Married to the Mob by C.M. Steele

Chapter Six


Leaving the bedroom and, more importantly, Aria was a test of wills. If I didn’t have an empire to get under control, I would have stayed with my woman. I meet my men on the stairs. “Stay outside the door. Don’t go in there for any reason.”

“Yes, boss.” The door locks on its own, but that doesn’t mean she can’t open it from the inside and they could come in that way. My men don’t enter my bedroom for any reason, but when it comes to Aria, I don’t trust many. She’s beautiful, enchanting, and my only weak spot. If anyone wants to get at me, she’d be the target. It kills me to even consider something fucked up like that, but it’s the life we’re living.

Nero meets me at the bottom of the stairs. “How is she?”

“Good, but we have a lot to deal with right now so I can’t focus on my queen.”

“Very well. Our men have been taken to the funeral home. The company for the gate has been contacted, and I’m sure we can get them out tomorrow.” We walk to my office, closing the door behind us.

Walking over to my liquor cabinet, I pull out a bottle of bourbon. Waving it at him, he nods. I pour us a glass and then take a seat behind my desk. “I want it completely reinforced. What about the fires?”

“The fire department got it under control, but the damage was significant.”

“Have a crew come to level it out. We’ll add a helipad there instead. I thought it protected us, but it backfired.”

“Yes.  We’re relocating any animals found alive?”

“Yes, of course. Either to the local zoos or to another forest preserve. I’m ruthless, but ecosystems matter.”

“Good. I’m going to see if we have room for any in the garden. My mother and Aria like animals.”

“You have your own Snow White.” He nudges me with his elbow.

“That I do. Have the families been contacted?” I question, returning to business. I want to get back to Aria as soon as humanly possible.

“We were waiting on you before we made the calls.”

Nodding, I add, “That’s good. It’s best that it comes from me.”

“That’s what we figured.”

“Give me all the numbers and contacts for each man.” He pulls out a piece of paper from his suit jacket.

“Niccolò sent it over about ten minutes ago. He wants you to call him when you get a chance. He’s pissed he wasn’t here to fight.”

“He’s always itching to prove himself more than just my accountant. He’s even working out now more and more.” I shake my head and down my glass. Nero stands and brings the bottle over to my desk. “Grazie.”

I pour myself another glass, drinking about half and topping it off again. “Take it easy. You’ve got a lot of calls to make.”

“That’s what I’m gonna need this for. Crying mothers I’m not prepared for.”

“I bet. You know…maybe Niccolò’s found a girl.”

“I wonder. I should ask him if there’s someone he’s interested in.”

“It would be nice. Then he might not be so damned uptight.” That’s my little brother for sure. Great at numbers, terrible with people. We love him, and he’s a tough bastard, but heaven help him if he has to speak to anyone. The man just hates talking at all costs.

“Well, I’m going to steal a piece of apple pie. It’s fresh out of the oven. Do you want one?” Nero has a huge sweet tooth, especially when it comes to baked goods.

“Sure, but be careful Giuseppe doesn’t see you, or you’ll lose a finger.”

“I’ll tell him it’s for you.” We both chuckle as he walks out.

Then I go about making the calls. After I finish the first one, Nero comes in, letting me know the police are outside and want to speak with me. I nod and have them come into my living room. “Yes, Detective Sims, to what do I owe this extremely late visit?”

“I’m stopping by to inform you that my team has already ruled that you acted in self-defense. And that Tortelli was a fucking nut.”

“That’s for sure. Thank you for that. It’s been a long night, so if that’s all you have, I have to make some important calls to my guards’ families in Italy.”

“Oh. Yes. Good luck with that.” He stands, and Nero escorts him out. From the footage I gave them, they were able to see that those who died had been attacked by a mad man. The explosion to his body had been so intense that only fragments could be gathered. Thankfully, the bullet to the heart had been untraceable because his heart couldn’t be found.

Two attacks on two reputed crime families were shocking and people would believe it was a hit from one of the other families, which will keep them off our tails. It’s not as if they want to get entangled in all of this mess. Besides, we have the right people in our pockets to look the other way.

Most of the people killed didn’t have family in the States, so I had to make calls to Italy. Not pleasant, but there isn’t much I can do. Their people will be compensated as best we can. I’ll leave that to my accountant Niccolò to handle.

Making it up to the bedroom, I unlock the door and see my bride-to-be with the covers just below her ass, the perfect view to come home and see. I growl, stripping out of my clothes and climbing into bed in just my boxers.

I slide under the covers and pull Aria to me. “Domani,” she sighs. That’s what I want to hear.

“Sleep, my queen,” I command. She smiles, and I feel her body relax. “I love you, Aria.” I know she can’t hear me, but I have to say it.

“My king,” she utters.

“That’s right. Now and forever.”


I wake up four hours later to the feel of Aria grinding on my cock with her round ass. Growling her name along the shell of her ear, I grip her hips and stop her. She startles, waking up. “Aria, you’re a bad little girl.”

“Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” There’s a blush on her cheeks like she’s embarrassed, but I know she’s flushed from desire because her wicked eyes are full of mischief. God, I want to possess this woman so painfully.

“I’m about to come all over you if you keep it up,” I grit out, aching to fuck her this instant.

“You make it sound like a bad thing.”

“We’re not married yet,” I insist. I won’t give in now that I’m so fucking close to the finish line.

“I’ve been thinking about that. Is it so important we marry tomorrow?”

I’m insanely triggered by her question, and I pin her to the bed, straddling her body. “What did I say about a foregone conclusion?”

“Is tomorrow some important holiday or something?” she asks. I’m still not liking where this questioning is going. This woman’s trying to test me, so I should fuck her right now, making sure she marries me as soon as humanly possible.

“No, but I’m not waiting any longer.”

She smiles and rolls her eyes at me. “I didn’t say wait longer. I was thinking…well, I thought maybe it was best if we could just get married today with our family already here.”

“Really? You don’t really want all eyes on you?” I don’t want anyone’s eyes on my bride, especially male eyes.

“After last night, I don’t think it matters to me. With the house a mess, the wedding reception can’t be there. Besides, you’ve just had men die, and I don’t think it’s right celebrating with such a grand event like that.”

“That’s true. If you’re sure, I’ll talk to your parents.”

“I’m positive.”

I stare at her in amazement. Not only does she want to marry me sooner, but she doesn’t want the big hoopla that’s already been planned because of the deaths last night. “You’re going to be a great queen at my side.” I kiss her slowly, pulling back to look at her gorgeous face.

“Thank you.”

“Let’s get dressed so we can deal with all of this. Your father and mother already have a lot to worry about at the house. I’m sure there’s water damage.”

“Okay. Well, you have to let me go so we can do it.” All I want to do is fuck her, but she’s right.

“I love having you under me,” I admit. I love more than just that. Everything about Aria proves more and more that she was made just for me.

“Just think—after it’s all over today, you can have your way with me; otherwise, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Very excellent point.” I press my lips to hers once and then pop off the bed. She sits up and scoots off, looking sexy as hell in that nightie. I need to buy her mother a huge gift for that one. I’m guessing she wants a lot more grandbabies. I bite back a groan and adjust my throbbing rod. What I need is a cold shower, although I don’t think that will do much good because just thinking about Aria stiffens me up.

“Staring at my ass isn’t going to get you dressed any faster.” She’s a bad girl for sure, enjoying every second of my torture. I’ll return the favor later.

“I’m going to make you pay for it later, bella. Go get dressed so I don’t bend you over.” I walk to the closet and pull out a freshly cleaned suit while she saunters past me to her side, looking through the pretty sundresses.

I quickly exit before I see what she selects. I don’t need any more temptation, and Aria is my sole temptress, beckoning me without even being aware of the impact she has on men. I’ve glared at and threatened many men over the past two years.

Slipping into the bathroom, I shower and get ready. By the time I step out, Aria’s sitting on the bed, looking gorgeous in her pale blue flowery sundress that hugs her ample chest and shows off her slender shoulders that I ache to bite.

“You look beautiful, Aria. As always, of course. Let us go down to the kitchen for some breakfast, and then we can talk to your parents and mine.” She nods, and I take her hand, leading us downstairs. Several of my men are stationed around the house, each of them keeping their eyes to the ground when my wife passes. I’ve warned every single one of them that she’s my queen and demands the utmost respect and protection.

“Good morning, Dom,” Nero says. “Good morning, Mrs. Bianchi.”

“Aria, amore, this is my second-in-command and cousin, Nero Bianchi.”

“Hello, Nero, and it’s Aria.” He looks to me for approval with her name.

“Seeing that he’s my cousin, it’s okay for him to call you Aria. The rest of my men will address you as Mrs. Bianchi.”

“Even though we’re not….”

“Woman, I swear you’re asking for me to redden that ass of yours.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve flat-out put it on you, but nothing,” she huffs.

“Only a few more hours.”

“It’s twenty-six hours, to be exact,” Nero adds.

“Actually, that’s something we plan to change. No discussion, and we need to speak to our parents, but we are going to cancel the wedding. My queen doesn’t think it’s in good taste to continue with an elaborate celebration at this time.”

“Smart. Should I send out the notifications? I’ve actually been contacted by many of the families, and they send their condolences about the bombing and deaths. They’ve asked about the wedding, but I had no information on that.”

“Inform them it’s canceled due to the circumstances.” He nods and walks away.

“Come on, and let’s break the news to our parents who are anxious to throw a true Italian wedding.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. I can’t blame them, though; I wanted it special for Aria as well.

“There you two are,” my mother says, coming up to us for a hug.

“Sweetie, we’ve been talking about the wedding. It’s not like we can have it at our estate tomorrow.”

“Actually, Domani and I wanted to talk about that. With everything going on and the loss of his men, we believe that we should cancel the wedding and reception.”


“No, she’s still marrying me, but we think it should be super private—and today.”

“Is that what you want, piccolina?”

“Yes, Papa. It was my idea.”

“Well, we could do it, but what of all the guests?”

“The fire has already had the phones ringing off the hook, so we notify them that it’s been postponed. Besides, we could still have people coming after us.”

The rest of the morning, Aria and I part to get a lot more work done. If she's around me, all I want to do is hold and kiss her. My brother and cousin will stand in as my best men while our staff watch us marry on our grand staircase. By the end of the morning, every guest has been contacted and informed that nothing has been scheduled due to the unfortunate events. They all understand, but many wondered why I don’t still just marry her. Aria Grasso is an heiress, and there could have been plenty of suitors if I hadn't made it clear that I'd shoot anyone in the other families if they approached her father for a deal. I informed everyone there would be a war.

Over the years, I'd been asked if I’d changed my mind, but I responded with, "Would you like a bullet in the head?"

A knock on my office door brings my attention up from my notes. "Son, are you ready?"

"You know it. Is Father Falcone here?"

"Yes, he just arrived as well as the construction crew to evaluate the front gate and guard shack."

"Okay. I'll talk to the construction crew, and then we should be ready to marry in ten minutes." My hands are shaking as I adjust my suit.

"Are you okay?"

"Anxious. I've waited so long for this day."

"I know."

"Maybe we should have the construction crew wait."

"No, I want all my attention devoted to Aria the second we say our vows."

It doesn’t take long to meet with the foreman assigned to the project. He knows who I am and that I won’t tolerate a shitty job or delays. I dismiss them and head back inside to get the formalities over with.

The front of the house has been arranged nicely with seating and flowers from my mother’s private rose garden. Photos are being taken by Luigi, who has a knack for photography. I anxiously wait at the bottom of the steps. As the music begins to play, Aria appears at the top of the steps with her father bringing her to me. God, she looks like an angel. Her long black hair has been curled and is splayed over her bare shoulders. Her gown is elegant as it flows around her with tiny crystals shining radiantly on the bell of the dress. Although it’s not far down the stairs, it feels like an eternity. I lose my patience and take a step forward, but then Nero grips my shoulder and whispers, “Relax. The wait is almost over.”

A smile spreads over her face, and that’s the first time that I can see that she’s added some makeup, accentuating her already flawless features. When they finally reach the bottom step, her father generously puts her hand into mine without waiting for the father to ask. "Today, we unite families, and I am grateful to have two sons-in-law that love my girls." He kisses her cheek and moves back to his wife, who is shedding a tear or two. I steal a glance at my mother, and she's a mess as well. I'm happier than anything in the world. "He's right, my queen. I love you more than words can say."

I turn to the priest and have him begin. The second he declares us man and wife, I pull her close, sliding my hand into her curls and dropping my mouth onto hers with a kiss so possessive it takes a clearing of Nero's throat to remind me that I'm in front of a priest.

"May I present Mr. And Mrs. Domani Bianchi."

"Congratulations," everyone cheers.

I bring her hand to my lips and kiss the backside. "Thank you, my queen."

"That's Mrs. Bianchi to you," she hisses, running her fingers under my suit jacket and up around my neck. "I want another kiss, Domani."

"Excuse us for a moment."

"We're preparing lunch. It should be ready in twenty. Don't be consummating anything right now," my mother huffs.

"Yes, Mama. I just need to have a word alone with my bride."

I drag her down the hall to my office. As soon as I have the door closed, I have her back against the door. "Mrs. Bianchi, I think it's time to reward us both for being such a good girl." I kiss her hard as fuck as I work my suit jacket off me.

I drop to the floor and lift up her dress, sliding under and parting her thighs. Her panties are drenched, clinging to her mound. I slide them off and tuck them in my pocket. I part her lower lips and swipe my tongue along her seam. She cries out, slapping her hand to her mouth. Slipping out from underneath, I move her to my desk and sit her on the surface, tossing her dress over her middle so I can get a proper angle on her heat. Fuck, she's so sweet. I didn't know what to expect, but I've found that she'll be my best breakfast every single morning. My fingers creep up her thighs until I'm pushing the first one into her pussy. She's so hot and tight that I'm going to come in my pants. Running my finger in and out, I coax moans from her throat, licking between deep strokes. Her womb needs to open for me, but we don't have time. For now, I'm going to make her cream all over my face.

She lifts one hand off the desk and thrusts it into my hair, tugging me closer, rubbing my face in her sweetness. I swipe quick, staccato movements with my tongue, feeling her body locking up.

"Give it to me, amore mia. Come for me."

She bites on the cloth of her gown, muffling her orgasm. I drink her release, licking her slit until she calms down. Standing, I adjust her dress. "Such a good girl. You're going to feed your husband every day, aren't you?"

"Even if I'm not a good girl?"

"That works for me."

"What about your needs?" she asks, moving to lower herself off the desk.

Shaking my head, I look into her eyes. "You've given me what I needed when you took my name. Besides, I'd hate to ruin your dress."

"I suppose that wouldn't be a good look."

"No. I need to wash up so your father doesn't want to shoot me, knowing that I've been eating his daughter out."

"Yeah. Although I wonder if my cries were heard."

"This room is soundproof, just in case there are eager ears,” I mutter, standing inside my bathroom with the door open.

"Oh. That's good." The tenor in her voice makes me suspicious. I finish scrubbing my face and brushing my hair, and then I move toward her, tossing the towel back in the bathroom.

Her mood instantly sours. "Whatever thought is going through your head, I don't bring women to my home. It's just for business meetings."

"So you have a place for the other women," she mutters under her breath. I get it. She's insecure—jealous. I invade her space, pin her to the desk as I cup her face. "There's no one else. There has never been another woman. I've been faithful to you long before I knew you existed. The day your presence was known to me, I knew that I could never betray you."

“Wait. Are you telling me…”

“Yes, cara mia. The head of the Bianchi Family is a virgin.”

“It’s hard to fathom.”

“Not as hard as it was as a teen boy.”

“I bet. Your hormones must have been going insane.”

“Yeah, I let it influence my attitude, and I worked alongside Nero as the muscle. It’s not like I had any particular chick of interest, but I was growing and growing, needing that release. We went to strip clubs to claim our money, and motherfuckers were getting more than just a lap dance, and I got curious. I mentioned it to my father, and he said he’d lock my ass in the house. He didn’t want me to soil the Bianchi bloodline with putanas.”

“They’re a dime a dozen in our world because there are men willing to take what they have to offer.”

“Yes. Most don’t know that about me.”

“But you knew what to do…when you were….” She becomes silent, nervous as a blush covers her cheeks.

Cupping her face, I look into her amber-colored eyes and explain, “I listened to the aria your body was performing for me. Every little moan, sigh, or vibrating thighs told me what I was doing. I’m a quick learner, it seems.”

“Or it’s that I was super horny.”

Damned brat. My cock throbs with need to show her how much I’d love her to be horny twenty-four seven. “Could be. We’ll have to research it later. Now that I’ve spilled my guts like a man with a knife at his throat, maybe we should join your family.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” I help her off the desk and then I go into the drawer. Sweetie, this is something I forgot to give you. I’ll leave it in here, but it’s the cards and money you’ll need as my wife along with a new cell phone.”

“Oh, wow—thank you!” She grabs the phone, and the home screen is the one I have on mine. It’s of her sleeping in my arms. “Ah, this is so perfect. I can’t believe you did this, Domani.”

“I’d do anything for you.” Spearing my hands into her hair, I kiss her hard, slipping my tongue into her mouth, silently telling her how fucking serious I am. She moans, wrapping her legs around my waist firmly, grinding her kitty on my shaft through the many layers between us. I pin her back down on the desk, aching as we rut and rock against each other, lust shooting through us. I’m about to come and I drag my mouth lower, tugging her gown down enough to get one of her tits in my mouth. She cries out, and I capture her lips again.

A hard rap on the door pulls our attention away. “Yes,” I snarl, straightening up to a standing position and helping Aria fix her top.

“Lovebirds, they sent me to fetch you. Don’t kill the messenger,” Nero says. I want to choke him right now. My dick is so hard it could break off. I was just about to nut, and I’m betting Aria was too.

“We’re on our way.” A minute later, when we’re semi-presentable, I open the door with anger plastered all over my face, but my sweet Aria squeals, rushing to Nero with her phone in his face. “Look at the adorable picture he put on my phone.”

Nero and I chuckle as he gently moves the phone out of his face. “It’s the same one he has on his.”

She whips her head back at me with her mouth open. I just shrug. I have nothing to hide when it comes to my attraction to my wife. Well, I have some things to hide, but I don’t think she’s ready to know how deep my obsession goes. “What can I say? I love having you as mine.”

“Same here,” she says, kissing my cheek before hurrying to everyone else.

Nero grabs my hand and shakes it. “Congrats, Dom. She’s perfect for you.”

“I know.” There’s a sense of peace that fills me now that she’s my wife.

“Come on, Giuseppe made a huge lunch.”

“I’m not even hungry.”

“Not for food. Soon, after lunch, sneak her ass to bed.”

“If I do, you won’t see me for the rest of the day until tomorrow. I’ve waited too long for her.”

“I bet. I don’t have an obsession, but I’ve stuck to your father’s edict as well. Bianchi blood runs deep. I’m waiting for my future bride. It’s a pity that I haven’t found her yet.”

“You will one day.”