Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



My plan is simple – to let go of all my demons, my past altogether, and focus on the present. It’s how you move on. To do that I can’t just forgive and forget. Not everyone deserves that. Least of all Jacob Fiennes whose house I’m parked in front of.

My eyes roam around the estate just to make sure no one but the owner is inside. I already had Diego check it out a few minutes ago, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Then I look in the rearview mirror and see three of my dogs sitting in the backseat, curiously gazing around at what's happening and where they are. They belonged to my father the first time I used them along with a few others who unfortunately died. Now they are mine, and after what I did in the Quarter, I never mistreated them and let them live as freely as it’s only possible. They are no longer trained or used as fighting dogs. It’s not what I’m about. However, they are also no pets. And after years, I need them again.

Biting my lip, I sigh heavily. It doesn’t bring me joy. What I’m about to do makes me anxious for a change. Even if I know it’s for the best, something screams inside me that I’m better than that. But am I?

Certainly not towards people who betray me just for the sake of it. Jacob doesn’t deserve to live and breathe. I know he’s on the edge of dropping dead, but it’s not enough. As long as he sits in this motherfucking armchair, he can scheme. He can try to bring me down. And I won’t have it anymore. Neither he nor his son deserved mercy. I just wish I would have ended that old fucker’s life before he could do any damage at all.

I tie my hair up in a ponytail and get out of my car, opening the backdoor. In the corner of my eye, I can see Diego leaning against his own car but I don’t stop to talk to him. Instead, I whistle at the dogs and walk to the front. They follow me silently.

Then I kneel, looking at them. “Just this once. Only now, never again,” I tell them quietly, patting their heads. Just like Macsen’s Hellion, they let me touch them which doesn’t happen with anyone else.

I smile seeing that they don’t seem angry at me. Rather excited. So in one smooth movement, I open the doors to Jacob’s house and let them inside, closing the moment they run further. At once, I hear barks and later the screams of the man and they are like music to my ears. Almost as satisfying as when the voice belonged to Taylor. I stay still for a few seconds before retreating. I can’t risk someone recognising me.

I look at Diego. “Bring them back home and give them whatever they want when they’re done,” I say. “I have a meeting to attend.”

With those words, I get in the car again, start the engine, and drive away towards Macsen’s hotel. Now we just need to make sure the others understand how the Firm is going to be run from now on.


By the time Davina and I reach the basement of my hotel, each and every member of the Firm is here, including even the women and locals. Everyone but my family and there is a good reason for it after they witnessed me torturing Theo.

The whispers can be heard around as they are all trying to find out why they had to come here on such short notice. But when they hear the thudding of Davina’s and my footsteps, they all look in our direction, suddenly halting their conversation. In the corner of the room, Davina’s sister, Diana, catches my sight. Even from here, I can see her throwing daggers at Davina. If it was any other place, I would have gone straight to her to give her a piece of my mind and let her know how Davina is everything that she could have been but was a coward like the rest of her family.

But at this moment, I have better things to focus on.

Reaching the end of the room, we stand side by side, facing our people who are looking at us with curious and suspicious gazes.

Davina glances at me and nods.

This is it.

“I know this is a sudden meeting. But it is very important as it regards the next step we will be taking for the Firm.”

“What now?” one of the soldiers asks in a raised voice, a hint of impatience and annoyance in his tone. Disrespect.

“Don’t tell us Nyx will be taking control over your territory,” another voice sounds.

I frown, already feeling the frustration hovering over me. When the fuck will they stop with the blaming games?

“Hey! Maybe get your head out of your arse and stop accusing her of all the bad. Perhaps your–”

“Fucking stop!” I yell, my voice echoing through the basement. The three of them turn silent and take their seats back. Resting my hands on my hips, I step forward.

“Davina and I have got married to unite our territories. It seems like this didn’t get through to some of you, and you still have a fucking problem. There is one solution, though.” They all listen attentively, nobody uttering a word. “You can face the same fate that Theo has. I have no problem with that.”

Everyone’s eyes widen as they look at each other in utter confusion before looking back at me. “What does it mean?” someone questions.

“Theo is no longer part of the Firm. He betrayed me and this community and received the punishment he deserved for it.”


“I didn’t stutter so take it as you may. Bear in mind that if any of you dare to even think of going against us, then be prepared to face the consequences. I’m not a forgiving type, and as you are very well aware, my wife isn’t either. So don’t count on us to do what most people would. It’s not who we are and never will be. Family or not, you’re all the same to us.”

I didn’t go into any details about what I did with Theo. They all know how ruthless I can be when it comes to punishing my enemies. I am notorious for that. Which is why I let their minds wander using my brother as an example. The worry and agitation in their faces are enough evidence to tell that the fear Davina and I planned to shroud them in is working.

“We have worked our arse off to not only combine our territories but make sure our people are safe and treated equally. The Firm has been about that since the day it was formed. But greed, power, and pride have separated us. And those who dare to divide us and poison it with accusations, meaningless violence and disrespect, don’t deserve to be here.”

Davina joins my side, looking at me with a prideful smile.

“We all want the same thing. Power, money, and respect. And we can have even more of it when we work together,” she says. “Coping with the combined territories is a step we all have to take. Great things are achieved as a team. More than individually.”

Fuck, I love her so much.

“So those who have any problems think twice before going against us because you might as well just sign your own death certificate.”

“Will the businesses be divided?” One of my enforcers asks.

Davina shakes her head. “Nothing is divided anymore, including the profits. Everything will be shared and equally paid among everyone. You answer to both of us. What one orders, better believe the other one knows and approves as well. All we ask is to work together without any conflicts.”

“What about Jacob?” This time a woman asks from the back and I can already tell who it is. “He was found dead in his house. Did he get punished like the rest of the directors without any reason, Davina?”

Davina simply stares at her sister with a stone-cold expression, not saying anything. Everyone looks back and forth from Diana to Davina, awaiting an answer. I know she won’t say anything against her just because she is her family, and unlike her sister, Davina cares about that to some extent. She’s not washing her dirty laundry in public.

But I don’t care about it as much, so there is nothing binding me to hold back my words.

“How can you be so sure it was Davina?” I ask with a dark, heartless smile.

“I know she did it. She was born to make my life a living hell,” she spews her words, pointing a finger at my wife.

“There is an even better explanation for that, Diana. Unlike Davina, you are a greedy and selfish bitch who still isn’t happy even with having your dead husband and father-in-law's blood money.” Her eyes widen in horror and remorse as she looks around for someone to defend her, but nobody will do it knowing well I am telling the truth. “Unless you have proof that it was my wife who did it, then don’t dare to point a finger at her. She is the boss so you better show her the respect she deserves that your self-sufficient ego never allowed. And to make it easier on you, allow me to take what you've been given from Fiennes.”

Her jaw tightens in annoyance but luckily she doesn't argue furthermore and sits down, looking down to hide her humiliation. Now she’s going to be bound to her sister’s mercy because if there’s anyone who can give her the money to make ends meet, it’s Davina. I’m not going to wave a fucking finger.

For the next few hours, people ask questions regarding the businesses and how things will be run from now on. Soon, we dismiss the meeting and everyone leaves the warehouse, leaving me and Davina all alone.

But there is still one thing left to do.

Theo is brought in with my guards guiding him inside. He still looks weak and badly bruised but it is clear he is doing his best to look strong. Davina gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze, offering me a soft smile before she leaves as if understanding that I need to do this on my own.

Theo keeps his eyes cast down in shame and regret. Even when I talked to him in the basement he couldn’t look me in the eye. But now he has to.

I hold his jaw, pulling his head back to urge his gaze to meet mine. The bruises and cuts I left on his face make my heart shudder with regret but I don’t let him discover it.

“You told me lies and planned against me while looking me in the eye, so, at least, have the courage to do the same when admitting your faults,” I say sharply.

He nods silently, trying to suppress his guilt.

“You got your punishment for breaking my trust, but you still have one more to receive for your disloyalty.” He nods again and gulps. He knows what’s coming, and perhaps thinks of it worse than death itself.

“You are banished from the Firm. After what you did, I will never be able to trust you again. And if others found out about it, then I’d be done for.” I sigh. “But at the end of the day, you’re still my brother whom I love and I can’t bear to think of you dead. So that’s the most I can give you.”

Theo is just listening without any arguments, but the hurt in his eyes is crystal clear with his breathing turning ragged.

“That means you will be leaving Liverpool. Your existence will be erased like that,” I snap my fingers to elaborate, “–and this is my final decision. I will let mum and dad know about it. You can say your goodbyes but my guards will be with you so that no one recognises you.”

Lara and my mother are going to be devastated. I know that. They’ll probably never forgive me for separating him from the family but even as a boss I don’t have all the luxury in the world to just forgive and forget. Even if I wanted to, I can’t.

He lets out a shaky breath and looks down, hiding his tears that are threatening to stream down his face anytime. “I accept. I won’t come back. Just let me promise you one thing, Macsen.”

I shake my head. “Your promises no longer mean anything to me.”

He nods with a sad smile. “I know but I still want you to know. I promise that one day I will gain your trust. If it takes a lifetime then so be it, but even when I won’t be here, I will still respect and protect you because you are my brother… My family.”

He doesn’t finish but I know he doesn’t mean anything against Davina. I know that after the mercy and kindness she showed him, she’s safe as well. He’s going to protect her, too.

I want him to disappear right away before I let my feelings influence my decision and I change it. “Leave, Theo. And never come back.”

I turn around and walk away. I neither say goodbye to him nor do I hug him as a farewell because deep down I know if I did any of those, I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back.

Davina is right. No matter what happens and how many mistakes he commits, Theo will always be my brother.