Daddy’s Insatiable Little by Jess Winters













Marcus let go of me and stepped a few inches back. My first instinct was to bite my lip, nervous he might not like me as much as I liked him. But then he looked at me in a way I’ve never seen a man look at me before.

His eyes passed slowly over mine, down the bridge of my nose, lingered at my lips. He then gazed at my collarbone, my hair, which was now sticking to my arms.

“You like what you see?” I teased, though my voice was quiet, barely above a whisper.

I could feel my heart leaping into my throat as he reached a hand out. I thought he was going to cup my face lean in and kiss me, but instead he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

“Indeed I do,” he said.

I laughed quietly. Unsure what to do with all that stillness, I slowly submerged myself into the water.

While down there, I contemplated. What on earth was I doing?! A hot man was standing in front of me—well actually, it seemed as though he’d swum away. Still!

He’d reached out to me and all I did was almost drown myself in the pool.

As my head began to pound, I waded towards the surface. Marcus was doing laps back and forth.

“Watcha doing?” I asked him.

“Just trying to get out some excess energy,” he told me. “What are you doing? Is it warmer at the bottom of the pool?”

“Mhmm, like a bath,” I told him.

“Is that so?”

I laughed now, more comfortable than before. So he was flirting with me, and I was just too shy to deal with it.

“You know, I’ve heard about you.”

“Good or bad things?” he asked.

“A little bit of both,” I said, swimming closer.

Just as I was nearing him in the deep end of the pool he submerged himself into the water. I laughed, flailing for a second as I moved towards the lip of the pool.

Marcus must have sensed my distress, for he moved towards the surface, lifting me in his strong arms.

“You alright?” he asked, genuine concern on his face.

I slid my arms around his neck. “Thank you for saving me twice,” I teased. “In all seriousness, one of my worst fears is drowning.”

He nodded as if he understood. “Mine is falling,” he told me.

I had to bite my tongue, wanting badly to say, falling in love? But I knew he meant falling from heights.

“Yeah. When I was younger, my brother fell out of a tree and fractured his leg and arm.”

“That’s horrible,” I said.

I grew up as an only child. I had no idea what it would feel like if one of my family members got into an accident. Probably horrible.

“Is he alright?” I asked, desperately hoping the answer was “yes.”

“He is, thankfully. I guess I just wish I was there. I’d been off biking with my friend in the woods for the day, otherwise I like to think I would have caught him.”

“You can’t have known that would have happened. It’s not your fault.”

He strode towards the shallow end, lifting me onto the lip of the pool so I was sitting. I began to kick my legs out, slowly. Marcus stepped between them.

“I appreciate you saying that,” he told me.

My mind turned to mush. I couldn’t think of a single reply. His red lips were on mine, sweeping me off into the deepness of our first kiss.

Soon his tongue was exploring with mine, and we were breathing into each other’s mouths, hard. I let my hands tangle in his hair, nails raking down his back.

He groaned into my mouth and pulled me closer.

I wanted him to take me right then and there, but Marcus had other plans.

“I can’t, not like this,” he told me.

“Not like what? Soaking wet?”

He laughed. “Lola, you know that’s not what I meant. I can’t sleep with you today, is what I meant. You’ve been through so much, you need to rest.”

“But I promise I’m fine, I can handle it—” I protested.

In reality, I couldn’t handle it. I was wetter than I’d ever been, grateful we’d just swam in the pool otherwise he would surely see the spot I would be leaving on the cement.

“Another night. It’ll be worth the wait.”

I made a small “o” with my mouth, about to protest, when he spoke again.

“That’s an order,” he said.

I wanted him to be my Daddy so badly. I wasn’t good at listening, but I knew I’d have to. At least if I respected his wishes that first night we might be together sooner rather than later.

At least, that’s what I hoped.

He led me back inside, helping me to towel off. I couldn’t stop thinking of his hands in my hair, this time toweling off the dampness, but the touch was still intimate.

I knew that when we went our separate ways for bed time, I would touch myself. I’d have to, I was practically coming at the thought of him. Hell, I was practically coming and he was standing right in front of me, hands now toweling off his own hair.

I wondered if he could hear my thoughts, sense how badly I wanted him. Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, my mind whispered.

“Sleepy yet?” he asked.

I nodded.

Even though I’d been riled up in the pool, I was exhausted. But I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep unless I touched myself at least once.

I let Marcus instruct me to the guest bedroom, aware that he might be looking at my ass as I walked. Or perhaps I was only hoping he might be.

I almost risked a look over my shoulder, yet suddenly we were at the room.

It was gorgeous inside, the walls painted a light sparkling blue. It reminded me of champagne, and the sky on a summer day.

“I love it in here,” I breathed.

“I’m so happy to hear it,” he replied. “I decorated this room after my ex left me for another man. I vowed never to let anyone sleep in here again unless I found the one.”

“I guess you’re breaking your rule,” I teased.

“I guess so,” he replied.

“Goodnight, Lola,” he said, leaning low to kiss me softly on the cheek.

“Goodnight, Marcus,” I whispered.