Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Two

“God damn it, what now?” Riot growls, it’s pretty damn clear that he’s had enough of this whole situation by now.

I listen to the conversation but in all honesty, I’m more interested in scoping the place out. We’re travelling down a street that looks like it’s a part of an upscale suburb. The houses are definitely not small, and are in fact, mini fucking mansions in all sorts of styles. The bigger houses have plots of land and even fucking gates to get in, and I’m damn glad that I’ve taken the time to study everything, although I am definitely going to have to do a walk through at some point to make sure I really know where the escape routes and shit are. I make a note of the other cars on the road, of course they’re all super expensive, and I even see a matt black Chevrolet Chevelle ss 454 that’s following behind us. I can’t make out the driver from where I’m sitting, but I do notice tattooed hands on the steering wheel, I dismiss it as just someone trying to get to their own house, but keep an eye on it just to be safe and go back to studying the surrounding houses and the street we’re travelling down.

I don’t like going anywhere, where I don’t know the basic layout. I made damn sure that I knew the layouts of each and every drop point when I was forced to work for my dad. Even if it was just scooping out fucking alleys, I did it because like fuck do I want to get trapped and backed into a fucking corner if things go south and let me tell you, my forward planning has saved me more times than I care to admit.

My hand twitches, wanting to play with one of my knives. Strangely enough, even though I haven’t used them, and we haven’t gone to battle together as it were, I still feel the need to pull out one of the knives that Atlas gave me rather than my old ones. I think it’s because it makes me feel closer to him and right now, we’re getting to the point in the evening where my wall keeping all my Atlas emotional shit back is practically non-existent. I noticed it happening last night, but we were too focused on getting packed and trying to convince Jensen to leave his vast knife collection at home, that it didn’t really hit me until everyone had gone to sleep.

Once we’d hung up the phone and Trick had fallen asleep, when everything in the house settled and it fell silent, that’s when it fucking hit me like a ton of fucking bricks and I felt like I had a damn elephant sitting on my chest.

My mind has never really been a kind place for me, so it conjured up all sorts of twisted ass things that could be happening to Atlas, and I can feel them creeping up on me now. I desperately want to be behind closed fucking doors before that happens.

We know that he’s going back into a dangerous as hell situation and he may be planning to bring us in at some point, but what the fuck happens between then and fucking now? We don’t even know if he’s okay, hell even if he’s alive.

I viciously push the dark as fuck thoughts away before they consume me, I was hoping that last night’s breakdown was a one-time thing but apparently, we’re gearing up to have one tonight too.


I’ve just got to hold it off for a little bit longer. It takes seconds for this to all swim though my mind and thankfully Peter replying helps me to hold the impending breakdown off for a bit longer.

“Nothing, I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.” He says‚ being deliberately vague as we pull up to some wrought iron gates. “You need to put your code in.” He instructs, looking a bit nervous all of a sudden and I have no idea why when he was so damn friendly before.

Trick opens his window and carefully types in the code, not bringing out his piece of paper to do so, already having memorised it. He angles his body so that none of us and especially not Peter, can see the code. The gates swing open and the car slowly swings up the sweeping driveway.

I glance behind us, out of the back window checking for that gorgeous car that was following us. It slows down as we go up the driveway before doing a quick U-turn and speeding off. Okay, so not just someone following us to get to their own house.

I get Rafe’s attention and start signing before I forget because already, I want to stare at the beautiful house.

“A black Chevrolet Chevelle was following us. It did a U-turn as soon we started coming up the driveway and then sped off.” I sign to him and he nods a small smirk tilting up his lips.

“Okay guys, this is where I leave you, I’d normally show you around, but there’s no fucking I way I’m stepping foot in his house. I’ve got no damn idea why they decided to fucking house you here. It’s throwing you straight to the fucking wolves. He is fucking terrifying as shit.” Peter rambles without a breath as we all get out of the car and he starts to walk back down the driveway, tapping away on his phone. “He’s not here at the moment, thank fuck, so I’ll meet you here in the morning to take you to classes. I assume your cars are going to be arriving soon. All of the information you need, maps and schedules will be in there. Breakfast is in your houses. See you in the morning.” He yells back, already at the bottom of the driveway where a gunmetal grey Mercedes has just pulled up, he waves out the window and it races off, the gates closing behind him.

“Okay, that was fucking weird.” Jensen says, “I mean I know we’ve dealt with a lot of fucking weird lately, but that was right fucking up there.”

“I’m with you dude.” Luc agrees, still staring down the driveway with a frown. “His entire mood switched. I wonder if we are getting our cars delivered though.”

“My bike!” I exclaim. “I’ve missed her.”

“It’ll be nice enough weather soon that we’ll be able to ride.” Cash adds.

“As fascinating as the conversation is, I have two points to make, one, are we just going to ignore that he thinks we are sharing a house with a damn psycho? And more importantly, can we work out how to get in because I’m hungry.” Jensen grins.

“Of course, you are.” I smirk and he wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his side‚ and licking my cheek just because he can.

“There’s a keypad like at the gate, just put the code in.” Luc suggests pulling his hair back up into its bun.

“Excuse me, sirs and er ma’am.” The driver of the limo calls out.

Shit, I’d forgotten he was even here; I’m not used to having someone drive me.

“Would you like me to bring your bags up to the porch?” He continues.

“Nah, it’s alright man, we’ll grab them.” Riot replies, striding towards the boot of the car, the rest of us following.

We all grab our own bags and take them up to the porch.

“Do you think we have to manually shut the gate or something?” I ask as we watch the car drive away and back towards the main part of the campus.

I’m assuming he’s going back to get the detective.

Five minutes after the car has passed through the gate, it starts to close on its own and it makes me think that it’s probably on a timer.

“Well, that answered that question. Come on, let’s get this door unlocked.” Trick says as he types in the code.

The door to the huge house opens easily and if we hadn’t spent time in the cabin, the luxurious interior would have been overwhelming. As it is, it’s still a shock that they have these kinds of houses for eighteen-year olds. The wealth of these people is astronomical. Its decorated very much like a bachelor pad with greys and dark wood furniture. As we move past the massive living room, I glance in taking in the huge TV, u-shaped sofa, and every conceivable game console that you could imagine.

The kitchen is pretty much stainless steel and looks like it has never been used, which doesn’t give me much hope for the food choices that we might have. We all dump our bags and Jensen opens the fridge as the guys take a seat at the massive breakfast bar.

“There’s nothing in here. Not a meal worth anyway.” He mutters and his stomach chooses that moment to make a giant rumbling noise. He glances down at it and rubs it affectionately. “I know buddy, looks like we’re going to starve.” He adds dramatically and I chuckle.

“Let me see what I’m working with.” I grin and go through all the cupboards, looking for something that I can make for all of us.

I start pulling out ingredients. The meal is by no means going to be five-star restaurant quality, but it’ll be filling, and I’ve worked with less.

“What are you making Sweetheart?” Trick asks, coming up behind me and looking over the ingredients that I have placed on the counter.

“Pasta in tomato sauce with bacon. Because of course, one of the only things the mysterious roommate has in his fridge is bacon.” I chuckle.

“That’s pretty impressive. I looked and couldn’t see any conceivable way to make a meal for all of us.” Jensen says frowning.

“That’s because one, you’re not used to cooking things from scratch, and two I’ve had to make meals from a lot less‚ I’ve gotten a knack for it now.” I reply as I put the pot of water onto boil and start the sauce.

“I hate that you’ve had to do that.” Cash mutters, “Do you think it might be a good idea to get some groceries delivered?”

“Yeah probably. Since our new roommate is such a psycho.” Luc replies, rolling his eyes and grinning in a way that he shouldn’t be, since most people would be worried.

I smirk and focus back on making the pasta sauce. The guy has a surprising amount of fresh ingredients considering it looks like nothing’s been used.


“Aren’t you guys worried about what Peter said?” Ever asks, I don’t miss the tiny smirk playing around the edges of her lips as she turns back to stir the sauce that already smells absolutely amazing.

It baffles my mind completely that she’s been able to create something that smells so freaking good with the minimal ingredients she has. I smirk as Rafe walks over Ever and without any prompting, she lifts up the spoon for him to taste. I still can’t believe that he managed to keep the fact that he’s such a damn good cook from us for so long.

“What do you think?”  She asks.

He studies her for a second and I can’t blame him. That sort of question would usually be a loaded one where the only right answer is, it’s delicious. At least that’s the experience that we’ve all had before, questions that aren’t really questions and only have one right answer. Even from here, I can tell that there’s only open curiosity and she is genuinely interested in his reply.

“It needs something . . .” He answers slowly.

“That’s what I thought, but I can’t figure out what it is.”

Rafe searches through the ingredients she has out and then through the cupboards and adds a couple of things to the sauce, I have no idea what they are‚ my culinary skills are limited to toast. Finally, he dips a spoon into the sauce and blows on it. I can’t help but almost crack up laughing at the image of this giant grizzly bear of a man blowing gently on a spoon to cool the sauce down. The effect it has on Ever though, is pretty damn impressive as she practically melts.

“That’s perfect, I would never have thought to add that in, but it works surprisingly well.” She compliments and the big guy blushes.

“No, we aren’t worried about our new roommate.” Riot answers, watching them both fondly and answering the question I’d almost forgotten she had asked, too distracted by just watching her. I’ve got it so damn bad for her. “I am however, concerned about you.”

“Me?” She asks, sounding confused as she plates up the food, with Rafe’s help.

Jensen starts bouncing excitedly on the chair next to me and I roll my eyes.

“Yeah Sunshine, you. Peter says that this guy is a psycho, I know that you can take care of yourself, so well in fact, that it’s incredibly hot.” He starts walking up to her and backing her into the counter with a smirk. “But he was clearly scared of the guy, and the detective did warn us that this school was run differently than normal schools. It just has me a bit worried that’s all.”

“He makes a really good point, Angel.” Jensen adds, all the bouncing and excitement gone as he frowns.

“I know. You forget though, not only can I take care of myself, but I have you guys and I will always be armed. I haven’t been sleeping with my knives recently, but we all agreed to stay armed when we got here just in case. My reflexes are still as fast as they used to be. Ask Atty, he almost got his throat slit the second night he was at the cabin.” She chuckles as she places the plates down in front of us and we all fall silent.

I feel my eyebrows hit my hairline.

“What Sweetheart?” I ask.

“Oh, I thought he would’ve told you. He woke me up from a nightmare and I was still in it at first, so I had him pinned against the wall with my knives to his throat.”

“And he didn’t lose his shit?” Jensen asks, utter shock in his voice.

“He can’t have, we would’ve heard that!” Luc mutters.

“Nope, he even held me when in my half-asleep state, I asked him not to leave me.” She replies, a delicate blush dusting her cheeks.

“Is that why he was in your room that night? I thought you’d fallen asleep together. I remember him saying you had a nightmare, but I had no idea that happened.”

“I never thought I’d see the day when Atlas fell so fucking hard for someone.” Cash says unthinkingly and I watch Ever’s reaction closely.

It breaks my heart to see the hope light up her eyes quickly followed by dread and hurt. We all understand why he had to go and couldn’t stay in contact; well we get the jist of it since he won’t give us any details. I just hate to see her suffering like this. She puts on a good show but it’s clear, she is still hurting over it. I share a look with the guys, we’ve all picked up on it.

“I still don’t feel comfortable with you sleeping in a room on your own.” Jensen says around a mouthful of pasta, effectively changing the subject. “I know he’s not here yet, but he could be back any time, especially since I don’t think that Peter will keep the news of where we are staying to himself.”

“I wasn’t under the impression that I was going to be sleeping alone?” She replies sassily‚ raising her eyebrow and making Jensen grin a decidedly dirty smirk.

“Glad that’s settled then.” He smirks.

“On that subject though, I don’t think it will be just Peter who won’t keep it quiet. There was a car that followed us all the way here and then sped off once he saw which drive, we were turning into.”

“I noticed that too.” Luc says.

“So, there’s a chance that the roommate might come back earlier than we expected too.” I muse.

“We could always check out his room. Just to see how much of a threat he really is.” Cash suggests, looking through a pile of paperwork. “I’ve got a grocery order being delivered after school tomorrow. I think I got everything, but you guys go through it and add whatever you think I missed.” He passes his phone to Rafe who’s sitting next to him and he immediately starts adding things.

“It’s a good idea. I wouldn’t normally advocate going through someone’s personal belongings, but this is a matter of safety. Let’s finish food first and then we can take our stuff up and find his room. What are you looking at?” I ask him.

“It’s all the schedules, maps and shit.” He replies, “Get this‚ they’ve got combat and fucking weapons training on the schedule.”

“No fucking way!” Jensen exclaims excitedly, taking a piece of paper out of Cash’s hand.

“I understand self-defence maybe, but full on combat and weaponry?” Rafe, rumbles, looking over the schedule that Cash has just handed him.

“There’s something more going on at this school other than it just being for the kids of the super-rich and influential. That was clear from the fact that it’s somehow safe from whoever your dad worked for.” Luc says.

“I agree, this place is definitely more than it seems.” Cash agrees, “Slightly off subject, but I’m going to see if I can get someone to ship our cars out to us, I should be able to do it anonymously.”

“Good idea. We all need to remain on guard if these kids actually take those lessons seriously then we are in more danger than we thought. For all we know, it could be like a specialist course that only some students take and the detective knowing our background, decided that we’d do well in it.” Jensen guesses, serious again.

“That’s the best-case scenario. Is everyone done?” I ask.

“Yep.” Ever replies as she starts to gather the plates and we all help to load the dishwasher.

“Let’s go check out the Roommates room and see if we can at least get a name.” Rafe says standing and stretching.