Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




God, I’m so tired. I think if I sleep for a solid week, it still won’t be enough to recharge myself. Thankfully, I’m driving out to Alec’s Mom’s house, then I can go home and sleep. I’m also grateful the drive from the restaurant to Alec’s is less than fifteen minutes. It’ll be the drive back home that’ll be a killer. But it’s okay, I won’t stay for dinner tonight, I’m just too tired.

As I’m driving out, I hear a small pop, then the car pulls to right. Crap, don’t tell me I’ve got a flat. I don’t have time for this crap. I pull over safely, and get out to have a look. “Shit,” I say as I see the completely flat rear right tire. I walk to the trunk, and open the lid. “Shit!” I forgot to get the spare fixed from the last time I had a flat, which was probably a year ago.

I walk around to the front to get my phone so I can call AAA, and lean against the car when I remember I’ve forgotten to pay them too. Looking down at my phone, I’m struggling with what to do. I’ll see if I can get a cab into town, then I can try to get my car towed to a service center to have it fixed. Maybe I don’t need to call for a cab. I’ll just call to have my car towed. I better call Alec to let him know I’ll be late for his physiotherapy session today. Actually, by the time I get there, it’ll be really late, and all I want to do is go home to sleep. But I need the money, especially now that I’ll have to pay for a tow and two new tires.

I dial Alec’s number. “Hey. I bet your ears where burning,” he says.

“Nope, they weren’t. But, I’m calling to let you know, I’m going to be late today.”

“That’s okay, did you get stuck at work?”

“No.” I look at the back tire, and kick it. “I’ve got a flat tire.”

“I’ll come change it, where are you?”

“That would be awesome, if my spare wasn’t flat too. And to top it off, I forgot to pay for AAA. I’m about to call for a tow truck to come get my car, and take it to get two new tires. I’m not sure what time I’ll be able to get to your house.”

“Where are you?”

“Not far from your mom’s. Just this side of Oak Tree Parade.” I look around trying to figure out exactly where I am. “ know that old church on the corner that’s been boarded up?”


“I’m about fifty yards from there.”

“Oh, yeah, I know where you are. Don’t call a truck, let me figure it out. Can you do me a favor, on the outside rim of the tires, there’s a bunch of numbers, can you take a photo and send it to me, please?”

“You want the size of the tire?” I ask. “Why?”

“So I can call around and see who has it.”

“It’ll be easier if I call a tow truck, don’t worry too much about it. I’m an idiot for forgetting to have the spare replaced.”

“I’m already on it, Serena. I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

I close my eyes and rub at my temples. “I’ve got it, Alec.”

“Will you let me help you? Stop trying to do everything by yourself,” he says with a frustrated sigh.

“I’ve been doing everything by myself for a long time, and I don’t need saving.”

“Stop! Just stop. You have to stop saying you don’t need saving, I’m not trying to save you, for God’s sake. You have to learn to accept help when help is offered. You don’t need to do this on your own, even though you’re fully capable.”

Fidgeting with the hem of my t-shirt, I push off the car and slowly pace back and forth. “Fine,” I finally capitulate. “Whatever.”

“Are you safe where you are?”

“Yeah, I’m on the side of the road.”

“How much battery have you got remaining on your phone?”

Awe, how cute. I look at my phone, and see I have plenty of battery life left. “Yeah, I’m good there.”

“Okay, we’re on our way, we won’t be long.”

The sound of another call coming through makes me look at my phone. It’s Jordan’s number. “I’ve gotta go, Jordan’s calling.”

Alec exhales loudly, and I know he’s now even more worried for me. “Okay. I’ll see you soon.” I haven’t spoken to Jordan in so long, I hope he’s okay.

I end the call, and switch it over to Jordan. My heart thumps hard in my chest. “Hey, how are you?” I ask with a shaky voice.

“Where are you, Serena?”

I let out a sigh of relief. He’s alive. “I’m out. And my tire is flat, so I have to wait until I can get it fixed. Are you okay?”

“Ugh, fuck sake, sis. Where are you? I need some money.”

“I don’t have any, Jordan. Not now I have to fix my car.”

“Who cares about your fucking car! I need money to pay some people.”

The hair stands on the back of my neck, and a chill shoots through my body. “Who do you owe money to?” I ask with a tight, and worried voice.

“Just some people,” he replies vaguely.

“Who are the people?” I push harder.

“Just some people? I need money, and I need it now.”

“How much do you need?”

“Just a couple of grand. Five or six should cover it.”

My heart stops with that insanely large number. “I don’t have that kind of cash. Where am I supposed to find it? And what did you buy that you needed that much money?” There’s silence on the other end of the phone. “Jordan?”

“Just stuff, alright? Jesus, give me the money, Serena,” his anger is reflected in his eerily chilling voice. It scares me when he’s like this, because even though I hope he wouldn’t hurt me, I just can’t be sure anymore.

“I don’t have it.”

“Well, if they kill me, it’s on you, you fucking bitch. I hope you can live with yourself knowing you sent your brother to his grave. It’s all your fault!” He hangs up abruptly, leaving me shaking and stressed.

A truck pulls up behind mine. Alec and his brother Dean both get out. Alec has better use of his leg, so he’s getting around easier with the crutches. He should be off them soon. “What’s wrong?” Alec asks, making a beeline straight toward me.

“Is the car open?” Dean asks. I nod my head, unable to answer him. He opens the door, and pops the trunk open.

“What happened? You’re shaking and pale. What’s going on?” Alec rubs his hands up and down my arms.

I rake my hand over my hair, and through my ponytail. “Jordan called. He owes someone money, and it’s quite a lot. He said it’s about five or six thousand. He um...” I look away, blinking rapidly trying to keep the tears from erupting. “He um, he said they’re going to kill him. I don’t know what to do, Alec. Should I give him the money? I should, shouldn’t I?” I try to convince myself that giving him the money is the right thing to do. But in my gut, I know it’s not.

“God no, you can’t give him the money, because that isn’t what you’re working so hard for.”

My entire body is trembling, I’m so confused about what to do. “What if they kill him? I can’t let them do that. Not over a few thousand dollars. I’ve got the money, I can give it to them. Maybe, I can go and tell them to stop selling to him.”

Alec wraps his arms around me, pulling me in tight toward him. I lean my head against his shoulder, and I just let every one of my emotions escape. “If he’s told them he has a sister who works, then they won’t kill him, because then there’s no motivation for you to pay. And, if you give them the money, they’ll know there’s a supply of cash, and they won’t stop selling to him.”

Stepping back, I sit on the sidewalk and look up to the sky. The sun has fallen and is showing us the prettiest hues painted across the horizon. “I’m not sure I can take too much more, Alec. It feels like it’s me against the world.”

He struggles to sit beside me, but he does, and places his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in toward him. His warm body calms my frantic thoughts. “Let me help.”

“How?” I turn my head to stare into his amazing dark eyes. “I could fall into your eyes,” I catch myself saying. “Fall in, and swim away.”

Alec cups my cheek, and skims his thumb across my skin. “Let me pay for the rest of his treatment.”

My shoulders deflate. “I don’t want your money, Alec.”

“Okay, I won’t give it to you. You’ll have to pay me back.” He leans in to kiss me, but I turn my head and stare down at the road. “What is it?”

“I don’t want to accept it.” I fist my hair through my hands, absolutely hating the next part of what I’m about to say. “But I think if I don’t take it, he’s going to be dead one way or another. If these people he owes money to don’t end up killing him, the drugs will.”

Alec sighs. “The money is here. Let’s pay for his treatment, and get him to New Dawn.”

I turn to look at Alec, and give him a small nod and a strained smile. I notice Dean’s not here. “Where did Dean go?”

“He took your spare to go get it repaired, and he’ll be back soon so he can change it for the flat.”

I shake my head, disappointed in myself. “I never wanted to have to rely on anyone.”

“You’re not relying on us, Serena, we’re simply giving you a hand. Besides, the reasons are entirely selfish.” He grins. “If we didn’t come to fix this, I wouldn’t have been able to see you tonight.”

“I see. So you’re actually using me?” I say in a lighter tone, somewhat relieved. I know Jordan will soon be going into rehab.

“You have no idea how badly I want to use you.” My cheeks heat, and I can’t help but grin. “But, let’s sort your car out first, then we can talk about this whole ‘using’ business.” He circles his finger between us.

“You just want me for my body.”

“Ah, yeah! God, yeah,” he shamelessly admits. “I love your body.” He smirks cheekily.

Huh, interesting. “I think you’re nearly be ready to walk without these. We’ll do some harder exercises tonight, to really help build the muscles.”

He throws his head back and groans loudly. “You mean harder than you’ve been working me already?”

“Hard enough for you to be sore,” I say in a low, seductive voice.

“Oh, well, this is something I like the sounds of. How hard are we talking?” He straightens and stares at me eagerly.

“So hard, you’ll feel it right away.”

“That hard, eh?”

“You’ll be begging me to go harder.”

“Shit.” He discreetly looks around in case anyone is listening. “Will you go harder on me?”

“I’ll be going so hard on you, you’ll want to...” I catch him hanging off my words. His mouth slightly open, and his chest rising and falling sharply.

“What? Why are you stopping?”

I flutter my lashes at him, and tilt my head to the side. “We’re talking about physiotherapy, right?”

“You’re a tease.” He laces his fingers through the nape of my neck, drags me over and kisses me with heat. His mouth is possessive, and his strong grip confirms how greedy he is. “I fucking want you,” he mumbles against my lips.

Shielded by the car, I slip my hand down into his shorts, and subtly grip his warm, hard cock in my hand. “I could wrap my lips around your cock right now, and suck you so hard, you’ll blow in my mouth.” What the hell’s gotten into me? Not Alec, well not yet.

His cock hardens in my hand. “I like the sounds of that.” I kiss down his chin, where he tilts his head back and I continue peppering kisses down the column of his neck. He grips my hair, guiding me to keep going.

I can feel myself becoming quite flustered. It’s getting darker, and a little bit of public indecency could be a bit of fun. I mean, I won’t fully go down on him, but maybe I can make him come with just my hand.

“Jesus,” he grumbles as my hand increases movement. His cock is hard, and he’s breathing hard.

We both hear someone clear their throat, and I promptly remove my hand from down the front of his shorts. We both lift our eyes to see Dean standing at the back of the car, looking everywhere but at us. “Hey, Dean,” I say as casually as possible.

“Yeah, hi!” he replies with an awkward crack to his voice.

Alec starts chuckling, and Dean shakes his head. “Are we in your way, Dean?” I ask.

“Nope, just wanted to let you know that I’m back.” He points to me, then Alec, then back to me. “I’ll um put the new tire on the car. But you’ll need to take it and get this one replaced. I suggest you do it soon.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I mean the tire. Do the tire...screw it. Do whatever you want.” He flaps his hand dismissively.

I’ve been caught with my hand down Alec’s pants, and I’m not even embarrassed.

The moment Dean leaves, Alec laughs. “So, you’re an exhibitionist?”

I half shrug, and smirk. “Perhaps,” I say as I grab onto his cock through his shorts and squeeze. I push up from the curb, and reach for Alec’s hand to help him up. Hesitantly, he takes it, and I haul him up as he heaves himself to his feet. When we’re standing, I reach up and give him a small kiss, then grab his crutches. “Thank you.”

“What for?”

“For helping me today.” I motion toward the car. “And for helping me with my brother.”

He opens his mouth to reply, but Dean butts in. “Car’s done.” He looks over to us, and raises his brows. “Appears like you two are done too.”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say.

“When you were...” he can’t bring himself to finish the sentence. He just points, then shakes his head and throws his arms up over his head. “Am I dropping you home?”

Alec glances at me, and raises his brows silently asking for me to take him home. “I’ll drop him,” I reply.

“I’m out of here. See ya.” Dean walks back to his truck, still avoiding eye contact.

“Thank you, Dean!” I call. “Oh wait.” I jog up to the side of my car and take my wallet out of my pretty new yellow bag. “What do I owe you?”

He flicks his hand. “We’re square. Anyway, I know where that hand has been.”

“Actually, it was my other hand.” I stick it out and wiggle my fingers.

Dean laughs and shakes his head. “On that note, I’m out.” With his tall frame, his strides are long, allowing him to get to his truck quite fast. “Bye,” he calls as he takes off down the street.

Turning, I see Alec getting into the passenger side of my car. I get into the driver’s seat, and turn to Alec. “I think your brother may think I’m a dirty ho.”

“I think you’re a dirty ho.” He holds his hand up rapidly before I can say anything. “And I freaking love it!” I chuckle. “Anyway, you’re my dirty ho. So, for me, the dirtier the better.”

Something about Alec sets my heart on fire. He’s possessive and gentle at the same time. I’d love to pull the car over and just ride him, but that’s not exactly very ladylike. Pffft, who am I kidding? Since when have I been a lady? But, I’d better not. Not yet, anyway.

“What’s going through your mind?” he asks.

“Nothing!” I nearly shout at Alec. It’s not exactly something I want to discuss with him at this stage. “What’s going through yours?”

“Well, we could go back to my place for the night, or to yours.”

A shudder courses through me. “First of all, you need to get stronger so you can get back to work.”

“And second of all?” Alec asks after a moment of patiently waiting.

“I am so embarrassed by where I live, that until I find somewhere else to go, I don’t want you seeing it.”

“Why?” he immediately questions.

“Because it’s a terrible house, in an even worse area. But it was cheap, which meant I could save quicker to get Jordan into rehab.”

“You shouldn’t be embarrassed by the fact you’ve chosen your brother’s life over somewhere fancy to live. That’s one of the things I lo...ike about you.”

I glance over to him before returning my focus to the road. “You lo...ike me?”

Alec turns his head, looking out at the inky sky that’s now upon us. “No, I didn’t say that. I said like. You heard whatever you wanted to hear,” he pauses. “I think you’re overworked and need a vacation because you’ve started hearing things.” Chuckling, I drive until I pull up front of his mom’s house, I turn off the car and rest my head on the headrest. “You okay?”

“I’m tired, Alec. And I’m grateful you’re helping me send Jordan to rehab. Now, I just need to get him there. He’s not going to go of his own free will. These drugs have taken over completely.”

“Do you think an intervention will work?”

“I’m the only person left who cares about him. We’ve got no other family to help me stage an intervention.”

“I can help,” Alec offers.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you mean nothing to Jordan. He’s not going to give a crap about what you or your family say.” He nods then exhales loudly. “It’s okay, I’ll figure out a way to get him there.” I look up to the sky and exhale. “I’ll meditate on it.”

“You’ll what?”

“Meditate.” Alec laughs at me. “What are you laughing at?”

“Really? You meditate. What a load of shit.”

Slowly, I lift my head, and with wide eyes, I turn to stare at him. He’s chuckling and when he turns to look at me, he sees how serious I am, and his smile rapidly disappears. “We’ve already gone over this. A load of shit?”

“Come on, you seriously don’t believe in all that shit, do you?”

“Not only do I believe in it, I practice it every single morning.”

He rolls his eyes, and grunts. “Meditation? Really?”

“Yes, really.”

“I don’t believe in that hocus pocus crap.”

He’s about to be bitch-slapped. “I see.” I nod my head slowly. “So, what you’re saying is, you’re highly judgmental of something you haven’t tried.”

“I don’t have to try crystal meth to know it’s not good for me.”

“And meditation is on par with crystal meth?”

“You’re putting words in my mouth,” he adds defensively. “I think you’ve misunderstood what...”

“Hold it right there, Mister.” I lift my hand to stop him talking. “You just compared meditation with crystal meth, and you’re trying to swing it so I’m in the wrong? You have no idea the benefits meditation can have for the body.”

“It’s all that new-age crap, and I don’t believe in it.”

“Wait up a second. You don’t believe in meditation because it’s new age?” He nods his head, proud of himself. “So, breathing is new age?”

“Breathing? What are you talking about? Meditation isn’t about breathing, it’s about other stuff.”

“Says the guy who’s not even tried it.”

“I know,” he says confidently.

“You know nothing. I know you’re being a jackass and you have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Hey.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I know what meditation is about. Trust me, I know.”

“Then explain it to me.” I cross my arms and wait for him to describe what he thinks it is.

“You sit on the floor cross-legged and chant aum, aum, aum.” He places his fingers together, closes his eyes and starts humming.

“You really are an idiot.” Alec smirks at me. “Look, either you’re wrong about meditation or I’m right. But either way...” I wait for him to catch on to what I just said.

Alec nods, his smile pulled up tight, until he gets it. His eyes widen, and his mouth falls open. “You just said I’m wrong.”

“It took you long enough.”

He rolls his eyes. “I suppose I deserve that one. Anyway, come on.” Opening the door, he swings his legs around, and heaves himself up, hopping on one leg. I get out, and grab the crutches from the back seat. “Thank you,” he says as I hand him the crutches.

Reaching in, I take my bag out of the back seat, and close the door. I pull up the calendar on my phone, and make a note to take my car and get the other tire fixed tomorrow. I don’t ever want to be stuck like I was earlier again.

“Serena, are you staying for dinner?” Elise asks the moment I’m inside.

“I’d love to, but I don’t have time. I’m going home to keep packing.”

“That’s right, you’re moving soon. Alec told me about it. Have you found a place to go yet?”

“I’ve still got some more time, because they extended the lease by another four weeks. I’m hoping something comes my way.”

“You’re a successful and hardworking young woman, it shouldn’t be too hard for you.” Elise smiles, and rubs her hand on my upper back. “If you need any help, don’t forget we’re here.”

This family is exceptionally supportive. They’ve shown me kindness and support when I thought I needed to do everything on my own. They’ve proven to me that I’m not alone.