Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 7




What just happened?

He was gone. He had really just turned and walked away.

I was sitting here practically in my underwear, covered in his delicious scent. I was horny as hell and would have agreed to just about anything with him, and he chose to walk away.

I flopped down on my back and stared up at the ceiling, still cloaked in his jacket trying to decide how I felt about this sudden change in plans.

I never planned on taking a mate. Then again, I never dreamed I’d actually meet my one true mate. Now that he was here, I was more confused than ever.

One thing was certain—Landon was hot!

My body tingled all over just thinking about him. I knew he had a solid body and was in great shape from dancing with him.

I sighed remembering what it had felt like as he held me. I’d felt safe. I couldn’t remember ever truly feeling safe like that before.

But when he took his mask off, that’s when I actually swooned. He was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. He was dark and a little brooding, but there was this boyish awkwardness to him that endeared me the most.

A knock at my door, had me excited and jolting upright. He’s returned. My heart started pounding in my chest with the anticipation.

“Come in,” I yelled.

Kian walked in and my happiness immediately soured as I groaned and laid back down.

“Relax. I’m just checking on you.”

He looked around the room and I knew he expected to see Landon there.

“He’s not here.”

“Who?” he asked trying to play coy.

“Landon. He already left.”

“So he did follow you?”


“And you kicked him out?”


“Wait, he left on his own?”



“Huh?” I asked sitting up to look at him like he was insane.

“It was clear he was into you, and unless I completely misread the situation, you were kind of into him too. I’ve never seen you look at a guy around here like that before.”

“Is that why you challenged him to a dance off?”

He laughed easily. “Hey, if he couldn’t handle a simple challenge like that then for sure he wouldn’t be good enough for you.”

I snorted. “So you’re saying he is?”

“Good enough for you?”

I nodded.

He shrugged. “He was a good sport about it and actually, your boy can dance.”

I shook my head but I couldn’t keep the grin off my face.

“You know you’re covering yourself in his scent, right?”

I wrapped the jacket tighter around me.

“He’s your mate, isn’t he?”

“What? Why would you say that?”

“I know you, Kait. We’ve gotten to be really good friends, and I’ve never seen you act like this about a male before, and I don’t really think you would for anyone less than your true mate.”

“Is it really that obvious?”

He grinned. “You have been drinking tonight, not that I blame you. Heck, I’d probably go on a binge if my mate showed up out of the blue.”

“Wait, you don’t want a mate?”

“I do, it’s just after the whole Jenna and Chase thing, I’m a little terrified.”

“You’re worried she won’t be a panther?”

“Terrified,” he confessed. “How about this Landon guy? Is he a wolf?”

“Yeah, he is.”

“That’s good, right?”

“I don’t know, Kian. You know I don’t want a mate.”

“I get that, Kait, but maybe you need one. I wouldn’t close my heart off too fast if I were you. You are a strong independent woman, but it’s okay to let people close. We’re not all going to hurt you.”




Kian’s words had kept me up late into the night, even more so than the constant thud from the music downstairs. Did I really shut people out? I felt like I had a lot of friends, but there was a sting of truth to his words too.

I didn’t see or hear anything more from Landon. By the next day, I could have almost made myself believe I’d imagined him…almost. Then, since I had overslept, I had to rush to get ready for my graduation ceremony. The other girls had gone ahead without me and I didn’t have time to swing by the doghouse first.

I sprinted across campus to the quad where the stage had been set up while the yard was adorned with chairs filled with spectators. I quickly found the lineup.

“Kaitlyn, nice to see you made it,” Lachlan teased as I ran by him and slid into my place just as the music began to play.

Breathe, Kaitlyn, it’s almost over, I reminded myself.

I planted a smile on my face and followed the person in front of me up the aisle of people to my seat. About halfway there, I felt a tingle run down my spine. I couldn’t seem to stop myself from looking around until my eyes locked with Landon’s.

He grinned and then winked at me. My heart did a little flip in my chest.

Dammit, this is not good.

It took a lot to force my attention away from him and back to my task at hand. I know several people got up and said some words that I paid no attention to and didn’t really hear.

Before I knew what was happening, they were calling names and my classmates were walking across the stage to receive their diplomas. I barely heard them call my name.

With a deep breath and a big smile, I took my turn. When I reached Dean Shannahan in the middle of the stage, he presented me with a rolled up piece of paper. We had already been told it wasn’t our real diplomas. Those would be coming in the mail in a few weeks. This was just a blank page symbolic of the diploma we had each earned.

I received it in one hand while I shook hands with the Dean in the other.

When we both turned towards the audience for pictures, a loud whistle pierced through the noise. I looked over just in time to see Landon sitting with the doghouse. His fingers were in his mouth as he cheered the loudest.

I stood a little taller as I thanked Shannahan and exited from the stage to return to my seat.

The rest passed in another blur. When the others rose to their feet, I assumed we’d reached the end of the ceremony. My mind had been a million miles away wondering where Landon had come from, who he knew in the doghouse, and a hundred other questions.

As graduation caps flew in the air, I faked throwing mine too. I didn’t want to lose it. I’d worked hard for this moment and that cap symbolized a bit of that. I fully intended to keep it.

As the Dean adjourned us all, the previously calm and orderly lawn became a complete madhouse. I tried to make my way back to where Landon was sitting with my friends, though a small part of me considered running as far in the opposite direction as possible.

I was curious about him yet terrified to get too close.

Sawyer found me first.

“Kaitlyn! Over here,” my Alpha said.

“Sawyer? I didn’t know you were coming here.”

He shrugged. “I do try to be present when one of my wolves graduates. It’s a huge accomplishment and I’m very proud of you.”

I hugged him, though my actions were stiff. Sawyer was a great Alpha of Longhorn. It wasn’t his fault that just seeing him brought back so many bad memories for me.

“Have you decided what you’re going to do next?” he asked me.

“I’m not coming back to the Pack if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I think we need to talk about that,” he said calmly.

“Talk about what?” Damon asked as he joined us.

“Kaitlyn’s plans for the future,” Sawyer said calmly. That instantly set Damon on the defense.

He growled. “She’s not returning there. She’s made that very clear.”

“I can’t protect her outside my borders, Damon.”

“You couldn’t protect her inside them either,” he reminded my Alpha.

I gasped. I couldn’t believe he would blurt that out like that.

“What’s going on?” I heard Tiffany ask Mila nearby.

“I don’t know yet. Grab some popcorn, I think we’re about to get an Alpha fight.”

I groaned. My sorority sisters always did love drama.

“She isn’t your concern, Damon.”

“Well maybe she should be.”

“You already have a mate,” Sawyer pointed out.

“I’m talking about her shifting allegiance to the Alaskan Pack.”

“Settle down, pup. You aren’t Alpha yet.”

Damon growled and took a step closer.

“Simmer down, both of you,” a large authoritative voice said.

I looked up to see Alpha Zach, former Alpha of Collier Pack, approaching with his son Thomas, the current Alpha fast on his heels.

“Now what’s the meaning of this?” Zach demanded.

“Nothing that concerns you,” Sawyer informed him.

“I’m only trying to help.”

“Kaitlyn is my charge, and I will determine what is best for her.”

A low growl emanated from just behind me. I didn’t have to turn around to know Landon had just joined the party and it was clear he had no idea what he was jumping into.

Four Alphas and Landon was pushing me behind him and threatening them all with his actions.

“Why do Alpha types always go for her?” Mila asked. “I just don’t get it.”

“I don’t know, but I’d take the hottie any time. Who is he?”

“I don’t know. I’m certain I’ve never seen him before, but I’d like to see more.”

I glared at Mila and Tiffany warning them to back off.

I tried to step around Landon to try to calm the tempers flaring, but he was being stubborn and wouldn’t allow me to pass.

“Just who the hell do you think you are?” Sawyer asked.

“I’m her true mate, that’s who I am.”

I groaned.

Mila squeaked in excitement, but Tiffany pouted.

Kyle Westin made his way over as Landon continued to hold his own as he stared down the other four Alphas.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?”

No one said anything, finally Thomas stepped in and filled him in.

“Landon, is that true?” Kyle asked.

I was just as surprised as the others that Kyle would know who he was.

“Who is this, Kyle?” Sawyer asked.

“Sawyer, this is Landon Lowery, Alpha of the British Columbia Pack.”

“The new pack recently accepted by the Grand Council?” he asked.


Sawyer eyed Landon curiously.

“Kaitlyn, is what he said true?” Damon asked.

I sighed. “Yes.”

I was so embarrassed and just wanted to crawl under a rock.

“She has no intentions of taking a mate,” Sawyer said softly. “I hope you are aware of that.”

“I wouldn’t be so certain. If he is her true mate, well that has a way of changing people’s opinions,” Thomas said affectionately as a very pregnant blonde woman waddled over to his side.

“Wow. There is way too much testosterone going on right here. I’m going to need you all to take a deep breath and two steps back.”

“Lily, not now,” Thomas warned.

“What? A hostile environment is not good for the baby.”

Much to my surprise, all six Alphas present did as she asked.

Alpha. Landon was an Alpha. He wasn’t just some friend visiting for the celebrations. He was here supporting someone just like the rest of them.

I didn’t particularly have anything against Alphas. Sawyer had tried his best to do right by me, and he’d stepped in to intervene when he found out the truth.

“Does he know, Kaitlyn?” Damon asked.

“This isn’t the time, D.”

“He’s your mate. He needs to know.”

“I said not now.”

“Know what?” Landon turned to me with questions in his eyes.

“Later,” I whispered.

I didn’t want to explain my past to him. It was no one’s business but mine. I was going to punch Damon when this was over.

“You tell him, or I will tell him,” he threatened.

I was shocked. Damon had sworn he’d keep my secrets. I couldn’t understand what had changed or why he was airing it out in the open now.

Landon pulled me around to his front as if he refused to turn his back on the other Alphas. He stared into my eyes. I could see his wolf was close to the surface. I sighed. I hated seeing the uncertainty there and knowing it was my fault.

I shouldn’t care what Landon thought. He was nobody to me, but even as I thought the words, it felt like acid burning up through my chest. I didn’t want to care. I knew absolutely nothing about this guy, but I cowered at the look shining bright in his eyes and hoped he’d never look at me in that way again.

“We’ll talk later, okay?”

“Let it be, Damon,” Karis told him. “Kaitlyn can handle herself.”

I wasn’t sure what he had or hadn’t told her about me, but I sure was grateful for her intervention that seemed to instantly calm him down.

“Whew, I think we’re finally finding some peace here, this is good. This is real good. There’s just one thing left to ask really,” Thomas’s mate said. “Where the heck is the bathroom around here?”

“Lily!” Thomas and Kyle said at the same time.

“I am not joking here. My bladder is about the size of a damn pea and this kid of yours is playing hacky sack with it,” she insisted as she poked Thomas in the chest.

It instantly diffused any remaining tension amongst the group.

“Sorry. My sister has no filter,” Kyle apologized.

“Come on Lily. Let’s find you a bathroom,” Zach Collier said with a twinkle in his eye as he escorted her away.

“I better go help. She’s a handful on a good day, but pregnant, I swear she’s psychotic. I do not envy Thomas one bit and thank the Lord every day that my mate handled pregnancy a whole lot better,” Kyle said with a laugh. “Landon, we’ll talk later, okay?”

“Sure thing, Kyle.”

Sawyer extended his hand to Landon. “You have an amazing mate here. If she decides to accept you, I’ll be watching, and you damn well better take good care of her.”

He turned and walked away.

Damon moved to speak, but Karis intervened.

“We’re going to go cool off now. Landon, it’s nice to meet you. I hope we catch up soon. You’re Tobi’s Alpha, right?”

He relaxed a bit and smiled that smile that made me swoon. “I am. I’m very proud of all she’s accomplishing here and look forward to having her and Jackson home for the summer.”

“Tobi didn’t give allegiance to Westin Pack?” I asked curiously.

“No. Kyle and I have worked out a truce. They belong equally to both of our packs.”

“So you’re really an Alpha?”

He hesitated slightly before nodding. I couldn’t help but wonder why he seemed so humbled by that fact.