Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


Aster blew out a deep breath,stepping off the lift and into a corridor. Eden had texted her the address over an hour ago, so here she was, ready to do whatever was needed. As she rounded the corner, it became apparent that Eden Kline was a woman who had a high-class style. Thank God I dressed up a bit. She wasn’t sure Eden would appreciate her showing up in her lounge clothes. Aster didn’t usually think too much about her appearance, she was a take it or leave it kinda girl, but Eden had a way of making her sit up straight. When she pinned her with her eyes, Aster was all ears, everything else falling away around her. Though Eden was wonderful, she commanded attention.

Uh-huh. She can have my attention. Aster stopped suddenly, her eyes wide as she took a second to think about the thought which had just floated through her mind. Yes, Eden was gorgeous, but she was also potentially Aster’s new boss. Throw in the fact she was also probably straight, and it would be a waste of time thinking about her. But Aster could admire her silently, couldn’t she? Or was that inappropriate? It is wholly inappropriate. “No. Don’t do that,” Aster spoke low in the corridor. “Be cool and do your job.”

She curled her hand, knocking gently on Eden’s front door. The click of heels on wood caught her attention, her heart rate slightly elevated as it often was lately.

When the door opened, Aster waited with her best smile. “Hey.”

“Come in. You may need to prevent me from downing the bottle of wine I picked up on the way home from meeting Blair.”

When Eden opened the door wider, Aster’s eyes took in the layout. Open plan, bright and airy, but cosy too. She’d expected to see something from a home interior magazine, but Eden’s place looked lived in. So, that was something.

“Doesn’t sound good.” Aster followed Eden into the open space, closing the door behind her. The scent of jasmine wafted through the air, and the curtains were pulled back, exposing the huge windows in the living room area. Wow. This place was pretty. “I’m assuming your photographer is a no show again…”

“I think it’s time I brought him into the office. I need someone reliable. And I know he has stuff going on, but I still have a business to run. I can’t contact you every time he cries off.”

“I don’t mind.” If it meant she got to spend time with Eden, Aster would always make herself available. “I need all the gigs I can get.”

“I suppose it doesn’t matter anyway,” Eden paused, kicking off her heels as she shrugged her jacket from her shoulders. Aster could only stare. “I love your work most.”

“Well, thanks.” Aster fought back a blush, her eyes wandering down Eden’s legs. She wore a pencil skirt again, a white blouse contrasting beautifully against her tanned skin. Damn. “What time do you need me Saturday?”

“The makeup artist is arriving at 9:30. I’ll be there from 8 onwards.”

“Perfect. And it’s the usual? Makeup, preparations, yada yada…”

Eden turned, smiling at Aster. “I’m glad you find these things as interesting as I do.”

Aster blanched. “Sorry, that sounded unprofessional.”

“When you spend your life dedicating time to brides, it’s hard to always be chirpy about it. I probably wouldn’t be so miserable if I knew I’d have my own happy ending. Now, sit down so I can have five minutes of normality and then we will sort out arrangements for Saturday.”

Eden’s phone buzzed on the expensive glass coffee table.

When Aster watched Eden hesitate to answer, she furrowed her brow.

“Sorry, just a minute.” Eden held up her hand. “Liam, hi.”

Liam? That had put a dampener on Aster’s ideas. Okay, she didn’t have any ideas per se, but knowing Eden was likely involved made her life easier.

“No, not really. I have a lot on. I’m working day and night Saturday, so it’ll be an early night for tomorrow.” Eden moved her phone from her ear, rolling her eyes as Liam spoke down the phone. “Mm. Yeah. No, I know.”

Aster looked around. Did she pass as someone who wasn’t eavesdropping?

“Right, well I’m sorry you feel that way, but it doesn’t change the fact I’m not available to join you tonight or tomorrow at a club.”

She’s far too pretty and dedicated for clubs around here.

“Okay, I’m going now. Bye.” Eden hung up, throwing her phone to the couch. “Why don’t men understand the word ‘no’?”

“You’re asking the wrong person.” Aster picked at a spot of lint on her jeans, offering a slight smile. “The husband?”

“God, no!”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to assume.” Aster made a mental note to have a word with herself once she left this apartment. It was none of her business.

“Liam is my ‘boyfriend,’” Eden said, rolling her eyes as she air quoted. “We’ve been together for six months. Paul and Beth are going out tonight—his best friend and wife. He seems to think I want to be in with his crowd, and I don’t. I have far too much to concentrate on without clubbing. I’m 42 for the love of God!”

“And how old is he?” Aster asked, clearing her throat. She hoped it wasn’t too personal.


Aster nodded. “Maybe he hasn’t matured yet.”

“He’s going to get the shock of his life when he discovers I’m planning on joining Ashforth for their holiday.”

“Gran Canaria?” Aster’s eyebrow rose. She may not know anything about Eden, but she was fairly certain it wouldn’t be her scene. “You’re actually going?”

“Mmhmm. Blair is dragging me along with Dom.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll have a great time.”

Eden frowned. “You’re not going?”

Aster had considered it. Her best friend, Grace, was the goalkeeper for Ashforth FC. But it didn’t appeal to Aster. Not when she would be the only single one there. And as much as she loved the idea of a holiday romance with someone she likely wouldn’t see again back in the UK, Aster couldn’t bring herself to accept Grace’s invitation. It would mean paying for a room on her own since Grace would be staying with Mia, another player on the team and Grace’s girlfriend. “No, I won’t be going.”


“I think maybe if Grace and Mia weren’t together, I probably would, but I’ll only be third-wheeling with everyone.”

“Great. That’s going to be my job, isn’t it?”


“Third-wheeling.” Eden snorted. “Maybe I should tell them I can’t commit to it. I mean, I’m not even gay, so I don’t know why I’m going to a Pride event with a team full of lesbians.”

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great trip. Really great.”


Aster chewed her lip. “You have to keep your wits about you. Or you’ll wake up in bed with a load of women and no idea how it happened.”

Eden barked a laugh. “Wow. You’re certainly selling this to me.”

“Just…don’t want you to get caught out.”

And then Eden’s eyes brightened. She’d clearly had some kind of lightbulb moment.

“So, why don’t you come with me?” Eden suggested. “We can share a room, you won’t have to third-wheel, and we both get a holiday out of it before wedding season truly begins.”

“Um, I don’t have a wedding season to get ready for. I’m usually only booked for maybe five weddings at the height of it. It doesn’t require me to need a break before or after.”

“Ah, but that’s where I’m hoping you’re going to be wrong,” Eden paused. “You know we were supposed to meet tomorrow at the office?”

“I do. I have it in my diary and everything…”

Eden shifted, clasping her hands in her lap. “Well, I was wondering if you’d consider joining my team. Full time.”

“Y-you mean…” Aster’s eyebrows rose as she pointed a finger at her own chest. “You want me to work with you?

“You sound surprised, Aster.”

“I am. You’re the number one event planner in most of the UK. What could I possibly bring to your team?”

Eden cocked her head, offering Aster a gentle smile. But Aster found herself focusing on Eden’s exposed neck, how her shirt showed the slightest hint of collar bone. Sweet Jesus. “I’ve been running my business for almost fifteen years. And in those years, you’re the best I’ve come across.”

Aster lowered her eyes, her cheeks reddening. “I’m sure that’s not true but thank you.”

“And I want to give you a chance. You stepped up for me a few weeks ago, and I didn’t expect such quality in your work if you were available at the drop of a hat.”

“I…I don’t put myself out there like I know I should. Yes, I know I’m good, but it’s the confidence of standing in front of people and telling them that which I struggle with.”

“So, come and be on my team. You’ll receive a steady income, plus commission on every event you work.”

“I…can I think about it?”

Eden nodded. “Absolutely.”

“And the Pride thing. Can I think about that, too?”

In her heart, she would love to know she was going on holiday, but in this moment, Aster wondered if she would be doing it for the wrong reasons. To share a room with a woman she felt a growing attraction to? No, it would never work. Aster would never torture herself like that.

“Think about it all.”

Aster scratched at her forearm. She did so when she was nervous. But did she need to feel that way? Eden was completely unavailable in every sense of the word, so why not enjoy a holiday…and get a full-time job too?

“Just let me know. The team don’t know this yet, and I trust you to keep it quiet, but Blair has booked us into a fancier hotel. The team are staying somewhere…well, undesirable.”

“Oh, I know exactly where the team will be staying. And if I did go, I wouldn’t be joining them.”

“You could stay with us at the five-star boutique off the strip…”

Aster was tempted. She hadn’t been abroad for two years. But her reasons played on repeat at the back of her mind. Eden watched her expectantly, a perfectly defined eyebrow arched. “I’ll…definitely think about it.”

“Save your new boss from complete humiliation and come along. You know you want to,” Eden said, winking. But it only made things worse. When Eden winked at you, it was only natural to melt into a puddle. “Cocktails. Bikinis. Tapas.”

Please stop. Aster thought. “Like I said, I’ll think about it. All of it.”

Eden sighed dramatically. “Fine. But if someone comes along with a better offer, I want the chance to up my own offer first, okay?”

Aster smiled. Nobody had ever been so excited by her work before. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Nobody is going to come along and sweep me up. Now, let’s get back to the schedule for Saturday. Then I can get home and prep.”

“You have a decent work ethic, Aster Bennett. But me? I want to lie on the couch and drink wine all night.”

“Oh, please. You have everything memorised for Saturday. I’m sure you don’t need to frantically rush around like I do. I’ll walk through my door and panic mode will set in.”

Eden got to her feet, her hands landing on the zip at the back of her pencil skirt. As she walked across the room, lowering the zip ever so slightly, Aster’s mouth hung open. “I’ll be right back. Let me change, and then we’ll discuss the plans.”

“Holy fuck!” Aster murmured. “Why am I doing this to myself?”