Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Five

“That was fucking ridiculous, he didn’t even give us any books or anything like that and the whole lesson was done from a fucking book.” Luc says‚ agitatedly running his hand through his loose long hair.

“I don’t think it’s going to get any better. So far, the people in the school have a massive problem with us. I know it’s not just because we’re new and unknown.” Cash replies.

“No, it’s because I have a vagina and they’re misogynistic dicks.” I add in drily and they smirk.

“Let’s get this over with I’m fucking starving.” Jensen grumbles as he pushes through the door into our second class of the day and the last class before lunch.

It’s not surprising to us at all that the second lesson, Business studies, goes exactly the same way as our first lesson. The only difference being that this teacher is more open in his distaste of us, giving us as many glares and death stares as the students. We sit there‚ stoic faced until the bell finally rings. I’m half expecting Peter to not bother showing up, so it surprises me to see him waiting for us outside the door.

“I see you guys had a great first morning?”

“Fucking fantastic, everyone was so welcoming‚ made us feel right at home.” Riot replies sarcastically and Peter chuckles.

“Sounds about right. Come on, let’s get food, I’m starving.”

When we walk through the giant, ornately carved wooden doors, I can’t help but gape in awe at the cafeteria. It’s more like a posh restaurant; the tables are all made of wood that matches the carved mouldings on the high ceiling and each one is covered with pristine white tablecloths. There’s no lunch line that I can see and no serving station, instead the students are holding menus and there are servers weaving through the tables‚ taking orders and dropping off plates of delicious looking food.

It takes a minute, but I watch as the tables closest to us start to nudge each other‚ falling silent and grinning like they know something that we don’t. It creates a ripple effect and soon the entire cafeteria has fallen silent.


I turn to look at Peter to see if he’s willing to give us any sort of hint at what’s going to happen next. The words stall on my tongue though as my eyes land on him, all colour has vanished from his face as he gulps nervously and his eyes dart around.

“Fuck, he’s back already. Look whatever you do, keep your head down and you might get out of this fairly unscathed.”

“Who’s back?” Trick asks, his voice low.

“Your roommate.” Peter says as he points over to a table in the far corner.

There’s a ring of empty tables around it where students aren’t sitting. Despite them looking fairly squished together on the other tables. Sitting on the table in the corner is a guy absolutely covered in bright and colourful tattoos, his arms are huge and even from here, I can tell that he’d tower over me, although most people do so that’s hardly surprising. There’s a glint of metal in his eyebrow and nose that I’m assuming are piercings and he has a head of unruly auburn curls that somehow work with his otherwise dark and threatening appearance.

The surrounding students snicker but I ignore them as I focus on the giant guy that has his back to us. There’s something extremely familiar about him. The guy on the table nods in our direction and I see the guy whose standing tense before starting to turn around, when he fully faces me a huge grin tilts my lips.

Before I have time to fully process what I’m seeing, my legs are moving at a dead sprint in his direction. Peter yells something behind me and the cafeteria gasps. The guy that’s sitting on the table starts to stand up, a scary as fuck glare on his face. Getting ready to interfere and grab me.

No fucking chance‚ asshole.

I grin savagely, the sight of it making him pause as his eyes widen slightly, his eyebrows shooting up. I don’t know why everyone is so shocked whenever I smile like this but it always gives me enough time to do what I need to so I can’t complain. Back when we were walking the halls to get to lunch, I moved one of my knives from the holder in my jeans to up my sleeve, I couldn’t tell you exactly why. I guess we could call it instinct.

I let the blade slip out, catching it by the handle and in one swift move, I launch it at the guy on the table, while still running in their direction. It hits its target and lands straight between his legs, millimetres from an appendage I’m sure he’s very attached to. He shoots backwards cursing up a storm as the rest of the cafeteria turns into a frenzy of yelling and exclamations.

“That’s my girl.” I’m sure I hear one of my guys yell, but at this point I’m too close to him and I couldn’t give a flying fuck about anything else.

Before anyone can do anything to try and stop me, which considering I’ve had enough now and next time I’ll be aiming for flesh and not table, is a good thing, I’ve launched myself and wrapped my legs around the guy still standing thankfully he catches me despite his shock.

“What the fuck do you think you’re fucking doing, you crazy fucking bitch.” The guy on the table growls finally standing up and moving towards us.

Clearly enraged‚ which if I’m honest is fair. I did throw a knife at his junk, if he had moved, he’d be dickless right now. When I look over at him smirking though I swear I see a flash of heat in his eyes before its abruptly snuffed out.

“Man, she didn’t know‚ as much as I’d like you to make her pay you can’t here.” He steps towards us and pulls at my arm.

“Don’t fucking touch her.”

“Atty.” I breathe, ignoring the spluttering shock from the guy next to us.

He studies my face for seconds as if not believing that I’m truly here before his lips crash down on mine. I pour my fear and need into that kiss and he gives me just as much back. The cacophony of noise in the cafeteria dies abruptly.

“What the fuck is happening?” The guy growls, when we eventually pull apart.

“Rage, this is Ever and the guys.” Atlas explains, nodding to over my shoulder where I’m guessing the guys are gathered.

He doesn’t take his eyes off me though and his grip is almost bruising, I fucking love it.

“Hey man,” Jensen starts, and without looking at him I can hear the smile he’s wearing.

“What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Atlas growls, slowly putting me down, I turn to face the guys and the rest of the cafeteria as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“I think maybe this is a conversation we should have in private.” Trick says, his eyes darting to the surrounding students all in various states of shock, still silent and watching us with rapt attention.

“The house might be the best bet; we know it’s safe from bugs.” Rage says quietly.

Atlas nods once and starts striding out of the cafeteria not letting go of me.

“Don’t we need to tell anyone we’re leaving?” I ask.

“No.” Rage replies bluntly and Atlas shoots him a frown.

I shrug, his attitude doesn’t bother me, I’d be a bit pissy if someone nearly stabbed me in the dick, you know, if I had one. I also couldn’t give a rat’s ass about this school and their silly rules. The doors to the cafeteria close behind us and sounds of raised voices soon follow. At this point, I’m unsure whether it’s because of Atlas’s reaction to me or because I threw that knife at Rage.

Probably a bit of both.

“Right, Trick, Jensen, Cash, Riot, Luc, and Rafe, you’re with Rage. Princess you’re with me.” Atlas orders as we get out the door and stop near a large SUV and an absolutely beautiful Harley Davidson.

“Princess?” Rage asks, incredulity in his tone that I don’t understand.

“Leave it.” Atlas replies shortly, steering me towards the Harley.

“Can I drive?” I ask Atlas, making Rage scoff.

I’m definitely going to need to apologise, I know he’s kept Atlas safe since he had to leave the guys and I know that he is one of Atlas’s best friends, he’s not going anywhere and neither am I. There’s no point in us being shitty with each other.

“Sure, Princess.” Atty replies, handing me the keys.

He pulls me closer, his lips crashing against mine in a hard kiss, my hands clench in his shirt as I pull him closer.

“I fucking missed you.” He mutters roughly.

I bring my hand up and gently run my fingers down the scar on his face, he tilts his head resting his cheek in my palm before he turns his head and gently kisses my palm.

“I missed you too, Atty. So, fucking much.”

“What the fuck is happening right now?” Rage mutters incredulously, “You left some pretty fucking big things out when you told me about her brother.”

“Come on, let’s get going.” Atlas says to me, ignoring Rage.

The Harley roars to life beneath me as Atlas wraps his big arms around my waist. The SUV squeals out of the parking lot and Atty chuckles quietly behind me.

“Show him what you’re made of Princess.” He says, kissing my neck and sending my hormones into overdrive.

Without any further encouragement I tear out of the parking lot easily catching them up and then over taking them.

“Take the handles, when I move take over!” I yell to Atlas, he nods against my neck, instantly trusting me.

His arms reach around me and take control of the bike, I bring my feet up on the seat and his long legs reach forward as he moves closer, I very carefully stand up, slowly turning around as he keeps the bike steady and wrapping my legs around his waist, I grin up at him happy with myself. His eyes burn with heat and I grin.

“Don’t crash.” I smirk as I lean forward, pulling myself closer and slowly start to kiss up his neck, he shudders.

“Princess,” He growls in warning.

I smirk against his lips, “Yes Atty?”

I let my lips softly brush against his and he groans, kissing hard and fast once. I chuckle when he shoots me a warning look as we turn into the driveway of our now home, I guess.

“If I didn’t need information right now, I’d have you naked and underneath me, writhing with pleasure within seconds.” He growls as he pulls me more firmly against him, my core heats at the feel of his hard length against me and not for the first time do I wish we both had less clothes on.

“That was fucking hot.” Jensen grins walking up to us, with heat in his eyes. “My turn next. I’ve got a few ideas.” He smirks.

“Can’t wait.” I grin, climbing off the bike and immediately being pulled into Jensen’s arms as he kisses me.

He really did like the show.

We all make our way into the house and straight to the kitchen.

“Right, what the hell are you doing here?” Atlas starts immediately.

“You know about my dad?” I reply and he nods, Rage’s eyes dart to the side as he frowns heavily. “Well, the detective in charge of my case told us that some people who he worked for were looking for me. He said that some new information had come to light and this was the safest place for me. Of course, I refused to come without the guys.”

The more I talk, the darker the look on Atlas’s face becomes, his eyes flash with anger and his jaw clenches.

“What was your father’s name?” He growls.

“Marvin Roman.”

“Mother fucking, cunt.” Atlas explodes.

“How the fuck did that happen?!” Rage asks, “Fuck, that was the . . .”

Atlas silences him with a look.

“What’s going on?” Trick demands.

“It seems that your father worked for mine.” Atlas growls through clenched teeth.


“There’s so much you don’t know, and I don’t have time to explain it now. You heard of Liam Farlow?”

“The massive crime boss that the feds can never get anything on?” Cash asks.

“Yep.” Atlas says simply.

“He’s your father, and is after Ever because of something her father did, who worked with your father?” Luc sums up.


“Dude we’ve got a job.” Rage interrupts, tapping on his phone screen before Atlas pulls out his own phone and looks.


“What kind of job? Come on dude it’s time to bring us in.” Trick orders his tone leaving no room for argument.

Atlas looks at me for a long time, searching for something. I grin viciously, I don’t give a shit what he’s got going on so long as we’re in it together, all of us. Finally, he sighs and nods at Rage.

“So, you know the feds can’t get anything on Atlas’s father or anyone in the top tier of the organisation. Well Atlas has inside information from both his father’s organisation and the feds. When the feds get wind of the location of one of his men but can’t take them down either because of red tape or corrupt cops or simply because they don’t have enough evidence. They call us in, and we deal with.” Rage explains.

“I’m clearing out my father’s business. Getting rid of his more disgusting and questionable dealings. I will have to take over one day, if I don’t my brother will, and no one wants that. So, I’m cleaning shop and legitimising as much as I can.” Atlas adds.

“So, what’s the job?” Riot asks.

“That’s it?” Rage asks.

“We said we wanted in.” Rafe shrugs. “You’re trying to do the right thing, but in this situation in order to do the right thing you have to do questionable things to bad people.”

“It’s not like any of us weren’t already doing that.” I add in.

“What?” Atlas asks, his eyes narrowing on me, he knows what the guys got up to.

“Come on man, you know how Jensen gets sometimes. He’s gained a reputation for stapling confession notes to fuckers’ foreheads.” Luc grins.

“Hey, it’s not just me. Ever’s put her fair share of fuckers in the hospital.” Jensen grins deflecting the conversation back to me.

“I never met your father, but I do know off him. What did he have you doing for him?” Atlas asks, turmoil in his eyes.

“Drug runs. The other stuff I did on my own.” I say‚ not completely telling the truth but not outright lying either.

“Are you sure?”

“Dude what do you know?” Riot asks, tensing along with the rest of them.

“Ever’s dad, dealt in drugs, weapons and prostitutes, specialising in young ones.” Rage replies, looking sick to his stomach.

“I was safe enough until I was eighteen.” I reply, stoically not wanting to talk about my time there.

Atlas’s jaw clenches as he growls, not liking my reply.

“The job isn’t for a couple of days. For now, though our presence is required at a party. It’s the usual race which means the surrounding schools will be attending too and things can get a bit tense.” Rage interrupts saving me from having to delve further in my past than I’d like to.

“Let’s go, I need a little release.” Jensen comments, his voice low as the darkness flashes across his eyes again.

“I think we all do.” I reply and Rage looks at me as if he’s just figured something out.

“Holy fuck. If you’re Marv’s daughter that means that you’re the one. . .”

“Okay that’s enough story time for today.” I say getting up and cutting him off at the same time. “Don’t we need to get ready for the party?”

The guys eyes widen as they switch between me and Rage.

“Oh, come on, puddin’.” Rage smirks, “I think they want to know.”

“Rage,” I warn, it’s no good though, I know he’s already made up his mind to tell them, more than likely payback for the knife/dick incident.

“Puddin’ here, had a reputation. Even some of the higher ups were wary of her. She liked to slice, put several her dad’s men and Atlas’s fathers men in the hospital. A couple of them were never the same again. She used to like the baseball bat too.” He announces, grudging respect in his eyes.

The guys eyebrows hit their hairlines.

“I love how bloodthirsty you are Angel.” Jensen grins.

“None of it was unprovoked.” I reply.

“It’s safe to say she can hold her own in our world, Atlas. She’s been in it almost as long as we have. It just took us a while to get to her.” Rage says somewhat cryptically.

I open my mouth to question, what he meant, especially as he shares a look with Atty that is full of secrets but Atlas interrupts.

“That might be why Liam is after her. She did a lot of damage. I was there when one of the reports came in, I just hadn’t made the connection yet. She was utterly ruthless, and my father’s reaction wasn’t what it should have been. He was angry but there was a calculating to edge to it and he smiled.” Atlas replies.

“That’s more concerning than just anger.” Rage frowns.

“I’ll look into it. Right now, we need to get ready, the party will be after school which will have ended now, we’ve got a couple of hours.” Atlas says to us.

“There’s still a lot we need to know.” Trick tells him and he nods.

“I promised to bring you in, it’s just a bit sooner than I would’ve liked. If my father really is after Ever though this is the safest place for her.  He can’t touch any of us whilst we’re on Academy grounds.”

“Which reminds me, the party tonight isn’t on academy grounds, all of you need to be on high alert in case Liam decides to send someone. By now he will know that a girl has been admitted but I doubt he will know your name yet. As soon as he does, it won’t take him too long to put it together. Stay wary.” Rage adds and we all nod in agreement, that goes without saying really.