Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Four


“Ever?” A low voice rumbles near my ear and I groan snuggling further down into my duvet.

I do not want to wake up yet. It can’t possibly be morning already, memories of the nightmare that plagues me most nights starts to try to encroach on my tired brain, and just like that I’m awake. I’m not risking going back to that dark place, thank you very much.

“You okay, Baby girl?” Rafe asks as he places a gentle kiss on my lips.

“I’m good. Tired.” I reply smiling, I could get used to waking up to kisses.

“Everyone apart from you and Jensen are up and downstairs getting ready. Peter should be here soon to get us, and Cash has already managed to arrange to have our cars delivered from home. They should be here, in a few days or so.”

“What about being followed and raising suspicions with whoever had found me?” My stomach twists in knots and my brows bunch together.

“Don’t worry, Dragonfly, the people that Cash is using to transport them are used to dealing with unusual and discreet circumstances.” He reassures me.

“Well, okay then.” I smirk. “How come you didn’t wake Jensen up?” I ask looking over to where he’s laying starfished on the floor.

“Because how I’m going to wake him would’ve woken you up too and I wanted to wake you up more gently.”

I raise my eyebrow in question, and he smirks, kissing me one more time before he walks over to Jensen, grabbing a glass of water off the nightstand on the way.  I sit up to watch the show, grinning.

“Wakey wakey sleeping beauty.” Rafe booms as he tips the glass of water over Jensen.

“What the fuck man!?” Jensen splutters before promptly tackling Rafe to the floor.

I chuckle as I get out of bed and rummage through my bag and grabbing my outfit for the day, setting it out on my bed before stepping around the still grappling men. Both of them cursing but laughing at the same time.

I honestly do not understand men.

“You going to join me, Jensen?” I ask, my grin turning into a smirk.

His head whips in my direction so damn fast I’d be surprised if he didn’t have whiplash.

“What?” He asks, heat already darkening his eyes.

Rafe chuckles and leaves the room, winking at me as he goes.

“You heard me.” I reply, stripping off the large t-shirt that belongs to one of the guys as I walk into the bathroom.

I barely get two steps inside before I’m snatched up into a pair of strong arms and walked further into the room. He starts to gently kiss up my neck. I step forward and he breaks his hold on me watching me curiously. I smile as I turn on the shower, fortunately its big enough for the both of us and the activities I have planned. I strip off the rest of my clothes, he watches me hungrily as I step into the warm water, the heat of his gaze raising goose bumps on me and sending a thrill of heat through my body.

He stalks predatorily towards me‚ discarding his boxers as he does and my gaze travels the delicious length of him, holy hell. My clit pulses and I pull him towards me.

“A little impatient are we‚ Angel?” He whispers huskily.

“Aren’t you?” I mumble, kissing down his neck and across his chest.

He mutters something entirely unintelligible as I trail kisses and small bites further down. I take is hard as steel length in my hand and pump it twice, swirling my tongue around the tip before I take him in my mouth. I move my hand at the same time as my mouth and he shudders‚ his hands tangling in my hair and pulling tightly, making me moan around him.

“Fuck.” He curses throwing his head back.

He pulls me up and crashes his mouth against mine in a hard and unyielding kiss. The water pours over us as my nails scratch down his back. He lifts me up effortlessly and I gasp as my back hits the cold tile. He bites my lip‚ as my nails sink into his shoulders and one of his hands comes up to wrap around my throat.

“Holy fuck.” A breathy moan escapes my lips.


“Birth control and clean.”


He thrusts into me in one powerful and back arching stroke. We both groan loudly, his hand flexing around my throat. He barely gives me time to adjust before he pulls out and slams back into me. There’s no slow build up and he effortlessly holds me up, one hand on my throat and one gripping my hip in a bruising grip that is driving me wild. I don’t even attempt to be to quiet and I move my hips with his as much I can without dislodging myself. He kisses me hard, my tongue fighting with his. I’m almost certain my nails are leaving marks on his back and shoulders, but he doesn’t seem to mind as his thrusts pick up speed and send me hurtling over the edge, into an orgasm that has me crying out in ecstasy, his own groan of ecstasy following shortly after.

He kisses me gently, his hand loosening on my throat. He runs his fingers down the column of my neck looking worried.

“You didn’t hurt me; I love it when you grip my neck.” I say, trying to reassure him whilst also trying to get my breath back.

He grins‚ looking relieved and breathing just as heavily as me before agonisingly slowly pulling out of me.

“Fucking perfect, Angel.” He says softly, emotion clouding his eyes.

I stand on tiptoes and kiss him softly.

“We should probably actually shower, first day at school.” I grin.

“Ah fuck, I forgot. You distracted me.” He grins.

We shower quickly and make our way downstairs, through the house of many doors that we still haven’t explored yet, and into the kitchen where we can hear the guys.

“Here you go, Sweetheart.” Trick says handing me a cup of coffee and kissing me softly before turning back to the bacon.

Jensen kisses me on the top of my head as he moves past to get his own cup of coffee. I take a seat between Rafe and Riot, each of them taking turns to kiss me.

“Morning, Sunshine.” Riot grins, a naughty glint in his eye.

“Morning, Riot.” I smirk in return. “You actually let Trick in the kitchen?” I ask Rafe, chuckling.

“Under strict supervision, the guy could burn toast.” Rafe replies, rolling his eyes and making me grin.

“l would take offence, but it’s true.” Trick admits, as he and Jensen place big platters of bacon, eggs, and toast on the table before taking their seats. Once everyone’s loaded their plates, Trick asks for our attention.

“There’s a couple of things that we need to go over before we get to the school. We’re running out of time, so eat as I talk.” Trick smirks shooting me and Jensen a look.

My grin widens and Jensen smirks.

“And I’d make us late again.” He winks at me and I laugh.

“Alright. I think until we know more about this school, we need to keep our relationship more discreet. I’m not suggesting hiding it or anything like that‚ I’m just suggesting that we be careful what we say about our relationship when we’re around other people and keep them all guessing.” He explains.

I must admit that at first, I was hurt that he’d want to hide what we have, but that’s not actually what he’s suggesting we do, he’s just suggesting that we are more cautious, which I understand.

“That makes sense to me. We don’t want to cause a problem for ourselves where there doesn’t necessarily need to be one. Although, I think keeping it quiet for too long might cause us problems too.” I explain.

“So, we keep it cautious until we understand what we’re dealing with better.” Cash says.

“Sounds good to me.” I agree, the others agreeing too.

“Good, the other thing I wanted to make sure of, is that you’re all armed?” Trick asks seriously.

“Yep.” I say.

“I’ve got enough for each of us.” Jensen grins viciously and my eyes run over his body trying to see where he’s concealed them. “You’re welcome to do a strip search, Angel.”

“Didn’t we already do that this morning?” I smirk and his eyes widen slightly.

“Alright, you two.” Trick chuckles. “Guys?”

“Yeah, we’re all armed.” Luc answers for all of them.

“Good,” He replies just as the doorbell rings. “That must be Peter, everyone grab your school stuff.”

He gets up to go to the door, and I watch as he keys in a code to open the gate before he opens the door and waits for Peter. The guys all get up to get their shoes, bags, and jackets, but I take a minute to finish my coffee knowing that if I don’t, I will become a raging bitch and no one wants that, especially when we’re trying to fly under the radar.

Which should be super easy considering I’m the only girl in an all-male school that’s got some seriously dodgy shit going on.

Super easy.

Is it bad that a small part of me is excited?

“Don’t forget to hide the ring Atlas gave you, Sunshine.” Riot says gently as he comes back into the kitchen.

I startle slightly and look down‚ I had no idea that I was playing with it. I tuck it underneath my shirt, the length of the chain means that it falls snugly between my boobs. There’s no risk of it falling out. I’ve thought about it and I still have no damn idea why it’s such a big deal that I keep it hidden.

I just hope that I get the chance to ask him about it at some point.

“Are you okay, Sunshine?” Riot asks, leaning over and gently kissing my forehead as I look up at him.

“I’m okay,” I smile up at him. I don’t need to see myself to know that my smile is tinged with sadness.

His eyes cloud with worry but he lets it go.

“Okay, Dragonfly. I’m here for you if you need me for anything though, you know, that right?” He says sweeping some hair behind my ear.

“I know.” I reply, my smile more genuine now and I stand up kissing him gently. “I’m going to go get my shoes.”

He nods and I walk towards the front door where I had the forethought to leave all of my stuff last night. I get there just as Peter arrives, looking nervous as hell and standing at least two metres away from the actual door.

“Do you want to come in, the guys are just getting their school stuff.” Trick offers and I can hear the thread of amusement underlying his tone.

I turn away, hiding my smirk, I don’t think it would help if he thought we were laughing at him.

“Hell no.” He exclaims, “I’m not risking being seen entering his house when he’s not here. Not after what happened to Billy.” He adds shaking his head rapidly.

“What happened to Billy?” Jensen asks coming down the stairs.

“Oh no. That’s definitely not my story to tell.” He says, before sighing heavily. “Look I like you guys. I just can’t be involved. This academy doesn’t have the usual hierarchy that normal places do. We’re trained for things that teenagers shouldn’t be trained in. Bullying here is not the usual stuff you get, it’s missing kids. Broken fingers. Families being torn apart. This place is as cutthroat as it gets, and it’s all made worse because every fucker here has more money than fucking sense. With money comes connections.”

“Hmm, well at least we’re not going to get bored.” Riot grins.

Making all of us chuckle. Peter’s only confirmed what we already thought and in all honesty it sounds fun. Dangerous but fun.

I think my idea of amusement is slightly warped.

“You guys are crazy. Most people after hearing that would at least be mildly concerned.” He sounds somewhat appalled at our lack of reaction. “If you ignore everything else, please don’t ignore this . . .” He starts as we all walk towards his large SUV and get in, me sitting on Luc’s lap. “Do not let her out of your sight. This is not a safe place for anyone, especially not someone who they all perceive as weaker and no matter how fucked up it is, these men are raised by misogynistic, sexist assholes who all view women as the weaker sex.”

I’m actually quite touched that he’s given us a warning, it means there’s at least some hope for him. I think he’s been surrounded by toxic masculinity his whole life and just needs someone to really accept him for who he is.

Mission accepted.

“We’ve got her.” Jensen says, darkness flashing across his eyes, I’ve noticed that happening more and more.

If he’s anything like me, then he’s going to need an outlet soon. I can feel my own darkness starting to swirl inside my veins. We have our first combat class tomorrow, so hopefully that will help.

“Right.” He says, his eyes flicking around the guys nervously. “You know they’re all taking bets on how long you’ll last?”

“Oh yeah,” Luc grins, “How long?”

“Maximum is two days.” Peter says.

My guys chuckle darkly. I think this school is in for a shock.

“Well, here we are.” Peter says, starting to sound a bit more intrigued and less worried.

We all get out of the SUV and walk through the large doors. Hostile looks follow us, and catcalls start as they spot me in the middle of the guys. Peter leads us with his head held high and showing far more backbone than he has done so far. My men are tense as fuck. I can’t reassure them or tell them that they need to hold their tempers for a while as we try to fly under the radar like the detective asked us to. All attention is on us as we walk the halls and its hostile as fuck.

“Ignore them,” Peter says quietly. “Your class is just a few doors down.”

Riot suddenly spins, with a dark look on his face. We all stop with him and turn to see some smarmy looking guy, dressed in a polo shirt and fucking khakis grinning at Riot.

“Do not fucking touch my ass.” Riot growls in warning and we all tense.

“Oooo boys, we’ve got a homophobic one.” The douche sneers.

Before any of us can do anything, Rafe pushes forward, grabs Riot, pulls him in close and kisses the fuck out of him. The douche falls silent as his mouth drops open. He judged Riot so wrong. My eyes stay glued to Rafe and Riot who are thoroughly enjoying each other. When they pull apart Riot turns back to the douche.

“Not homophobic, just taken. Regardless of that you didn’t have my permission to touch me.” He says on a growl, anger flashing in his eyes and making the guy take a step back towards his friends before he catches himself and stands tall again.

Riot turns, dismissing him easily and returning our grins. He throws his arm around my shoulder, much to the confusion of the watching assholes and then reaches out and threads his fingers through Rafe’s.

Peter’s mouth is literally wide open and new respect enters his eyes.

“Right, well this way.” He clears his throat; the hallway fills with chatter and he lowers his voice. “That was fucking awesome. You didn’t even hesitate, and you handled it fucking perfectly. If you had responded with violence it would’ve backed up his claims somewhat and he’s a good fighter, so you probably would’ve ended up worse off.”

Jensen chuckles darkly.

“You handled it really well though. He’s been caught doing similar things to the other guys here but won’t come out. He claims he’s an ally. But his father’s an absolute cunt. I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such a fucking tool.” Peter carries on seeming to ignore Jensen’s laugh, the guy has no idea what me and the guys are capable of. “Here you are, your next class is just two doors down the hall, and I’ll meet you outside that one to take you to lunch. You know, I think you might last longer than two days.” He adds before strolling off down the hallway to his own class.

“He has his own kind of charm, I guess.” Cash muses with a smirk.

“That’s one way to put it.” Trick agrees, as he pushes through the door and into the classroom.

The room falls silent as we enter, dark looks aimed in our direction. Holy fuck, this is ridiculous. When we get to the teacher’s desk in order to find out where we’re all supposed to sit, he completely ignores us, to the point where another student comes up to ask him a question. The teacher seems friendly enough with him and answers his inane question right away.

“Excuse me, Sir?” Trick tries again to gain his attention after he’s dealt with the other student.

The classroom snickers as the teacher blatantly ignores us and I roll my eyes. Seems like even the teachers here haven’t grown up at all. Me and the guys share a look and Rafe starts signing. Keeping his hands low in case anyone here can actually understand sign language although that seems unlikely.

“We may as well just sit down; I have a feeling that he’s not going to suddenly start talking to us now. The detective did warn us that the teachers here are as bad as the students.” He signs quickly.

Instead of replying, Trick nods and we all take seats near the door. It’s not where I usually like to sit but it offers a quick escape and I have a feeling that even if we don’t need it today, we’re going to need it at some point. As predicted, we are ignored for the entire lesson, well, we’re ignored by the teacher who doesn’t even glance in our direction. The rest of the students have no problems in giving us hate filled looks and doing childish things like throwing shit at us.

The guys are about ready to boil over and I honestly think that the only thing stopping them from letting all hell break loose on these fuckers, is the warning we got to behave and the lack of information we have about this school and how it works. I thread my fingers through Jensen’s in a bid to help him stay calm. It’s getting to the point where I think we all need to let off some steam in that combat class tomorrow, and we’ve been here for less than a day.