The Blush Factor by Deborah Bladon

Chapter Forty-Two


My gaze roamsover Faith’s body. She’s bare, waiting for me to take her.

I want that.

Jesus, do I want that, but I’m so captivated by the way she looks, and more than that, it’s the way she looks at me.

It’s with reverence and adoration.

I saw it when I opened my apartment door earlier, and she jumped into my arms.

She kissed me in a way that set me back a step.

I kept my balance, clinging tightly to her as her legs wrapped around me.

I didn’t even make it to my bedroom.

I tugged her jeans and panties off before burying my tongue in her cunt. I ate her until she came, and then I finally took her to bed.

Fucking her with the light of the day shining on her body was an experience I’ll never forget.

Each moment I have with her is one I’ll treasure.

I’m a greedy bastard because I want more moments like this. I want all the moments like this that she’ll give me.

“You already put on the condom.” She glances at my erection. “Please, Matthew.”

I flip her over because I’ve never taken her this way.

She lets out a high-pitched yelp before she moans. “It’s going to feel so good, isn’t it?”

I guide my cock to her, pushing gently, giving her time to adjust.

It’s so fucking tight that I have to clench my jaw. A hiss escapes me.

“You love it, don’t you?” she whispers as I push into her, inch-by-inch.

“Yes,” I whisper.

I do love it. I love fucking her. I love hearing her come.

I love her.

* * *

I’mstartled awake by a sharp noise in the distance.

I look to where Faith is beside me. She’s wrapped herself in the covers of my bed, leaving me exposed to the cool air streaming in through the open window.

It’s just past dusk.

We fell asleep tangled together after we fucked.

It brought tears to my eyes.

It felt that good, but the rush of emotions was more about her body’s reaction. The way she whimpered and whined as she begged me to fuck her harder.

I did, and when she came, she called out my name.

It broke me. I came too whispering her name into the soft flesh of her neck as I rode out my climax, spilling my release into the condom.

I drag my legs over the side of the bed.

I hear the noise again.

It’s a knock at the door.


I grab a pair of sweatpants from the chair in the corner of my bedroom and tug them on. I reach for a T-shirt that I pulled out of the dryer earlier.

Running a hand through my hair, I take off out of the room, stopping to shut the door quietly.

Faith runs herself thin with schoolwork and her time with me, so I need her to rest. I want her to rest.

Another knock sounds just as I’m about to reach the apartment door.

I spin around to make sure Faith’s jeans and panties are out of sight. They are. She must have scooped them up earlier and put them in the bedroom.

I swing open the door, and then immediately, my gaze drops to two identical faces smiling up at me.

I don’t have time to greet them before they’re racing toward me. Giggling, they call out my name in unison, “Uncle Matty.”

I gather them both up and plant kisses on their cheeks before they do the same to me.

I love my nieces, but we need to have a talk.

“Where’s your mom?” I question as I lower them to the floor.

“Snoozing,” Dora says and follows that up with a snoring sound.

“Daddy is working,” Georgie chimes in. “In his home office.”

Dora’s head snaps to the side to look at her sister. “You said office right, Georgie.”

“I always do.” Georgie shrugs. “We were lonely. We came here.”

“Do you have popcorn?” Dora looks around. “Can we watch a movie?”

Normally, I’d offer up both, but my sweetheart is fast asleep in the next room, and I want more time next to her.

“I need to tell your dad that you’re here.” It’s not a threat, but there’s no way in hell I can’t reach out to Rome to tell him that his two little princesses broke free of the castle again.

“Dad will be chill with it,” Dora spits out.

Georgie and I both glance at her.

“What?” Dora shakes her head. “I can call him Dad if I want.”

“It’s Daddy to you,” Roman says.

We all turn our attention to the open door of the apartment and my brother standing there.

“Why did I not hear the elevator?” I perk a brow.

“It’s broken.” Roman grins. “I took the stairs. Did it in record time, Matthew. I took a half of a second off your time.”

He waves his fancy ass watch in the air like it matters who can take the three flights of stairs faster.

For the record, I can, and I’ll prove it later tonight with the stopwatch on my phone.

“What about you two?” I point at each of my nieces. “How did you get here?”

“We took the ellie’s gator before it broke,” Georgie says. “Dora broke it. She pressed a lot of buttons right before we jumped off.”

“Didn’t,” Dora screams at her.

“Did so.” Georgie’s hands drop to her hips.

“We’re going home.” Roman reaches for his daughters’ hands. “Uncle Matt seems busy.”

There’s that twin intuition at work. It’s that or the bite marks on my neck that Faith planted there.

I nod.

“Can we come back soon?” Dora pleads. “Please say yes, Uncle Matty.”

I kneel to kiss each girl on the forehead. “Yes. Very soon.”

When I stand, my brother has his gaze set on my face. “You look happy, Matthew. It’s a good look for you.”

I lean forward to kiss his forehead too. “It’s a good feeling, Rome. It’s a damn good feeling.”