Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


“I’m sohappy it all worked out for you.” Grace wrapped an arm around Aster’s shoulder, squeezing her tight. Aster hadn’t gotten the chance to meet with Grace and Mia before they came out earlier this evening, but it didn’t matter. She had planned to talk about her feelings towards Eden but instead chose to forgo that option and drink instead. “And Eden’s nice. You’ll get on with her.”

“You, like…know her?”

“Only from having drinks at Blair and Dom’s. They’re usually joined at the hip.”

“That’s nice.” Aster wondered if she would ever hang out with the team at Blair’s place. She had been invited in the past, but now knowing that Eden usually showed up, she was desperately praying for another invite in the not-too-distant future. “Hey, great game today.”

“Don’t change the subject. I’m trying to praise you.”

“I know, but you don’t need to do that. I have a steady job; it’s not that big of a deal.”

Grace cocked her head, smiling. “But someone has finally seen how amazing you are. I’ve been telling you this for, what? Ten years.”

“You have. I guess it was a matter of waiting for the right gig to come up. And anyway, if it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have been offered the chance to join Eden’s team. So, thanks. I owe you one.”

Grace waved off Aster’s appreciation. “Oh, it was nothing. I’ll have another pint, and then we’ll say no more about it.”

Aster barked a laugh. “You’re so easy to please.”

“Well, Bennett…that pint won’t pour itself!” Grace clapped, tilting her head towards the bar.

Aster held up her hands, scrambling to her feet. “Fine. I’m going. I’m going.”

She crossed the floor, reaching the bar in no time. This wasn’t a usual team night. They’d actually come to a new, rustic bar. Aster loved it, but some of the girls weren’t overjoyed to be here. They liked familiar, and in most cases…rough and ready.

Aster glanced back, eyeing Mia’s drink. She’d order a fresh pint for Grace’s girlfriend, too.

“What can I get you?” a soft voice filtered through the air, pleasant to Aster’s ears.

“Oh, hi. Three pints please.”

The bartender smiled, her black hair pulled up high on her head, the right side shaved. Tattoos littered her neck and exposed collarbones. She was certainly pleasing to look at. “Be right back with them.”

Aster caught the nametag before the bartender turned and grabbed some glasses. Esme. Nice. She watched Esme work the bar, smiling when the bartender’s light blue eyes caught hers. Esme’s smile turned shy, her head dipped as she tilted the glass and poured a pint.

Aster turned back to her friends, waving when Dom and Blair walked into the bar. Blair always looked immaculate, and Dom always looked trendy. Aster glanced down at herself; she was satisfied that she fitted in tonight. She lifted a hand, offering a drink to Dom and Blair, but then Eden walked in behind them, and Aster lost her mind. Holy fuck!

The door swung closed, sending Eden’s hair flowing around her shoulders. A vision…that’s how Eden looked. Like an absolute vision. God, why does she have to be so beautiful? Aster lowered her eyes, turning back to the bar. She ordered Dom and Blair their usual, Eden a whiskey—that seemed to be her drink of choice over the last few weeks—and carried the tray back to the table. Esme had given her a final flutter of the eyelashes, but Aster’s head was too far up her arse to think about it now. Thirty seconds ago, she would have asked for Esme’s number—it’d been a while since she’d been spontaneous—but right now, Aster was putting her all into regulating her heartbeat.

With shaking hands, she placed the tray down, handing out drinks to Grace and Mia. She turned to Dom, smiling. “Got you a beer, mate.”

“Thanks.” Dom took the drink, placing her hand on Blair’s thigh as her fiancée sat beside her. “Aster got the drinks in, babe.”

Aster offered a glass of white wine to Blair. “Good to see you both.”

“Thank you.” Blair wore a permanent bright smile lately. “I brought Eden with us tonight. She could do with a night out.”

Aster turned to Eden. “Whiskey?”

“O-oh.” Eden seemed surprised. “Thank you.”

“I got you what I thought you’d like. But if it’s wrong, I can grab you something else.”

Eden placed a warm hand on Aster’s forearm. God, it felt good. “It’s great. Really.”

“Well…” Aster was aware that Blair’s eyes were on her. She felt them burning through the side of her face. “Have to keep the boss happy.”

“Oh, yeah!” Blair laughed. “Because when you piss the boss off, punishment will follow.”

Aster smiled, her nerves through the roof. Why was Blair looking at her with a stupid grin on her mouth? “I’ll bear that in mind.”

“You wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a spanking, Aster. Trust me.” Blair winked, sending Aster’s cheeks a deep shade of crimson. “Right, sweetie?”

“Oh, give it a rest.” Eden rolled her eyes, focusing back on Aster as she took a seat between Dom and Eden. “Pay no attention to Blair. She’s been cooped up in an office all week.”

Blair offered a single nod, sipping her wine. “This is true.”

“So…” Aster paused, turning her attention to Dom. If she focused on anything other than Eden, she wouldn’t have to worry about mentally undressing her. That’s weird. Don’t do that! “Who do you play in the semis?”

“Unsure at the minute. The other teams have to replay. Finished nil-nil.”

“I don’t suppose it matters who you end up with. Ashforth is one of the only ones in the league with a full team. Was it my poor maths, or did that other team only have nine on the pitch today?”

“They did. It’s been a hard season for a few of the teams. Something needs to change because they register for cup games and end up with no players on the day.”

“Ashforth is lucky they have dedicated players then, huh?”

Dom barked a laugh. “The only reason everyone shows up each weekend is because Fi threatens to knock on their door…naked.”


“And I’d say she doesn’t mean it, but she actually does. It’s happened a few times now.”

Aster quirked an eyebrow. “That woman doesn’t give a shit, does she?”

Dom swigged her beer, her arm landing around Blair’s shoulder. “She really doesn’t.”

“Less talk of Fi would be amazing.” Blair gave them both a knowing look. “Touchy subject.”

“Right. Yes.” Aster couldn’t help herself, her eyes flitting to Eden. “Didn’t think you’d be here. You don’t usually come to team night.”

“No, you’re right.” Eden crossed her gorgeous long legs, her thigh exposed as her dress sat perfectly in place. “But Blair insisted I joined you all, so here I am.” Eden turned her palms up as if she was presenting herself as a gift. And she was. The greatest gift.

“Well, it’s great that you’re here.” And that was the truth. Two nights in one weekend with Eden…Aster was spoilt.

Eden simply smiled, lowering her head as she swirled her whiskey in the glass. Aster took that as her cue to mind her own business, so she would do precisely that.

“I’m just…going to mingle.”

* * *

Eden returned to her seat, breathless as Blair flopped down beside her. “I’m not sure this is the kinda place that expects dancing.”

Blair placed a hand to her chest. “We’re the only ones in here. I’m sure they can suck it up.”

Eden took her bottle of water from the table, finishing the half she’d left earlier in seconds. It had been so long since she’d been out dancing, Blair wasn’t around for those evenings anymore. But this…it felt normal. Dom didn’t hang off Blair all night, and Blair didn’t pine for her when they were speaking to other people. “You know, I thought maybe I could call through the week…”

“I’d love it if you would.”

“I thought I’d get in the way, I don’t suppose you and Dom want to be disturbed, but you two seem to be able to separate for five minutes.”

“We’re not glued together, love. We do have lives, and friends, away from one another.”

Did they? So why didn’t Blair call more often?

“Still.” Eden shrugged. “I don’t like to show up unannounced.”

Blair ran her hands through her hair. “I wish you would. At least then I’d know what was going on in my best friend’s life.”

“You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine.”

Blair rested her head on Eden’s shoulder. “Have you decided what you’re going to do about Liam?”

“I have to end it.” Eden had no doubt about that in her mind. There was no use in being with someone for the sake of it. And if she were being honest, breaking up with him meant she wouldn’t have to worry about the incessant calls and messages. “I have my work to focus on. And I’m going to have to be on standby for Aster while she finds her feet in the team.” Since Blair seemed to struggle with the knowledge that they were friends, Eden would use the colleague theory instead.

“Be on standby?”

“Be there if she needs me. I know she doesn’t show it when she’s with you lot, you’re her friends, but her confidence is on the floor when it comes to her work.”

“It is?”

Eden nodded. “Her work is incredible, Blair. But she shrugs it off and blushes if I compliment her on it. I want everyone around to see how talented she is.”

“That sounds awfully nice of you.”

The look in Blair’s eye didn’t go unnoticed by Eden, but she was barking up the wrong tree. No, she’s not. You know she sees right through you!

“It’s called women empowering women.” Eden offered her best friend a knowing look. “I don’t know what’s wrong with you lately, but that comment you made this morning at the football wasn’t cool.”

“About Aster?”


“You may not see it, love,” Blair paused, leaning in closer to Eden, “but I see the way she looks at you. You may be her boss, and she may know you’re off limits, but that doesn’t mean she can’t look and dream about what she could have.”

“I-I don’t—”

Blair held up her hand. “She’s into you. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Eden’s heart fluttered a little more than she would have liked. Blair saying things like that only complicated her feelings further. Nothing good would come from thinking about Aster as anything other than her employee. “I’m straight, in case you forgot.”

“And I know that…but I’m only saying. Be careful. You’ve no idea the effect you straight women have on a lesbian with a crush.”

“Us straight women?” Eden asked, incredulously. “Don’t blame me for someone else being attracted to me. I can’t help it.”

Blair lay a gentle hand over Eden’s, squeezing lightly. “That’s not what I’m saying. But you going out drinking with her and having her take you home…it could give her the wrong impression.”

Had she given Aster the wrong impression? Not likely. Eden was very good at hiding how she felt.

“Then I’ll make sure I don’t touch her up, that should do the trick.” Eden rolled her eyes, getting to her feet. “I’m going to the bar. Another wine?”

“Yes, please.”

Eden crossed the short distance to the bar, blowing out a deep breath while nobody was around. Dom chatted with Mia, Blair took in the sight of the rest of the team dancing, and Eden…well, she was the epitome of confused. How had Blair noticed things she hadn’t? Or was it a case of her best friend getting her wires crossed? She approached the bar, pleased to find Aster waiting for her own order.

She kept her distance, her eyes landing on Aster’s profile. Her blonde hair was pulled to one side, once again exposing that neckline Eden struggled to forget. But then Eden overheard Aster asking the bartender for her number, unexpected jealousy rolling through her. She backed away a little more, not wanting to be seen as eavesdropping.

Aster caught sight of Eden in the mirrored wall behind the bar, separating from the bartender as she did so. “Oh, hey. Can I get you another drink?”

“No, thank you.” Eden held up a hand. “Don’t let me interrupt you.”

“Oh, we were only talking. I needed a breather before someone dragged me back onto the dance floor. I’ll grab my order and then the bar is all yours.”

“Really, there’s no rush.” Eden felt awkward. She also no longer wanted to be standing there but walking away could be considered odd…or rude. “I’ll use the bathroom and come back in a few.”

Aster smiled. “Cool. Okay.”

As Eden walked away, Aster called her back.

“Are you ready for later?” Aster asked. “The singing starts in forty minutes. You’re in for a treat.”

“Why is that?” Eden’s forehead creased.

“You’ll have the pleasure of hearing the entire team screaming the words to Bohemian Rhapsody very out of tune on karaoke.”

Eden’s eyebrows rose with surprise. “Karaoke?”

“Yep. So, I’d get the drinks in now before we all get kicked out after the first song.”

“I…didn’t know this place had karaoke.”

“Oh, we do. But we haven’t had anyone in with a decent voice in a long time, so maybe it could be considered wailing rather than karaoke,” the bartender cut in. “Every bar usually has at least one good singer. But not this place.”

“Mm. Well, I’m sure the team will sound great.”

Eden turned and headed in the direction of the bathroom. One or two players tried to catch her hand as she rushed past the dance floor, but she made it inside unscathed. Now, her only issue was the beautiful woman at the bar. Oh, Aster. I do wish you hadn’t come into my life.

* * *

Aster dried her hands on a paper towel, checking her hair in the mirror while she had a moment to herself in the bathroom. Several girls on the team had expressed their desire to come here again, something Aster hadn’t expected. At least here, she didn’t have to worry about catching a cold sore from the glasses.

Her mind instantly wandered to Eden. Was she enjoying herself? She was hard to read; Aster had come to realise that since this morning. They’d had a lovely night last night—Eden talking freely about everything Aster put to her—but today was different. Stilted. Awkward. Aster didn’t know what she’d done wrong. Maybe she could check in with Eden before the end of the night. It wouldn’t hurt.

She left the bathroom. Everyone had moved from the dance floor, and the most incredible sound was now filtering through the speakers around the bar. Wow. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, goose bumps spreading all over her skin. Someone—an angel—was singing Whitney Houston’s Run to You.

Aster swallowed down the emotion she felt surging up into her throat, willing her feet to move. She couldn’t see the stage, but she could see the team sitting and staring in awe at it. As Aster rounded the bar—her knees jelly-like—Eden came into view, the emotion pouring from her expressive eyes and remarkable voice chilling Aster to the bone. “Oh, Jesus.” Aster was well aware that her mouth had fallen open, but the entire room had faded out, only Eden remaining in front of her.

She felt a hand tugging at her arm, Aster’s body now being dragged into a seat. “Stop drooling.” Blair’s voice penetrated her thoughts momentarily, but Aster didn’t respond. She couldn’t. Everything within her begged to reach out and touch Eden, to hold her as the pain in her voice became almost unbearable. “Are you with me?” Blair asked.

“Shush.” Aster admonished, frowning as she shot a glance at Blair. “Just…be quiet.”

“Oh, God,” Blair whined. “I knew it. I fucking knew it.”

Aster didn’t know what Blair knew, but she didn’t care. Eden had her wrapped up in the moment, enveloping her with a voice so syrup-like it had the ability to make her burst into tears.

“Hey,” Aster said, leaning into Blair. “Who the hell hurt her?”


“Eden. That’s a voice of pain. Surely you see that…”

“I-I…” Blair frowned. “Shit.”

“You see? Or rather, hear?”

“I do.” Blair nodded, dropping her head to her hands. “I’ve been a rubbish friend lately. And I only noticed that she was…not doing too well earlier.”

“She seemed fine with me until this morning. So, whatever happened, it happened very recently.” Aster knew something wasn’t right, but was she the person to question it? She’d only known Eden for a month or so. But now that Blair recognised it, she could work through it with Eden. “Maybe she needs a friend right now. I’d offer, but I don’t think I’m the right person.”

“Why?” Blair turned side on, shooting Aster a questioning look.

Aster lifted a shoulder. “Because I don’t. Now, I’d like to enjoy the rest of this.” She tilted her head towards Eden, smiling as her eyes flitted away from Blair. “I’d really like to enjoy it.”

“Okay, but can I speak to you when Eden has finished?”

Aster simply nodded. She didn’t want to waste another second, not when Eden was serenading the bar. God, I wish she was serenading me. Aster smiled when Eden looked directly at her, that piercing stare holding her against the booth they were seated at.

But then the song came to an end, leaving Aster more than disappointed. She wanted to listen to that voice all day, every day. She wanted to wrap herself up in a warm blanket, Eden beside her, while her soft breath washed over the side of Aster’s face, sweet lyrics slipping from Eden’s mouth.

Eden lowered the microphone and handed it back to the guy taking care of the music. The team erupted into cheers and whoops, but Aster remained silent and still. She had no words to describe what she’d just witnessed. She knew a few people who had a lovely voice, but that wasn’t lovely…it was extraordinary. Haunting. Special.

Eden dipped her head, smiling as a blush crept across her chest. The team were all up on their feet, crowding around Eden while they congratulated her on such a beautiful performance, but Aster wanted them all to piss off. She wanted Eden to herself. She wanted to pull her to one side, tell her how exquisite everything about her was, and kiss her until this night was over.

Get real. Never going to happen.

Eden flopped down beside Aster, blowing out a deep breath as she reached for her glass of white wine. “Wow. It’s been a while since I did that.”

“It was great,” Aster said, aware that Blair was watching. “Really nice.”

Blair snorted. “Nice? Great? It was fucking amazing!”

Aster winced. Yes, she was aware how stupid her own description was. But she didn’t want to seem too enthusiastic. Because in her mind, she wanted to get on her knees and kiss the ground Eden had just walked across. “Well, yeah. It was amazing.”

Eden offered a shy smile. “Thanks, Aster.”

“I think you may have put everyone else off.” They all laughed, and Aster was thankful for the reprieve. Blair would be lurking, no doubt about it, but for the time being…laughter was the best thing for everyone involved. “They’ll slowly slope off to the stage and cancel their tracks.”

“Oh, I’m sure they won’t.”

Aster relaxed, sipping her beer as she rested an arm along the back of the booth. “No, you’re right. We’re not that lucky.”