joins in on the excitement. Since your eighteenth will mark your official transition into life as our queen, we agreed it would be nice for you to experience what the other children do. To feel what it is like to be part of the pack. To celebrate your birth, because it is truly a day to be celebrated, not just pushed to the side.”

“But, we have more important things to worry about than my birthday.”

I look at Tim, hoping he will help Vivienne see reason, that a celebration is unnecessary. After Luke is out of the picture, we can celebrate, not before.

“Don’t look to me for help,” he says with a grin. “When it was suggested we have a week of celebrations for you, I jumped on board. If we were weakened or only had a few wolves, then I would have objected. But we’ve done our best to ensure your safety and everyone else’s. There are plenty of wolves in Vivienne’s pack, not to mention those who have decided to visit from other packs to pay their respects to the future queen. To be perfectly honest, if Luke is stupid enough to attack while we’re this fortified, I say let him. He’ll be signing his own death warrant.”

My eyes go around to everyone else, including my mates. “You guys are okay with this?” Surely they have objections over holding a celebration when there is so much more going on in life. We have a crap ton of drama going on. This is surely not the time for a party of any kind.

“A week of celebrating our mate? Of course, we’re on board!” Pete grins, coming over to my side, wrapping an arm around me possessively. He presses a quick kiss on my cheek. “Just accept it, babe. We’re going to spoil you rotten whether you like it or not. May as well embrace it.”

“But, we should be doing other things, like meeting with Aiden, to see his progress on tracking down Luke. Or making up a place where the Elders and everyone can stay for the duration of their visit. There’s definitely not enough room at Eli’s house.” There’s barely enough room for all of us as it is. “This, while a kind gesture, seems a little silly right now.”

“Dani, just enjoy this moment.” Jason gives me a soft smile. “Trust that we’ve got everything else taken care of. Allow us to give you this moment in your life to be treated like any other pack member. Once you are Queen, we won’t be able to do this. This is our chance to show you how truly loved you are.”

My eyes well up with tears at the thoughtfulness of everyone around me. “Thank you,” I murmur, glancing around at everyone gathered, feeling overwhelmed with their love for me. Knowing that everyone here went to this effort for me, well it has me feeling even more grateful that I found this family among the pack. I just wish Dad was still here too, but I believe he would be happy I found a home with my mates and developed bonds with those closest to me. People I can trust.

“You are what’s important,” Pete murmurs. “You need to take the time to care for yourself and stop worrying about everyone else. Now, come, let’s hit the food table,” he grins, and takes my hand without another word.

Everyone else hangs back as he leads me through the pack members that are gathered out in the woods. He steers me through the throng, heading towards a long banquet table that has been set up by the edge of the trees. “Eat what you want, Dani. The Elders and Aunt Lily will be here soon, and I’m sure once the Elders have their eyes on you, you won’t get much alone time. May as well make the most of it while we can.”

His words are very true, and while I know I should take full advantage of them, I’m not hungry.

I grin at him, an idea forming in my mind. It may be stupid, but Jason was right. This is the only time I will get before I become Queen to act stupid and reckless like any other wolf. Maybe I should take advantage of that?

“Want to sneak away?” I glance around, making sure none of my mates or enforcers heard my words. If anyone would be on board with me getting away from the crowd, it would be Pete. Even if I want total privacy, I know Jake or Rick won’t be far behind me, doing their duty to keep me protected, even from myself.

He smirks, enjoying the wicked vibe I’m throwing out. “Of course, I’m always up for a challenge.” He muses, eyes twinkling with excitement. He casts a look over his shoulder, then is quickly tugging me around the banquet table and into the woods before anyone notices our quick exit.

We stop a few times among the trees, making sure no one has followed us. My heart pounds the further away we get, adrenaline coursing through my veins. We’re deep in the woods, when a thread of worry worms through my stomach. It’s not until I see the determination that I relax and trust he knows where we’re going and how to get back. I know I’ll be reprimanded for this later, but it’s freeing to get away from the pack, and all the prying eyes.

I’m laughing so much from the excitement of running away, that I don’t focus on the ground and end up tripping on a log. I try to break my fall but end up tumbling into a pile of dead leaves, dragging Pete down with me.

“Oh my god,” I giggle, as Pete splutters, spitting crushed leaves from his mouth. I snort, unable to contain my laughter. “Did you have your mouth open when you fell?” I imagine it like one of those clowns you see at carnivals and again dissolve into laughter. How does a person keep their mouth open when they fall to the ground?

“Oh, shut up,” Pete grumbles, getting to his feet, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I went to say something and then fell at the same time. That’s why there were leaves in my mouth, okay?” He holds out his hand for me. “Now do you want help up or to stay down in the dirt?”

I take his outstretched hand and get to my feet. Before he can move, I press myself against his body, looking up at him with an apology. “I was just teasing,” I murmur softly. “I’m sorry if I upset you. I was just having fun.”

He sighs, a small smile playing at his lips. “You didn’t upset me, I just embarrassed myself. It sucks to have your mate laugh at you. If the roles were reversed, though, I would have done the same.”

“Just think of the many times we have to embarrass ourselves in front of each other for the rest of our lives. I’m sure you’ll get a chance to reciprocate. Many, many times,” I grin, knowing that I’m bound to make a fool of myself in the future.

I’m not clumsy, but I’m not infallible either. There are always going to be times where I do stupid shit, and I expect us all to take the time to laugh in the moment. Because if we can’t live life with laughter, then it just doesn’t seem worth it.

Pete smiles down at me, his eyes filled with love. “Well, as long as I get to laugh at you too, then you can laugh at me all you like. Now, hold on.”

“Hold on? Hold on to what?”

He quickly bends down and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. “Hey!” I object, trying to wiggle free from his hold.

He just slaps my ass. “Hold still or I’ll drop you,” he warns.

I let my body go limp as he carries me, but I pinch his ass to tell him how annoyed I am. Not that it makes a difference by the snort that escapes his lips. He just carries me deeper in the woods, and it bothers me I have no clue where we’re going.

After about ten minutes of silence, I demand answers. “So, are you going to tell me where we’re going, or do you plan to just carry me into the woods like some kind of caveman.”

Pete suddenly comes to a stop. “We’re here.” He slowly lowers me to the ground, his eyes filled with tenderness as he takes a seat beside me. I look around, surprised to find we’re in a small grove of trees. There are maybe a dozen, and they form a small archway, their branches somehow intertwining and blocking out most of the night sky from view.

The moss covered ground is wet, yet also comfortable. It’s better than laying on sticks or rocks. But what confuses me is that Pete found this place at all. It’s like a hidden getaway. Surely Vivienne or Eli could find us here? I doubt there are too many formations of trees like this on Vivienne’s pack lands.

“Oi! Catch!”

I jump at the sound of Nate’s voice, but Pete simply rises and catches whatever it is he throws towards us.

Where the hell did Nate come from? And how did he know to bring us anything? Nate appears between the trees, winking at me cheekily before disappearing as if he was never there to begin with.

Pete turns back to me with what appears to be a small duffle bag. He flushes when I give him a questioning look. He digs in the bag and pulls out a large thick blanket, laying it on the moss covered ground. “I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable,” he admits, refusing to look me in the eye.

“And you just happened to have a backpack all ready to go, one that Nate knew to bring us?” I question, feeling like there is more to this bag than he is saying.

Even in the moonlight, I can see the way his cheeks redden. “Well, I was hoping to bring you for a hike someday soon. I wanted to show you this place and maybe have some alone time away from everyone else. But, there’s still moisture clinging to the leaves and on the ground, so I wanted it so I could use the blanket to ensure you wouldn’t get too cold.”

“And Nate just knew where we would be in the woods, and to have that bag with him?” I tease, doing my best to appear dead serious, even though I know he most likely sent him a mental message after we disappeared from the others.

“I told them, I mean him,” he blurts out, refusing to look me in the eye.

He gave me the appearance of running away without the others knowing, but told them mentally where we are. It’s very sweet, actually. And something I would expect of someone who has my safety at the forefront of his mind.

Pete could have invited one or more of my mates to join us, but I assume he didn’t because he is eager for me to take the next step with him, as I have with the others. Unlike the others, though, he makes me nervous. He’s untouched, which means it’s a lot of pressure on me to not only mark him, but make sure he enjoys the other aspects just as thoroughly.

I hope that since he has nothing to compare it too, the experience will be just as exciting as it was to the others. The positive I guess is that I will get to live out our lives knowing that I was the one and only girl he touched. The only one he let in on such a soul deep level.

Yes, we’ve had some challenges, but I feel like we needed to face them, to grow better. To communicate, to build a bond that can survive anything. We are no longer just two wolves who are mates, but two people who are in love. Who knows that it takes work to make a relationship, not words. And that is what will make our bond unbreakable.

Rather than drag this out, or make this even more uncomfortable for Pete, I go to him, striping off my clothes as I do. He turns to ask me what I’m doing but is suddenly consumed by the sight of my naked body. My wolf is purring in my mind, emitting some kind of pheromones through me, encouraging him to come closer, to scent me.

His eyes take on the feel of his wolf as he stalks to me, and all my worry about being his first fade when I see the confidence in his gaze. He knows what he wants and he will take what I have offered.