Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



If someone ever asked me what I hate doing the most, I'd answer making wedding preparations without a single doubt. Neither am I interested in floral arrangements nor do I give a damn about whether I walk down the aisle in a white dress with a long veil or not. And the fact that at the end of this aisle a man will be waiting, whom I haven’t even chosen myself, makes for a living hell. So like never before, I delegated the task of making decisions to my mother who was more than eager to help. And from what I’ve been told, Macsen’s younger sister, Lara, helped a lot as well.

So even though I have less than two hours to get myself ready, I’m sitting in my office, going through all the paperwork. This is the reason why I do all this in the first place; those documents stating the percentage of the deals I’d take for Macsen and give to him; even though the fighting ring still doesn’t sit well with me. I can hardly be happy sharing it with anyone, having worked my arse off to make it the place it is today.

William wouldn’t agree, though. He believes that marriage is more important than any business deal we make because it’ll help in the long run. He is a visionary while I’m a right-here-right-now kind of person, which is why sometimes it pays to listen to his advice.

I flip through another dozen of files when I hear a knock on the door. My hand immediately goes to the gun that is set aside right under the desk. However, I cannot imagine anyone who would want to hurt me knocking. It’s better to be safe anyway.

“Come in,” I say, leaning back in the chair. The door opens and William comes in, already dressed in black. He regards me, judging the state I’m in.

Ever since I woke up at six in the morning, I’ve only made myself a cup of strong black coffee, put on a big hoodie and leggings and came in here so I could get things done. No makeup, hair looking messy and dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I cannot even remember the last time I slept more than a few hours. Especially not since my meeting with Macsen.

That was also the very last time I saw him in person. Most of the other decisions didn’t require us to be in the same room so we took care of them through our advisors, or the phone if there wasn't any damning evidence. Next time we’ll see each other is today in church. From then on we will be bound to live together and get along.

I’m still wondering which one will be harder to swallow. For the last few years, I haven’t lived with anyone, let alone a man.

“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” he asks, the frown upon his face making it obvious that he hates my poor time management skills. Which is fair. I’m barely ever on time unless he comes with me.

I shrug. “The groom won’t run away.” Though I hope he would. “What do you want?”

William clears his throat and pulls out a file from behind him. He had an early meeting with Victor Addison to go through our marriage settlement stating all of our finances, territories, and businesses. Something that is going to get buried at the bottom of my drawer after I sign it once we are officially married. If they ever get into someone's hands, both Macsen and I would suffer terrible consequences. This is why there has been such a document drawn in the first place. Now we are both accounted for.

“Is everything as we established?” I ask and he nods.

“At the reception, you will both sign it. Though, you should read through it one last time once you get ready. Your mother is waiting for you downstairs with the hairdresser, makeup specialist, and all those people.”

I roll my eyes at the thought. It’s really ironic that for someone who hates having people over, now I have a whole damn house filled with strangers. I am not a proponent of keeping up with the traditions. After all, they were the ones that got me in the mess of having to fight for my own life in the first place.

A huge lump settles in my throat but I ignore my feelings and take the settlement from William. “There’s no reason to hurry,” I say and go through all the points mentioned. And there is a lot.

Sometimes I forget how much I’ve achieved in the years of ruling over my part of Liverpool. Taking over the Firm wasn’t easy, but showing that I’m, in fact, capable of expanding the business has been even more of a bitch. And it isn’t even over. Now that I’m about to get married, men will think I’m going to give up my rights and that Macsen will be their boss.

Fuck no.

I’m more than determined to show them that won’t be the case. Ever. They answer to me, and me alone. Sharing territory and putting the end to the war we’ve been fighting is as far as I’m willing to go.

“Davina,” I hear my mother’s high-pitched voice coming closer. She’s getting impatient and probably scared that I won’t be ready in time.

William shifts in his spot, stepping away from the doors before they swing open without so much as a knock.

My eyes shoot up, displeasure written all over my face. As I see my mother in her light pink dress reaching her knees, her black hair up in a pristine bun and this annoying wide smile, I have half a mind to cancel everything and send them all home. Only she can find a reason to glow in such circumstances. Especially since she hasn’t been much involved in any of the celebrations ever since my sister’s marriage years ago. It’s almost as if she’s trying to make up for the lost time when I was always invisible to her and all she could see was my precious older sister. The joke's on her because this wedding is nothing more than a business deal. There is no love, no affection, and sure as hell no deeply hidden emotional need for it.

“I told you something about disturbing my work,” I snap at her.

“My dear, you’re going to be late for your own wedding. I’ve called for you a thousand times already. Whatever it is you’re doing, it surely can wait until tomorrow.” She doesn’t make anything of my words.


This kind of behaviour is exactly the reason why I barely ever visit my parents. I cannot handle this pretentiousness for longer than a couple of minutes. Though, I realise that I’m putting off the inevitable so I close the file, having only read halfway through it, and give it back to William.

He takes it from me. “I’ll finish in the car on the way to the church,” I tell him, and without another word, I take my gun from under the desk and move towards the stairs.

Let’s get this over with.



I straighten my black tie one last time before raking my eyes up and down my perfectly-pressed black tux. My tattoos peek out from underneath my sleeves and collar. The tightness of the suit makes my shoulders broader than usual.

Theo sits in the armchair, checking his watch every few minutes with an anxious look. His feet start tapping which annoys the fuck out of me. Even seeing his reflection in the floor-length mirror, it’s clear his thoughts are running a hundred miles per hour.

“You do realise it’s my wedding, not yours? Why are you being nervous as if you were the bride?” I ask and his attention shifts to me.

His eyes narrow as he brushes his left hand through his tousled hair.

“I feel like this deal won’t work. Do you really want to marry that bitch after what she did to you at the meeting?” His tone is partially serious because he’s smart enough to know not to cross me.

But I can see right through him and he means every word.

I glance over my shoulder, offering him a death glare.

“She’ll be part of our family. Show her some respect,” I warn him.

“I’m saying it because I worry about the Firm.”

I shake my head. “There is nothing to worry about here.”

He opens his mouth to speak up but a sudden knock on the door stops him. Victor enters the room dressed in his tux and looks back and forth between us.

“They’re on their way. We should head to the church,” he announces.

With a nod, I dismiss the useless conversation with my brother and go out of the room. As I stroll down the hallway, I find my sister walking the same path. Her soft black eyes rest upon me with a sweet smile that always brings a glimmer of light into my dark life.

She’s dressed in a long, floral, pale pink gown, with her hair tied in a side braid. A small white rose is tucked into her hair, making her look even more gorgeous.

“You look beautiful, Lara,” I mutter with a smile, feeling my body relaxing.Her cheeks flush from my words. “You don't look so bad yourself,” she teases me, making me chuckle.

My sister is the breath of fresh air that always brightens my cursed days and nights just with her innocence and warm nature. She’s the only woman in my life whom I trust more than myself. Since the day she was born, she’s been everything to me. Lara is aware of what I do for a living, and unlike others, she has never feared me. There were several times she wished for me to have a different life. Yet, for some reason, she adores me for who I am and she’s truly always going to be there for me. In return, I swore to myself that I’ll never fail her. I’ll protect her from evil no matter what.

I stand in front of her and cup her face with my hands. Hands that have committed uncountable crimes.

“Thank you for arranging all this. At least it doesn’t feel like that much of a nightmare.”

She punches my shoulder while I let out a hearty laugh.

“Don’t call your wedding a nightmare. It’s ominous. Today is the most special day for you, and you should be happy about it, with or without the wedding plans I handled for you,” she murmurs and grasps my wrists. “I’m so happy for you, Macsen. You deserve every bit of happiness and love in your life.”

I snicker at her words. “You and I both know love is nothing but bullshit.”

She rolls her eyes with a scoff. “You say that now but I’m sure your soon-to-be-wife will change your mind.”

Oh, you wish.

Davina and I share the same meaning of love in our lives, which is that it is a weakness. It’s for pussy-whipped people and I’m damn sure not one of them.

I let out a sigh before I put an arm over her shoulder as we continue to walk. “Where is your date?” I ask, even though the question itself makes my skin crawl. I hate thinking of her with someone.

“Um… he must be at the church.” The hesitance in her voice is evident.

Father set her up with one of his friend’s sons, but the fucker is definitely in no mood to pay attention to my sister. Nobody in our community will ever be good enough for her because all they do is look at her like a prized possession that will get them power through marriage. But as long as I’m alive, I won’t allow Lara to become a pawn of a deal. Never.

But both Lara and I are still entertaining my father’s belief that she’ll get married to strengthen the Firm. Let him think what he wants. All in all, I am the boss now, and my word is the only one that counts.

We head towards my car with Theo and father following us, and we drive to church. Twenty minutes later we arrive and go inside. Lara loops her arm through mine as we walk down the aisle and she settles in the front pew. The chattering of the guests and low tuning of the harp fills the space. White and pale pink roses are the main attraction of the wedding decor. A few petals are also scattered down the aisle. My sister didn’t go all crazy with the wedding preparations, knowing well I wouldn’t like it. She kept it simple but elegant in her own unique way.

Father soon joins her. Theo follows me to the altar and stands on my left side as my best man while I take my position in the centre. I nod at the priest and he returns my gesture before I look at the entrance, waiting for Davina. I’ve never waited for anyone in my life. And yet, here I stand today at my own wedding, waiting for my future wife to arrive so we can get this fucking ceremony over with. This is the first and last time I’m waiting for someone.

The soft sound of harps breaks the silence, giving the sign of Davina’s arrival. Everyone’s eyes are directed at the entrance and I follow their gaze.

Davina is standing at the beginning of the aisle, white and bewitching. My eyes take in every inch of her body that is tightly hugged by her wedding dress. A veil is covering her face. My insides tighten for a moment before I regain my composure.

She and her father walk towards me with slow and steady steps as she crushes the soft petals beneath her feet. When they both arrive at the front, the man finally lifts her veil, and that’s when I see how fucking gorgeous she really is.

Absolutely fucking beautiful.

I hold out my hand and Michael gives her to me with a self-righteous smile. Davina stands before me and looks right into my eyes. Her hands are warm in mine as she keeps her head high with pride and strength.

I’ve attended several weddings throughout my life, and in every ceremony, the bride always acts shy and timid. Those women never dared to look at their husbands until it was time for dancing. But not Davina.

She’s nothing like them.

She doesn’t pretend to be innocent or nervous in front of all those fuckers. Composing a monotonous expression, she holds onto her power and elegance like a queen. Her gaze darkens with challenge and competency. Without uttering any words, she’s warning me about what is to come in my life.

She won’t be the ideal wife every male member of our society has. She’ll be herself. She will be Davina. And she won’t break for anyone. But she will break for me. If I have to move heaven and earth to crush her arrogance and make her soul bow down to me, then so be it. Davina will be shattered by me and I vow that.

Her silent manifestation does amuse me to the point it makes my lips quirk into a grin. To everyone, it’d seem like I’m just excited for my own wedding, but only Davina and I know the hidden meaning behind my smile and her gaze.

Game on, Nyx. Game on.

The priest greets us and then the guests before he begins his opening prayers, preaching about the whole love and marriage crap. It’s a tradition to get married in a church with God’s blessing, but I don’t believe in God. He is just a myth among these stupid people to blind them with false hope. Something to comfort those who are frightened that there’s nothing after death but hell. That they will suffer for who they are and what they do for a living.

“Macsen and Davina,” the priest addresses us.

“It’s time for your vows. Do you have your rings ready?”

We both nod before he faces me first. “Macsen, repeat after me.”

“I, Macsen Addison,” I say, “take thee, Davina Kinsley, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my truth.”

Theo passes me the ring and I slip it on her finger before they all tighten around my hand with her nails nearly digging into my skin. She’s mine now, and the thought is making her hate me more. The ring is a two carat diamond with an oval cut, something my sister picked. Quite frankly I’m surprised she didn’t go all out with a much more expensive one when she had the opportunity for it.

The priest turns to Davina who is probably imagining several ways to kill me by now. It’s crystal clear from the pool of anger boiling in her eyes, but there’s nothing she can do about it. We both have no other choice.

“I, Davina Kinsley,” she repeats, speaking for the first time after our last meeting. “Take thee, Macsen Addison, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

Taking the silver band from Theo, she slips it through my finger, and my insides start to tighten again from tension. I’m officially a married man.

She smirks as if she could read my unuttered thoughts, relishing her victory in making me feel anxious about this sudden turn in my life. If she thinks I belong to her now, then not only is she crazy but she’s delusional as well. This marriage only means that she belongs to me, and we both get to bring our people together.

I never signed up to be a faithful, loving, and caring husband. I’ll never be that person.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” the priest says. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her closer to me and her hands rest on my elbows.

“Congratulations, Mrs Addison,” I whisper as I lean forward to kiss her, being absolutely aware she doesn’t want to be called by that name.

“Fuck you, husband,” she hisses while smiling and closing the little gap between us so that we can finally kiss and get this over with.

The kiss is anything but gentle and tender. Softness doesn’t exist in either of us. The minute my lips touch hers, I feel her fingers digging into my torso. My hands go up and push into her curves as I deepen the kiss, feeling electricity flush throughout my body. Her tongue traces my lip while I sneakily nibble her lip in front of our guests, claiming her as mine. The hatred makes the chemistry hot as a lit torch, and her soft, flawless skin makes me desire her more than ever. The urge to go back home, carry her upstairs to my bedroom, and fuck her hard until she cries out my name is high. Both of us have to wait, though.


Tonight I’ll claim her body, too. I can’t wait to rip her dress into shreds and bury my cock inside her tight cunt, hearing her scream and moan in an earth-shattering pleasure. When our guests stop clapping, we finally pull back and the sight of her flushed cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by my lust-filled eyes. This is way fucking better than our first kiss.

I take her hand and lead her down the aisle. The men of the family give me nods of approval as they clap and woot in celebration.

Soon after, we arrive at the wedding venue, which is barely a ten-minute drive from the church. Perhaps the longest minutes of my life as neither me nor Davina talk. I steered the car in silence, radio music being the only thing filling the space.

As we come inside, all the guests are already there. Right away, a waiter makes his way towards us with a tray of champagne. Davina clutches a glass in her delicate fingers and chugs it all down in one go. I snicker under my breath as I finish my drink as well and order a scotch. Soon, the guests crowd around us to offer their blessings, so do our parents and other family members. It’s unnecessary but also unavoidable as it’s part of the tradition. Stifling my frustration, I take sips of my scotch while my wife offers a nod or a smile to every person congratulating her.

It’s all fake for sure.

My father stays by my side and pats my shoulder. He’s almost the same height as me and we share similar facial features, too. Black eyes and dark hair. But that’s all we have in common.

“Macsen, my son,” he says in a prideful, booming voice, catching everyone’s attention. “Today is a day that the Firm will remember. It’s a day where not only two people are united. It’s a day where our families are united as one after years of separation. To the newlyweds and the Firm.” He raises his glass in a toast, and everyone follows his gesture.

I give him a tight smile, raising my glass. As I look back at my father, I notice his eyes raking up and down Davina’s body like a filthy, hungry wolf. I narrow my eyes at him feeling my jaw clench with a sudden rage.

He takes notice and gives a small smile before leaning close so that only I can hear him. “I must say your wife looks fucking alluring in that tight dress. It’ll be so thrilling for you when you claim her tonight.”

A dark and cruel feeling roars inside me, hearing him talk such shit about Davina.

I’m about to threaten him, not caring that hundreds of guests surround us when I feel Nyx tugging onto my arm.

“I think it’s time for our dance. Let’s go,” she murmurs with a polite smile before guiding me through the crowd and onto the dance floor. Music starts playing from the speakers and people part to give us space to dance.

I hold onto her waist with my other hand holding onto hers, her other hand rests on my shoulder. We sway with the soft music while our eyes never leave each other.

“You should really learn to control your anger,” she mutters despite the loud music. “Last time I checked I don’t take orders from you, Mrs Addison,” I retort, squeezing her waist.

With a quivering smile, she moves her hand around my neck, playing with the hair on the back of my head.

“You are my husband now, Macsen. We work as a team whether we want it or not. So, if that involves me telling you to control yourself, then - yes, you will listen to me.”

She claws down my neck with her fingernails, making my skin tingle in a painful yet sweet and desirable way.


“Use your anger when it’s required. But until then keep it on a leash,” she whispers against my lips before planting a quick, hard kiss. People around us are surely thinking we must be a love-sick couple, but a few of them are looking at us with narrow and suspicious eyes that tell a different story.

“I have never listened to anyone. Our marriage doesn’t make you any different.” I whirl her around before pulling her into my chest. Leaning my head down, my lips run along her earlobe. “Just smile and pretend you’re the happiest bride in the whole fucking world,” I whisper, watching the skin on her neck prickling with goosebumps.

Her face turns a bit sideways to meet my gaze from the corner of her eyes. “It’s a bit hard to pretend when I’m married to an idiot.” She arches her chest against my front as her abdomen brushes against my straining cock.

Fucking minx.

I grunt at the back of my throat as she continues to rub against my cock in front of our oblivious guests.

She grins when the music ends and we both go to the backroom to finally sign the documents stating that we’re married and all the other arrangements that concern the Firm. William hands Theo the file that Davina was supposed to read through just like I had before her. He quickly scans through them as we talk about anything that might have been unclear. Thankfully, we have reached a consensus as far as our ventures and the percentage we will acquire are concerned. Then we both sign the papers in a rush since it’s a bad thing to leave the guests at our own wedding and then go back to the table. We then cut the cake and socialise with people while feasting on the food.

The entire time all I can think about is Davina’s killer body, still remembering how it felt pressed against mine so tightly. Whenever she’s busy talking, I sneak glances at her waist that shows the perfect curves and her tight arse is urging me to grab her cheeks. She is a bitch for sure, but somehow her sassiness makes her more appealing. And now that she’s mine, all I can think of is getting rid of that dress and exploring every fucking inch of her. Vivid images of my lips trailing along her skin fill my mind. My cock thrusting in and out of her tight cunt while her nails dig into my skin as she moans in pleasure like never before. Just imagining the moment is making it difficult for me to get a hold of my blooming desire.

I’m talking with one of my enforcers and his wife when Theo taps on my shoulder to whisper something to me.

“Do you have a minute? It’s important.” The seriousness in his voice is evident enough to understand whatever he wants to speak about can’t wait. It’s business.

“Excuse me,” I excuse myself before my guests and follow Theo to the backyard, away from the circus going on inside. The sun is about to set, taking the warmth with it and letting the cold air gust around.

“What is it?” I ask, hiding both my hands inside my pockets.

Theo lets out a heavy sigh, looking towards the church before returning his gaze to me. “I heard a few of our financers talking about the marriage to Kinsley.”

“What about it?” I ask with a frown of confusion reflected on my face.

“They know about the deal we made. They are having doubts about the whole arrangement.”Just when I’m about to hear more about it, I notice Davina approaching us, holding onto the ends of her long dress with both her hands. Her eyes narrow as if she could sense the tension of our conversation. And even from this distance, I don’t miss the hint of anger in her eyes.

“Set a meeting with one of them tomorrow. No more talk about this for now,” I order him sharply. He seems surprised by my sudden change of demeanour but he follows my instructions and leaves.

“What were you two talking about?” Davina asks the minute she stands in front of me, her arms crossed over her chest, pushing her breasts up a notch. Fucking God.

“Nothing important.” I wrap an arm around her shoulder, guiding her back inside the venue. She is struggling a bit because of her dress but I can feel the daggers of rage she’s shooting at me with her scorching gaze.

She pushes my hand away from her shoulder and before I know it her hand lands a sharp slap against my cheek. The burn immediately radiates through my skin while ferocity shadows over me, making me want to choke my wife.

Davina grips my jaw, turning me to face her. Her face is completely cold and monotonous as if she were the fucking ice queen.

“I’ve told you before that you won’t ever hide anything from me. Especially when it comes to business and the Firm. I’m letting this go for now. I’m in no mood to make a fuss because my own wedding dress is choking me,” she snarls, her nails digging into my skin so hard that I’m sure they will leave marks. Her face is close to mine and her shallow breath brushes over my lips.

Something raw and carnal fuses inside me which turns my hot rage into dark desire. She is feeling it as well. I can read it in her expression.

“Don’t hide anything from me because the consequences won’t be pretty. We will talk about this tomorrow. Now get your arse back inside and we’re both going to leave. I’ve had enough of this charade for one day.” She loosens her grip on my jaw and caresses my slightly red right cheek with the back of her knuckles, her wedding ring skimming along my skin.

“And after all this bullshit, I need a hard fucking on our wedding night. I deserve some relief for wearing this torture device the whole day. You better fuck me like you hate me, Macsen,” she whispers against my lips and licks my bottom lip before giving it a gentle nibble, sending a roaring pleasure coursing through my blood. My cock is now begging to be buried inside her.

With a sly wink, she heads inside and, after getting myself under control, I walk back as well.

By the time we leave it’s nighttime. The guests crowd around us as we hold hands and walk outside towards my car. We get inside and it’s taking everything in me not to claim her in this car by hitching her dress up as she rides my cock.

Be patient, Macsen. Be patient.

Soon, we reach my place where we are going to spend our so-called happily married life. Just the two of us. It’s a tall building built in a modern style with glass windows all over.

I park the car in my underground parking spot and we both get out. Any normal person would give his wife a tour of the penthouse but I’m not that kind of man.

She and I are after only one thing and we both can’t wait for it anymore. Without wasting any more time, we both head upstairs to our room. I walk inside, loosening my tie and unbuttoning my cuffs. The door clicks shut behind her and she leans against it before taking off her heels. Every inch of her looks fucking delectable. My hands are just itching to trail across her skin.

“I’ve heard married sex is usually boring and it doesn’t take long for the husband to come like a teenage boy,” she starts off, prowling towards me. Her eyes spark with heat. “Will you be the same as the other men in the Firm?” Her voice oozes with desire.

I trace my finger over her plump lips. Her eyes ignite with lust.

“The minute you feel my cock inside your tight cunt, Nyx, you will know I’m nowhere near being a teen fucking boy,” I eventually say, towering over her. Dipping my head, I nibble her earlobe before whispering, “It’ll be rough and you will feel it in your soul.”

She whimpers in anticipation and I take that as my cue to dive in and kiss her as if my life depended on it.

“I can already tell you’re wet just by your eyes. Is my wife ready for me?”

She nods, biting her lip. “Yes. So fucking ready.”

She squirms, her hands working on the buttons of my shirt and pulling my suit off my body, letting it land on the floor along with my tie. Her lips never leave mine as they continue to tease me with her tongue.

Sliding my hands down the globes of her arse, I squeeze, groaning at the back of my throat. She buries her hands in my hair and her breasts press against my chest. Trailing kisses down her jaw, I move to her neck, sucking her skin into my mouth and swirling my tongue along her erogenous zones. Her body suddenly turns still as she fists my hair and pulls my head away from her neck. Her eyes fire up with a sudden fire like a warning.

“Touch me and kiss me anywhere else but stay the fuck away from my neck,” she warns in a breathy voice with a hint of desire lurking behind.


“None of your business. Now kiss me.”

Her voice is cold as ice so I choose to let the matter go for now. I knew right away since the first day that there must be a hidden secret behind the scar on her throat, but it won't be revealed tonight. I have to break down her walls bit by bit to get to her roots so that I can rip it all off and shatter her soul. I kiss her lips with hard and rough motions before moving down to the revealing swell of her breasts. Throwing her head back she lets out a husky moan that makes my blood rush faster. My cock is now painfully hard against my slacks. My hands trail up, finding her zipper and pulling it down, and push down her wedding dress.

I look down at the divine sight of her in white lingerie. She’s wearing a lace bra and knickers with attached garters and thigh-high stockings.

Fucking hell. She’s like a walking wet dream. And tonight she belongs to me.

When she’s done unbuttoning my shirt, she removes it as her eyes take in the sight of my naked, tattooed chest. Her forehead rests against mine while her hands move from my neck, skimming each and every curve of my abs and chest, going lower and lower until they reach my slacks to cup my aching cock.

I groan in anticipation, feeling my heartbeat racing like a horse as my body is surrendering under her touch.

“Fuck. So hard,” she whispers, biting her bottom lip. “I can’t wait to have you inside me, filling me and fucking me hard with your cock, Macsen.”

Suddenly, she presses her delicate palms against my chest and pushes me as I fall on the bed. I lift myself slightly, resting on my elbows, while I watch Davina stand, looking like a fucking sexy and divine woman I’ve never met before. She grins down at me. Her eyes raking down my half-naked body as the hunger for pleasure consumes her the same way it’s consuming me.