Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 6




I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I couldn’t back down for a challenge, especially when my mate was at stake. My wolf was furious and demanded we protect her, but I had agreed and I didn’t know how to get out of it now, not even when the girl stomped away.

The only thing that relaxed me was seeing Tobi walk over to talk to her. Clearly, she was someone she knew.

Kait. That’s what the guy had called her, yet it didn’t quite suit her.

I smirked. My mate had a name.

“What are you smiling about?”

“It’s dance time.” I took a few steps back. With my large size, that meant people noticed and moved away. Soon the floor was cleared as a circle formed around us. I pointed to Kian. “Your challenge, you’re first.”

The music shifted as he started jumping in the air really getting the crowd around us hyped up before he broke into some moves. He was sleek and smooth in his moves ending with a half split on the floor. Before pointing to me and stepping back.

I dropped to the ground in my own half split and slowly and dramatically rose back up before I started stepping to the beat and feeling my way to my finish. When the music stopped, I did too, and pointed back at Kian.

“Ohhh!” our audience screamed.

I had no clue what I was doing. I had never danced in front of anyone before, well, except Tobi. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I was following his lead and putting my own spin on it. Where he was smooth, I was large and dominating. I used that to my advantage and let the energy in the room fuel me on.

After our back and forth, the beat changed to a faster even more energetic one and suddenly we were both dancing until the very end.

The crowd went wild. I had no idea if I had won or not. I was entirely caught up in the moment.

Kian grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

“You hurt Kaitlyn, and I’m coming for you with the entire doghouse at my back.”

Kaitlyn. I practically gushed while nodding in sincerity.

I had no idea what this guy saw in my actions, but somehow it was like he knew she was mine because he didn’t warn me to stay away from her, just not to hurt her. He cared about her, that much was obvious. Yet, my wolf felt no threat from his words.

He turned to walk away, but he headed back to the dance floor.

I scanned the room, finding Kaitlyn still at the bar in the opposite direction of her date.

I made a hasty line right for her.

“I really hope those aren’t on my account,” I told her noting the empty glasses stacking up next to her.

She stared at me and then blinked.

Yup, I was certain she was freaking out about everything.

I didn’t feel like I was going to lose it, though. There was an uncomfortable calm about my wolf now that she was back in sight.

Still, I’d just made a complete fool out of myself in a room full of strangers simply to keep from tossing her over my shoulder and running back to Canada.

“I’m Landon,” I said cautiously.

“I know. I heard you say it to Kian.”

“Is he your boyfriend?”

Her stoic face cracked, and she laughed. “No.”

I knew there was a lot more she wasn’t saying, but I could assume by her reaction that she wasn’t seeing anyone. That helped some.

“You’re Kaitlyn, right?” I asked when she didn’t tell me.

“That would be me.”

Her spine stiffened and she pushed me away.

“Please, don’t do anything stupid. He will kill you,” she whispered.

She jumped down from the chair and intercepted a man and woman approaching.

“You’ve been drinking,” the man frowned.

“I’m fine, D. Just having a little fun. I’m not that drunk.”

“No more, Kaitlyn. I’m serious.”

“You know he’s just going to worry all night.”

“Fine,” she agreed.

I wanted to know who the guy was who thought he had some sort of right to tell my mate what to do. My wolf had stirred the second she walked to him and all I could see was red.

Jealousy raged within me.

I wasn’t this guy though and I refused to be. With great effort, I pushed my wolf back. It was a huge internal battle waging within me, but ultimately my human side won.

A slap across my cheek brought me fully back.

“Hey, Landon. Pull it together. You cannot wolf out in here,” Tobi said.

Kaitlyn walked away from the guy and I started to calm down, though my wolf and I were both uneasy with her out of sight.

I took a deep breath. “I’m fine.”

“You didn’t look fine,” she challenged. “What’s wrong?”

Jackson scanned the room and sighed. “He’s not used to having other Alphas around, Tobi. We should have considered that. There are several here tonight. Maybe we should call it an early night.”

I saw Kaitlyn leaving through a side door.

“No, I’m fine, really. Look, I’ll head out and get checked into my hotel. It’s been a long day, that’s all,” I lied. That wasn’t all. I’d found my mate and I didn’t know what to do about that.

I could tell by the look on Tobi’s face that she knew there was more to it than that, but Jackson was also trying to use me as an excuse to leave, and she knew it. In the end, her stubbornness leaned towards him, not me. I used that to my advantage to get away. I headed straight for the door I’d seen Kaitlyn leave through. No one stopped me or even seemed to notice.

The door did not lead to outside. Instead, I found myself in a hallway. I picked up her scent easily and followed it up the stairs and to a door that was shut.

I knocked gently.

“Please Kian, go away. I’m fine. I just have a bit of a headache,” I heard Kaitlyn say.

I knocked again.

I could sense her frustration as the door flew open. She stood there, still wearing that damn mask that hid her from me, but the dress was gone, and she was just in a pair of tiny shorts and a sports bra. I was instantly hard, uncomfortably so, embarrassingly so.

“Landon. What are you doing here?”

I loved hearing the sound of my name roll from her lips so easily.

“You escaped so quickly, I just needed to know that you are okay.”

She moved to cover herself and a small growl escaped me. Her eyes widened and she dropped her arms to her side.

I shook my head and reached for them crossing them over her chest and trying not to touch anything in the process. It was better she covered herself as if somehow that would make any of this easier.

Yes, much better. I removed my jacket and draped it around her, engulfing her small form.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to growl,” I tried to explain feeling awkward in my own skin.

She stared at me for a minute, and then burst out laughing, but there was uncertainty in her eyes when she looked back up at me. Still, her laughter calmed me.

“It’s not like I can help it,” I joked, trying to set her at ease and maybe be granted another round of laughter.

“If you’re going to insist on staying, then come in and shut the door before someone sees you.”

I was put off that she didn’t want anyone to see us together, but then I was also happy to be alone with her. It was a confusing state that I wasn’t used to being in.

I walked in behind her noting she didn’t remove my jacket as I shut the door. It pleased my wolf that she was covering herself in our scent, even if I wasn’t sure she realized she was doing it.

She walked towards the bed and I knew it was best if I stayed closer to the door. I would never hurt her or do anything she wasn’t in full agreement of, but I didn’t trust myself not to try and persuade her. I had never wanted anyone or anything as much as I wanted Kaitlyn and it was still freaking me out a bit.

“Are you not going back to the party?” I asked curiously.

“Nope. You challenged my date to a dance off.”

“No I didn’t. He challenged me.”

“But you accepted.”

“I’m a wolf, Kaitlyn. Besides, what kind of mate would I be if I backed down from a challenge? Especially a mere dance?” I knew it could have been a far worse challenge, and I was well aware that the potential for more was still to come, but I didn’t dare say that aloud.

“Well, at least you’re a wolf I guess.”

“Did you expect me to be anything else? Are you not a wolf too?”

“I am, but around here, you never can tell.”

I wasn’t sure what she was getting at. I knew there was a variety of shifter types at the ARC, but surely they didn’t intermingle quite like she was insinuating.

She sighed. “Yes, dogs can be mated to cats, or any other odd animal spirit pairings.”

“But we’re true mates,” I told her enjoying the tinge of color that brightened across her cheeks.

“Even true mates,” she insisted.

“I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“Well, I’ve seen it firsthand. It’s possible, trust me.”


She sat down on the edge of her bed and removed her mask.

I stared in wonder as I saw my mate’s face for the first time.

“Beautiful,” I whispered reverently.

She seemed uncomfortable with my compliment. I made a mental note to do it often until she understood that I absolutely meant it.

I had never seen a more gorgeous creature.

“Well come on,” she insisted.

“Excuse me?”

“I took mine off, now it’s your turn.”

I didn’t know what she was talking about. Take my what off? Surely she didn’t want me to strip down to my underwear as she had done.

She laughed. “Your mask, Landon. Take off your mask.”

“Oh,” I said quickly removing it.

She eyed me curiously and I wished I knew what she was thinking. Did she like what she saw? Was she disappointed? I’d never been so self-conscious in my entire life. I was a proud Alpha, not this insecure creature she was reducing me to under her intense scrutiny.

“I’ve never seen you around here before. I’m certain of it.”

“I’ve never been around here before,” I admitted.

“Are you in town for the graduation then?”

“Yes. Are you graduating?” I asked hopefully. I wanted to know everything about this girl.

“I am.”

There was so much more she wasn’t saying. I was fascinated by her and wished she’d say more. I didn’t even care what about, I just wanted to hear her talk.

“Do you want to sit?” she blurted out.

“Um, no.”



“Why not?”

“Because I’m feeling things for you that I probably shouldn’t so quickly,” I confessed.

She gave me a curious look and smiled. “That’s very gentlemanly of you.”

“Nope, definitely not, but by keeping some distance I am trying.”

“You’re kind of weird, Landon. Most guys would be fully taking advantage of this moment.”

There was something dark in her eyes and the way she said it sounded like she had a sour taste in her mouth that she didn’t like.

“I’m not most guys, Kaitlyn.”

“I can see that,” she said softly.

My phone chimed with an incoming call. Out of habit, I reached for it and saw a text from Tobi and Jackson. They were at the hotel.

I sighed.

“Is everything okay?”

“My friends came by my hotel to check on me.”

“That was sweet of them.”

I cringed. “I haven’t actually made it over there to check in yet.”

“But they think you did?”

I nodded.

“Why haven’t you?”

“Because I needed to find you first.”


“Would you like to come with me?”

She shook her head, and it felt a bit like she had just run me through with a double edged sword.

“The graduation ceremony is tomorrow, and I have to be up early.”

“Okay,” I managed to say. “Will I see you tomorrow?”

“If you’re going to the ceremony, then I guess you will. It’s not that big of a graduating class.”

“I look forward to it then. Good night, Kaitlyn.”

I turned to leave, already chastising myself for sounding so stupid. I was doing the right thing though, at least I thought I was.


I turned back quickly, excited that maybe she didn’t want me to go any more than I wanted to leave her.

She was removing my jacket from her shoulders.

“You forgot your coat.”

I growled unhappily. “Keep it.”

I turned and walked away, feeling my wolf too close to the edge. I didn’t trust him not to surge again and I was exhausted, confused, elated. I didn’t want to walk away from her, but I knew I had to. I needed time to pull myself together because I was quite certain I was going into shock.

My mate. I had a mate, and her name was Kaitlyn.