Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 19




Landon was crushing me, making it hard to breathe. Something was very wrong, but I knew he would have to calm down before I got any details.

I stood there just letting him hold me until his body stopped shaking and he finally started to relax. My hand rubbed up and down his back in an attempt to soothe him further.

He sighed.

“Are you okay?” I finally asked.

“Not really.”

“Tell me.”

He took a deep breath. I could feel regret rolling off of him in waves. “Recently I joined the Grand Council of Packs. With that comes certain rules, including mating rules.”

I sighed. “The Challenges. Have they started already?”

He shook his head. “No, and Dereck seems to think there might be a way out of them for us. I need to talk to Kyle Westin and find out the details, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are seven she-wolves already in my territory ready and willing to try.”

“Already? Have you even made an official announcement yet?”

“No, only to my wolves. I didn’t even know I had to do that until Dereck informed me. Coming from Westin Pack, he’s more aware of these things than I am.”

“Do you even understand what the Challenges are all about?”

He gave me a look I couldn’t quite interpret.

“We aren’t quite that backwoods here, Kaitlyn.”

“I wasn’t saying you were,” I argued.

“The Challenges are an ancient wolf rite. We’ve always recognized that, but I can’t remember the last time we actually had a challenge issued here. It wasn’t like we notified other Packs. It was just amongst ourselves and well, there just isn’t a high demand or need for such a thing here.”

“How did they get here so quickly?” It didn’t make sense.

He frowned. “I’m the newest Alpha to sign the Grand Council alliance. I’m young and, until very recently, unmated.”

I grinned. “Their Alphas sent them in hopes you’d take one as a mate.”


I laughed. “How’s that working out for them?”

“How can you find humor in this? One already tried to initiate a Challenge against you.”

I shrugged. “Despite what I’ve told you of my past, I’m stronger than I appear.”

“You’re the strongest person I’ve ever known,” he said, and I knew he wasn’t just saying that.

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him then hugged him tightly.

“Damon and Sawyer both trained me personally. I know how to fight and if it comes down to it, I can hold my own, Landon. Trust me on this.”

“I do trust you. I’m just terrified at even the thought of losing you.”

No one had ever really cared about me the way Landon did. I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do to ensure we stayed together.

“You are mine,” I told him.

He nodded and kissed me. His kisses became possessive and heated quickly. Sensing the threat myself, I was quickly becoming just as amped up with a need to prove he was still mine.

Gone were the plans and ideas I was working on for the apartment. They no longer mattered. The only thing I cared about was here and now.

I ran my hand through his hair and moaned as his tongue tangled with mine. He smiled and nibbled at my bottom lip. He was teasing, but I wanted so much more.

I reached for his shirt and untucked it. He backed away with a smirk as I pulled it over his head and tossed it onto the floor.

His large hands went to my waist as he found the hem of my own shirt and tugged it up and off to add to the pile we were creating.

His hand covered my breast over my bra as I moaned again.

The door opened and I froze.

There was a screech.

Landon growled as he pushed me behind him to cover me with his body.

“What the hell, Tobi?” he demanded.

“Sorry. Dereck told me what happened. I thought you’d be upset and just wanted to help.”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “More like possessive.”

“Well I can see that now. Gah. I’m never going to unsee that.”

I laughed some more and stepped out behind him.

“It’s not like there was really anything to see, yet.”

“Says you. I get he’s your mate, but gah! No. I can’t see him like that.”

“Like what?” I asked before I could stop the words from tumbling out of my mouth.

“Like that! You know, in the throes of passion. Ah, no, I think my eyes are bleeding now.”

“Good thing you didn’t wait another few minutes,” I grumbled grabbing my shirt off of the floor and putting it on while throwing Landon his as he shot me an irritated look.

I knew he wasn’t really irritated with me, just frustrated by the sudden interruption.

“Here’s a thought, Tobi,” he said sarcastically. “You could, I dunno, leave!”

“Yeah, I will, but first, are you really okay?”

He sighed and sat down on the couch. He pulled me down with him but motioned for Tobi to join us.

“I’ll be fine. We’ve always welcomed the Challenges. I just don’t know how to handle this. I wanted to rip their throats out, especially the one called Mallory who had the audacity to request a challenge the second she heard I’d taken a mate. A part of me knows I should allow it, but I don’t think I can survive this. I’m going to do something stupid.”

Tobi snorted. “You’re definitely going to do something stupid.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” he grumbled.

“You aren’t going to do anything stupid,” I said glaring at Tobi. “We’re going to get through this stronger than ever. Isn’t that the point of the challenges?”

He nodded. “I’m still going to talk to Kyle about it before I submit my formal announcement. If there’s any way to get you out of this, I will.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m a big girl, Landon. I can handle this.”

“But I don’t think I can. You don’t know how protective I am of those I love. I’m going to kill someone.”

Tobi bit her lip, but I could see she was giddy having heard him drop the L-word. I knew he was just upset. He couldn’t possibly mean he was in love with me. Not this soon at least. I hoped it would happen someday, though. I knew I already cared a great deal for him. Enough to fight for my life to remain by his side.

“I’ve heard that some of the packs are refusing Challenges for true mates. You guys are true mates,” Tobi pointed out.

“That’s what Dereck said too. That’s why I need to talk to Kyle.”

“So what are you waiting for? Call him,” she urged.

“It can’t hurt, I guess.”

I didn’t actually want to fight anyone to the death, but I would do whatever was necessary.

Landon picked up his phone and dialed Kyle’s number. It was still a little surreal that he was an Alpha. When it was just the two of us it was so easy to forget that, but being back here in his territory was like seeing him in a whole new light.

“Kyle? Hey, do you have a minute to talk? I have a problem that I’m hoping you can help me with.”

Landon dove in to recount what had happened since our return.

My head was swimming with the realization it had only been a few hours yet so much felt like it was changing quickly. I’d met the Pack. They didn’t exactly seem thrilled with our announcement, but I had held my head high and refused to be discouraged by it.

I was going to have to win them over, but that was okay. I didn’t mind putting in the work, and Landon was right, a lot of the things I’d been studying in hospitality included dealing with people and defusing hostile situations. I had a feeling that those lessons were going to come in handy around here.

The fact that he was letting me remodel our quarters was huge for me. I was so excited that I’d gotten started right away. I had a million different ideas for the place.

But the thing that kept resurfacing the most was the memory of the old run-down hotel that was near the highway. I knew there wasn’t much of a chance I could resurrect it, but I wanted badly to at least try. I would have to bide my time on that one and find out more about the place and what Landon was considering doing with it. If solid offers were coming in then it might be more beneficial to the Pack to sell it, but I also sensed that my mate was a proud Alpha who would rather do almost anything, before selling off Pack land.

“Wait, are you serious? Can I put you on speaker?”

I could have been listening to his conversation, but I had zoned out with visions of what that hotel must have looked like in its glory days.

Landon set the phone down on the table and Tobi and I leaned in to really listen.

“Okay, can you repeat that, Kyle?”

“Sure, so Thomas and I along with a few other packs have submitted a notice to the Grand Council that until the Challenges have been reviewed and reconsidered for an exemption of true mates that we will not be accepting challenges against true mates. They have not addressed the issue whatsoever. Therefore, we have agreed that until they do, we will hold the course—no challenges for true mates. Not every pack has signed onto this, so really it’s up to you.”

I didn’t dare let myself get my hopes up, but it was clear Tobi and Landon considered it a done deal.

“What do I need to do to make this happen?”

Kyle chuckled. “I suppose you would want to before the she-wolves descend. There aren’t many Alphas unmated at the moment. Sawyer’s about it and I think the ladies gave up on him years ago.”

Landon groaned. “We only arrived today with seven of them already here waiting. They didn’t even know about Kaitlyn yet. At least one of them has already requested a challenge. Of course, I denied it explaining we hadn’t even given an official announcement. Truthfully, I don’t even know what that means or what I need to do, but Dereck mentioned it too, so I ran with it.” 

“Nice. Yes, you will need to just send an email to the Grand Council members explaining that you have found your true mate, and have sealed a bond with her. But first, make sure you submit the letter denying true mate challenges. I’ll send you a copy of what Thomas and I sent to them. You can just update your pack information on it and then send that to them. Then afterwards, you can let them know about your mate. After that, it’s really up to you, Alpha.”

“Thank you, Kyle. You have no idea how relieved I am by this.”

“I really should have explained all of this while we were at the ARC. I honestly didn’t think about it. I’m glad Dereck had you reach out to me. He’s a good man.”

“He is. I’m considering asking him to be my Beta.”

“Wow, are you growing that quickly?”

“Not really, but right now I’m a twenty-four hour Alpha and we’ve only been home a few hours and it’s already…”

“Driving you insane because you want alone time with your mate?”


“You’re a wise man then. Dereck will make a great Beta to you, though I’m surprised you didn’t choose Jackson.”

He looked up at Tobi. “I would have, but I’m not sure he’ll ever give full allegiance to me. Plus, he’s starting his own business venture and his attention would be divided.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“If he and Tobi decide to stay here on a more permanent basis, down the road of course, I’d actually like to ask Tobi to be my second Beta.”

“Tobi? A female? That’s ballsy of you. I’d support it. I know damn well how powerful a she-wolf can be. Therefore I try very hard never to cross my mate.”

We all laughed. I knew well that Kelsey was not a wolf to be challenged. She was one of the strongest wolves I’d ever met and would bring any male to his knees if she truly wanted, and from what Chase had shared, Kyle absolutely knew it.

The men said their goodbyes and Landon disconnected the call feeling much relief.

It sort of wigged me out that I could feel his emotions so clearly already.

“Do you mean it?” Tobi asked him. “You’d want me for one of your Betas?”

“Of course I mean it. You’re my best friend, Tobi. There’s no one I trust more.”

Landon’s eyes widened and he quickly looked at me.

I laughed, entirely unaffected by his words. “It’s okay. I think she’s more like a sister than best friend though.”

“Damn right,” Tobi agreed.