The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 2


“Beg for it.”

The girl’s eyes fly open, but they’re the wrong color. Not the cornflower blue I want, but dark brown, nearly black. I growl a name that doesn’t belong to her and bury my cock to the hilt inside her mouth. She doesn’t fight me - she knows better than to do that. All my girls have learned by now, resisting me will only end in more pain. So she takes it, mouth opening wide and accepting my dick, licking underneath the shaft, getting her fill of me.

Because as much as these nameless women hate me, they crave me too. I’m everything their sick, dirty nightmares are made of, and I take great pleasure in giving them the pain and pleasure they pretend not to crave.


She uses the momentary reprieve when I pull out of her mouth to turn her pleading eyes to mine.

“Please what?”

“Please let me come.”

“No,” I hiss. “Not here, not with me. You can come with your husband once you’re sent back tomorrow.”

Now she’s clinging to my knees, crocodile tears running down her reddened cheeks. Her fingernails dig into my calves as she tries desperately to get my attention.

“Don’t send me away, Master,” she whispers needily. “Let me stay with you forever. Let me be your good, obedient toy. Don’t make me go back to him...”

“No,” I shake my head, swiping my finger along her bottom lip. “You know that’s not how it works. Your husband is excited to see you. I told him you’ve exceeded all my expectations. Don’t make me take it back.”

“But I don’t want him.” Her bottom lip wobbles as she stares up at me, eager for me to tell her she doesn’t have to go. “Please, Master. I don’t want to leave. I only want you. Please don’t send me away...”

But keeping this toy - or any of them - is not something I’m interested in. I’m not a collector of pretty things, because by the time I’m done with them, they’re broken. I get off on their pain and toss them away once I’ve had my fill. This nameless toy will be happier once she returns to the man who put that rock on her finger. And I know she’ll make him happier than she could have before she came here.

I look her in the eye and shake my head.

“No. You leave tomorrow. And if you don’t stop being a bratty little bitch, I’ll let someone else have this load. Which would be a shame, since I saved it just for you.”

She whimpers, greedily scooting over and trying to suck my cock back inside her mouth. But I don’t let her. Instead, I grab it by the shaft and slap the toy’s cheek, watching her own spit dribble down her chin. I’m getting harder and harder, my cock throbbing with desire to come down her throat.

I’ll always remember her at this moment, right before I’m about to empty my cock.

A glimpse of blonde hair, cornflower blue eyes. Her name, Rain, rings in my head, though I can’t recall many more details than those. My head has been fucked with for too long by many injections, drugs, and pills. I’m no longer the man I used to be, but I’m determined - determined to forget the blonde intruder in my head.

She belongs in my past, not my present or future. All I need to focus on right now is breaking the toy before me into smithereens, making her an obedient companion for her cartel husband.

I bury my cock between her lips. I wanted to torture her more, but judging by the tears sliding down her cheeks, she’s accepted her fate. My work here is done. Releasing this load down her throat will be my special little gift to the toy for learning her place so well.

She chokes and sputters around my cock but doesn’t let up, just like she’s been taught. I groan, rubbing my thumb over her lips in a rare, gentle gesture. Then, before she can think too much of it, I slap her cheek, hard.

The slap reverberates through my cock, which she’s still sucking on desperately.

“Get ready, and don’t you dare come,” I tell her roughly, grinding my teeth as I unload two days’ worth of holding back all the way down her throat. “Fucking swallow it all, don’t let a drop leak out.”

The captive proves again just how much she’s learned, and I fondly remember the day she was brought in. She was timid and shy, refusing to leave her room until I went to pay her a visit. From the first day she sucked my cock, I knew she was addicted to the taste of cum. It really is a goddamn shame her husband uses her as an anal only toy. Staying with me and being broken was probably a welcome reprieve, especially since I fed her most days unless she misbehaved. And she was so grateful. I’m proud of this toy.

Once she’s done swallowing my load, I gently pet her head, leaving her gasping on the floor.

“Good girl.”

She’s still catching her breath as I zip up, half-expecting her to throw herself at me and beg me to stay again. But I needn’t have worried - I taught the girl well.

She smiles at me gratefully, muttering, “Thank you for breaking me in for him, Master.”

“You’re welcome.” I smile. “Make me proud, toy.”

I shut the door behind me and lock her inside.

It was our last meeting, and I trust it was memorable enough for the toy to go home an obedient slut. If she ever steers off her path though, I’ll be here to break her in again - as many times as it takes, though I haven’t had the same toy twice since my first… what a disaster that was. But I was just learning back then, but now, I take a month, tops, to train a girl. And this one was no exception.

As I walk into my office, I check the calendar app on my phone, smirking.

It’s been twenty-eight days, and she’s ready to go back. I’ve won my bet with Liberato.

I walk into the office and narrow my eyes, seeing my partner’s desk is empty. He isn’t usually late, so I’m assuming there’s some kind of problem. Yet my mood doesn’t wear off.

I dig in my desk to find a small bottle and a fresh injection. Tearing off the wrapping, I load up the injection with the transparent liquid from the bottle. Pushing it into my vein is routine by now, and I barely grit my teeth as I release the drug into my system.

Leaning back in my office chair, I draw in a deep breath. My eyes flutter closed as images flash in my mind, reminding me of all the things I’ve lost.

My parents.

My uncle, who betrayed me.


Over the eight torturous years I spent battling for my place in the world, I have forgotten a lot about her. But her name remains, accompanied by the feel of her golden hair beneath my fingertips, and those eyes staring up at me, the taste of our kiss still living on my lips.

It hits me like a gunshot, that taste, that smell. Dirty, exotic vanilla explodes on my tongue, filling me with the memory of that moment as the drug kicks in.

But then it’s gone as suddenly as it appeared, leaving nothing but a bittersweet taste in my mouth.

Where the fuck is Liberato? I have important shit to do, and now I’m high as all hell. If he doesn’t come soon, I’ll have to head to our meeting alone.

The door opens at that moment, and my friend comes inside, muttering curse words under his breath.

“Where were you?”

“Relax,” he grunts. “I’m barely ten minutes late.”

“Seventeen,” I point to the clock on the wall. “What kept you?”

“The Dragon cartel.”

“Don’t we have a meeting with them in an hour?”

“I just spent forty-five minutes convincing them not to cancel it.”

“Why do they want to cancel it?”

Liberato shrugs.

“The leader doesn’t want to show his face.”

I scoff, saying, “You know I don’t do business without looking my opponent in his eyes.”

“It will not be possible this time.”

“Then the deal is off the table.”

“Are you fucking kidding me, Heath?”

His eyes bore into mine.

“I already agreed to meet with one of their Sicarios. You’d better go along with this.”

“No deal.” I shake my head. “I want their leader or nothing.”

“So what do we do?”

“Not go.”

I lean forward with a devilish smile.

“Send a message that way. Once they call - and they will - tell them we’re only meeting the leader face-to-face.”

“It might be our fucking funeral,” Liberato mutters. “But fine, whatever you want.”

He rarely goes up against me, but I can tell he’s tempted this time. But Liberato swallows his protests and makes the call while I wait, pouring myself some booze. I turn my back to my friend and add a white powder to the glass, quickly mixing it up and hoping Liberato hasn’t noticed.

No such luck.

“That shit’s going to kill you.”

“I’d rather die at the peak of my life than at my lowest,” I tell him with a smirk, downing the now milky amber liquid in one go. “You want some?”

“No,” he grunts in response.

“You know, I admire that you’ve gotten clean, but it makes you rather fucking boring.”

He stares me down hard until I chuckle before saying, “I’m serious, Heath. You need to quit the drugs. They’ve fucked with your head for so goddamn long now.”

“I don’t want to,” I reply, a bite to my voice. “Stop trying to make me do shit. You’re not helping.”

“Fine, man.”

He shakes his head and I can tell exactly what he’s thinking without him so much as opening his mouth.

“Your funeral.”

He thinks I’m a failure.

We dug our way out of the cage fights. We became leaders of the Serpent cartel. We brought ourselves up in ranks when everyone thought we were as good as dead. And while Liberato got off the drugs, they used to pump us full of, I never did, and I don’t intend to. I love the rush too much. I can tell that’s what Liberato is thinking about as he faces me with a stern expression.

“Don’t forget, Hermano,” I get out through gritted teeth. “I saved your fucking life. So you don’t get to have an opinion.”

My friend’s jaw tics as it sets into place. I rarely pull out this card, but when I do, he knows to stop. He nods slowly to acknowledge he won’t push the matter. But because I’m a fucking prick, I make myself another drink, mixing in the same powder I used before. This time, Liberato doesn’t say a word.

“I won our little bet, by the way.” I smirk, satisfied with myself. “Twenty-eight days for the last one.”

“Congrats. Under a month. You’re getting better and better.”

We share a knowing grin.

“So what’s the news with our other business?” I ask as I down the next drink.

“We have another client lined up, potentially.”

“What do you mean potentially?”

“I mean, her husband has given her the last warning. One more transgression and she’ll be sent to us.”

“We all know how that’s going to go,” I mutter. “Little brats always break the rules, final warning or not. And we haven’t even said we’d take her.”

“I think you’ll want this one,” Liberato winks. “Rumor is she’s fucking stunning.”

“And who’s feeding you these rumors?”

“Everybody. I have seen no photos, but the gossip on the streets is, her husband lets pretty much everyone fuck her. Degrade her. Humiliate her.”

“And yet she still isn’t broken in?”

I whistle.

“How long has this been going on?”

“Eight years.”

“And he’s only now thinking of sending her here?”

“Apparently he’s a proud guy,” Liberato shrugs. “Wanted to train her himself.”

“Don’t they all. But clearly he’s failed. But that’s where we come in.”

“Damn right,” my friend laughs.

“Fine, agree to take her. And tell him it’ll cost double.”

“I don’t know if he’ll go for that...”

“Trust me, he will. If it’s been eight years, he’s bound to send her here soon. And we’ll do our jobs perfectly, just like we always do. By the time she goes back to him, she’ll be trained to do anything on his command.”

“Another thing,” he adds. “He wants us to hurry.”


I shake my head.

“You can’t rush this shit.”

“I know, but... the guy seemed obsessed with his wife. He won’t want her getting attached to you.”

“Too fucking bad for him, then.”

“Heath,” Liberato grunts. “I’m fucking serious. Think of the last toy.”

I think of the red-haired beauty I fucked a month ago, her taste still lingering on my tongue.

“What about her?”

“She left here screaming for you,” he mutters. “She’s going to spend a lifetime wishing she’d ended up with you.”

“Doubt it.”

“Stop getting these women so attached to you. The point is, they should be broken in for their husband, Heath. Not you.”

“They do anything I tell them.” I take a step closer, glaring at my partner. “And you’re overstepping, L.”

His nickname from before this, from before he named himself Liberato, cuts him deep. I can tell, but I keep pushing, making the wound bigger and bigger.

“Maybe you’re forgetting who set up this business and who dragged us out of the hole we were in before.”

“I’m not forgetting, Heath,” my friend hisses. “I doubt you’d let me forget, even for a second.”

“Why should I? I did all this for us, and you pick on my one nasty habit. What kind of shitty gratitude is that?”

“Fuck you, Heath.”

“I’d watch your tongue if I were you.”

I feel the effects of the drug finally kicking in. These days, it takes at least two bags of powder to feel the familiar rush of adrenaline.

“Or else what?”

“You’re acting really fucking foolish,” I spit out. “Stop.”

“Stop trying to help? I’m trying to save you from yourself, Heath.”

“Well, you’re doing a bad goddamn job. Now leave.”

“Excuse me?”

The glass I’m still holding shatters against the wall as I roar, “Leave!”

Liberato shakes his head, wiping a drop of the poison-filled liquid from his cheek. He doesn’t say a word, just turns his back to me and walks out of the room.

I only realize I’m shaking a moment after. I want to fuck something. Or kill someone.

The drugs are really taking hold of me now and I tighten my fingers into fists, stumbling against the desk.

Fuck. I took too much. Maybe Liberato is right.

But even though deep down I know he is, I can’t help but want to pump something else into my veins. I want that high I’m always chasing, the one that makes me feel whole, like nothing else ever did.

The high where I remember shit, like the feeling of the paper-thin poppy petals between my fingertips, and the smell of Rain’s hair. But all that’s gone forever now, stolen away by my uncle, the one man I thought would always watch out for me.

When my parents died, Xavier, my father’s adoptive brother, saved my life. He then took over as my guardian. He played the role perfectly, and I never suspected the sinister plans he had set into motion the moment we met Rain for the first time.

He never meant for me to marry my betrothed. He was always going to steal her away from me. And one day, I’m going to fucking kill him for it.

I know he’s still out there somewhere - he has to be, because the Scorpion cartel is still running, and there are whispers he’s at the head of it now. What was once the property of the Gunn family has now been usurped by an intruder. An intruder who left me for dead eight years ago.

I feel blood rushing over my knuckles, realizing I’ve dug my nails so deep into my palms I’m bleeding. Cursing, I wipe my palms on my slacks.

Still under the influence of the white powder, I stumble to the windows overlooking our property.

This place if well-hidden, well-guarded and elite as fuck. Nobody comes or leaves without our permission, and nobody knows we’re here. That’s a good thing, because I’m pretty sure Liberato and I have targets on our backs by now. Being the two new cartel leaders in town will do that to you.

Sometimes I find it ironic I’m now doing the exact thing that used to be my worst fear.

When I was still under Xavier’s care, I worried about taking over the cartel, and the morality of it all. But not now. Now, I have no problem putting a bullet into someone’s knees. Or ripping out their goddamn spleen.

Maybe Liberato is right about one thing, though.

This new client... I can’t let her get this attached to me. Because I know he’s right. Our captives falling for their tormentors isn’t anything new, but this one will be different.

I think about the eight years she’s spent with her husband. Years of being a brat, disobeying and disappointing her husband. That won’t fly here. She’ll be broken in soon enough. Maybe I’ll make another bet with Liberato, see how fast I can turn her into a mindless, obedient little slave.

My guess is, it won’t take longer than twenty days.

After all, I’m the best at the job.

The poor little thing won’t even have a choice.

With a smirk on my face, I pour a third bag of powder, this time directly on my tongue. The bitter taste remains as I swallow it down.

Our newest client does not know what’s coming... I will not hold back this time.

And I can’t wait to destroy all her holes.