Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


Eden moved around her office,clearing away the paperwork she’d left sitting around since before she took time off work. The thought of getting back into the swing of things had been hurting her head for the last couple of nights. It didn’t matter how truly wonderful life had been recently; she wanted to lock herself in her apartment while Aster waited in the bedroom for her.

The idea of a no-pressure relationship had grown on her overnight. Actually, that was a lie. In the last couple of weeks, Eden wanted to only be with Aster. She couldn’t care any less about pressure…because there was none.

Aster wasn’t one to call incessantly even though Eden missed having her around when she wasn’t at her place. She wasn’t the kind of partner who demanded to know Eden’s every move. Aster Bennett was the breath of fresh air Eden had been subconsciously praying for. Everything they did, it worked. Dinner together, walking around the city, waking up with one another…there wasn’t a single thing Eden could think of that irked her about Aster, but she hadn’t imagined she would anyway. From the moment they’d met, Eden felt at ease and in good company. That wasn’t going to change now that sex and a relationship had been thrown into the mix—it was quite the opposite, really.

A gentle knock on her door brought Eden from all thoughts of Aster. She had work to do; she needed to concentrate. “Come in.”

A flash of blonde hair greeted Eden. “Well, it’s good to finally see you.”

Eden grinned as Blair stepped into her office and closed the door. “Look at the tan on you. I’m not jealous.”

“Oh, you are. And you should be. Pride was…intense.”

Was Eden jealous? No, she couldn’t be. While Spain would have been lovely, Aster was where she wanted to be. And she would choose Aster time and time again. “It’s been intense here, too.”

“I thought you were taking time off work?”

“I did.”

“So, why was it intense? You’re supposed to relax when you’re not at the office.”

Eden chewed her lip, wringing her hands where she stood. Blair eyed her, but Eden didn’t know where to begin with explaining the whirlwind she’d faced lately.


“Aster…is amazing.”

Blair splayed a hand across her chest, blowing out a deep breath. “Don’t do that to me. I thought something was wrong.”

Eden dragged her best friend to the couch, both landing with a thud as they sunk into the soft leather. “You’ve no idea just what I’ve been up to since you left for Spain.”

Blair quirked an eyebrow.

“I can’t pull myself away from her. She’s like a friggin’ drug.”

Blair grinned. “Uh-huh.”

“And I don’t know,” Eden said, shrugging. “It’s everything I want, Blair. Aster is one hundred percent the woman I could fall in love with.” That wasn’t quite the truth, but Blair didn’t need to know that she was in love already. She’d only try to talk Eden out of those feelings, citing that it was far too soon. “We cook dinner together almost every night. We’ve spent one night apart since I showed up at her apartment two weeks ago. And I know you’ll probably tell me I’m moving too fast, but I don’t know how to slow down.”

“Do you want to slow down?”

“No. Never.”

Blair twisted in her seat, facing Eden. “Then why are you worrying if I think it’s too fast?”

“Because I know you. You’ll tell me what I don’t need to hear, and then I’ll slowly start to panic that Aster will run.”

“Hey,” Blair whispered, holding Eden’s face in her hands. “I want you to be happy. I don’t care how fast or slow you go, so long as you embrace these new feelings and enjoy every second of it.”

“Oh, I’m more than enjoying it.” Eden’s voice betrayed her, dropping low.

“You’ve slept with her!” Blair shrieked. “You, Eden Kline, have been banging a woman for two weeks, and you didn’t call me!”

“Uh, you may want to shout that a little louder next time. The staff on the third floor didn’t hear you.”

Blair winced, placing a hand over her mouth. “Sorry.”

Eden’s skin flushed when she reminded herself of last night. Aster may have appeared quiet on the surface, but my God, that woman could really take Eden to another existence. And she had, three times within the hour. That morning, Aster’s soft roaming hands had only continued to pleasure Eden. Right up until it was time to leave for work. How they’d managed to not interfere with one another’s projects today was anyone’s guess.

“If you could stop thinking about fucking your girlfriend while your best friend is sitting next to you, that would be fab.”

“You’ve changed your tune. I’m usually the one interrupting your thoughts.”

Blair offered a sheepish smile before lowering her chin to her chest.


“I…we…Dom isn’t speaking to me at the minute.”

Eden frowned. That wasn’t possible. Dom worshipped Blair. So much so that Eden had often wondered what either of them would do with themselves if they were without each other. “I don’t understand. Why wouldn’t she be speaking to you?”

“I kinda flew off the handle because she was a bit friendly with Zoe in Spain.”

“Zoe?” Eden cast her mind back. “Ah, the new manager.”

“Yeah. Her.”

“So, you’ve not been speaking to one another while you were away?”

“No. Spain was amazing.” Blair paused, twisting her engagement ring on her finger. “It all happened when we landed back here. Zoe was making plans with the team. Dom seemed too eager to put some of her own ideas forward, and I lost it once we got into the cab.”


“I know, I know. I’m a fucking idiot. But now she’s not speaking to me because I accused her.”

“Whoa.” Eden threw up her hands, shaking her head. Had Blair lost her mind? “You accused her?”

Blair swallowed, tears welling in her eyes. Eden hated seeing her best friend upset, but Blair had brought this on herself. Dom would never do anything to hurt her. Everyone knew that.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m terrified of losing her, Eden.”

“You’re going to if you do something stupid like accuse her.”

Her best friend nodded slowly, wiping a tear from her jaw. But then Blair started to sob, and Eden could only take her in her arms. “I think I’ve ruined everything.”

“I’m sure you haven’t. Dom just needs some time.”

“She always worried that I wouldn’t trust her. That I’d be waiting for her to mess up. And now I’ve proved that to her even though I know I’m talking complete rubbish. She just…she’s never going to forgive me for this.”

Eden’s heart ached for Blair, it really did, but Blair would have to bite the bullet on this one and grovel until Dom forgave her. “You have some serious making up to do.”

“How? Should I buy her a gift? A car…a holiday?”

Eden wasn’t sure she was qualified to give advice about such a serious relationship, but she knew Blair’s money wasn’t going to fix this. “Maybe you should stick to some flowers and a bottle of wine. Dom doesn’t want your money, sweetheart. She wants your love, undivided attention, and trust.”

“I do trust her. I trust her with my life, Edes.”

“And she knows that. Deep down, at least.”

As Eden wiped fresh tears from Blair’s face, her office door opened. Aster stared back at them, frowning. “I…can come back.”

“No, it’s okay,” Blair spoke, clearing her throat as she did so. “I have to leave soon. I need to call into work and check on one of my cases.”

“Is everything okay?” The concern in Aster’s eyes warmed Eden to the core. “Did something happen? I got a text from Dom about twenty minutes ago.”

“S-saying what?” Blair turned her attention to Aster.

“She asked if I’d meet her this evening for a beer before she heads to her mum’s or something. I’m assuming she needs a friend right now if her fiancée is sitting in my girlfriend’s office crying.”

Blair slumped back against the couch, hiding her face in her hands as her shoulders shook. Eden got to her feet, approaching Aster. “Did you agree to meet her?”

“No, babe. I know we have plans tonight, so I asked if we could do it next weekend instead.”

Eden admired Aster for wanting to keep to their plans, but Dom and Blair needed them tonight. “Text her back. Tell her you’re free. I’ll take Blair home with me for a few hours.”

Aster frowned. “B-but we had plans.” Then she lowered her voice. “Very sexy plans.”

“And those plans will happen. But maybe not tonight. If Dom has been in touch with you, it means she trusts you. Please, for me?”

Aster leaned in, her lips lingering as she kissed Eden softly. It took everything within Eden to suppress a moan. “Anything for you.”

Eden needed another moment with Aster, gripping the front of her shirt and pulling her closer. “Call me when you’re leaving the bar. If you still wanted to stay the night…”

“Oh, I’m staying.”

Eden released Aster, offering her a thankful smile as her girlfriend backed out of the office. She glanced at Blair, her smile now faint as she disappeared from sight. Eden wanted a night with Aster, one that replicated every other night they’d spent together lately, but she had to be there for Blair. It was her duty.

“Right. Let me get my stuff together and then we’re out of here.”

“Eden, it’s fine. I’ll head home. You have plans with Aster; this is my own fault.”

“Nope. Wrong answer.”

* * *

Aster didn’t know Dom on a level that some of the team did, but she knew when something was seriously wrong. Today was one of those times. Dom’s eyes were dull and lifeless as she mindlessly picked at the label on her beer bottle, her jaw clenched. Aster would like to think she could help here, but she wasn’t sure she was cut out for such a serious conversation.

“You know, picking at labels is a sign of sexual frustration.”

Dom scoffed. “Well, if things don’t change, I’ll have major sexual frustration going on. I’ll never sleep with another fucking woman again!”

Okay, something had definitely gone down. “Wanna talk?”

Dom’s eyes found Asters. “If Eden accused you of sleeping with another woman, how would you feel about it?”

Wow. That was a question. “I, uh…I’d be devastated in all honesty.”

Dom nodded, her eyes focusing back on her beer bottle.

“Is that what’s happened? One of you has accused the other?” This really wasn’t Aster’s territory.

“Blair thinks I’m shagging Zoe.”

Ouch, that had to hurt. Zoe was gorgeous, the entire team agreed, but Dom wasn’t that kind of person. At least, Aster didn’t get that impression. “And she thinks that because…”

Dom lifted a shoulder. “Because she doesn’t trust me. But why would she? I used to sleep around before I met her.”

“Sleeping around and cheating are two entirely different things, mate.”

“Tell that to my supposed fiancée.” Dom exhaled, sitting forward in her seat. She looked like she had a lot to say, so Aster swigged her beer, giving her whatever time she needed to process. “You know, I’ve never met anyone like Blair before. She’s so confident but complicated. And I get that, she had a terrible marriage, but we’ve always just clicked. I think we’ve had an argument once since we got together, and it was over something stupid that I don’t even remember. But this? God, this hurt.”

“I bet it did.”

“And now I don’t know how to go home and just pretend nothing happened. She’s apologised, she’s been grovelling since she realised what she’d said, but I can’t even look at her. Because when I do, will she be trying to figure me out? Will she be watching me for any sign that I’m lying?”

“I think she realises the mistake she’s made, Dom.”

“You don’t mistakenly accuse someone of cheating, Aster. That kinda thing comes from somewhere.”

Dom had a point. Something must have caused Blair to accuse Dom. “No, I suppose you’re right.”

“So, I have some stuff in my car, and I’m leaving for my mum’s tomorrow.”

Aster wasn’t sure that was wise. If she left, would they ever figure it out? Blair and Dom were the perfect couple until now. Aster couldn’t imagine them not being together. “You’re leaving?”

“For now.” Dom nodded.

“Blair was in Eden’s office earlier. She was really upset.”

“Poor Blair.” Dom rolled her eyes. “I know she’s had a really shit time, but why is she the one everyone is concerned about? What about me?”

“I am concerned about you. And so is Eden. That’s why I’m here, because Eden knew you needed a friend.” Aster reached a hand across the table, squeezing Dom’s. “Look, why don’t you stay at my place? I’m at Eden’s most of the time, and if you need somewhere to gather your thoughts, nobody will bother you there.”

Dom didn’t respond. She just sat staring at the table, chewing her lip.

“Think about it, at least. You can stay there until you and Blair have figured this out.”

“I only had a drink with Zoe,” Dom explained. “While we were away, she wanted to know about the team and who was who. You know, asking around to get a better idea of what she was dealing with. So, we planned to meet at the pool bar one afternoon for coffee. She’s great, professional, and I think she’s going to take the team further than Mark ever could.”

“That sounds like something the team needs.”

“Maybe…I don’t know.” Dom blew out a long, slow breath. “I called the wedding venue this morning.”

“Oh, yeah? Have you two decided on more plans?”

“No. I called to ask how much notice we have to give if we want to cancel.”

Aster’s heart dropped into her stomach. She couldn’t imagine making a decision like that. Thank God her and Eden had only just met. It meant Aster could make sure she learned from everyone else’s mistakes.

“We’ll lose the deposit, but I have some savings that I was going to buy Blair’s dress with. So, I’ll just give that to her for what she’ll lose. I know she doesn’t need the money for a dress, but I wanted to be the one who bought it for her. Just to make it that bit more special, you know?”

“I do.” Aster eyed her phone sitting on the leather booth beside her. Should she send Eden a quick message to let her know what was going on? She didn’t want to betray Dom’s trust, but Aster was torn. Blair needed to know if this was something her fiancée was considering, didn’t she? “I’d hate to see you two end things.”

“Yeah, well…” Dom visibly swallowed. “I mean, have I not shown her how much I love her? Do I not do enough?” Dom laughed. “You know, that was always one of my biggest worries. Not being able to give Blair everything she deserves. Because she’s fucking amazing for what she’s been through, and I’m just…me. And to be honest, I’m exhausted with trying to make everything perfect.”

“Has Blair ever expected you to make everything perfect?”

“That’s not the point. If she didn’t trust me deep down, which she clearly doesn’t, why has she spent the last two years with me? Why did she ask me to live with her, agree to be my wife, if she doesn’t fully trust me the moment someone comes along and smiles in my direction?”

Aster sat forward, resting her elbows on the table. “Imagine a world where Blair doesn’t exist. For one minute, just put yourself in a place where you live alone, play football, and go to work. Blair isn’t in your life, she doesn’t call or hang out with you, and you see one another occasionally in passing.”

Dom’s bottom lip trembled, her eyes squeezed shut.

“I know she’s really hurt you, mate. And I can’t imagine how it feels to be accused of cheating on your fiancée, but you and Blair are made for one another. If you can find it inside you to forgive her, I think you should at least try. Because I can’t visualise you two apart.”

“Can I take you up on that offer of your place? Just for a couple of nights?” Dom wiped the back of her hand across her cheek.

“You know you can.” Aster took her keys from her jacket pocket, sliding them across the table. “Make yourself at home, and when you’re ready, call her.”

“I…I will.”

“You two will get through this. If you don’t, there’s no hope for any of us.”

“How’s Eden?” Dom asked, relaxing her shoulders ever so slightly. “Are you two getting on?”

“Really well. Amazing, actually.” Aster was certain Dom didn’t need to hear how fantastic her relationship was, but Dom wouldn’t have asked if she wasn’t interested. “Except for her mum. They’re not speaking.”

“What? Why?”

“Because Eden is with me. A woman.” Aster felt her own issues surface, but she didn’t want to think too hard about them. Whether Angela was on board or not, it didn’t change their relationship. “I don’t think she likes me very much.”

“But Angela was great when I met her with Blair.”

Aster shrugged. “I guess it’s different when it’s your own flesh and blood. I don’t know.”

“Nah. Blair won’t have that. They’re like sisters, and she thinks a lot of Angela. Leave it with her, and she’ll fix it.”

“You two have enough to deal with. It really doesn’t matter.”

Dom shook her head, reaching forward for Aster’s hand. “You’ve sat here with me when you didn’t have to. Give me a few days to figure my own shit out, and then I’ll deal with yours. Eden deserves to be happy, and Angela will have to come to terms with that.”

Aster cleared her throat. This evening wasn’t about her and Eden. “Drink up, and I’ll drop you off at my place.”

“Hey,” Dom said, dipping her head and finding Aster’s eyes. “Thanks for coming here. I really appreciate it.”

“Wouldn’t see you struggling, mate. Remember that.”

“I know.” Dom lifted a beer mat from the table, fidgeting with it. “I…always say goodnight to Blair. Feels kinda weird knowing I won’t even see her tonight.”

Aster smiled. There wasn’t a single world where Dom wouldn’t forgive Blair. Yes, she was angry, and that was completely understandable, but Aster knew they’d be back on form soon. “She’s with Eden. At the apartment.”


“Maybe you could come back with me? Test the water…maybe try talking to one another on neutral ground?”

Dom narrowed her eyes as she ripped the beer mat, shredding it and watching it fall against the wood. “I don’t know. I’m really pissed off with her.”

“Tell you what, I’ll get us another beer and then we’ll go from there. We can cab it back.”

Dom simply nodded, tears in her eyes. “Yeah. I just need a bit more time. I don’t want to see her and be angry. I never want to be angry with her.”

“I’ll go the bar. This can all be solved, don’t worry.”