Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



After taking my shower, I crawled into bed and spooned Aspen. I was quick about it, not lingering. Something was up with her. Yeah, I got it. We’d been through hell today. She’d been through more—and for far longer—before she escaped Campbell’s prison.

But I didn’t think any of that was it.

I couldn’t get over how she pushed me away before the shit with Baldie went down. Something held her back from me. I wanted to know what.

Or was it a who?

She wore my T-shirt to bed. I’d hoped she wouldn’t put on any clothes, but I knew she was still spotting. And it might be weird sleeping together after all this time.

Not for me. But maybe for her.

To show her respect, I put my boxer briefs on.

“Are you okay?” I kissed her shoulder.

“Mhm. You?”

“I’ve been better. Is it okay if I smother you?” I wrapped my body around hers, practically swallowing her up. We molded together perfectly. Her warm body soothed my weeping soul. I was in so much goddamn pain but couldn’t show it. I needed to keep my head clear so I could protect Aspen. I’d surely die if I lost her too.


“Sure? You can say no.” Damn, I hope she didn’t. I needed her in my arms.

“It’s fine.”

“It’s fine? What the hell?” I turned her around to face me. “Listen, I know a lot of time has passed and—”

“Yes, and we both moved on. Don’t you think it’s too late for us?”

Her words hit me like a punch in the gut. “Fuck, Asp. Do you have to be so brutally direct?” I flopped onto my back, staring at the ceiling.

“I don’t mean to be. But… Well…”

“Well, what?” I bit back. If she wanted to crush me the day I found out she didn’t dump me and my sister died, telling me it was too late for us was just the way to do it.

She scooted to the edge of the bed and sat with her back to me. What the hell did I know? Maybe it was too late. Too many years of having hateful, ugly thoughts about each other. Too much goddamn pain.

I guessed I’d been a fool believing we were meant for each other, even when we were apart.

“Libby,” she whispered.

It felt like an elephant sat on my chest. Of course. She’d seen me with Libby. Fuck, I forgot about that.

“I won’t be the other woman, Zach. Yes, feelings I buried a long time ago are still here. But until you decide what and who you want, I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from touching and kissing me.”

Holy hell, she was resolute.

What the fuck? She thought I was with Libby, didn’t she? Fuck no. Not like that.

Who did I want? There was nothing to think about.

I got on my knees behind her and wrapped my arms around her chest. I kissed her neck, inhaling her sweetness.

She sighed, shaking her head. “You still don’t listen very well, do you?”

I snorted, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. “Snow, it’s always been you I wanted. That’ll never change.”

“That’s all well and good, but what about Libby?”

“Libby is a club girl and my friend.”

She stiffened. “A club girl? Like one of the kittens?”

“Yup. In fact, she’s the head kitten. The one in charge of the rest.”

“Is that why she hangs out with the old ladies?”

“No. Libby hangs out with them because she’s a good person, and they like her.”

“Oh.” She peered over her shoulder with an adorable confused look.

“Come here, baby.” I pulled her to turn around and lie back down with me. “I’m not with anyone.”

“But I saw you together.”

“Yeah? Didn’t mean we are a couple.”

“You kissed her in front of me, took her to bed.”

Fuck, I hated this. “I was an asshole. Trying to forget you and hurt you because you hurt me.”

“I understand.” She bit her bottom lip, her eyes dropping to her name tattooed on my chest. She traced it with her finger. “I bet you regretted getting this after you thought I dumped you.”

I caressed her soft cheek with my thumb. “I got it a few months after boot camp. Even after you wouldn’t take my calls.”

Her dazzling green eyes widened. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I loved you and always wanted you with me. Even if you didn’t want me.”

“I did want you, Z. But what if you fell in love with someone else? A tattoo is permanent.”

“So were you. A decade has passed, Snow. Not one woman has come close to making me fall in love with them.” I pulled her toward me. “Can I kiss you?”

She smiled, then quickly wiped it away. “I shouldn’t ask this, but I’m curious. Did you have sex with Libby?”

“Yes. You and I weren’t together, though.”

“You don’t owe me an explanation. She’s gorgeous. The same coloring of hair and eyes as me.”

I winced, knowing that was precisely what attracted me to Libby more than the others. “She’s my friend. It was just sex.”

She grimaced, looking away. “What about the other kittens?”

“I’ve been with all of them.” I wasn’t about to lie. She might hear about it at the club. Those women could be possessive and catty.

Her mouth parted. “All of them. How many women have you been with?”

“A lot. I never thought I’d see you again.” I felt like a chump, but it was the honest truth. I had no reason to not screw around. “What about you? How many guys?”

“Total of five, including you. Casso being the last.”

“I hate him. Was he good in bed?” I had to ask. The competitive side in me needed to know. I’d already purposed to wipe him out of her memory. But I had to know what I was up against.

“Before he made me his prisoner, the sex was good.”

“Just good?” I played it off like a cocky son of a bitch. Fuck, I hated her being touched by someone other than me. Not a damn thing I could do about it, but I hated it just the same.

“Did you want me to say it was mind-blowing?”

I growled, sensing she’d enjoyed the sex more than I wanted to believe. “Don’t tease me about this. I want to chop the motherfucker up.”

She arched her brow. “How was it for you with the kittens?” This was a test I wouldn’t fail.

“Not one of them was as good as you.”

She laughed. “I was sixteen the last time we had sex. I knew nothing about making it good for a guy.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Snow. Being with you made it magical. Especially when we did it under the stars.” I wanted to remind her of when I’d asked her to marry me, but I had a feeling it would spoil our playful moment.

Her finger glided over her name again. “So nothing’s going on with you and Libby? Or you and anyone else?”

I cradled the side of her face. “I’m free. I know it’s only been recent for you and him.”

Her gaze dropped like she was ashamed. “I never loved him. Never loved anyone other than you.”

“I don’t want to rush you. I know you’ve been through hell.” Another time, when we weren’t on the run for our lives, I’d ask her to tell me everything that animal did to her. “But you need to know, I won’t give you up.”

Her gorgeous eyes lifted, full of unshed tears. “I’m so sorry about Jill. I’m responsible for her death.”

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head. “Baldie is responsible for her death. Casso is responsible for all this shit. Don’t you take the blame. If you hadn’t come, we might not have ever known the truth about each other. I’d still be a miserable fuck.”

“I feel awful for hating you all these years.” She kissed my chest. The simple move stirred me up inside, made me lust for her lips everywhere on my body. But it was too soon. “What did Storm say? How long do we have to keep running?”

Dammit, why did she have to ask? The club was in the midst of utter chaos. Random bombings were occurring. Storm said it was Casso sending warnings. A dumpster behind The Bullet was hit, and a tow truck blew up outside the club’s auto body shop. Both caused damage to the buildings. Wolf would be pissed when heard. The garage was his baby.

When I told Prez about Jill, he’d already heard from David. He worried about the guys and me. Told me to give Aspen money and send her on her way to another country so the rest of us could return to the club. Absolutely not happening, was my reply. Prez made me irate as we had words over Aspen.

I’d explained how Jill fucked with our relationship. Storm accepted it, but I could tell he didn’t like Aspen. Too fucking bad, because she wasn’t going anywhere. He needed to deal with it, or I was out. I’d turn in my cut if he couldn’t. If any one of my brothers mistreated her, I’d smash their faces into the ground. But I knew my brothers would be cool about it.

I meant it. I wasn’t ever giving Aspen up again.

“I don’t know.” I reached for the light switch and turned it off. “We should get some sleep.”

“I think we should go back and face Casso like the rest of your club.”

“We’re not having this conversation right now, Snow. I’m exhausted.”

“In the morning, then.” She lifted up, turning my face toward hers. “We will discuss it in the morning. But right now, I want you to smother me with kisses.”

Stubborn little Snow.

Our lips collided.

We moaned, melting into each other. I sucked on Aspen’s bottom lip, delighting in the taste of watermelon. It made me damn happy she’d had her gloss in her coat pocket.

Rolling her onto her back, I ground my growing erection into her leg. I wanted inside her heat. Holding back wouldn’t be easy. I might come, just from kissing her.

She gripped me. “I can help you with this.” She stroked me through my boxer briefs, rubbing her thumb over my slip.

“It’s a tempting offer. But when I come, I want it to be inside you.”

“You must ache, though.” She squeezed my cock.

Ached like she wouldn’t believe as she tortured me in the best possible way.

“I can handle it. Now stop talking so we can make out like when we were teens.”

She tittered, licking my upper lip. “Bruise my lips, Z.”

“Fuck, yeah, Snow.”