Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




“You told your brothers to be here by five, right?” Mom says as she prepares the salad.

“Yes, Mom.”

“And Joanne’s not coming, right?”

“No, and neither is Thomas. He’s going to one of his friends’ house for dinner.”

Mom smiles. “I like how easily they’ve made friends and connections.”

“I like Thomas,” I say as I grab four plates from the cupboard and place them on the kitchen counter.

“You don’t like Joanne?”

“Yeah, I do. She makes Dean happy; you can see it.”

Mom smiles widely. “Yeah, she does. Just like how Serena makes you happy.”

“She’s different,” I say not really knowing what else to say.

“In what way?” I should’ve known Mom would quiz me.

“She doesn’t let me get away with anything. Not at all. If I say something stupid, she calls me on it. And I love how she’s not afraid to work hard. She’s a damn college graduate, and she’s willing to clean houses and busk tables just so she can get her brother help. That, to me, is hard-core dedication.”

Mom clicks her tongue and lets out a long breath. “She certainly has drive.”

“Her brother has been nothing but horrible to her, and yet she fights for him every single day. I mean, how easy would it be for her to throw her arms up and walk away from him? But she chooses to keep fighting for someone who doesn’t know enough to fight for himself. I love that about her.”

“She has what a lot of people lack.” I look over at her as I lean against the counter. “She has hope.”

I take the flatware out of the drawer, then turn back to face Mom. “What do you mean?”

“In her world all she’s gotten is slammed down, time after time. Her parents passed away together, her brother is a drug addict, all while she refuses to give up hope for her future, and her brother’s. That’s really inspiring.”

“It is. But she’s stubborn, and refuses to accept my help.”

“What have you offered her?”

“The rest of the money she needs. Do you know, she lives in a shit part of Faith Haven so she can save on rent and put that toward saving for Jordan’s rehab? And, she’s being evicted soon, too. She managed to get an extension to stay there for another four weeks, but basically, they said she can’t stay any longer because the owner is redeveloping the house.”

“And what else are you doing to help her?”

“I don’t know what else to do, Mom,” I say, frustrated with myself.

“Do you know the rehab center she’s looking at for her brother?” I shake my head. “It’s a good place to start there. How much does she need?”

“She’s now got a little over twenty thousand saved, and needs a little under fifteen thousand more.”

“Shit, I could give her that.”

“Dean and Rhett both said the same thing. We could all give it to her, but she’s stubborn and proud, and doesn’t want help.”

Mom turns down her lips as she nods. “Perhaps you need to show her that right now her brother is alive, but by the time she finishes saving the money, her brother may very well be dead.”

“I want her to let me help pay for this.”

“Then, you need to figure out a way to get her to take the money.” Mom leans over and gently pats my cheek. “You’ve always been a good kid. Even though I had to kick your ass for saying Serena’s chubby.” She pointedly looks at me.

“She is, but I like that about her. She’s confident and she owns her body shape. I love how she loves her body.”

“Hmmm.” Mom goes to the fridge and takes the steaks out for the grill.

“Hmmm, what?”

“I think you’ve fallen in love with this one.” Mom seasons the steaks, and doesn’t lift her gaze toward me.

“No, I haven’t. She’s just different.”

“And out of all the women you’ve dated, Alec, for how many of them have you created a gift box filled with things in their favorite color?”

“That’s different. She needed some cheering up. She’s going through a lot at the moment.”

“And how many of your past female companions have you brought over so we can all meet them?” Female companions? What are we, in the eighteen-hundreds?

“Again, it’s different. You already know her.”

“And how many have made you smile the way you do when you see her?” I have nothing to say to that one. “Just as I thought. You’re in love with her.”

“I can’t be, we haven’t even had sex yet.” I slap my forehead. “And that’s too much information for my mother.”

“Yes, it is. Don’t get me wrong though.” She points her finger at me. “I know all three of you are sexually active. I just hope you’re being safe.”

“Let’s not talk about this.” Awkward.

“You’re right, let’s not. How about we talk about the woman you’re in love with?” I can’t help but smile. “See. That right there proves I’m right.”

I slowly shrug as I take a piece of cucumber out of the salad and pop it in my mouth. “What do I do, Mom? I want this to work with her. I’m stuck though, I don’t know how to get her to relax and loosen the reins.”

“Well, I told you what you need to do. Besides, didn’t you say she needs to find somewhere else to live? Don’t you have room at your place?”

“She won’t go for it, because she’s damn stubborn.”

“Well, son, the only thing I can say to you is, you better figure it out. We’ll all help her if it’s a question of a few thousand dollars. And when she moves, your brother has a truck, and we can easily relocate her wherever she needs to go.”

I hear the clacking of little toenails scraping across the floor. I crane my head to see Dean and his dog, Tripod, coming in. “Hey,” Dean says as he enters the kitchen. “Looks intense, what’s going on? Are you finally throwing this loser out of the house, Mom?” Dean lightly punches me in the arm.

“Actually, we’re talking about Serena,” Mom informs him.

“Ah, what’s going on? Have you found out where she’s sending the brother to rehab?”

“I think she knows I’ll go and pay for it, because she’s been tight-lipped about everything. But Mom just made a valid point. Her lease has been extended by another four weeks, but when she moves, I’ll have to borrow your truck to move her.”

“You’ll need me to help too.”

“I’ll volunteer Rhett too,” Mom says.

“Shouldn’t we ask him?” I ask Mom.

“Nope. He’ll do it.”

Dean looks at the salad, and picks out some tomato. “I’ll go fire up the grill.” He takes a step out of the kitchen, the turns to look at me. “You coming, gimpy?”

“Are you talking to me, or your three-legged dog?”

Dean rolls his eyes, and whistles for Tripod to follow him out. Taking my crutches, I lightly put pressure on my foot as I follow Dean out. “You’ll be back at work soon. Gotta say, I kinda miss not having you around. I mean, it’s more peaceful and shit, but I’d rather have you there than not.”

“Aww, look at my big brother. Being all sentimental.”

He looks over my shoulder to see where Mom is. “Fuck off,” he whispers.

“Mom, Dean swore at me!” I say with a huge smile, teasing him just like I did when we were kids.

“That’s nice, dear,” she responds.

“How are things with Joanne?” I ask as I head to the outdoor fridge, grab two beers, and hand one to Dean.

He cracks his open, takes a long drink, and sets it down on the side of the grill. He fires up the grill, then picks his beer up again. “We’re doing really well. Her house is nearly finished, and once we’ve moved in, we’re getting married in the backyard.”

“Shit, I know you’ve been together for a few months, but marriage, already?”

“When you know, you know.”

I stretch my arms up over my head, then knit my fingers together and balance them on top of my head. “I think I know what you’re talking about.”

Dean’s brows rise, and he smirks. “You and Serena, eh?”

“I think so,” I say.

“About time you found someone to settle down with. You’re getting old, you know.”

“I’m ten months younger than you,” I bite back.

“What have I missed?” Rhett asks as he walks out, goes directly to the fridge and grabs a water.

“He’s finally gotten his head out of his ass and found himself a woman, and I’m getting married in the garden once the house is finished.” Dean points to me, then himself.

“Then it’s Rhett’s turn to find himself a woman, and I’ll be one happy Momma.” Mom comes out, and places the salad on the table. “Did I hear you say you’re getting married in the garden?”

“Yeah, but not until we’re in the house.”

“Which will be when?” Mom asks.

“It’s nearly finished. I think we’ll be in there in the next month or so. But we’re not exactly sure when we’re getting married. We’ll settle in first, and go from there.”

If he’s going to be in the house soon, and Serena needs to be out in four weeks, then it makes sense to get her into Dean’s house. “What are you doing with your place?” I ask again even though we’ve touched on it previously.

“We were going to sell it, but as it turns out, we don’t need to.”

“Let me talk to Serena, see if she wants it. There may be a week or so overlap, but I’m sure you can move back here, and she can have my place for that week or two.” I look at Rhett.

Rhett’s face drops, his eyes narrow and he purses lips into a thin line. “Or, I can stay at your place, and you and Serena can move into Dean’s place. Now, there’s a great thought for you.”

“Finally, I’ll be free from all this testosterone,” Mom says.

I look to Rhett, then Dean. Mom wants her house back? Rhett’s face is saying what I’m thinking. I didn’t think Mom actually wanted us all gone.

“You’d be okay here by yourself?” Rhett asks the question all three of us must be thinking.

“Not only will I be okay, I’m looking forward to it. But, you’re still my boys, and my home will always be your home. So, you can stay for as long as you want, or need. But let me tell you, I’m throwing the biggest party ever once you’re all gone.”

“I honestly thought you’d want one of us here, for like...ever,” Rhett says.

“Darling, I’ve done my job as your mother, I’ve raised three incredible men. Now’s your turn to go out, and live your lives. Why do you think I insist on family dinner nights? Because I get to have you all back, even if it’s only for a few hours. And I’m okay with that. But I only want you to leave when you’re ready, and not before.”

Rhett smiles as he steps into Mom, and gives her a hug. “I’m giving you my notice,” he says. Mom laughs and smacks him on the back.

When Mom pulls away, she sits at the table. “Just so I have this straight. Dean you’re getting married within the next year?” Dean nods, agreeing to the timeline Mom’s offered. “You’re likely going to be moving in with Serena sooner or later.” She purposely stares at me. I nod too. “And you’re moving out soon.” Rhett nods as well. “Will there be a female companion? Perhaps, Pen?”

“Eww, Mom! We’ve been over this. Pen and I are like this.” Rhett holds up his two fingers and entwines them. “And Pen has her on again, off again boyfriend. And, I can’t look at Pen and think, oh yeah, I want to be with her.” He shivers and grimaces simultaneously. “Besides, I’m not really interested in anyone.” Rhett drops his gaze, and half shrugs. I look at Dean whose mouth is open with shock.

“Who is she?” I ask.

“No one,” Rhett replies with too much haste.

“Come on, who is she?” It’s Dean’s turn to ask.

Rhett shakes his head, and avoids the question. Oh yeah, he’s into someone. “Wait, is it a he?” I ask.

“What? No.” Rhett shakes his head. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like that between us,” Rhett responds vehemently.

“So, there is someone?” Mom asks. “And it’s not Pen.”

“Will you drop it about Pen? We’re like siblings. And it’s gross to even think of Pen like that.”

“Who is it?” Mom pushes.

“Mom, I promise you, if anything happens, you’ll be one of the first people to know.”

“You better wash my sheet three times just to get all the jizz out of them,” I say.

“Oh, come on. That’s revolting,” Mom barks. “Anyway, I had to wash all of your sheets when you’d wake up covered in semen in your teenage years.”

“Oh my God.” The three of us all cringe at the same time.

“Yeah, just remember that.” Mom points to each and every one of us. “And let’s not even talk about the amount of times the hot water would run out.”

I lower my head, dying on the inside of embarrassment, yet laughter too.

“I’ve had to knock on the door a few times with Thomas,” Dean says. “I was never so bad.”

“Bullshit you weren’t. And your father refused to talk to you boys about everything, and made me do it.”

“He talked to us,” I inform Mom.

Her face is one of pure shock. “That rascal,” she says. “Wait ’til I meet him up there.” She points up to the sky. “He’s going to get an earful. He did talk to you?”

“Yep,” Dean answers.

“Uh-huh,” Rhett adds.

“Yeah,” I say.

Mom narrows her eyes and scrunches her mouth. She throws several small punches into the palm of her hand. “He’s going to get it when we reunite. He told me he thought it was my job to talk to you boys. And he knew I didn’t want to do it because it’s different for boys and girls. That’s it, he can sleep on the couch for a week when I get up there.” She tilts her head up, looking at the sky. “You hear that, Patrick?” She waves her fist at him. “You’re sleeping on the goddamn couch.”

“Mom, Mom, Mom.” Rhett slings his arm over her shoulder. “You make me laugh, and squirm all at the same time.”

“Aww, my job is done then. I figure if you ever need to see a shrink, at least I’ll be able to provide you with many sessions worth of discussion.” She leans in and gives Rhett a kiss on the cheek.

“Grill’s ready,” Dean announces.

“I’ll go get the meat.” Rhett stands and walks into the kitchen to get the steaks for the grill.

“Serena’s working down at the restaurant, do you think you can take me so I can drop her off some food?” I ask Rhett when he returns.

“She’s at the restaurant?” Rhett confirms.


A small cheeky smile tugs at his lips. “Yeah, I’ll take you,” he says, a little too eager. “Maybe we can have coffee while we’re down there. Do you know when she’s getting a break tonight? We can be there for her break.”

Something’s going on with Rhett. He’s too enthusiastic to drive me to the restaurant. “I’ll text her and ask,” I say as I take my phone out of my pocket to send her a quick message.

We get on with dinner, but I keep glancing at my phone, waiting for her reply. Something stirs inside of me, hoping she’s okay. A part of me wants to get Rhett to take me down to the restaurant right now to make sure she’s okay, but I don’t want to come across as an insecure stalker either.

I suppose, with the fact her brother is out there somewhere, trolling for drug money, anything is possible. And that’s what worries me most. That he’ll find her and force her to give him money.

The moment my phone lights up with a message from her, I instantly relax. “Serena just texted back, and says she’s on a break in an hour for twenty minutes.”

“We’ll leave in about forty minutes, okay?” Rhett offers.

I nod. “Sure.”

“Thanks for bringing me,” I say to Rhett while we head into the restaurant.

“Yeah, no problems, man.”

I notice he’s craning his head, trying to look inside. “Looking for someone?” I ask.

“No, I’m just seeing if there’s a table for us. Does Serena know we’re coming?”

“Nah, I thought I’d surprise her.”

“Look at you, turning into a giant marshmallow.”

“I’ll hit you with this crutch.” I threaten him with the right crutch.

“Gotta catch me first, and you’re like Dean’s dog. Hey, maybe your new name should be Tripod Senior.” He laughs at his own joke.

I smirk too. “I swear to God, I will hurt you.”

He reaches for the door handle to open it, then rolls his eyes as I hobble in past him. “I’d really like to see you try. I am bigger and taller than you.”

“The bigger they are, the harder they fall,” I say.

“You’re such a baby.” Rhett looks over the restaurant, searching for someone.

“Who are you looking for?” I repeat.

“No one,” he replies defensively, though keeps searching.

No one my ass. I look over and see Serena carrying three plates out to a table. She hasn’t noticed me yet, which allows me a chance to watch her work. With all the shit going on in her life, she’s still smiling, and being the perfect hostess to the table she’s waiting on. And they have no idea that behind her beautiful eyes is a woman who’s struggling to keep it together.

As if she senses me, she turns her head to look over toward the door. She looks away, then back to me. Her entire face lights up when she sees me. She quickly looks around, before hastily sneaking off toward me. “Hey, you.” She reaches up and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. “Hey, Rhett.” She wraps her arms around me to give me a small hug. “What are you doing here?”

“We came for coffee,” Rhett says. “And this.” He gives her the plate I’ve prepared from our family dinner.

“I figure considering you couldn’t come to family dinner, we’ll bring family dinner to you,” I say.

The smile on Serena’s face is everything. But she looks like she’s about to cry. “You did this, for me?” She peers up from beneath her lashes. My cock stirs, and I want her, right now.

“Of course.” Without hesitation, she throws her arms around my neck, nearly knocking me off balance, and gives me a hard kiss. I love how me bringing her a plate of food has made her smile so wide. I know it’s not the food; it’s the gesture.

“I’ve got about ten minutes until my break. I’ll get you a table toward the back. It’s a crappy table no one really likes sitting at, but I’ll come join you both when I’m on my break.” She starts heading toward the back, and gestures with her head so we follow her.

Rhett is still looking around. “Who you looking for?” I repeat for the umpteenth time.

“Oh my God, Alec, leave it alone! I’m not looking for anyone,” he barks over his shoulder at me.

Yeah, right. “Here you go. I’ll be out in a few minutes, okay. I’ll get Dani to come and grab your order.”

“Dani’s here?” Rhett asks with a slight crack to his voice.

Oh, I see. He’s been searching for Dani. “Yeah, I’ll send her over.” Serena leans down and gives me another kiss. “I’ve gotta get back to work. I’ll leave this here and have it when I get back.”

Serena leaves and encounters Dani walking out of the kitchen with three plates. They exchange some words, and Dani looks over at us and smiles, nodding before Serena disappears back into the kitchen. I want to ask Rhett about it, but I figure, he’ll tell us when he’s ready. Maybe there’s nothing to tell.

“Hey,” Dani greets us as she appears at the table. “How are you, Rhett?” Her eyes soften and she smiles wider.

“Yeah, good. You?” Rhett squares his shoulders while staring at Dani.

Whoa, talk about awkward. Dani stands straighter, then tucks some hair behind her ear. Rhett can’t take his eyes off her. His mouth is open, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s drooling over her. “What can I get you?”

“Coffee. And a slice of pie,” Rhett responds without moving his eyes to look at the menu.

“What kind of pie would you like, Rhett?”

“Whatever you like.” I turn my head to look at him, surprised by his answer. “I mean, whatever you think is good,” he corrects himself.

“And you, Alec?”

“Coffee please, and I’ll have a slice of pecan pie, please.”

“Sure thing.” She glances over at Rhett, who’s now staring down at the menu trying to act like he’s unaffected by her, then leaves.

“Hey, you may wanna wipe your mouth.” I nudge him.

“What? Why?” Embarrassed, he wipes at his mouth. “Why didn’t you tell me I had food on my face?”

“I think you were drooling and there’s dribble on your chin.”

He punches me in the arm. “Dick,” he mumbles.

“Ask her out,” I say as I tilt my head to the side where Dani disappeared.

“Ask who out?” He’s playing coy with me.

I just roll my eyes and shake my head. Like two stalkers, I watch Serena as she buzzes around the restaurant, and Rhett watches Dani. Shit, I think Mom’s right. I think I’m falling for her hard. There’s just something about her, she’s an amazing person who fights for what she believes in.

As Serena returns to the kitchen, she holds up five fingers to me, then rubs at her stomach. She mouths the words, I’m so hungry. I catch something glistening around her neck, and it thrills me to see she’s wearing the necklace I gave her. Yep, she’s mine, all mine. She’s always been mine, from the moment we met.

I wink at her and Serena drops her gaze, but the huge smile on her face tells me everything I need to know. She’s falling for me too. And I love that so much. When she reenters the dining room, she walks over and places the plates down at a table of two guys and a woman. The woman peers down at her food, lifts her chin and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

Serena’s smile slowly fades, as she clasps her hands behind her back. The woman hasn’t even tasted her food, and already she’s complaining.

Serena nods once, then reaches to take the food. The guy sitting to the woman’s left, smacks Serena’s hand away. I see red. Standing, I grab my crutches, and move forward to have words with that guy.

Serena sees me, and shakes her head. “Leave it,” Rhett says as he stands and gets in front of me.

“He fucking touched her.” I’m absolutely seething, ready to rip this guy’s head from his neck.

Serena steps away from the assholes, and walks over to me. “I’ve got it,” she says as she places her hand to my chest.

“He fucking touched you.”

“Trust me, I’ve got it,” she says again, trying to reassure me.

I glare over her shoulder, and the woman has a sneer on her ugly face. “If he touches you again...”

She smiles confidently. “He won’t.”

With my anger in the danger zone, I back away and sit again, Rhett’s teetering on the edge, ready to jump up and intervene.

I watch as Serena walks back to the table, smiles, says something, and goes to take the plate again. The guy raises his hand to smack Serena’s away, my eyes zone into him, and I’m ready to rip him to shreds. But, Serena beats me to it, backhanding his hand away, causing him to startle at her reaction. She looks down to him, and with a big fuck you smile, she says something.

The guy’s reaction is priceless. He inconspicuously looks around to see if anyone saw. When he notices me smirking at him, he lowers his head and avoids all eye contact with me. Serena walks into the kitchen with the woman’s plate.

A few moments later, she comes over, drags out a chair, and sits.

“You okay?” I ask as I keep staring at the guy. God, I’d love to treat him the way he treated my woman.

“I’m fine.” She shrugs. “But I give them thirty seconds before they stand to leave.”

“What did you say to them?” Rhett asks.

“I just said to him, I hope you enjoy your food, I made it myself. Then smiled.”

I look at Rhett. “What did you do to it?” My amazing woman is capable of a lot of things, which terrifies and excited me.

“Funny because he asked the same question. And I told him, perhaps he should try it, and then I said, the toilets are out of order.” She smiles sweetly as she takes the cling film off the plate, and starts eating what we’ve brought her.

“Oh shit.” Rhett covers his mouth, and starts laughing. “Well, they’ve all gotten up, and are just about to walk out.”

My attention is on them. The guy who touched my woman, takes some bills out of his pocket, throws them on the table, and hurries out of the restaurant. “You might get a bad review,” I say.

“What a shame,” Serena responds dryly and without an ounce of worry. “I’ve got too much going on in my life to give a crap about what rude people want to say. The chick’s problem was the dinner plate was too large and she didn’t want to eat that much. Seriously, get a life.”

Rhett laughs some more. But he stops laughing, and straightens as Dani brings over our coffees. “Thank you, Dani,” he says. She smiles at him then leaves again.

“You should ask her out,” Serena says as she shovels food in her mouth.

“Ask who out?” Rhett asks thinking he’s being oblivious to the way he reacts whenever she’s near.

“Pecan pie for you.” Dani appears and places my pecan pie down. “And my favorite, banoffee pie for you, Rhett.”

“Thank you.” Rhett stares up her and smiles.

“Thank you,” I say and hit Rhett under the table.

“What?” He looks over to me, and widens his eyes. I try to be as unassuming as possible by gesturing toward Dani.

“Anything else I can get you?” Dani asks.

“I’m good. How about you, Rhett? Do you want anything else?” I widen my eyes, teasing him. Ask her out!

“No!” he shouts way too loud.

Dani hangs around for a few seconds, nods, and returns to the kitchen. As she walks into the kitchen, she gives Rhett a quick glance. He’s too much of an idiot to read the signs and go for it. “If you’re scared of rejection, then you’re a dick,” I say.

“Shut up and eat your pie.” He leans his elbow on the table, half covering his face while he rubs at his temple.

“It’s like watching two teenagers in high school. Do you want me to pass a note for you, Rhett?” Serena teases.

Rhett glances at Serena and lifts his brows. “I don’t need any help getting women.”

Serena purses her lips, trying to resist chuckling. “Hey.” She holds her hands up in surrender. “It’s just she’s going to be going on and on about how cute you are, and ‘why doesn’t he ask me out?’ for the rest of the night.”

“She says those things to you?” Rhett asks, abandoning his pie and becoming super invested in what Serena has to say.

“You don’t need help getting women,” she throws his own words back at him.

Rhett pulls his shoulders back and lifts his head. Now he’s got that cocky look about him. “Anyway, do you like it?” I look down to the food Serena’s half eaten.

“So good. My God, this meat is just...” She brings her fingertips to her mouth and kisses them as she pulls them away.

“Have you heard from your brother?” I ask.

Serena is just about to answer, when Rhett asks, “What facility are you planning on sending him to?”

“It’s one in Kentucky. It’s called New Dawn. It’s one of the best ones I can afford. And by I can afford, I mean I’m killing myself to get the money for it.”

I lower my hand and make a fist, Rhett makes a fist too, and discreetly hits my hand. Jackpot, we have the name. Now, we need to figure out how to get her brother there. Paying it isn’t a problem. It’s the fact we need to physically get her brother to Kentucky. And I’m sure, like every other drug addict, he doesn’t think the drug has control over him.

“Serena?” Dani pops her head out of the kitchen, and calls her over.

“Man, I feel like I only just sat down. Sorry, I have to go. Thank you for dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”

“Sure will.”

Serena stands, leans over the table and gives me a kiss. “Gotta go.”

“Bye,” Rhett says.

The moment she’s out of earshot, I turn to Rhett. “Good work on getting her to tell us the name. I’ll make some phone calls tomorrow, and pay the damn bill.”

“Do you need money?”

“I don’t, but I know she’s going to lose her shit when she finds out I’ve paid for it. So, I’m thinking, I’ll pay the fifteen thousand, and let her pay the other twenty. I don’t want to shatter her confidence in the amazing goal she’s already achieved.” I just want her to know she doesn’t have to do everything by herself anymore. She can always rely on me.

“She’s strong, and independent and used to doing things on her own. But now she doesn’t have to,” Rhett says.

“I was just thinking the same thing. She might be angry at me for paying the difference, but if it makes her feel better, she can pay it back.”

Rhett snorts. “Like you’d take the money from her.”

“I will. Because again, it’ll be important to her, but I’ll set it aside so we can buy a house. Or buy Dean’s house. Whatever.”

“So, it’s really serious then?”

“For me it is.”

“I’m gonna ask, how do you know she’s who you want?”

“Serena is everything I’ve never looked for. She sends me crazy. She’s my first thought and my last thought every single day. And when I think about my future, she’s in it, still a snarky smart-ass.”

“Must be nice to be so sure.” He picks his coffee up and takes a sip, before his attention lands on Dani cleaning a table.

“Gotta live in the moment, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Look at Dad. He woke up, kissed Mom goodbye, and died in a fire. He just went to work and never returned.”

“I can’t believe it’s been over five years already.” Rhett blankly stares down at his half-eaten pie. “Do you think Mom will ever find anyone else?”

I lift my shoulders. “If she does, it’ll be a shock to all of us. But she deserves someone who’ll treat her well.”

“Amen to that, brother.” Rhett has the rest of his coffee, and looks over to my now empty plate. “Ready to go?”

“You’re not going to ask her out?” I sharply look over to Dani who’s now wiping down a different table.

“Not today.” He stands, stretches, then adds, “Your shout.”

Of course it is. I take my wallet out of my pocket and throw a couple of Jacksons on the table and head out. Serena comes out of the kitchen just as we’re heading to the door. She sees me, smiles and blows me a kiss.

That woman drives me crazy.