Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


Eden felther phone buzzing in the back of her skirt; she kept it jammed into the waistband when she was rushing around at events. She knew who it would be, it was always Liam during the weekends, but she wasn’t available right now. And he knew it, too. The vibrating stopped, giving Eden a moment to think about what she should do. She could take five minutes outside—a business call, if you will—or she could ignore Liam’s calls and do her job.

If I don’t answer the phone, he’ll keep calling.

She sighed, spying an exit to the left of her.

Aster was leaning against the wall close to the door, focused fully on her equipment as she changed lenses. She’s so good. Eden watched her for a moment, taken aback by Aster’s confident stance. But as she did so, she also recognised what Aster was saying on Thursday night when she explained to Eden how she didn’t put herself out there. She should. She’s amazing. When Aster was behind the camera, she was an entirely different person.

Eden paused in her thoughts. She’d spent most of the day watching Aster, getting to know her quirks and her mannerisms. At one point, she’d almost lost her footing as she followed Aster across the dancefloor, her eyes fixed on her long blonde hair and how it shone as the spotlights caught it. Why are you staring at your photographer? Okay, it was weird. At least, Aster would think so if she looked up to find Eden glaring.

And then Aster did exactly that.

Her brown eyes narrowed as she focused on Eden, a warm smile playing on her lips.

But then Eden was interrupted by the buzz of her phone again. For the love of God! She rushed towards Aster, holding up her ringing phone. “I need to take this call, okay?”


Eden pushed through the door, hitting accept as soon as the music inside the venue died down a little. “Liam, I’m working. You know I am.”

“I know, babe. I was wondering how much longer you’re going to be. I’ve told a few friends we’d meet them this evening.”

Eden frowned. “Why the hell would you? You know I can’t.”

“You can. You must be nearly finished now.” Liam laughed, sending Eden’s anger through the roof. “Come on, Eden. You’re always working. Live a little.”

“I’m always working because I have a business to run. You may live off mummy and daddy’s money, but I don’t.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. Eden would usually apologise for saying something like that, but it was all truth. Liam drove around in his sports car, meeting friends and playing golf, barely a day worked in his life. But Eden, if she wanted to be successful, had to work for it. She wasn’t jealous—far from it, actually—but it did infuriate her when Liam said the things he did. “I’m working. And then I’m going home.”

“Well, should I call over once I’ve been out to dinner with them?”

“No. Don’t bother.” Eden ended the call, leaning back against the brick wall outside the hotel. Liam was fun to a point, but he didn’t fulfil her in any way at all. “You need to cut him loose. He’s doing nothing for you whatsoever.” She wedged her phone into the back of her skirt, tugging on the door handle.

Aster moved around the room with ease, stopping to chat with the bridal party between shots. The bride had already complimented Eden on her choice of photographer. Aster knew how to give off an air of ease and comfort; it was important when she was spending an entire wedding day with the happy couple. Eden didn’t want someone to share their private moments if they couldn’t be inconspicuous and discreet. No, she wanted someone exactly like Aster.

Aster threw her head back laughing as the bride leaned in to speak to her. Eden’s belly swirled as the light caught her exposed jawline, sending a wave of something unfamiliar through her. “Wow. What was that?” She backed up, resting against the wall and giving herself a moment. Was it…attraction? No, it couldn’t be.

As Eden placed her palms flat against the wall, she lowered her head, taking a deep breath. For some reason, one which was unknown, Eden found herself gravitating towards Aster at any given opportunity. Perhaps it was because she was so approachable. Or maybe Eden was looking for a friend. God knows she needed one lately. With Blair off living a blissful, engaged life, Eden felt as though she went home every night and sat alone. Yes, she continuously turned Liam down at every turn, but he wasn’t the man she needed. She just needed…something. Someone who could occupy her time. Someone she could be satisfied with instead of spending Sunday alone, week after week. Someone who made her think, made her laugh. Someone she enjoyed being at home with.

Love, in an ideal world.

“Earth to Eden…”

Eden frowned. Aster was waving a hand in front of her. “Sorry?”

“Is everything okay? You’ve been in a world of your own for the few minutes I’ve been standing here.”

“Yes, of course.” Eden smoothed the front of her blouse, shaking her head. “Tired. It’s been a long day.”

“Well, I’m just about finished. I’ve spoken with the bride, and I believe we have everything she wanted.”

Eden smiled and offered a single nod of the head. “You’re free to go then. I’ll look forward to seeing what you’ve got.”

Aster chewed her lip, lowering her camera. “I was wondering…what time do you finish?”

“Oh, I finished about an hour ago.” Yes, she hung around. Mainly because the idea of going home alone after such a beautiful day was a miserable thought. “I like to stick around.”

“You don’t want to get home to Liam?” Aster asked, toying with the camera strap on her wrist. “It’s Saturday night.”

“No. Liam is…busy.” And we do NOT live together. Ever!

Aster shrugged. “Well, I was planning to head up to the rooftop bar. You’re more than welcome to join me if you’d like to?”

I’d love to. Eden relaxed her shoulders, glancing behind Aster. Everything appeared to be perfectly fine here. Eden wasn’t needed. “I could probably come with you for one.”


Eden almost gasped when Aster beamed a huge smile. One so huge it almost knocked her through the wall.

“Let me get my stuff together. My equipment. I can meet you up there if it’s easier for you?”

“Y-yes.” Eden swallowed. Why had the air suddenly dried up in here?

“Perfect. I’ll see you in a few. No rush, though.”

Eden watched Aster turn and move through the crowd on the dance floor. Why had she so readily agreed to a drink with Aster? And why did her heart pick up every time Aster smiled at her? You need a friend and some fresh scenery. This can only be a good thing. And Eden would make sure it was a change for her. She was tired of Liam or nothing.

* * *

Aster sat at a table close to the edge of the rooftop. Her face felt heated, and her hands were clammy. She’d just…invited Eden up here. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now, as she sat alone swirling her whiskey, Aster believed she’d made a mistake.

You’ve spent half of the day staring at her.

And she really had. She was also certain that she had images of Eden on her camera. Nice pictures, of course, but it was crossing the line, and Aster knew it. Grace would know what to do, and Aster had considered calling her, but as she lifted her glass from the table, the lift doors opened, and Eden walked out of them. Okay, smile and act cool.

This was ridiculous.

“Hi. Sorry I took a while. I got talking to the bride,” Eden said, pulling out a chair. “She’s singing your praises.”

“Oh, I’m sure she’s not.”

“Mmhmm. She is.”

Aster sipped her whiskey. “She hasn’t even seen the pictures yet. She could hate them.”

“We both know that’s not going to happen.” Eden looked pointedly at Aster, one corner of her mouth upturned. Okay, Aster was a sucker for a woman with a sexy smirk…and Eden definitely had one.

Instead of focusing on the drop-dead gorgeous woman next to her, Aster continued with their conversation. “She could, though. She could hate them, and then you’d be disappointed.”

The frown lines across Eden’s forehead deepened. “Where has that confident woman I saw earlier gone?”

“I-I don’t—”

“When you have that camera in your hand, you go off into a world of your own. I saw it with my own eyes. You knew exactly what you were doing, where to be, and I’m certain that if I’d asked you to climb up a fifty-foot ladder to get the perfect shot, you would have.”

Aster was surprised by everything Eden had said. In all honesty, she wasn’t sure her boss had even noticed she was in the room today, so to hear that Eden had effectively ‘studied’ her, piqued Aster’s interest. “Nothing else matters when I have the camera in front of me.”

“Let me get a drink and then we can get comfortable up here.” Eden stood, but the barman came towards her. She ordered a whiskey for herself and another for Aster.

“So, I was thinking,” Aster started. She’d done a lot of thinking last night, and she knew what she wanted deep down. Something guaranteed. “Is the offer to join the team still on the table?”

Eden’s eyes shone. “One hundred percent.”

“Then I’d like to accept.”

Aster held out her hand, but Eden turned and threw her arms around her instead. Shocked was her first reaction…aroused, her second. “That’s brilliant. I’m so happy you agreed.” Eden pulled back, holding Aster at arm’s length. “So happy.”

“M-me too.” Aster ignored the shiver that ran through her body. Eden was pretty…that’s all this was.

Eden jumped back. “Sorry. That was completely inappropriate.”

“It’s fine. It’s nice to see someone who is excited to have me around.”

Okay, that sounded as though Aster was looking for sympathy, but it wasn’t like that. She was content with her own company; she always had been. While Grace was pining after Mia, Aster went home each night and relaxed. She didn’t have anyone to answer to, nobody demanding anything of her, and it worked.

“I see very good things with you around.” Eden returned to her seat, smiling as the bartender brought their drinks. “Thank you.”

Aster had to change the subject. When Eden told her things like that, it only made that attraction grow. Completely unrealistic and unfounded attraction. “Why event planning?”

“I’d like to say I had this big epiphany when I was younger, how I’d always seen myself doing this, but that would be a lie. I saw a market for it, took a chance with numerous loans, and it paid off for me. Thankfully, I love what I do. Especially nights like this when I see the smile my clients are wearing.”

Aster focused on the smile Eden was wearing. And then her eyes dipped to Eden’s full lips, her light makeup, her neckline… “N-nice.”

“People will always want to celebrate something. Birthdays, weddings, christenings. You name it, there’s a celebration for it. And over the last ten years or so, it’s only gotten more lucrative. You wouldn’t believe the price people will pay for a baby shower or a christening.”

“I can imagine. I’ve seen the pictures on social media.”

“But it’s weddings that I thrive on. I love them.” Aster noted the way Eden’s eyes lit up. It only made them all the more enticing. “You know, seeing the love two people have for one another. That happily ever after. Isn’t it what we all want?”

“I…guess so,” Aster told Eden what she assumed she wanted to hear. “Are those plans on the horizon for you and Liam?”

Eden cast her gaze on the table, offering a wry smile. “Not likely.”

“No?” Aster asked, aware that she could be overstepping. “Tell me to mind my own business…”

“Actually, it’s nice to sit here and talk like normal people do. If I’m not working, I’m with him. If I’m not with him or working, I’m at home pottering about.”

Eden didn’t appear to be too happy with that.

“Liam is…different. Sort of. I don’t know.” Eden ran a hand through her hair. Aster was mesmerised as it fell back into place. “I mean, he’s nice. But he demands so much. He called me tonight while I was working to ask how long I’d be. Said he’d made plans for us.”

“He didn’t know you were working?”

“Oh, he knew. He has my schedule. But he likes to try to take things out of my hands and then seems to be offended and pissed off when I can’t make it.”

Aster snorted. “This is why I’m single.”

“I did wonder…”

“If I was single?” Aster didn’t recall that having any bearing on her potential position at The Garden of Eden.

“Yes. This job can be demanding, especially when wedding season arrives. I wanted you to be prepared for that.”

“Oh, it’s fine. Even if I did meet someone, they’d probably leave me within a week.”

“You have a very bad habit of putting yourself down.”

“Self-deprecation. I’m aware that I do it.” Aster smiled, finishing her second whiskey. “So, what’s going on for the rest of the night with you?”

“Nothing whatsoever.” Eden sunk back in her seat, crossing her legs. “You?”

“Not much. It’s been a while since I sat in a bar with someone else. It’s nice.”

Eden turned her watch towards herself, glancing back up at Aster as she quirked an eyebrow. “Fancy one or two more? I have nowhere to be in the morning.”

Aster grinned. “I…would.”

“You’re sure I’m not keeping you from anything?”


“Then I’m getting a bottle of champagne for us. We should celebrate you joining the team.”

Aster blushed. “You don’t have to do that. It’s no big deal.”

“Are you joking? It’s a big deal for me.” Eden stood, placing a hand on her hip. “I’ve just added a superstar to my team; it’s a huge deal.”

Aster was looking for some kind of comment to make, but she genuinely had nothing to throw back at her new boss. Eden was…a joy to be around. And the constant ego boost was beginning to grow on her. “Okay. Let’s do this.”