Where You Can Find Me by Fiona Cole


I searchedmy closet and found a high-waisted cream skirt that looked like a wrapped sarong. It hung longer in the back, just below my calves as it rose in the front, forming a point high on my shins. I topped it off with a fitted, long-sleeved black cropped top, leaving a small strip of my stomach bare, and matching black heeled booties. I added a slight wave to my hair and let it hang down my back. I felt good about myself tonight, and I liked the way I looked.

Jack arrived on time and took me to the Precinct, named because the building used to be an old precinct but was converted to one of the best steakhouses in the country. I had eaten there a few times, and each time, I got the filet mignon. I swear I didn’t even need a knife to cut my steak as it was so tender. The atmosphere was romantic and rustic with the brick walls, stained glass windows, and dimmed lighting. We finished our meal off by splitting a piece of cheesecake with strawberry topping. I thought I had died and gone to food heaven.

“Jack, thank you. I love this place, and I love the food.” I’m pretty sure I was bordering on giddy with my excitement over food. Jack just shook his head and laughed at my happiness.

“Hell, if I knew this would have made you this happy, I would have brought you here every day. I’d be poor as shit, but at least I would see your eyes dance with joy.”

“I am happy. This food is just good enough to get giddy over. And I don’t need to be here every day to be this happy. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be.” I reached my hand across the table and squeezed his. “Thank you for tonight, Jack. It’s been the best date.”

He lifted my hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles. “Oh, my sweet, Lu. It’s not over yet. I still have one more surprise.” His eyes flashed with hesitance, but it left before I could think anything else of it. Jack paid the bill and led me to the car.

“Where are we going now?”

“It’s a surprise.” He paused and reached across the console in his truck for my hand. His slightly sweaty one held mine tightly. “One I hope you will be happy with.”

A silence settled on the car, and his thumb beat a nervous tempo on the top of my hand. His anxiousness started to make me nervous, but I didn’t know if it was excited or scared nervous. I decided to let it go and play out, however. We stayed along the river and made our way closer to the stadium before pulling into a parking garage under a high-end apartment building.

Once we finally parked, I couldn’t hold back my questions anymore. I had a million things racing through my mind, and not one of them made sense. “Where are we? What are we doing?”

Jack gripped the wheel tight as though warring with a decision. Eventually, he turned to look at me. His eyebrows lowered with hesitance, but his eyes held confidence in what he decided. “You know I want to make all your fantasies come true. Even if it’s just once, I want you to have everything.”

Hearing him want so much for me caused a grin to stretch across my face. “Thank you. I want you to have everything you’ve dreamed of too.”

His lips tilted up in the smirk I’ve grown to love. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. But I’m not sure I understand all this seriousness.” My smile faltered a little when he continued fidgeting.

“I’m going to take you upstairs, and I want you to know, if we only have drinks, then that is fine. We have some drinks and laugh and go home. We don’t do anything you don’t want to do. And I know we have talked about this in the heat of the moment, and I might be taking it too far.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “But I don’t think it’s only said because of us being in the moment. I think it’s something you want … at least once, and I want to give it to you. But it’s up to you. You say no, then that means no. If you want to slow down or keep going, it’s all up to you.”

Biting my lip, I contemplated his words as they settled heavy in my stomach. Apprehension mixed with excitement and confusion causing me to feel nauseous. We’ve said a lot in the heat of the moment, but one stuck out the most to me. In a whisper, I finally asked, “Jack, whose place is this?”
