Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



I fought for leadership, power and money. It was never given to me. I earned it with blood, sweat and tears. Late nights and early mornings. Training until I could no longer stand or throw a punch, learning all the ins and outs of the business. Each member and what they want, need, how to get them on my side. So that I could fulfil my duty the best way possible.

Because I cared.

I still care.

But I never thought I'd have to agree to give up half of what I had just to protect my people from the war I made myself. Only because I fought to be someone more than just a girl in the shadow of her older sister. Someone who killed her husband out of pure jealousy and took a swing at the rest of the directors as well for a good measure. It was all a lie.

Yet no one cared or believed me. So the last thing for me to do was to arrange a marriage to my enemy. The last thing I ever wanted. I couldn’t stand men. They were good to satisfy my needs but nothing more than that. It was always sex full of hate, and nothing more.

And here I am standing in the room where we laid eyes on each other for the first time since we were kids. In the place where he swore he’d make me abide by his rules and become a dutiful wife. In the same dress, I had at the meeting, in the same boots that crushed his chest, ready to take his last name.

“I, Davina Kinsley,” I repeat after the priest, my voice deep but so certain and confident. There’s no part of me thinking about running away. “Take thee, Macsen Addison, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

The priest opens his mouth but I hold my hand up, stopping him.

I’m not done.

“I never thought I’d come to like you, Macsen. Let alone love you. It was a luxury I didn’t think I could have back then. You were only a solution to all my problems. It was just business, nothing personal. Yet you made it personal. We both did. And I know I’ve been hesitant, closed off and stubborn like hell, but I wouldn’t change things. Without all this, I’d never see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’d never see you for who you really are. The best thing that has ever happened to me.”

I feel a tear streaming down my cheek.

“You are my king and I’m your queen. And together we may rule.”

I don’t want to get out of this deal, because it’s not just a deal anymore. It’s a vow. The same one as before, yet so much different. Because not it’s not deviant. It’s real.

We’re real.


I tighten my grip on Davina’s hand, feeling the warmth of her soft skin with my thumb grazing her knuckles where her wedding ring should be. But it was her idea that as we are renewing our vows we should do it the right way. My eyes never leave her sight, the sunlight streams through the glass windows in the conference room, illuminating her beauty even more.

We took our vows the day we got married, but it was just a ritual we had to go through to seal our deal. Just a bridge we crossed for the arrangement.

But today?

Today the vows we are taking matter because every word will be a promise that we are going to be fulfilling until our breath.

When she finishes her vows, I can feel the weight of her words. Her eyes glimmer with love and adoration that wasn’t present on our wedding day. But she doesn’t hesitate to show her feelings to me. Not anymore.

She trusts me and I trust her with every bit of my soul.

“Macsen, you may say your vows,” the priest asks.

I smile gently at her, watching her return the same affection that I’m feeling.

Fuck. She is so beautiful that it hurts.

“The day I first met you, I vowed to myself that I will do everything possible to destroy you, to crush your soul,” I start with the truth, “but if I had known my nemesis would become the queen of my heart, then I would have sworn something else. I never thought I would be in love with you but I have no regrets about it. Marrying you… letting my heart choose you is the best decision of my life.” She nods as if she understands me to the core of my heart. “But hey, it’s never too late,” I mutter with a shrug, relishing in the sight of her chuckling. I nod at the priest, gesturing to him to continue.

“Repeat after me, Macsen.”

“I, Macsen Addison,” I repeat. “Take thee, Davina Kinsley, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my truth.”

I retrieve her ring from my pocket and slide it on her finger where it deserves to be.

“From this day onwards till I take my last breath, I vow to treat you with respect and love. You will always be my equal and above all, I will protect you with my life. Even if it means sacrificing mine. Everything you wish for will be turned into reality. You are my queen and I’m your king. And together we will rule.”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss–”

Before the priest can finish his words, Davina and I come close, holding each other as our lips touch in a deep, passionate kiss. Her hands wrap around my neck with her palms against my shoulders, while my arms are around her waist, picking her up.

She sends out her tongue, touching mine, which only sends shivers of desire through my body. I can never get enough of this woman. Everything with her feels so different… so alive.

But I pull back knowing I have to get the fuck out of here before I rip her dress off and fuck her right in front of the priest. The wicked grin on her face clearly tells me she knows why I stopped and the little minx is enjoying it.

“The ceremony is completed. Congratulations to both of you,” the priest murmurs with a smile. “I will be on my way. Have a happy married life.”

Nodding at us, I walk him to the door until he finally leaves. I close behind him, making sure it's locked and can’t help but smile, watching my wife walking back towards the windows. I stalk towards her, starting to shed my suit and unbuttoning the cufflinks on my shirt. She bites her lip, leaning against the glass as she moves her hand back to reach for her dress to be taken off.

Little did I know the place where we hated each other, promising to be each other’s fall, would turn into the place where our love and trust are guiding us to a better and memorable life.

I fold up my sleeves and stand so close to her that her breasts are pressing against my chest.

“Is it time to, what’s it called?” she makes a face like she is searching for the right word before faking a surprised expression. “Ah right… Consummate the marriage.”

Holding her waist, I turn her around, with her back against my chest as she grinds her arse against my already raging cock. I lift her dress, finding her naked underneath, my hand brushing her perky arse before I land a sharp slap, enjoying the raspy moan she releases.

“It’s time to claim my wife, Mrs Addison. You are only mine,” I grunt against her temple with my other hand curling around her throat.

“Such a possessive bastard, but I fucking love it because you are mine, too, Mr Addison.”

I let out a dark chuckle. “Who is possessive now?”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

“And how does my wife want to be fucked?”

“Fuck me like you want me.”

Fulfilling her wishes is one of the vows I took and I will always abide by them.

Sharing power has never been my forte. The only reason I got married was for my people, to save them from getting slaughtered. I accepted the offer made by the queen of South Liverpool who is now my wife. And seeing her as someone I ended up admiring and respecting is something I didn't see coming. In the beginning, our vows connected us with chaos, but today the same vows will unite us forever. Now I will fight for her and everything we have because we have made our vows.

Our deviant vows.