Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Forty-Five

I shoveup from the bottom of the pool and gasp in the fresh air, clawing my way to the side of the pool and safety. I cough and splutter, emptying my lungs of water, trying my best not to gag and throw up everywhere. How on earth do other people go through such a thing and live to tell the tale? I legitimately could have drowned!

Vivienne and Jake are no longer where they were when I first went under. They're over by the cavern entry way, arguing back and forth, gesturing wildly in my direction. Neither one has noticed me, which I find ridiculous since they seem to be concerned about me. What little I make out from their screaming is that I disappeared.

"Guys," I gasp out, struggling to get out of the pool without slipping back in. My body is screaming at me to get out of here, to go to the pack. They're under attack. Both myself and my wolf know this with our whole being. I have no clue how, but I'm not going to question the instinct.

"We need to go. We're under attack," I growl, pissed off that Luke would dare attack my friends and family. It's time to take care of this bastard once and for all.

Vivienne and Jake remain still, then both jump into action trying to help pull me from the cleansing pool. Jake pulls me from Vivienne the moment I'm free and grips my shoulders firmly, shaking me softly.

"My god, Dani, don't you ever do that to me again! I swear I will fucking handcuff to your bed if you keep pulling this shit!"

He appears more scared than I've ever seen him. Which is why I'll forgive him for not worrying about everyone else. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't have the time. We need to go. The pack is under attack."

Vivienne frowns at me, her eyes also filled with worry. "Dani, I would be alerted if the pack was in danger. All Alpha's have a telepathic connection to the pack for such instances."

"Well, your 'connection' isn't working. We're under attack." When neither of them makes a move, I throw my hands up and push through them. "Fine, don't believe me, but I'm telling you Luke is killing people while we waste time in here. Let's just go. If I'm wrong, then you can ask questions or whatever it is you want, but I'm going to save my pack before they're all slaughtered. "

I know my words echoed back to them as I walked to the entry and started to squirm back outside. I'm not waiting any longer though.

When I get out of the cavern and into the fresh air, I know my gut was right. I can hear sounds of fighting. Wolves howling, whimpering and growling. Tears well in my eyes at what could have already happened while I was in there.

Vivienne and Jake both appear at my side, each of them panicked. Vivienne's eyes are narrowed, like she's trying to think really hard. "I can't reach my pack. Any of them," she says with a fear filled voice.

"Go," I tell her. "Go help the women and children get to safety. I've gotta find Luke."

With a nod, she shifts into a russet brown wolf and takes off without another word. I glance over at Jake. "I just want to say, if something happens to me tonight, you've been a good friend. I'm honored to have met you."

I shift, not letting him see the tears that well in my eyes. I don't know how tonight is going to go, but my gut tells me it's not going to end without bloodshed.

"You know, I'm going to pretend that wasn't some shitty ass goodbye because there are bigger things to deal with, but if you get yourself hurt, or worse killed, then I'm going to kill you in the worse way possible. I'm talking torture level horror, girl!"

I roll my eyes, ignoring his vague threats. He shifts and waits at my side. My wolf takes over, running in the direction we need to be. Which is back towards the house.

I have to end this, I think to myself wishing I could talk to Jake in wolf form. It would be nice to go in this with a plan of action of some sort. Or at least reach out to my mates but I still haven't gotten the hang of communicating with them. Plus there's the sliver of fear that by attempting to contact them, it could distract them in the fight of their lives.

Uh, Dani, I can hear you,Jake points out, his gaze flicking over to mine as we run.

My wolf suddenly pulls us to a stop. I glance around, wondering why we've stopped at the campfire area. There are no wolves nearby. Not that I can see but the scent is there. They can't hide from us.

Why did you stop?Jake questions his eyes going around the space. We can scent the wolves but can't see any. They must have come through here and moved on leaving their scent behind. But my wolf isn't quite convinced.

I'm not sure,I tell him, glancing around waiting for an attack.

With slow steps, I move through the trees, doing my best to fight this uneasy feeling in my gut. My wolf and I can both sense people watching us but the question is, where are they?

Stay alert,I say to Jake, my eyes flicking all over the place. Something about this feels so wrong. We're being watched.

Jake follows me, just as alert as I am. We edge through the trees, as quick as can be while also keeping alert from any attack. We're almost to the edge of the woods when we take off at a run. Just through the trees we can see people, both in human and wolf form fighting. I can see Eli and Jason in wolf form, trying to protect a wolf who's being attacked and in my rush to aid them, I let my awareness slip.

I'm tackled to the ground from behind. I yelp out, and push the attacker off my feet, only for another wolf to replace it. More wolves appear, each of them biting at me. I do the best I can to defend myself, fearing for my life when Jake appears bowling through the wolves. Rick appears over me in human form, holding a gun and firing it at every wolf who gets back up to attack me.

Aiden suddenly appears a few feet away, also holding firearms and shooting at every wolf who comes close to us. I get to my feet, shaking out my fur, ready to rip out some throats, only to see carcasses littering the ground.

Just as soon as I think we're safe, more wolves appear from the trees. Where on earth did they come from? I knew Luke had a few followers, but I honestly didn't think there would be this many. The wolves attack the four of us, leaving Rick no choice but shift when the gun is knocked out of his hand. Aiden is still firing into the wolves but is quickly overcome. He needs help, but there's a wolf already on me. I push at it with my paws, getting to my feet and jumping on its back. With quick movements, I wrap my jaw around his throat and snap its neck.

Without hesitation, I dive on the wolf who's snapping at Aiden's throat. For a human he's holding his own. He's got a firm grip of its fur, keeping its jaw only an inch from his neck.

I rip out the wolf's throat, spraying Aiden in its blood. He doesn't blink, quickly getting to his feet. "Thanks," he murmurs, pulling extra ammo from his pocket and reloading his fallen weapons.

The wolves attacking suddenly withdraw, separating for a man to walk through the crowd of them. Luke is watching me with those cold eyes of his. "Well, I wasn't quite expecting the little bitch to have any fight, but what do you know?" he says, with mock surprise.

His words cause Jake and Rick to growl lowly, both of them taking a step away from me, ready to attack the son of a bitch.

"Tsk, don't do anything stupid boys. Wouldn't want your precious future Queen to lose one of her mates now, would you?" Luke cocks his head like he's intrigued about what I actually think of the notion.

He waves over at me in annoyance. "Shift girl, or they die."

I hesitate, glancing around unsure. He could have one of my mates, but what if he doesn't? I'd be stupid just to follow his instructions like a child. Instead, I let my ability to sense lies go, and try to force him to tell me the truth with my sheer will.

Luke stands there grinning at me like the cat that ate the canary. "It won't work," he gloats smugly. "I've learnt a lot since I first met you. I know what makes you tick now." He turns and gestures behind him, to where I guess more wolves are waiting in the wings. After a few seconds, my heart sinks.

Three of Luke's wolves are holding three of my mate’s hostage. Each of my mates appearing a little worse for wear, sporting cuts and bruises. At least I know they weren’t taken willingly.

Adam holds Cam, a gun aimed at his back. I think Adam has never been more pleased to have the upper hand on his brother.

Blake has a hold of Mitch, a dagger pressed to his neck. At least Blake doesn't look happy to be holding a knife to my mate. He seems unsure, scared even.

It's the third mate that has my heart breaking. Poor Jonnie. His face is tear streaked, and he looks so hurt, ashamed and terrified wrapped up into one. The person keeping him contained has an arm wrapped around his neck, constricting Jonnie’s breathing to nothing but short pants. He’s being weakened so he can’t get away.

James warned me about who the traitor was. I don't think even his warning could have prepared me for seeing this betrayal in the flesh. It’s a man I thought I could trust. Someone who was family.

Walter grins over at me, squeezing Jonnie's neck tighter when my eyes narrow in anger. How could he take so much joy in this?

I just simply can’t believe my own damn grandfather betrayed me.

For that, he has to die.