Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Forty

Eli,Jason and I are laying in what can only be described as a naked puppy pile. Jason's hands are running over my back softly, almost reverently. I'm laid out on Eli's chest exhausted and completely content. Jason is tucked in behind me, his nose buried in my hair breathing in my scent as if he can commit it to memory.

We're all just at peace. The worry and fear faded away the moment we let go and focused only on each other, but I know it's only a matter of time before reality comes crashing back. It always does.

As much as I don't want to move a muscle and just lay here for the rest of the day and night, I know we need to go back. We need to talk to the others.

I groan at the idea, wishing I could just hide away with my mates for a few days and let this feeling last. I was so nervous to be with the two of them together, but I think it was as close to perfect as a person can get. Jason and Eli nurtured me and ensured I was left very much satisfied. Now they both carry my mark and I theirs.

"I think it's time we go back," Eli murmurs into the cavern, voicing my thoughts. "We need to have a bit of a get together, us and the rest of your mates. This fighting amongst us isn't good. We should be united, especially when we have so many people depending on us." He sighs, my head moving with the movement. "I don't know about you two, but my gut is telling me there's something off about all this."

"What do you mean?" Jason asks, rolling away and getting to his feet. I lean back to see him holding out a hand for me to help me up. As much as I don't want to move, I take the offered hand and get up, reaching down for the pile of clothes and getting dressed, as Jason and Eli do the same.

When Eli is finished getting dressed, he stares across at Jason. His eyes are filled with a mix of different expressions. "Well, I think Dani is right about Luke playing us. Whatever happened to your mom, now has her spouting all these horrid things about Dani being a fake, and Luke being the real King. Once word gets out to everyone in the pack, they're going to label you a traitor by association. Not only that, but it's already forming a wedge between Dani and us mates. Look at what happened when you wanted a moment alone with her. It was like the trust had already broken between everyone. We need to fix that before it becomes unmendable."

"Honestly, I don't even know what to think anymore. Especially with Jonnie being the one that helped weave distrust between us."

Eli and Jason are both staring at me in confusion. I guess this is the part where I tell them about what Aiden told me today. Even though part of me wishes I didn't have to. But I'm going to have to confront him about it soon anyway.  Maybe then we'll get to the truth.

"What is it, Dani?" Jason is staring at me, waiting for me to tell them both what's going on.

"I just, I have something to tell you. Aiden has been digging around in our pasts. Well, actually all of my mates' pasts. He thought that maybe he could find out who might be leaking information. Today when we were going to see your mom, he told me he's found the person. It's Jonnie. At least according to Aiden and the information he found. Or more appropriately a lack of information."

It's still hard to believe Jonnie could have anything to do with betraying me.

"You knew Jonnie was possibly a traitor and didn't say anything?" Jason appears hurt by this news, and I can't say I blame him.

"After what happened with you, I think it was definitely the right decision. What would have happened if I had of told you all? You would have treated Jonnie, much the same way everyone treated you. No, I think we need to sit down and talk about all of this. To figure out just what is truth and what's a lie. Even if it means using my ability to get to the root of all this."

My heart feels sick at the very idea of using my ability to determine truth from lie on them. It feels like an invasion of privacy. One I would rather avoid if I can, but really, what choice do I have? We won't know the truth unless I do it.

"Are you saying you haven't been using your ability on us? At all?" Jason appears confused, staring at me like I'm not telling the truth.

It hurts that he doesn't believe me. That he thinks I would be so low. "No, I haven't. Once I learned how to get a hold on it, I locked the ability up tight. There was no point walking around like a human lie detector. I've only accessed the ability when I need to and even then, I wish I couldn't."

"Your ability is a blessing, Dani." Eli reaches out to take my hand. "Every gift you have been handed down is a treasure you should cherish. Just like the gift my mother gave to you. They are meant to help guide you to being the Queen you're supposed to be."

Easy for him to say. If I could have it my way, I wouldn't have any of these powers at all. I'd just be me. A wolf girl who's meant to be Queen. Not some magical wolf that is supposed to have all these extra abilities and rule by using them. How is that fair to everyone else? It would be like I'm ruling over them as Luke did. With fear of what I am. But I don't want my people to fear me. I want them to love me, or at least learn to love me because I've made the right decisions for them.

"I don't want to use my powers on others. If I have to, then I will. But I don't enjoy invading others privacy. Now, can we please go back. I want to get this over with."

Both of them nod, but I can tell I've worried them. I don't see how though. No one should have joy at the idea of using such powers on another person. Yes, they're convenient but that doesn't mean anyone should have them. How is it fair on the rest of my kind that I have these special powers and they don't?

"Alright, let's head back. But can I ask, do you have a plan?" Eli squeezes my hand gently. It's clear he's worried about how we handle this situation.

"Honestly, no, I don't have a plan. I'm just gonna wing it and hope for the best."