Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 20




Kaitlyn’s easygoing nature always surprised me. For someone who had been through so much she was very open and accepting with me and my life.

The other thing that truly surprised me was just how hard I was falling for her. I knew in my heart I was already head over heels in love. The surprise on her face was evident when I had admitted I tended to be very protective over those I loved and that I was absolutely including her in that list. It was true. I loved my mate.

I had hoped it would happen and maybe someday she would fall in love with me too. In the meantime, I could be patient and wait, but I would happily show her just how loved she was every single day.

Now that some of the pressure was off regarding challenges and having her life in danger, I could relax and enjoy being home with my best friend and my gorgeous mate.

Kaitlyn yawned and rested her head against my shoulder.

“Seriously Kaitlyn, how can you possibly be tired? You slept all day,” Tobi teased.

“That doesn’t count,” she managed to say between yawns.

Tobi considered that and then flashed anxious eyes my way. She knew I hadn’t really been in my parents’ old room since their death. As far as I was concerned it was off limits. I was going to have to get over that. It wasn’t fair to Kaitlyn to deny her the large master suite.

I tried to smile reassuringly to Tobi, but I knew she was going to worry anyway.

“I think she’s trying to tell you to leave,” I explained.

“What? No,” Kaitlyn argued.

Tobi laughed. “Yeah yeah yeah, I can take the hint.”

“Really? Can you?”

She stood up and kissed my cheek. “If you need to talk…” she whispered.

“I’m fine,” I assured her.

Tobi sighed, but she did leave.

“What am I missing?” Kaitlyn asked when she was gone.

“It’s fine,” I said. “Nothing to worry about.”

“You’re really not going to tell me?”

I sighed. She’d opened up to me about everything. I hated talking about it, but I knew I had to.

“I haven’t been in the master suite since my parents died. I just can’t bring myself to go in there. I completely changed the office and it’s been fine, but I continue to sleep in my childhood twin bed in the room I grew up in just to avoid theirs. It’s okay though. I can do this.”

“Do what?”

“Sleep in there,” I said softly.

“Why? If it bothers you that much, we’ll just stay in your room.”

“Did you miss the twin bed part?”

She shrugged, as if it were no big deal that I was an Alpha sleeping in a twin bed when there was a perfectly good king bed right down the hall.

“Twins are better to cuddle in,” she said, but she seemed to be struggling to find that positive spin on it.

I laughed. “You say that now, but wait till you see my Star Wars sheets.”

“No way. Are you serious? How did I miss that?”

I groaned. “You already knew?”

“Suspected. You didn’t say I couldn’t snoop around. There’s a couple inches of dust in the master. It will need to be cleaned if we ever plan to use that room. I figured the kid room was yours.”

I was a little embarrassed by that fact, but only a little. It was a perfectly good room and I only ever slept in there.

“I completely missed the Star Wars sheets though.”

She got up to make a run for it, but I was faster. I grabbed her by the waist and picked her up as she squealed.

“There’s a guest room with a queen bed we can use.”

“No way. I’m sleeping in the Star Wars sheets tonight.”

I knew I was going to regret mentioning that the moment it slipped from my lips.

I tried dragging her down the hall to the guest room, which probably also needed a good dusting, but not as badly as the master suite. Kaitlyn was slippery though and managed to get loose and make a run for it.

“Damn, you’re fast.”

She giggled as she threw open the door and leapt for the bed before I could stop her. She ripped back my comforter and froze.

“Oh my gosh. You weren’t kidding! These are like from the 70’s too.”

I rolled my eyes. “They were my dad’s. Are you happy now?”

“Very.” She got up and removed all of her clothes as I watched from the door and then she slid between my sheets, shielding my view. She sighed. “I always did love Star Wars.”

I shook my head and removed my clothes before joining her.

“You’re crazy. We can stay in one of the other rooms.”

“Why? This one is perfect.”




I awoke early, too early. It was like being back had automatically reset me into Alpha mode. I had obligations and a routine. My vacation was officially over.

I smiled down at Kaitlyn laid out across my chest. After we’d made love and gave Han and Chewy a new life lesson, she’d spent most of the night sleeping on top of me instead of beside me. Not that I was going to complain about that.

It did pose a problem as I attempted to roll out of bed without waking her. I had managed to get my legs untangled, and on the floor, as I tried shimmying the remainder of the way from under her.

She laughed.

“You’re awake?”


“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I wanted to see how creative you were going to get trying to get away from me.”

I sat on the floor when she rolled off of me and shook my head. “I was trying to let you sleep in.”

“Well I’m up now, so how about we find some breakfast and maybe I can follow you around and see what you do today. Unless that would be too distracting. In that case, I’m sure I can find stuff to do around here.”

“No, actually that’s a great idea. I want the Pack to see you around and really get to know you. I know they are going to love you if they just give you a chance.” I had almost said, “love you as much as I do,” but I held back. I wasn’t certain Kaitlyn was ready to hear those words from me.

“Do I have time for a shower first?”

“Sure. Mind if I join you? We can speed things up that way.”

She laughed. “Uh, sure.”

I didn’t know what was so funny. As she stood up with her beautiful body on full display to me, I couldn’t help but follow like a lost puppy.

I did give her a moment to relieve herself and warm the shower. I waited to do the same until after she was in there. It wasn’t until I stepped under the hot spray of water and saw her soaping her body that I realized this might not have been the most efficient method for the morning after all.

I was instantly hard and filled with desire.

I took the washcloth from her hands and lathered it up again as I washed my mate from head to toe taking extra care at all of her most sensitive places until she was moaning and starting to go weak in the knees.

The night before I had once again given full control over to her. There had been no hesitation or concerns this time. We seemed to be in a good place, but I was still nervous about pushing her too far too fast no matter how hard it was to push down my carnal urges and take control.

“Landon,” she sighed a soft whisper.

“I want to touch you so badly,” I confessed.

She bit her lip and nodded her permission.

“Kaitlyn are you sure?” I hadn’t really touched her since the drunken night we’d sealed our bond. After she’d told me about being molested all those years ago, it made me feel like an ass to even consider it.

“Yes,” she said.

I stood up to my full height and wrapped one arm around her waist while my other hand slowly drifted down the front of her body.

“We can stop at any time,” I assured her. “I only want to make you feel good, sweetheart. You’re safe. I’m not going to hurt you.”

I wasn’t sure if she needed my assurance or not, but I needed her to understand that.

“Just tell me to stop and I will.”

She squeezed her eyes shut as my fingers lightly brushed against her. I wasn’t certain, but I didn’t think it was water from the shower trickling down her cheeks.

“Open your eyes, Kaitlyn. Stay with me, gorgeous. Right here. Together.”

Her eyes were a little red when she opened them and I understood this wasn’t easy for her.

I hesitated and started pulling back. She wasn’t ready and that was okay.

She grabbed my hand and brought it back to her and smiled.

“I’m okay,” she said softly.

“It’s okay if you’re not.”

“Don’t you dare stop,” she said as she began grinding against my hand.

“Yes ma’am.” I grinned.

My hand became more sure as I watched closely to her responses to my touches. I was still learning my way around her body and hadn’t done a lot of exploration, at least not in this area.

I quickly learned her more sensitive spots. I nudged her legs further apart as my fingers dipped inside her.

She jolted and grabbed my forearm.

I slowed the steady pace I was attempting. I could feel her inner demons surfacing.

“Eyes up here. Stay with me, gorgeous.”

She started to relax again as I found ways to ensure her pleasure. Her face guided me where words failed. It was the most intimate thing I’d ever experienced.

Her breathing started to become labored, and I had to tighten my grip around her waist for fear her legs would fail her. Her motions became more sporadic as she grew closer to her release and her words nearly incoherent as she cried out in sheer bliss.

I held her tight and stayed with her as she rode out her orgasm.

This moment was all about her, but I couldn’t deny how much I enjoyed watching her come apart in my arms. There were tears in her eyes as she collapsed against me. It felt like a huge weight had just been lifted from us both and I knew we were going to be okay.

As she started to come down from her climax, she stared at me and grinned.

“Looks like it’s your turn.”

“I have a better idea,”

I turned her around to face the wall and pushed her hands flat against the cold tile. My larger ones covered hers as I pressed myself into her.

She gasped at the unexpected intrusion.

“Yes,” she cried out.

That was all I needed. I knew I wasn’t going to last long, not after having just watched her open up to me like a butterfly emerging from her cocoon.

I desperately wanted her, needed her and I put every ounce of that into this moment until neither of us could take it any longer. With one more thrust I was coming and she was right there with me.

I kissed her across her shoulder blades and held her close against me.

“That was amazing,” she said, making me feel like I could take on anything life threw my way.

I chuckled. “I don’t think this was quite as efficient as I originally thought.”

She laughed. “Maybe not, but what better way to start the day?”

“Touché. I could definitely get used to this.”

I kissed her and then we took turns quickly showering while trying hard not to touch each other again. It only encouraged a heightened awareness between us that I knew would eventually be worth it, if I didn’t combust first.

Somehow, we managed to make it out of the bathroom without another round of shower sex. Kaitlyn dressed surprisingly fast, and before I could finish.

“Do you have anything for breakfast?” she asked.

“Doubtful. I haven’t been home in a few days, remember? Plus, I generally eat downstairs. Mina does most of the cooking around here now. It’s buffet style, help yourself to anything.”

“But not even a coffee pot?”

I laughed. “Yes, I have a coffee pot. I’m just out of coffee. We can make a trip into town and pick up anything you want to stock in here, or get with Mina and she can just add it to the weekly delivery list.”

“Do you go into town often?” she questioned as I escorted her out the door.

“I go a few times a month. The majority here never leave the territory. In fact, Tobi didn’t really leave this place until she went to Seattle and met Jackson.”

“Wow, that’s crazy.”

I shrugged. “Not really. We just have a simpler life here and don’t really need anything more.”

My biggest concern was that this life I could offer her wasn’t going to be enough for my mate. Those fears worsened when she didn’t respond or even acknowledge my confession. I wasn’t sure what I would do if she decided to leave me. I could feel our bond solidifying and growing stronger by the second.

Everyone was eating downstairs, and a hush fell over the room as we entered the large dining hall.

I received a few head nods from people, but I could see they were still uncertain about Kaitlyn. I didn’t know how to bridge that gap or make this transition smoother for her.

“Good morning.” She greeted each person with a smile and, reluctantly, they acknowledged her too. It wasn’t much, but it was something.

She went to the back of the line where three people were waiting their turn. I took her hand in mine and lead her to the front of the line. She gave me an incredulous look.

I sighed. “The Alpha doesn’t wait, and neither does his Pack Mother. It’s just the way it is.”

She nodded, but I could feel her discomfort with the situation.

“Alpha,” Tobi said formally. “Pack Mother.” She winked at Kaitlyn and I was grateful that she was at the start of the line where we would take our place.

“Sorry,” Kaitlyn mouthed.

Tobi laughed and fell in step behind us as we grabbed plates and started filling them.

“Seriously, it’s my honor and just a small way to show respect. Don’t think anything of it. Even when we were pups, before Landon became Alpha, he was permitted to go to the front of the line.”

“Spoiled much?” Kaitlyn teased.

Tobi snorted. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone less spoiled than Landon. Sure, he can be a brat at times, but he never abuses his power. If it were up to him, he’d wait for everyone else to eat and even go without to ensure his wolves are properly fed. That’s just not acceptable to the rest of us. We take care of our Alpha and his family. That includes you now.”

Kaitlyn solemnly nodded. “It’ll take a little getting used to,” she muttered.

I gave her an encouraging smile as I filled my plate high with eggs and meat. Kaitlyn seemed a little overwhelmed, but never stopped smiling.

Tobi and Dereck joined us at my table as we ate.

“Are you going to speak with the Westin Alpha today?” he asked.

Tobi waved him off. “He did that last night.”

Dereck looked impressed. “All good news?”

“Yes, very good,” I assured him.

I looked around the room. “What accommodations have been granted to the visiting she-wolves?”

“Shelter and Mina takes them meals three times a day. She’s away doing that now. I made it clear that it was not my place to allow them visitation within the Pack Lodge.”

“Thank you, Dereck. I appreciate that. When you have a few moments, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”

He shoveled in two last bites from his plate. “I am always available at your disposal.”

I had just finished eating my own breakfast but was hesitant to leave Kaitlyn.

“Go on. I’ll babysit your girl,” Tobi said.

“I do not need a babysitter,” Kaitlyn insisted. “I really can hold my own.”

I could see her stubborn pride peeking through, but I knew the truth of her past and everything within me screamed to protect her and ensure she never faced another demon in her life. It made it difficult to leave her.

“Go,” she insisted.

I sighed but consented. “Okay. I’ll come find you when we’re done. We’ll be in my lower office,” I informed Tobi, knowing that Kaitlyn hadn’t seen that part of the Lodge yet, or at least I assumed she hadn’t.

“Okay,” Tobi said sarcastically.

“Brat,” I muttered as I got up and walked off, in hopes that Dereck would agree to be my Beta.