Twisted Devil by Ivy Blake

Chapter Thirteen


Now that Bella was being weird with me and I couldn’t work out why, I felt alone again. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that I was sick of this place, officially sick and ready to dip.

I decided that it was only time to reveal the truth to Dad, no questions asked. He’d forced me to be here without thinking about the fact that I was from a completely different world to the kids at my school. And no matter how hard I tried to hide that by acing all my classes, they could still see right through me.

What was worse was, it’s not like we were even poor or struggling. Me and Dad were comfortable. Just not as well off and privileged as the would-be-royalty like Amber Carmichael and Tyler Katz were. It’s infuriating that it doesn’t matter how hard I try to prove myself as worthy of my place at Valley High like everyone else- it’s not enough. And it seems like the more I try, the more that they put me down.

It’s Tyler who I don’t understand, no matter how hard I try to- he’s truly an enigma. How can he go from whispering dirty platitudes in my ear and cumming in my mouth to looking at me like he wants to devour me before he casts me aside like I’m nothing?

No one’s ever been able to make me feel the way that Tyler does. No guy has been able to infiltrate the crevices of my mind at all hours of the day. At school, he’s constantly on my mind as I wonder if he’s lurking around each corner ready to strike when I’m most unaware. And while I hate to admit it, another part of me, the part I’m most ashamed and confused about, is slightly disappointed when I look at my timetable and see that we don’t have any classes together.

Not to mention the confusing knot that forms in my stomach when I see him laughing with Amber over God knows what. Even when I’m on the other side of the dining hall or walking in the opposite direction in the hallway, I can’t help but feel like they’re trading stares and laughing at me or planning the next step in my demise.

Well, lucky for you guys, your message is very clear.

I rolled over in my bed and stare out of the window instead of up at the ceiling like I have been for the past few hours. I wish I was back in the city, with my old friends who had older siblings that could buy us alcohol. I want to drown all memories of today in a bottle of something sharp, not enough that I blackout, but enough to soothe the anger that’s been spreading uncontrollably throughout my body.

I was glad that Dad and Zoe were out. Not because I cared about their dating life, but because I knew that if they were within close proximity to me, they’d probably be getting the brunt of my rage instead of the people that actually deserved it. I screamed into my pillow and kicked my legs out against the bed, trying to expend as much energy as I could. I knew that it would probably be wise to do some yoga to calm down, but I was feeling anything but zen right now and it was the last thing I wanted to do.

My phone vibrated next to me and I turned over to see who it could be. Who dared to interrupt my self-pitying spiral?

Wanna come to a party tonight?- B x

It was from Bella. I sat up in bed and read over the text to make sure that what I was seeing was correct. She was inviting me out somewhere, so did this mean that she wasn’t mad at me? Maybe I’d misread the signs, and she’d just been having an off week or something, which would be a fair explanation for her distant behaviour.

A night of drunken recklessness? Sign me up.- R x

I sent my text back quickly and got up to look through my wardrobe to see if I even had anything appropriate to wear. I hadn’t even asked whose party it was which would probably dictate what I could and couldn’t wear.

Cool, we can meet at 10.- B x

Who’s party is it by the way?- R x

Any guesses?- B x

You’re gonna tell me it’s Tyler’s party or something, aren’t you?- R x

I waited not so patiently for Bella’s response and paced my room as I watched the text bubbles that showed she was typing dip in and out of the chat.

It might be, but it’s meant to be a pretty big one, so you might not even see him.- B

I let out a groan and dropped the two dresses and the skirt that I’d picked out from my closet. Tyler’s having a party on a school night? I couldn’t say I was surprised. Another text came in not long after that one.

I’ll understand if you don’t want to go.

I thought for a moment and weighed up my options. Sure, I wasn’t the biggest fan of him or his friends and still felt like a bit of an outsider among my peers, but at the same time I needed a night to just loosen up. It’s not like I could sneak alcohol into my room with Zoe’s hawk eyes. Besides, maybe spending a drunken night with the other kids in my year would do me some good. Maybe things would be different. Or maybe they wouldn’t.

I’m in. I’ll need help with my outfit, though. R x

Great! I’ll be waiting for the pics ;)- B x

I didn’t need to tell Bella why I wanted to go the house of the guy who was practically my nemesis. She didn’t need to know that a part of me ached to see him in his own habitat, to see where and how he lives and how he parties too. And maybe, just maybe, I wanted him to see me looking hot as fuck, for no particular reason, of course. But my main reason was obviously just to blow off some steam. Obviously.

* * *

After what felt like an infinite amount of outfit changes, me and Bella settled on a denim skirt that Dad would probably argue was a belt and a cute halter neck crop top that I ‘borrowed’ from my older cousin months ago. Dad and Zoe were still yet to return and had texted me that they’d be out late. I was relieved because that meant that I could go about my evening without confrontation from either of them.

I didn’t bother telling them that I was going out, one because I didn’t want to face any opposition, and two, because I was planning to be back in a matter of hours. From experience, I knew that Tyler Katz and his kind could only be tolerated for a very short amount of time, and that’s putting it lightly.

Bella pulled up outside my house two minutes before she said she would and honked her horn lightly even though I was standing on my driveway.

“You look even hotter in person!” she exclaimed as she unlocked the car door and I climbed in.

“Thank you, you look pretty damn hot yourself!” I exclaimed as my eyes took in Bella’s appearance.

She looked even hotter than usual that I couldn’t help but stare. It’s like she’d walked out of a fantasy movie or something. Bella’s eyes were adorned with shimmery eyeshadow and she had her curls out bouncing around her face in a way that framed it perfectly.

“Thank you, these are new,” Bella said while pointing at her jeans, which she lifted up to show me the flared bottoms.

They matched perfectly with her mesh top that cupped her boobs in just the right way. The pair of us looked pretty killer and, with the music seeping from Bella’s speakers, had high hopes that it was going to be a good night, tonight.

“Here, you want a drink before we get there?” Bella reached into the backseat of her car and retrieved a hip flask, which she passed to me. I sniffed the contents and recoiled from how strong it smelled. “Don’t ask questions, just drink away. But not too much, because I suspect you’re a lightweight.”

Bella had truly read me for filth and I let out an involuntary snort as I laughed at her astute observation. I took a sip from the flask and winced at the sharp taste, which was not balanced well with the sweet mixture.

“I made it with maximum efficiency in mind,” Bella said as she started driving us to Tyler’s house.

“Yeah, you sure did that. Are you drinking at the party, by the way?” I asked, holding my breath in the hopes that she wasn’t one of those drink driving types that I’d been taught to avoid like the plague since middle school.

“Don’t worry, I’m gonna walk home. I actually care about the lives of other people,” she said with a smile. I was glad to see her in her element again as she started singing along loudly to the radio as if she was in an MTV music video.

Clearly, the combination of being a lightweight and not eating enough meant that the alcohol went straight to my head and I was already starting to feel a bit tipsy after a few long, painful sips.

“I noticed you seemed a bit down recently-“ I began, but Bella quickly cut me off with her gentle, but firm, voice.

“Oh… yeah. Can we just not tonight?” Bella gave me an apologetic look. “I just want to have fun and forget shit. Can we do that?” Her eyes were back on the road, but I could still see the tears building up in them. Bella was clearly hurt over something, but was still not in the position to share and I had to respect that.

Even though I felt a tightness in my chest at feeling rejected by her, even though my logical and sober brain knew that wasn’t the case, I decided to honour her wish to let this be a carefree night. She seemed to need it more than I did, and it was the least that I could do to let her have that time. I turned up the radio, and we both sang loudly for the rest of the journey.