Bad Daddy’s Forgotten Little by Mary Potter



I continued working on cleaning Ryan's stuff from my new room until Auntie Gracie sent Jack to get me for dinner.  Everyone sat down to enjoy her hamburgers, potato salad, and fresh green salad, and I found that I was still uncomfortable around the rest of the Littles and Daddies.  No one dared to look at me, and I stayed in the kitchen to help Auntie Gracie clean up afterwards.  After all, she was the only one who really cared for me.  Besides Jack, that is.

After we were done with the clean up, Auntie Gracie offered to help me bathe, but, after seeing the line of Littles and Daddies waiting to ask her help with their bath times, I shook my head and told her I wasn't ready for my bath.  She looked a little disappointed at first, but, when one of the workers cleared his throat, she didn't argue.  Instead, she turned to me and told me that I should get back to work.  She informed me that, when she was done helping the others, she was going to come get me and help me next.  I nodded and made my way up the stairs and into the room.  I froze when I opened the door.

"There you are," Ryan said as he smiled at me.  "I was beginning to worry that you were going to break your bedtime routine."  I shook my head and backed away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I stared at him.  "Jack kicked you out of here!”  He raced to the door and, after pulling me in, shut the door.

"He can't kick me out," he said as he caressed the side of my cheek.  "Now, pertaining to what happened earlier today, I must say I'm disappointed."  I frowned as I stared at him.

"You're disappointed?" I asked as I stared at him in disbelief.  "I'm not the one who borrowed Thunder without permission and used him to sneak out without getting their work done.  All for a woman who was not your Little…"  Ryan sighed and shook his head.

"Look, that was all a misunderstanding caused by Jack, who was jealous of our relationship," he protested as he stared at me.  "That woman was actually hired by Jack to break us apart so he could get to you."  I frowned as I stared at him.

Part of me wondered if he was actually telling the truth, but the other part knew it wasn't and was mad that he was lying.  Jack was the more mature of the three of them when it came to relationships, Martin was the one who preferred being in the city, and Ryan was the charming one who easily won over women.  I knew that Jack would never do anything like that, but Ryan, on the other hand, was the type of person who charmed and manipulated his way into your head and convinced you to do whatever he wanted, which included sex.  In fact, that was how he got me to go along with him a month ago.  I shook my head at him.

"I don't believe you," I told him.  "Jack would never.  Besides, that woman was talking to you, not Jack."  Ryan shook his head.

"You weren't there," he pointed out.  "You can't believe everything you see.  That's not how this works."  I shook my head and backed away towards the door, but he continued towards me.  "Come on.  Let's sit down and talk about this."  I shook my head and backed away slowly.

"I don't want to," I told him.  "I don't feel comfortable with this.  If you want to talk, I would prefer that Jack or Martin are there to talk to us with it.  Or even Auntie Gracie."  Ryan stared at me in disbelief as rage glinted in his eyes.

"Really?" he asked as he stared at me.  "Don't you trust me?"  He moved closer to me, and I backed away as fear gripped my chest.  "After all, I am your Daddy."  I shook my head at him.

"Not anymore," I told him.

With that, I bolted towards the door, unlocked it, and threw the door open.  As soon as it was opened, I raced into the hallway, only to be grabbed around the waist and dragged back by Ryan.  When I realized there was no escape, I did the one thing I could think of…  I screamed.

It was a loud, high pitched scream, and it was met with several shouts from throughout the house.  Ryan pulled me back into the room and slammed the door.  As he locked the door, he turned to glare at me.

"You really that afraid of me?" he asked as he glared at me.  I backed away as he blocked the door.  "I told you that all I wanted was to talk."  Behind him, the doorknob started to jiggle as someone tried to enter the room.

"Jessie?" called out Jack from the other side.  "Jessie, is everything okay in there?  Open the door."  Ryan immediately turned to face me.

"You wasted no time at all moving on, did you?" he asked as he moved towards me.  "I should teach you a lesson."  Behind him, there was a thudding sound from behind the door, and the door threatened to give under the pressure.  Finally, on the third try, the door burst open, and Jack entered the room.  He stopped as he stared at us.

"What the hell are you doing here, Ryan?" he asked, his voice full of venom.