Where You Can Find Me by Fiona Cole


Grayson must have slepton the couch because he didn’t come back to the room that night. Jack kissed me awake the next morning, and the aroma of coffee permeated the air, begging me to come get a cup. The morning proceeded to be uneventful as we sat at the table having breakfast, and the guys talked about nothing important. I stared off, trying to process that I had been between these two men last night. And I had enjoyed it.

When Grayson got up to go to the sink, I noticed scratches on his back and blushed at the fact that I must have done that. I turned to see if Jack had seen, and he just smirked his perverted smile at me before lifting his mug to his lips. I raised my eyebrow, challenging him to judge me instead of shriveling up in embarrassment like I wanted to. He only winked at my show of no shame.

We left soon after, but not before Grayson had ordered me to suck his dick while Jack fucked me from behind. I thought the command was a joke until I saw both of them silently waiting for me to obey. And so I did. Without a second thought, I enjoyed my morning with the two gorgeous men. I knew it would be the one and only time. As much fun as it had been, I didn’t want to push the boundaries of my relationship with Jack too far.

Later that night,Jack and I made dinner together and talked about everything that happened. I think we both needed confirmation that last night was something we both wanted and didn’t regret. I knew I had questions about some of the things that occurred.

“Are you sure you don’t regret it?” Jack asked me.

“No. Of course not. I’m glad I shared this with you, and it was sexy and something I will only have with you.”

“Is it … Is it something you want to do again?” He hesitated over the question, and I wasn’t sure if it was because he wanted to again or because he didn’t and thought I did.

I paused. “No. As much as I loved it. I think once was enough. I have you, and that’s really all I need. You keep me plenty satisfied.”

He seemed relieved by my response. “Good. I’m glad I’m enough man for you.”

“Oh, baby, you’re more than enough man for me.” I jokingly reached down and cupped his package bringing us back to a relaxed conversation. But before we pulled too far away from the serious questions, I had one more I needed to ask. Nerves settled in my chest, moving throughout my body, causing my fingers to tingle because I didn’t know what kind of reaction my question would get. I took a deep breath before I opened my mouth, hoping my voice came out calm and steady. “Jack.” I saw him look at me out of the corner of my eye while I cowardly stared into the pasta sauce I stirred. “Last night. When… when Grayson…” I stopped, unsure of how I wanted to ask this. I lifted my eyes to his. I wanted to see his initial reaction. “Am I enough for you?”

“Shit.” He dropped his head and rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. His blue eyes locked on mine and showed his sincerity. “Luella, you are more than I ever thought I deserved. You are more than I could ever want. I love you. You’re more than enough for me.”

“I love you, too. I just … I just needed to ask. I wanted to be honest about my thoughts with you.”

“You have every right to. The thing last night with Grayson was his way of asserting himself. He likes to play games. And that’s what last night was. He likes to push the boundaries and rile people up. It’s not that he is attracted to me or that I am to him, as much as just doing it because he can. The game is something we’ve always done, and somehow Grayson took it to the bedroom on the few occasions we had a threesome. I don’t reciprocate, and he has never done anything that pushed me to a point of no return. I’ve always just ignored him. I’m sorry last night happened like that.”

I felt bad when he dropped his head as though he felt I judged him. I never wanted him to feel that way and quickly reassured him. “Jack. Stop. Don’t ever apologize for any part of last night. That doesn’t surprise me at all about Grayson. He’s … he’s something else.” We both stopped to laugh at the thought of Grayson’s personality. “Besides, it was actually pretty hot.”

His lips quirked up on one side as he wrapped his arm around my waist. “Yeah?”

“Oh, yeah.” Just as he leaned in for a kiss, his phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw Shane’s number. He landed a quick peck and pulled away to answer it.


I returned to making dinner as I listened to the one-sided conversation.

“Yeah, I can make it in on Monday. I’ll bring Grayson with me.” A pause. “No, I haven’t told him the news yet. It just hasn’t come up.” He paced across the kitchen. “Does Bennet know?” He growled with anger. “He’s been on vacation for two weeks? Hell of a time for a vacation. When does he get back?” Jack’s brows lowered in irritation from whatever he heard on the other end of the line. “Yeah, that seems a little odd. Do we know his whereabouts? What he’s been doing?” He nodded to whatever was being said on the other line. Yeah. I guess we’ll see him Monday and ask him then.” He nodded again. “I know, I know. But you know how I feel about him. You know a lot of people are keeping their eyes on him too.” Jack held a finger up to me, signally his conversation was ending shortly. “Okay. I’ll see you Monday. Later, man.”

Jack dropped his phone with a heavy sigh.

“Everything all right?”

“Yeah. Everything is fine. That was Shane asking me to come in Monday to discuss some things. Apparently, Aimes has been on vacation for the past two weeks, and whenever Shane has tried to call him in to work the case, he hasn’t been able to get a hold of him. He said he was visiting his family, but when Shane called the number supplied, his mom said she hadn’t seen him since Christmas. It just doesn’t sit right. I may be wrong, but I … I don’t know.”

I rubbed my hand up and down his back, trying to soothe him. “I’m sorry, Jack. I wish you had more answers. And hopefully, you will soon. When do the DNA results come back?”

“They should be in by Friday.”

“Good. Just one more week, and hopefully, this will all be over. Now come on and have some dinner with me.” He followed me to the dining room, where we pushed the upcoming week aside and decided to enjoy our dinner together.