In Death I Live by Lindsay Becs


Today the boyssaid we could have a pajama day. Really, that meant all of them shirtless with nothing but sweatpants—men’s lingerie—while I’m pantless in only one of Dom’s hoodies.

Miss Mel popped in while we were in the middle of a Twilight marathon to tell us she was making us snacks. That’s right; I got to pick and made them all watch my favorite sparkly vamps with me. Three movies in and they can fight it all they want, but I know they’re all hooked. Especially Greyson.

River was even given the okay from Doc to start moving around more and joined us. I can tell he’s still in a lot of pain, but he’s not letting it keep him isolated.

Greyson is doing well too. I see him hold his middle from time to time when his ribs hurt but overall, he’s pretty much back to doing everything he was before. Just a little slower sometimes.

Miss Mel carries in a tray full of food piled high for us to chow on right as we hear the front door slam open. All the boys stand, grabbing guns from various places in the room that I had no idea were there.

“Where the fuck is she?” Swan’s voice booms as he comes closer.

My eyes widen, knowing he’s talking about me. “River, go upstairs with Zora,” Domonic says quickly under his breath as he moves to slow his father from seeing me.

River tries to usher me away, but I stand firm. I’m not leaving my boys to fight my fight for me again. I’m not going to hide and cower away.

“I’m right here, motherfucker,” I say under my breath as I pull from River’s grip. I run to where Dom is arguing with Swan in the foyer before the other boys can catch me.

“Ahhh… there she is,” the slimy bird says when he sees me over his son’s shoulder.

I notice Dom tense, but he doesn’t turn to look at me. I know why when I step beside him and see that both men have guns trained on each other.

“You seem to have a way of making men of all sorts very loyal to you, don’t you, Zora?” he sneers toward me, painting me as whore with his implications.

“Better them loyal to me than you,” I snap back.

He just lifts a brow at me with an amused grin on his face. But then his eyes shift past me and his face hardens. “Oh, look. The gang is all here. Shall I bring in my muscle too?” He grins again as Slater and Kale walk in and flank his sides.

My eyes shoot to Kale in question, his tight jaw not telling me anything I want to know. I want to trust that his loyalties have shifted fully to me and the boys, but right now, I’m not sure I trust him. Especially not since he’s got two guns pointed at River and Greyson.

Slater has his directed at Cruz, who’s on the side of Dom a little behind me. When I glance over my shoulder, Cruz hands me a blade that I roll between my fingers before lifting it to direct toward Slater.

A small, satisfied grin ticks up on my lips when I realize that I’m in the middle of the boys in a perfect formation to attack. Dom, the leader, in front with the other four of us fanned out to make a ‘V’ shape, like a flock of birds.

“What do you want with Zora? She has no value to you,” Dom asks Swan.

“You see, that’s where you’re wrong.” His smile widens. “She has a child. A son.”

I tense at his mention of Remi, hating that he knows about him, that he’s talking about him like he’s nothing more than a stack of green. I also hate that he just dropped that bomb on all the boys before I told the other three.

Dom’s eyes narrow. “I’m aware.”

“Then, you already know, don’t you?” Swan asks, looking smug as shit and making me angrier by the second. “You’re smart; you put it all together already. Stop asking me questions when you already know the answers to them.”

Dom stares at his father for a beat too long, and I see the moment that Swan realizes he has one up on his son. But I’m still in the dark, and when it comes to Remi, I don’t like being in the dark.

“Dom…what is he getting at?” I ask after I can’t take another second of silence.

“Perhaps we can put the weapons down and discuss this delicate matter in a more relaxed setting?” Swan suggests. But all I want to do is throw my knife straight into his throat so he can’t talk anymore.

Dom takes in a deep breath and then flips his gun to be flat against his open palm. The boys follow suit, then Kale, Slater and Swan do too. Everyone tucks their guns in their pants, but no one moves from the foyer either.

I take a step closer to Domonic, placing a hand on his shoulder. Turning his head to look at me, I see defeat in his eyes as he stares into mine. But just as quickly as it’s there, he hardens again, turning back into a dangerous demon in front of us.

“Zora,” Dom starts, his voice tight as he punches me in the gut with his next words. “I believe you know my little brother…Slater.”

My head whips to look at Slater, who stands there smiling. Looking smug. “Only by three minutes, bro.”

Like whiplash, I turn back to Dom. “Twins?” Nodding his head, he doesn’t look at me now. No, his eyes are lasers locked onto Swan, ready to kill him if he could.

How could I not have seen it before? Now, knowing that they are brothers—twins—I can see each and every thing that’s the same. I’m a fool for not seeing it before.

“So, now you see, my dear beloved Zora, Remi is mine.” Swan mocks, breaking me from my spiraling thoughts.

“No,” I say with a deep firm voice. “Fuck you!”

“That’s where you’re wrong, I’m afraid. You see, in this family, the first-born son is taken and raised here to be used as The Swan sees fit. All of your boys belong to me. Including your son.”

My heart is beating so hard, I hear it in my ears as my chest rises and falls rapidly, trying to make sense of it all. This has to be a sick joke. These things don’t really happen.

Turning, I let my gaze fall one by one to each of the boys I’m standing with. Wishing, hoping, that they’ll laugh and tell me this is all one big joke. But instead, they all give me grim looks and subtle head nods, confirming that this sick and twisted way of life is real.

Then, looking back at Dom, my anger spikes. “How could you? How could you not tell me this?” Before he can say anything, I direct my next words at Swan. “You will never have my son.” My gaze flicks to Kale, just long enough for him to give me a dip of his chin, telling me he’s okay with what I’m about to do to him.

Swallowing all my fears, I turn them into anger. Taking a step forward toward Swan, I lift a brow at him. “You can’t have my son because he’s not from your bloodline. Slater isn’t his father,” I clarify before he can ask.

“You bitch,” Slater yells, jumping to get to me, but Swan lifts a hand, stopping him.

Swan studies me a moment. “Who then?” he asks slowly, his eyes locking on mine.

Grinding my teeth together, I swallow over the lump in my throat, knowing what will happen next. My eyes find Kale’s. And that’s enough. That’s all the answer Swan needs.



The shot interrupts Swan, making me jump and scream while all the boys draw their weapons once more. Slater lets his arm fall at his side, still holding the gun he just used to shoot and kill his best friend. No sign of remorse on his face.

Kale’s body crumples, falling to the ground in a heap. Blood pools from his head where Slater shot him, spreading over the white marble floor.

Swan heaves a sigh, turning toward his younger son. “Was that really necessary?” he asks Slater, sounding annoyed.

“That handles that then,” Domonic says, trying to get Swan to back off. “Zora’s son is none of your concern. She means nothing to you now.” Looking at Slater, he adds, “And you’re obviously done with her too.”

But Slater leers at me with his tongue slicking across his teeth before he smiles. “I’m far from done with her. I’m going to fuck her to death until the slut remembers who she belongs to. And then I’m going to put a bullet in her head just like her boyfriend there.” I think I’m going to be sick.

Dom looks at his brother, lifts his gun. “No, you won’t,” he says flatly, without any emotion, as he fires his gun at Slater.

Slater’s body falls to the ground in the same way Kale’s did. Blood is everywhere. Yep, I’m definitely going to puke.

“Problem solved. Now, get the fuck out,” Domonic directs to Swan with murderous eyes.

“This problem, perhaps. But we still have other things to discuss,” Swan replies, sounding bored. “I suppose those can wait a few days. I’ll be back, son.” He turns to leave but stops at the door to look back at me. “Oh, and Zora? If I find out you’re lying to me about the boy, I’ll do everything to you that my son said. Except I won’t be so gracious to put a bullet in your head.” And then the door slams shut behind him.

I fall to my knees and gag. The boys all surround me, making sure I’m okay.

“He’s a dead man walking, Zora. Don’t let him get to you,” Dom tries to reassure me.

With tear-stained cheeks, I look at him. “I think I need to know now.” He nods in understanding.

Pulling his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants, he calls in a clean-up crew but also calls Doc and asks for a DNA test to be done. I don’t ask how he has anything to test from Remi because I know he has his ways. He probably has a connection to the home Remi’s in now, making it easy for him to get anything he wants from him.

I feel like I’m in a haze, watching people swab at the blood coloring the floor. The bodies are removed, and all the blood is then washed away and cleaned up.

At some point, I realize I’m sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket. River is rubbing my feet when Cruz stands over me, handing me a steamy cup of tea before sitting on the floor in front of me. Greyson squeezes in behind me, wrapping his body around mine to hold me.

We’re just missing Domonic. I frown at that, wishing he were here sitting with us too.

“Do you want to finish Twilight?” Grey asks after a bit.

“I know you do,” Cruz says with a laugh, turning the TV back on and starting the movie from where we were before the night took an awful turn.

Surprisingly, I fall asleep in the midst of their back-and-forth jabs at one another. I guess it’s the comfort of knowing my boys are here with me that makes it easy to relax and let sleep take over.

I startle awake, feeling myself being picked up. “Shhh…it’s me, baby. Go back to sleep. I’m just carrying you up to bed,” Dom whispers.

“Why didn’t you come back to sit with us?” I ask groggily, still half asleep.

“Had some things to take care of.”

“I miss it when you aren’t with all of us.”

“Me too,” he whispers, kissing me on the head.

He sets me down in bed, and I feel the warmth of another body already there. The deep groan he emits when I turn to spoon him has me smiling, knowing that I’m lying with River.

“Angel, I’m not supposed to do anything physical yet. Don’t get me in trouble with Doc,” he chuckles as his lips find the side of my neck.

I hear the door click shut, and I know that Dom left. It makes me feel sad that he’s keeping his distance. Although, it shouldn’t. He did kill his twin brother after keeping that important piece of information from me.

But I guess I’m an attention whore, because I still miss him when he’s not around. Even with the other three surrounding me.

I’m falling for each of them in different ways.

Love them in different ways.

Need them in different ways.