Daddy’s Accidental Little Heartbreak by Penny Snoak













I couldn't believe I was on the front step of my ex's house, about to accept help from both him and his current Little after my twin sister ruined our relationship.  It felt like the storyline for a terrible sitcom.  Not the kind that I loved to watch on the weekends but the kind that dragged on for years and earned a large following thanks to the terrible taste of the viewers.  Remembering that it was the best plan I had since everything took a while to get approved for a place to live and the hotels were expensive, I took a deep breath, swallowed my pride, and raised my hand to knock on the door.  Before I even had the chance to knock on the door, it flew open, revealing Stephanie.

"There you are, Bernice," she beamed as she smiled at me.  "I was so worried about you, especially when it started getting dark."  Before I could even react to the shock, she took me by the hand and yanked me into the house before closing the door behind us.  Once inside, she pulled me to the living room and sat me down.  "So, tell me everything.  What exactly happened?"  Taking a deep breath, I started my tale of woe.

As I explained everything, I watched Stephanie's expression carefully and realized just how awkward and crazy everything was.  I knew I should have just gone to get a hotel room, but, thanks to it being summer, I knew that the rates would be through the roof, especially for an indefinite stay.  The least I could have done was call Skye, but I realized afterwards that I didn't have her phone number.  As soon as I had explained everything, Xavier had come into the room with Auntie Marie, Stephanie's new Auntie, bearing a plate of cookies and milk for the two of us.  Reaching for a cookie, Stephanie shook her head.

"That's terrible," Stephanie mumbled as she bit down into her cookie.  "I can't believe Bianca did that to you.  That's terrible!"  Xavier scoffed and shook his head as he nibbled on a cookie as well

"I can," he told us.  "Bianca's a real piece of work.  I'm surprised that you stuck around after we broke up."  I stopped and stared at him a moment, wishing I could do something to make him regret pointing out what I already felt.

“She was my business partner,” I reminded him.  “After I left you, I started working on everything in order to leave, but it took a bit longer than I had hoped.  I’ve got more than enough to buy a house with cash, but it’s going to take a while to find one and get them to accept an offer.  So, between that and needing to leave the company so that my sister will quit stealing my life from me, I thought I would take to you and Skye.”  Stephanie seemed lost for words as she exchanged looks with Xavier.  After a long, awkward silence, Xavier finally spoke.

“Well, you’re welcome to stay with us,” he agreed without waiting for Stephanie to respond.  “At least until you find your own place and everything.”  Stephanie agreed immediately.

“You’re always welcome here,” she informed me.  She then looked at Xavier.  “Which room should we give her for the time being?  The one right next to the playroom?”  Xavier thought for a moment.

“You mean the one right next to Auntie Marie’s room, right?” he asked, and she nodded.  “I don’t see why not.”  He stopped and turned his attention to Auntie Marie.  “That is if you’re okay with that…”  Auntie Marie’s kind smile never went away as she spoke.

“I don’t have a problem with it,” she reassured me.  “It will be nice to have another Little to look after.  Stephanie gets so bored on her own, especially after you started working the weekends on your latest project.”  Stephanie glanced at the clock, eager to change the subject.

“It’s too late to call Skye,” she stated as she continued to think through what we could do.  “Why don’t you come to the office with me tomorrow?  Now that Derek found an in office legal consult, we’re looking to expand our staff.  Considering everything you’ve done for your real estate company, I’m sure Skye would love the extra help at the office.”  I felt relieved as I thought about this opportunity.

“Oh, thank you,” I told her as I bobbed my head at her.  “I would really appreciate it.”  Xavier frowned when he saw the time.

“Speaking of tomorrow, it is past your bedtime, Stephanie,” he stated, and Stephanie pouted.

“Do I have to?” she asked as her lip quivered.  “Bernice is here, and I want to get the chance to hang out with her before we go to bed.  Please, Daddy?”  Xavier chuckled as he looked from me to Stephanie and back.  After considering her request, he finally agreed.

"Alright, but only for a little bit," he told her.  "We have work tomorrow, and I don't want you to be late because you stayed up too late."  Stephanie squealed in excitement and leaped into his arms, giving him the biggest hug she could.

"Oh, thank you, Daddy," she exclaimed before letting him go.  Xavier looked at Auntie Marie, who was waiting for instructions.

"I'll get them to bed in an hour," he said to her.  "You can finish your work and retire for the night."  Auntie Marie nodded and made her way to the kitchen while Stephanie sat down next to me.

"So, what do you want to do?" she asked, her excitement as clear as day in her voice.  "Should we watch cartoons or go play in the playroom?"  Before I could even think of a response, my mouth stretched wide open, almost hurting my jaw, as I gave a long yawn.  Seeing the yawn, Xavier shook his head.

"I think Bernice is exhausted, Little One," he told Stephanie, who pouted once more.  "It would probably be better to let her sleep."  Stephanie looked from Xavier to me and back.

"But you said I could stay up an extra hour," she complained as she stared at her Daddy.  They made such a great couple.  I didn't want to be a bother.

"You should spend that time with Xavier," I suggested as I stifled another yawn.  "I’m pretty tired as it is.”  Stephanie was about to protest, but Xavier stopped her immediately.

"If you throw a tantrum, I'll give you an early bedtime tomorrow," he warned, and she stopped mid breath.

"Okay," she finally agreed before giving me a smile.  "Good night, Bernice.  I'll see you in the morning."