Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 8




So Kaitlyn had some secrets about her past. I could deal with that. After all, I did have my own secrets too. I wasn’t ready to explain my situation to her and had naively hoped we could get to know each other more first.

Not only did I not want her to look at me as an Alpha, but I also wasn’t ready to explain my pack situation to her. I found it difficult to believe someone like Kaitlyn would be satisfied with the small pack and quaint lifestyle I had to offer her.

I would have been perfectly fine living my entire life alone, but now that I had met her, my true mate, I was terrified of losing her. I didn’t think I could let her go. In fact, if there was anyone I trusted to hand over my position as Alpha, I’d have even considered that if that’s what it took to be with Kaitlyn.

It was insane, but seeing her again only solidified it for me. She was my mate, my destiny, and I would do almost anything to be with her.

“Are you okay, Landon?”

“I don’t know,” I said honestly.

Before I could say anything further, Tobi, Jackson, and several of their friends joined us.

“Congratulations, Kaitlyn,” Tobi said as the girls embraced.

They hadn’t been witness to my moment of insanity when I nearly took on five powerful Alphas at once. They also had no idea who Kaitlyn was to me.

“Have you two met yet? Landon, this is my good friend, Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn, this is my best friend in the entire world, Landon.”

She looked confused. “But I thought he was your Alpha.”

Tobi snorted. “Yeah, that too.” Tobi then jumped into my arms as I easily caught her in midair just as I always did. I bit back a grin when I heard Kaitlyn try to cover up a growl. She looked a little wild like she wanted to rip Tobi’s throat out. I’d never actually let that happen, but there was something satisfying knowing I wasn’t the only one feeling territorial. “I cannot believe you’re actually here. Today I’m going to show you all around this place, and then we’re going to a party at the doghouse.”

I groaned. “Another party?”

“This one will be different, I promise. Totally laid back.”

I set her down as Jackson approached. He looked entirely unaffected by our closeness. I wondered if I would ever feel like that with Kaitlyn. Looking down at my gorgeous mate, I really couldn’t imagine it. I didn’t want any other male touching her and from the look on her face she didn’t particularly like me embracing Tobi either.

I made a mental note to keep my hands to myself. I was too comfortable with Tobi, she was like a sister to me. Jackson had always known I was no threat to him, but having met him after they bonded probably helped that a lot.

I took a step away from Tobi. She gave me a curious look but didn’t say anything. Out of respect for my mate I would try to remember to keep a distance from my friend.

“So Kaitlyn, what’s next?”

“I don’t know yet,” she said. “I’ve applied for several positions in Florida, I’m just waiting to hear back. I’m sure something will work out.”

My jaw locked and I tried not to let my fury show. “Florida?” I said between gritted teeth.

She looked up at me and nodded.

“Jackson and I will be in Canada this summer apparently.” She smacked me. “Thanks for pulling the Alpha card and not telling me.”

“I pulled no such thing. We just wanted to surprise you. Are you mad?”

“No, not at all. I can’t wait to see everyone and go on a real run again.”

“Real run? But we have trails that are safe all over campus,” Kaitlyn said.

“Not like back home. There is nothing more magical than a run in the Canadian backcountry. You can’t even imagine it, Kaitlyn. Woods and solitude for as far as you can run in any direction. It’s so amazing. You should come visit sometime and check it out.”

Kaitlyn quirked her head at me as if she were studying me.

“Kaitlyn?” Tobi asked.

“Oh, yeah, it sounds great,” she said noncommittally.

I would give just about anything to know what she was thinking.

One of the things I had learned while joining the Grand Council was that while my Pack may be very small in numbers, our territory was possibly the largest in the world. Even I often took for granted the enormity of raw nature there.

“Damon and Karis had to run back to the house to do something,” Jackson said. “But we have been given specific orders to escort you to lunch, unless you have other plans already. I saw that Sawyer is in town.”

“I briefly spoke to him already. He didn’t mention anything about it. Besides, I’m not exactly the only Longhorn graduating today. I’m sure he’s busy making his rounds and will probably hold a banquet or something, but none of us are required to go.”

Sawyer, the Alpha from Longhorn down in Texas. I’d been studying up on my Packs for months and was well aware of his territory. His pack was formidable, but I had noted how he softened from irritation by my actions to concern when he discovered my connection to Kaitlyn. I didn’t think he would be an issue. He was older and had never mated. Perhaps he had his eyes set on my mate, but even if that were the case, I didn’t think he would intervene with a true mating.

I had learned a lot about true mates since Tobi found Jackson. Kyle Westin had helped with that a great deal. His pack was very pro-true mates, though I’d discovered not all Alphas agreed on that. Some feared that a true mate weakened a strong male. I could understand that fear now because I doubted there was anything I wouldn’t do to protect my mate. Could I make the best unbiased decision for the rest of my Pack if that were the case? The thought of leaving the Pack to be with her had already flitted through my mind.  It was a concern, for sure, but also something I knew I wasn’t going to be able to determine just through what-ifs. I also knew that while my heart may be broken for the remainder of my life, I couldn’t turn my back on my people, not even for her.

Today was supposed to be a day of celebration for Kaitlyn and all she had accomplished. Our mating would have to be put on hold for that. Worrying over whether or not she would accept me and what little I had to offer her wasn’t going to help anything at all.

For today, I would stand in the shadows as she took the spotlight.

“Come on, Landon,” Tobi said grabbing me by the arm and dragging me with them.

I shook her off as quickly and discreetly as possible and then lightly brushed against Kaitlyn. I could feel her body quiver against mine and knew I was right. Her wolf was on edge because of Tobi.

Without using words, I placed my hand on her lower back and directed her to my car when we reached the parking lot.

“I don’t know where I’m going, so Kaitlyn can direct me,” I said trying to act like it was no big deal, but Tobi wasn’t entirely buying it.

Damon walked up and whispered something into Jackson’s ear, too low for my sensitive hearing to catch.

“Yeah, Tobi, that’s a good idea. We’re riding with Damon and Karis,” he said before nodding at me.

I sighed. I knew he’d just been brought into the loop, though I supposed at this point there was no sense in trying to hide it.

“He knows,” I said. “Give me a sec. I have to tell Tobi.”

Kaitlyn looked upset or like she was going to be sick.

“She’s my best friend. There’s nothing else,” I tried to assure her. “There never has been.”

I hated leaving her but I knew I had to do this, it was the right thing.

“Tobi, can we talk for a minute?”

“Sure. Want me to ride with you over to the restaurant? It might not make it quite so awkward since they stuck Kaitlyn with you.”

“Uh, actually, that would probably make things even more awkward.”


“I’m pretty sure Damon already informed Jackson, but I want you to hear it from me. Um,” I didn’t know how to say it. It was like the words were just lodged in the back of my throat.

“Tobi, come on,” Jackson yelled.

“Just spit it out, Landon.”

“Kaitlyn’s my true mate.”

“Really?” Tobi gasped, staring at me like she was uncertain I was telling her the truth. “You’re not just messing with me?”

“Would I joke about something like this?”

She threw her arms around my neck. “I’m so happy for you. I’ve hoped and prayed you’d find your one true mate. And Kaitlyn? She needs a strong Alpha like you in her life, someone that can protect her while letting her grow.”

I untangled Tobi from me. “Tobi, you gotta stop hugging me and touching me, at least for a while. Her wolf is very much on edge right now. Mine, too.” It had taken every ounce of control I had not to growl at her when she’d done that.

“Sorry. Sorry. I’ll keep that in mind.” She wiped at her eyes.

“Are you crying?”

“I can’t help it. I’ve been so worried about you being alone the rest of your life.”

I groaned. “I’m not alone, Tobi. Even if Kaitlyn doesn’t accept me as a mate. I still have the Pack.”

“What? Why wouldn’t she accept you?”

I shrugged. “Right now, I’m just trying to get through this five minutes at a time.”

She nodded. “It can be overwhelming. Just don’t fight it. It makes things worse, not better.”

“Tobi, let’s go!”

“Alright, I’ll see you at the restaurant. We’ll talk more later.”

Tobi ran off to catch up with her car and I walked back to mine where Kaitlyn was waiting.

I slid into the driver’s seat and reached over and took her hand.

“I’m sorry. I had to tell her.”

“You don’t have to apologize for that,” she said softly.

“I can feel you don’t like it when she touches me. She’s been my only true friend my entire life. She’s like the sister I never had.”

“Landon, you don’t have to explain your relationship with Tobi to me.”

“I think I do.”

“You don’t. I’ve gotten to know Tobi very well this past year. She’d never do anything to purposefully hurt a soul, especially Jackson. I know there’s nothing between you because Jackson wouldn’t care if you’re an Alpha. He’d challenge you if he thought you were a threat in any way, and Tobi loves him.”

“Still doesn’t change how you feel,” I insisted.

Her lips turned up slightly. “No, it doesn’t.”

“She promised to try to keep her distance.”

“She’s happy for you,” Kaitlyn said as if it were a fact that she couldn’t comprehend.

“Of course she is. Ever since she met Jackson she’s been preaching to me to never settle for anything less than, well, you.”

“I’m not who you think, Landon.”

“I don’t think anything, Kaitlyn. I know who you are to me, and the rest, I’ll learn along the way… if you let me. The ball is in your court.”

I didn’t let go of her hand as I drove following behind the caravan of her friends. I also noted that while her Alpha had been in attendance, there didn’t seem to be any family surrounding her. Was she alone in the world like me?

I wanted to know everything about her, but I was scared to push for too much, too fast.

I’d just met her less than twenty-four hours ago. My head was still swirling from the shock of finding her. I had no doubts she was equally confused. We clearly both had things that needed to be said, but for the moment, just being near her was enough.