Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Forty-One

I'm standingin the middle of the room, my arms crossed over my chest. I can't stop rubbing the palms of my hands up and down my sides to try and hide my nerves. I feel exposed like this, like every movement I make is being watched. But it's my own fault. I couldn't rely on them for this.

My mates are all watching on, unsure why I've called a meeting such as this. Well, they may have some idea. They're probably more curious about why I kicked Jake and Rick out of the house.

I admit it killed me to ask my two best friends to leave, but this talk needed to be between myself and my mates first. This is our chance to clear the air and make sure there is nothing else being hidden. I don't want to drag Jake and Rick into this unless I really have to. It's bad enough that I'll have to use my ability on my mates. If I can avoid doing so on my friends, then I will.

Gazes are being cast to Jason and Eli, and I just know that everyone is aware of what happened between us. I guess everyone can smell the change, or the blood from the marks. Either way, they know what happened between us. I'm not sure how everyone feels about it. But I know my wolf is preening with pride at claiming most of her mates.

"We need to talk," I state, all eyes fixed on me.

I take in a deep breath, praying for the strength to do this. I let my wolf out enough to give me the ability to read any lies they may tell. I'm not sure if they'll notice the difference, or sense my wolf close to the surface, but this has to be done.

"So much has happened over the past few weeks. I don't even know how to do this." I let my hands drop to my side. "I'm sure at least one of you, or more, are already suspicious we have a traitor amongst us."

Accusing gazes are cast around the room. Mainly at Jason which upsets me. I wish they could see what Luke is doing to us.

"Seriously? If anyone keeps staring at Jason like he's guilty, I'm going to walk right out of this house and say goodbye to the lot of you. Alright?"

"Dani..." Cam is watching me warily, like he knows my threat isn't empty.

"No, I get it that you guys were being protective. But the fact of the matter is, if you think Jason could be the traitor, then that means I can't trust any of you. Because to think Jason can't be trusted is ridiculous." I stare each of them down, ensuring they understand how disappointed in them I am. "This morning, Aiden told me we had a traitor among us. Only he didn't say it was Jason. No, he told me it was Jonnie." I let that information sink in, noticing the shocked gazes that swing to Jonnie. Mitch is glaring at me, like I've just set a target on his brother, which in a way I guess I did. But I'm not done.

"Now, before you all go being stupid and treating Jonnie the same way you treated Jason, I want to ask you all something. If you were trying to destroy me, how would you do it?" I pose the question, hoping they understand that at least one of them understands we're being played. "I'm a wolf who's never lived among you. I've spent my life among humans, being trained how to protect myself. No one in these packs truly knows who I am, or what I can do. I want you to think about that carefully. Because the more I thought about it, the more I realized why Luke is playing these games with us."

I let my eyes go to each of my mates before continuing. "He's doing all this because he's afraid. Why else would he be hiding rather than just attacking? I mean, it's clear he has the support of many people from the packs. We've seen first hand the amount of people he has at his side, ready to defend his cause. So why hasn't he just attacked? He must know by now that we're here. If he's watching us so damn carefully, he would know every damn thing that is going on. Which begs the question, why hasn't he just attacked and gotten it over with? If he took me out as he's been planning to do since I first appeared, then he could get back to ruling everyone with fear. No, I think he hasn't attacked yet because he's biding his time. He's trying to break us apart before attacking so we're at our weakest. He's planting information that there are traitors here with us, like Jason and Jonnie. But in reality, I think he's been spying on us using technology, not with an actual spy. Which is why I've called this meeting. To assure all of you that none of us is a traitor, I am going to use my ability to prove it."

"How?" Pete questions, his eyes filled with worry. "If you haven't found one of us being untruthful before now, what makes this time different?"

"Because I haven't been using my ability. As I explained to Jason and Eli earlier, I've had it locked up tight because I don't want to feel like I'm invading your privacy. However I think it's reached a point when I no longer have a choice." I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly, my gaze going around the room. "Which is why I am asking you all, have you been selling me out to Luke?"

No one makes a sound, like they're too shocked to speak. After a few moments of no one speaking, I growl, irritated that this is taking so long. "Look, guys, we're not leaving here until I've gotten the truth from everyone. If you could move things along, though, that would be great. The sooner the air is clear, the sooner I can track down Aiden and get him to sweep us all for bugs."

"What exactly are you looking for? Us to say the words 'we're not working with Luke?' because that seems a little ridiculous. Do you really think that will tell you anything?" Mitch's tone is filled with annoyance, like he truly believes it isn't that simple.

But it is. I could tell even though he meant it with sarcasm, the words that left his mouth were truth. Just like the feeling of doubt he has behind me being able to read his lies. I offer him a small smile and try to open myself to him, like I've done so seamlessly with him since our mating. I let him feel the waves of assurance pouring from my wolf so he can understand what it feels like.

"Oh, wow," he mutters, his gaze fixing on me with disbelief. "That's amazing."

"I know. Do you believe me now that I can tell whether it was a truth or lie?"

He nods and each of my mates pretty much take it in turns to say they're not working with Luke until it comes down to Jonnie. I don't know why he didn't follow after his brother, or why he's standing there looking more nervous than anything. Each of the others said they weren't working with Luke, and had such conviction when they did, that I knew I was right all along. There couldn't possibly be a traitor among us.

"Well, Jonnie, that just leaves you. Care to clear the air so we can all move on from all this?"

He opens his mouth but doesn't get a chance to speak. A wolf smashes through the kitchen window, taking down part of the wall with it. In an instant, the wolf is on its feet and throws it's self across the room at me, ignoring my mates altogether.

I don't have time to shift, to do anything before I'm thrown to the ground. A jaw so close to my throat that I panic. My hands are holding it away, the teeth digging into the palms of my hands. Suddenly the wolf is ripped away from me, my mates coming to the rescue. Jonnie is on its back, his arm wrapped around its throat, while Eli has his hands wrapped around its jaw to keep it from snapping at them.

Cam is at my side, helping me to get into a seated position while my mates deal with the wolf. It's thrashing violently and I know it's going to hurt someone. I have to help them.

Suddenly, there's an echoing crack in the room. Everyone seems to still as the wolf drops to the floor lifeless. Jonnie slides off the wolf's back, panting from the exertion of trying to keep it under control. His eyes are on me as he crosses the room. "Is that enough proof that I would die for you?"

He turns and leaves down the hall and out the front door, slamming it shut behind him.

Cam wraps an arm around my shoulders and helps me get to my feet. I'm shaking, the adrenaline from what just happened overwhelming me. I have no clue what just happened. The only thing I can say for certain though is Jonnie lied when he said he would die for me.