More Than This by Dominique Wolf




hould we go and get something to eat?” Reyna suggested.

I locked up the door of the coffee shop and placed the keys in my handbag. Night had fallen upon us and we had successfully managed to finish the last of the walls in the shop. I was impressed with our progress and I felt a flicker of excitement at the prospects of where we could go with our little place now that things were starting to come together.

“Yes please, I'm starved.” My stomach growled in agreement. “But can we take it home? I could really do with a shower.”

“There's a great pizza place up the road,” she suggested.

“Lead the way.”

I breathed in the cold nighttime air and an unexpected wave of calmness made its way over me. I had focused on nothing else today but getting those walls painted and I was surprised that I hadn't thought of him.

Until now.

I was completely distracted today and it worked. For a while, there was no pain. There was no sadness and no tears. The hollow feeling in my chest remained, but I knew that wasn't going anywhere. It was a reminder of the part of me that I no longer had. What was he doing right now? Was he thinking of me?

You left him, Isabella.

The voice echoed that in my head and a rush of guilt presented itself. I hurt him that night and I would never be able to get his sad eyes out of my mind. The last thing I would have ever wanted to do was hurt him and now I would never be able to forget the way he looked as I walked out of his life.

“I'm so glad we finally got those walls done,” Reyna said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Me too. Now we can at least start with the next phase.”

“There's a lot to discuss. We have to pick a name, find suppliers, make sure the equipment is right, bring it ba-”.

“Please, don't say it all at once,” I chuckled. “It's overwhelming.”

“Sorry.” she smiled sheepishly. “We'll make a list.”

“Sounds good to me.”

We entered La Pizza Pazza and my stomach reacted to the smell of tomato and basil in the air. I hadn't eaten properly in days and I was finally starting to feel my appetite slowly return. There were a few tables in the restaurant filled with people, but we joined the take-away line. Reyna stepped up and we were next to be served.

“I'll wait for you by the entrance,” I said.

She nodded and turned to the older man behind the counter to place our order. I strolled to the entrance and leaned against the wall, a sudden wave of exhaustion washing over me. I had struggled to get a decent night's sleep these past few days and now it was catching up with me. Every time I closed my eyes, Giovanni was all I saw.

A moment later I heard my name and turned to see a familiar friendly face.


Hola, Isabella.” His eyes lit up and pulled me in for a quick kiss on each cheek. “I didn't expect to see you here.”

He placed his hands in his pockets casually. I was taken back by his appearance. It had been weeks since I had seen him and yet, he seemed much older. He allowed his dark beard to grow out more and his dark hair was hidden beneath a black beanie. He had on that strong cologne he had the first time I met him and I couldn't help but breathe him in, remembering how much I was intoxicated by it. I suddenly became self-conscious about my own appearance. I wasn't wearing any makeup and the old clothes I painted with weren't exactly the most attractive look. He, on the other hand, looked surprisingly good.

“Are you here alone?” I asked.

He shook his head and pointed to the table he came from. “Just here with a couple friends.”

He turned back to me and reached out for my arm causing an unexpected amount of electricity to flicker inside of me.

“I wanted to call you,” he said softly. “I saw the story about Giovanni and Casey.”

There it was again. That burning pain inside my chest at the reminder of the two of them. Would I ever get used to hearing about them?

“How are you handling it?” he asked.

“I don't think I am handling it,” I admitted.

“Well, I'm sure you and Giovanni will figure it out,” he said politely.

A lump started to form in my throat as I could feel the tears starting to build. I used every ounce of self-control I had to push them away. I didn't want to cry right now, especially not in front of Lorenzo.

“Giovanni and I aren't together anymore.”

He jerked his head back in surprise. “Oh, lo siento. I didn't know.”

“That's okay.” I brushed it off.

He reached for my hand and squeezed it. “I can't imagine any of this could be easy.”

I was surprised by his touch and the unexpected reaction I had to it. I clearly had some attraction to him, how could I not? My gaze met his and I was warmed by the sincerity in his light-brown eyes.

“It's not, but I don't think there is a blueprint for how I'm supposed to deal with it,” I attempted to joke.

He smiled. “No, there isn't.”

Reyna strolled in and stopped next to me. He dropped his hand from mine as Reyna extended hers to Lorenzo.

“I don't think we've officially met.”

“Lorenzo,” he said and pulled her in for the typical Spanish greeting.

“Nice to meet you, Lorenzo. I'm Reyna.” She turned to me. “They said about 10 minutes so I'm going to run to the ladies room quickly.”

I nodded and she turned to make her way through the restaurant. I stood awkwardly as Lorenzo stepped closer to lean against the wall next to me.

“Well, if you ever want to get away from all this shit, please give me a call.”

A small smile played on my lips. “You mean it?”

“Oh yeah, I have plenty we could do to distract you,” he said proudly. “Or even if you just need a friend to talk to.”

“Why would you do that?” I asked softly.

It's not that I didn't appreciate his friendly suggestions, they were just unexpected. We had only seen each other a couple of times, and yet, he was offering himself to me like an old friend.

“Why wouldn't I?” he creased his brow. “I care about you.”

“You don't even know me.”

“But I want to.”

He didn't bother hiding his interest. It was as clear as day burning in his eyes just like it was the first night I met him. I was in no place to reciprocate his interest, but I did appreciate his kind nature. It was refreshing.

“And I'm not coming here with any romantic intentions,” he clarified. “That's not what you need right now.”

Thank goodness.The last thing on my mind would be anything romantic with anyone. I didn't think I'd be able to recover any time soon from my current heartbreak.

I reached for his hand and squeezed. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

Reyna strolled over to us and I dropped my hand.

“Let me not keep you any longer,” Lorenzo said. “Hope to see you soon, Isabella.”

“Bye, Lorenzo.”

He said his goodbyes to Reyna and returned to his table in the corner of the restaurant.

Reyna turned to face me with her eyebrows raised.

“What?” I asked.

“Isn't that the guy you made out with at Paradiso?”

The heat slowly started to spread across my cheeks. “Yes.”

Reyna chuckled. “Well damn, I forgot how cute he is.”

I flicked my eyes over to Lorenzo again. “Yeah, I guess he kinda is.”

I was thankful for the older gentlemen calling our number to stop the conversation from going any further. Reyna strolled over and fetched the box for us. I was starting to feel a pang of guilt inside at the interaction with Lorenzo.

Giovanni would hate it.

I pushed both Giovanni and Lorenzo out of my mind. I didn't want to think of either of them. All I cared about right now was that delicious smelling pizza in Reyna's hand.

We pushed through the exit and turned to make our way home.