Daddy’s Insatiable Little by Jess Winters













I led Lola out back towards where my squad car was parked. After opening the door for her, I noticed she seemed to be waiting for me to strap her in. I was more than happy to oblige.

“Careful, watch your fingers,” I instructed her as I took the seatbelt and tugged it over her waist and chest.

She was so curvy it was hard not to graze up against her as I buckled her in. Immediately I felt electricity travel beneath my own waistline.

Careful, I warned myself in my head.

I left Lola alone with the windows open, heading off to find the others. I gave the description of the robber to my colleagues before bidding them farewell.

“Good luck with that one,” one of the other sheriffs joked.

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“That’s Lola Chase, wild child of West Virginia. I heard a rumor she wants to bed every guy in town. It’ll be tough to lock her down.”

Well if there was anyone who could lock down a Little, it was me. I didn’t know for sure, but Lola seemed like the Little type. We’d met once a few weeks ago when I was accompanying my friend on his ring-shopping adventure, and let’s just say Lola looked more than a little helpless and lost.

She was in need of someone strong to discipline her and I was just the man for the job.

As for the rumors about her sleeping with every man in town, I could hardly believe that was true. Most of the men around town were scum, and the other half were engaged or married. Lola didn’t seem the devious type.

She was playful, however, and I kept thinking about that watermelon-pink streak in her hair. Maybe she kept it there to remind herself to never settle down. Or maybe it was just her style.

Either way, she was in for a trip if she was interested in me.

I tossed my keys up in the air, catching them in one quick swoop. Easing into the driver’s seat, I turned the engine over a few times before it finally stuck.

“Old car,” Lola observed.

“Yep, she’s pretty old but she’s a family heirloom. My father was a sheriff, and his father before him, and so on. We’ve been on one line of duty or another for as long as I can remember.”

“Oh, wow,” Lola whispered, leaning forward in her seat.

“Careful, or you’re going to catch the seatbelt,” I told her.

But it was too late, and the seatbelt had already turned into emergency mode, gripping Lola tightly across her chest and waist.

“I can barely move,” she said, trying to push herself forward, but it was no use.

“You’ll have to wait until we get to my house,” I instructed her. “The only way to fix that is by taking off your seatbelt and I won’t have that happen while I’m driving.”

Plus it was a turn on, Lola strapped in like that, the seatbelt cutting across her like a rope. I glanced in the back mirror and saw she had her hands between her legs, gripping tightly to the seat.

“You okay over there?” I asked.

I couldn’t tell if she was scared or turned on, or both.

“I’m just fine,” she replied.

She seemed happy enough, so I figured she was just turned on. Of course, this made things even worse for me. By the time we pulled into my driveway I was hard as a rock.

I urged my boner to go down, trying to turn my mind over to a different topic. When I had finally calmed down, I got out of the car and went to unbuckle her.

“You were up there a long time,” she said. “Contemplating anything serious?”

I chuckled. She didn’t seem too wild, but she was playful, even a little bratty.

“Nothing you need to worry your pretty head over,” I told her.

She leapt out of the car and immediately skipped towards the fence wrapping around my backyard. There were weeping willows covering the grounds, and soft purple lights lining the front and back steps.

“Oh my gosh, is that a pool?” she said once we’d gotten to the corner of the yard.

“Yep. Just had it installed this summer. You can try it out, if you want to.”

“I’d love to. Will you come swimming with me?”

She turned to face me, her ponytail swishing back and forth with excitement.

“Sure, why not,” I said, realizing neither of us had bathing suits. “On second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea. You don’t have a suit, after all.”

“That’s okay, I can just swim in my bra and panties,” she said, already stripping off her shorts and tank top before I could get another word in.

I watched as she dove headfirst into the deep end of the pool, gliding with ease, just like a mermaid.

I unbuttoned my own shirt, tossing my badge onto a nearby lawn chair. Next came my gun holster, phone, and key ring. I also had on me a pair of handcuffs, which I left in my pocket.

When I was in my boxers, I strode towards the edge of the pool, lingering before jumping in.

Lola burst through the water on the shallow end, bobbing for a few seconds as she looked me up and down.

“Wow,” she said quietly.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s nothing.”

“No, tell me.”

Something in my voice must have worked, because she seemed compelled to listen to my commands.

“It’s just, you’re so muscular. I’ve never seen a man with so many… muscles before,” she breathed.

I laughed, easing myself into the deep end. It was around eight feet, but jumping in wasn’t wise, especially that late at night. Who knew what might happen if I accidentally tripped or twisted something.

Lola waded over towards me, her hair floating around her like golden rod in a rain storm.

“Thanks again, for earlier. I don’t know what I would have done if you all hadn’t come,” she said.

She was so close I considered leaning down to kiss her. Instead, I opened my arms wide and she walked into my hug.

“Of course,” I said, chin resting atop her head. “We’re here to rescue you anytime, night or day.”

And by we I meant me. Lola was the first person I’d formed a genuine connection with, and I wasn’t going to let any of the other sheriffs have her.