Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



The ruckus that had broken out in the kitchen after talking to my dad was Karma, the tattoo artist who worked at Human Canvas Tattoo Parlor. She was a panicked mess with a kid in tow. Her cell phone battery was dead, so she came to the compound to warn us about a couple of guys she overheard discussing sending an explosive message.

Karma didn’t know what the targets were. She feared the parlor would be one of them. Living a few doors down, she asked if she and her daughter could stay at the clubhouse. A daughter none of us knew anything about.

The kid was the least of my worries.

My crew and I had bolted out the clubhouse to check on our businesses. We were too late getting to The Bullet before a bomb in a dumpster went off, putting a hole in the back of the building.

Lynx was furious. The bar was his baby. He’d stayed behind with some prospects when I got a call that a tow truck exploded at the club’s auto repair shop. The side of the garage was on fire when we arrived.

But now, we had two of the bastards in our grasp.

I grunted, driving my fist into the fucker’s ribs. Over and over, I took out my rage on the prick Ire and Dodge held up. We caught them preparing to torch the club’s Human Canvas Tattoo Parlor. It was a small victory.

There was no doubt in my mind they were Casso’s men after Karma described them to me. I was also sure I broke a few ribs.

“Where the fuck is Casso?” I clutched his throat, squeezing tight.

His eyes bulged. “Who?”

“Don’t play stupid with me. If you want to live, you’ll tell me where he’s at.” I squeezed his throat more, seething as I stared into his vacant eyes. He was prepared to die for Campbell. I’d be the man to put him six feet under. He wouldn’t see another day.

“Where’s Aspen?” he muttered, saliva dripping down his chin.

“Oh, so you are one of Campbell’s men. Good.” I cut my gaze to the other dude Copper had tied up. He was a younger guy. Seemed more afraid than the one I was beating on. “Are you going to be more cooperative?”

The scared pussy looked from me to his partner.

“Think it over,” I applied more pressure to the prick’s throat. He gagged, his eyes getting wider. Still not a drop of fear was in them. I removed my hand. Before he could take in a full breath, I snapped his neck.

Ire and Dodge let him crumple to the floor.

The scared pussy gasped. “Please.”

“Please what?” I stalked toward him. “If you don’t gimme something, that will be you.” I jerked my chin to his dead friend.

“I’ll talk. I’ll talk.” His voice quivered, body shaking.

“Good.” I clutched his throat. “Are there any more bombs?”


“Where is Campbell?”

“South Dakota.”

This was way too easy. The kid must’ve believed I’d let him live. Stupid fool.

“How many men does he have?” I needed to know what the club was up against, so we could better prepare for war. Campbell was insane. The lengths he went to get Aspen showed his obsession with her. When a man was that crazy over a woman, he’d do anything to get her back. Including bomb the whole fuckin’ town.


“Including you and the dead guy over there?”

He bobbed his head.

“Now he’ll only have fourteen.”


Before he could utter another word, I broke his neck.

Turning around, I eyed Ire and the others. “Get this cleaned up, while I call Raul.”

I went to my cage to get out of the cold. Winter in Minnesota, the frozen north, was brutal. We’d had highs in the single digits but as night approached, the temperature dropped below zero.

I loved this time of year. All month I hadn’t been able to enjoy it with my brothers. No screwing around on our snowmobiles or ice fishing.

This was what being in an MC was all about. We accepted that danger lurked in dark shadows. We’d just gotten used to having peace and quiet the last few years.

“Storm?” Raul answered.

“Yeah. We caught two of Campbell’s men. There are fourteen more.”

“We can handle that.”

“Yes, we can.”

“Get any confirmation on Campbell’s whereabouts?

“He’s in South Dakota.”

“Fuck,” Raul growled.

“I need to get in touch with David. Get an update on Boxer and the others.”

“Okay, keep me posted.” The call ended.

I dialed David next. We’d been busy all evening, I hadn’t gotten a chance to see he made it out to the cabin. I was sure I would’ve heard from him by now.

I hoped they weren’t all dead.


Sugar and I exited one of the rooms in the family unit behind the clubhouse. It was far from complete. No flooring or light fixtures. Just walls, windows, roof, and heat. It would have to do during this chaotic time.

“I can’t believe this,” Sugar whispered as we passed the room Karma and her little girl Nova was in. “We’ve always been safe in the clubhouse.”

“Storm and the others will keep us safe.”

“I’m so glad Karma overheard one of his men at the gas station.”

“Yes. A lucky break, I’d call it.”

Karma left the bathroom with her little girl when she dialed into a guy telling another it was time to send an explosive message.

The club had been in a frenzy since she arrived.

We entered what would be the large kitchen. Candles were glowing, along with some battery-operated camping lanterns. It felt ominous, like awaiting our death because a madman wanted to blow us up.

Storm had the family unit surrounded. Bikers patrolled the structure non-stop. I trusted him to do everything in his power to keep us safe, but even he didn’t know what Casso Campbell was capable of. My poor man was stressed to the max… hell, all of the men were.

Tina and Libby sat on the floor, drinking wine. A little alcohol would be lovely to help calm my nerves. I put my hand on my baby. No chance would I take even a sip.

Sugar, Tina, and I were in charge of getting everyone squared away. I doubted any of the men would sleep, but we set up sleeping bags and air mattresses in some rooms. The other kittens went home. Libby stuck around because she could help Patch if there were any injuries.

Tina turned toward me. “How’s Karma doing?”

“Okay, I think.” I sat beside her. We didn’t know Karma all that well. She’d only been working at Human Canvas for a couple of months. Tara had told me she wasn’t friendly and kept to herself when she and Hero had gotten their tattoos back in November.

Karma’s little girl was quite the surprise. She’d never mentioned having a child.

Sugar took up a spot beside Libby and poured herself a cup of wine. “She seemed really worked up over her daughter. She’s a beautiful little girl. Dark brown hair, fair skin, rosy cheeks, and a perfect cupid’s bow on her pink lips. She’s precious.”

“I suppose she had nowhere else to go with her home being three doors down from the parlor.” I grabbed a handful of pretzels. I wasn’t hungry, but I needed something to do with this nervous energy. Eating was it.

“That’d be too close for comfort if Casso’s men were looking to blow up the club’s businesses,” Tina said. “Especially with a child.”

We all nodded in agreement as Sugar’s sons waltzed in. Markey and Maddox each kissed her on the head. They were terrific boys, always doting on their momma. They’d graduate from high school at the end of May. Maddox was set on prospecting for the club after he turned nineteen. Markey hadn’t really talked about what he wanted to do, other than not be a biker.

She smiled at them. “How’s it going?”

Maddox shrugged. “Tensions are high, Mom. Grandpa just arrived with a unit. Storm isn’t taking the threats lightly.” He winked at me, a cute smile on his face. These boys were handsome, just like their dad and Storm. Sugar already had trouble with girls chasing after them.

I touched my stomach. I wanted to give Storm a son to carry on the Knight family name, but I hoped we’d have a girl first. The male Knights were not easy to manage.

“Yeah, Dad would be proud of the way they’re handling it.” Markey dug two cans of pop out of an ice chest in the corner. He handed one to Maddox. “Still, this shit blows.”

Sugar’s eyes shimmered at the mention of Matt. It seemed to happen more often as of late. I wasn’t sure what it was all about, but I found it endearing.

“Cobra, Buff, and Hustler should be here any time. They’re also bringing some prospects.” Maddox’s gaze darted behind me.

I turned to see Karma with a terrified expression. She looked as if she’d seen a ghost.

“Is everything okay?” I got to my feet.

“Oh, um.” Her eyes flitted around the room. “Yes. I just… just wanted to thank you for everything. I think it’s best if we leave.”

“But it’s so late? You and Nova are welcome to stay as long as you’d like.” I felt it in my bones. Something wasn’t right with Karma.

She shook her head. “No. We can’t impose.”

“I don’t know if Storm will let you leave now.” Sugar came to my side. “He’ll worry the compound is being watched.”

Karma looked down the hallway toward the room Nova was sleeping in. “We can’t stay.” Her panicked expression made my stomach flip flop.

I reached out and put my hand on her arm. “You’re both safe here.”

“Can you please just ask Storm if we can leave? I have family we can stay with. We’re not part of your club.” Karma appeared as if she would come out of her skin.

“I’ll go talk to the Prez.” Maddox stalked out of the room.

“Thank you,” Karma whispered.

“Would you like a cup of wine while you wait?” Libby lifted the bottle.

Karma nodded. “That’d be great.”

We all watched Karma sip her wine. She was beautiful with long, dark brown hair and blue eyes. It could be the low lighting in the room but I’d swear her roots were blonde.

I glanced at Sugar, then Tina, sensing they also thought something was off with Karma. Why hadn’t she ever mentioned her daughter? She’d attended a couple of club parties, but never revealed she had a child. It was strange.

Storm appeared in the doorway. I rushed over to him. “Are you okay?”

He hugged me. “Been better. What about you?” His hand went on my stomach as he pressed his lips to my temple.

“We’re fine.”

“Good. Karma wants to leave?” He peered around me. “What’s this about?”

“Yes. Please. Right now, if possible.” Karma jumped to her feet.

Storm hiked a brow. “You sure? We have plenty of room.”

“I’m sure. I’ll go get Nova.” She darted away.

“She’s odd.” Storm kissed my cheek. “How are you really?”

“Worried about you. And the others.” I took his hand.

“Don’t be. I don’t want you stressing.” That was his way of telling me he feared me losing the baby the way Aspen lost hers. I was farther along than her, just about five months. No matter how many times I told Storm we were in the clear, he still worried about me.

“We’re fine.”

He hugged me again. “I talked to David,” he told the room. “His VP betrayed the club. He went to the safe house and tried to take Aspen.”

“Oh my gosh.” I covered my mouth.

“Did anyone get hurt? Sugar asked.

“Jill’s gone.” He looked at me. “Wolf is a mess.”

Shocked gasps came from the other women.

“What about Boxer and Aspen?” Tears rolled down my face, feeling the enormity of our situation. I couldn’t imagine how devastated Wolf and Boxer were. My heart ached for them.

“They all got out before Campbell arrived.” He caressed my cheek.

Karma appeared with a sleeping Nova in her arms. “We’re ready.”

Storm dropped his gaze to mine. “Try to get some rest and stay calm.”

“I will. Stay safe out there.” I popped up on my toes to kiss him. “I love you.”

“Back at ya, Angel.” He winked.