The Blush Factor by Deborah Bladon

Chapter Forty-Five


I nervously rakemy fork over the plate in front of me. It’s filled with a healthy serving of spaghetti and meatballs.

I’m back at Calvetti’s with Gwynn for another cheat meal. This one is different, though. She insisted on paying, and she ordered a bottle of champagne.

I should be excited by the indulgence, but I’m too preoccupied.

The last text message I got from Matthew was two days ago. I had asked him to meet me in the hallway for a kiss. He told me he was at work, and since then, it’s been radio silence.

How can he ghost me?

We live across the hall from each other.

I’ve tried knocking on his apartment door, but he hasn’t answered. My next move is to go down to Premier Pet Clinic, but the last thing I want is to overreact to a man putting his all into his job.

I’m trying to figure out how to ask Gwynn for advice without revealing that I’m in love with the same man we saw with Professor Stein.

“Hey.” Gwynn taps her hand on the table. “You look great tonight, Faith.”

I glance down at the sheer black blouse and jeans I’m wearing. I’m wearing a black tank top under the blouse, so nothing is showing that shouldn’t be, but I wanted to look nice for this meal since Gwynn told me to wear something special.

“So do you.” I smile.

She does. Gwynn has on a red dress that’s formed to fit. It looks custom made, although I know it wasn’t. I was with her when she picked it up at a clearance sale in midtown last month.

“Let’s toast.” She raises her glass in the air.

Alcohol isn’t my thing, but I can stomach a sip or two of wine or champagne.

I pick up my glass too. “What are we toasting to?”

“My future law degree.” She squeals. “I’m doing it, Faith. I’m going to be a lawyer.”

My eyes fill with tears at her declaration. “You’re what?”

“I thought about what you said about Rich.” She finishes half the champagne in her glass. “So I talked to my dad, and he was thrilled, Faith. He was over the moon. Rich and I are going to school together, and then we’ll start a law firm after we both pass the bar. Can you believe it?”

I can’t.

I stare at her, certain that my mouth must be hanging open in shock.

“I’ve been running around telling everyone.” She giggles. “Stingy Stein actually looked relieved when I told her, but that might have had something to do with her kissing that hot number we saw her with a few weeks ago.”

The champagne glass in my hand shakes. “What did you say?”

Sighing, she lowers her voice. “I only told her first because I’m dropping out of her class. I’m transferring to Michigan State.”

“You are?” I ask, even though all I want to talk about is what she saw happening between Professor Stein and Matthew. “When?”

“As soon as I can.” She beams. “I’ll miss you, but you can come visit me. I know Rich won’t mind.”

I hastily change the subject. “So you went to talk to Professor Stein?”

“I stopped by the lecture hall yesterday,” she says. “Full disclosure. I wanted her advice before I made a final decision, because let’s face it, she’s something of a genius.”

I nod.

“Anyways, I got there, and boom stopped dead in my tracks at the doorway because she was all over the man we saw her with before.” She tosses her hair back. “You remember him, right. Tall, hot as hell, and looks like he fucks like a goddamn champion.”

I drop my gaze to my lap. He does fuck like a goddamn champion.

“He brought her flowers, and she was kissing him.” She smiles. “She looked so in love, Faith. If there’s hope for Stingy Stein, there’s hope for all of us.”

“You’re sure it was that guy?” I press, wondering if she mistook the graying, shorter Dr. Presbey for my gorgeous lover.

“It was him.” She nods. “Matthew something. I heard her say his name as he was leaving. He walked right past me. The man smells like sin.”

I swallow hard to keep my emotions at bay.

“She encouraged me to follow my dreams.” Gwynn takes another sip from her glass. “She told me the man who just left taught her to chase her dreams when they were a lot younger. She did, and now she’s the happiest she’s ever been because of him.”

Because of him?

Professor Stein is the happiest she’s ever been because of Matthew.

“Eat up, Faith.” Gwynn points at the plate of food in front of me. “This is our last cheat meal before everything changes.”

She’s wrong.

Everything has already changed.

My world has shattered into a million pieces, and I’ve never felt more alone than I do right now.