Daddy’s Accidental Little Heartbreak by Penny Snoak













The woman before me had turned around so abruptly, I didn’t even have a chance to warn her before she walked right into me, spilling her coffee all down the front of my white shirt.  I shouted in pain as the scalding coffee seeped through the fabric and onto my skin.  It wasn’t her fault, of course.  I should have warned her I was there…  As soon as she saw me, she froze in horror as she stared at my ruined shirt, completely lost for words.  When she did finally find her voice, she looked up at me, her face red from embarrassment.

“I am so sorry,” she declared as she placed her coffee down on the counter, ignoring the liquid that sloshed over the sides as a result of her actions.  “I didn’t see you there.  I just…  I…”  She winced.  “Are you okay?”  Originally, I wanted to yell at her, but, then, I got a good look at her and found myself at a loss for words.

She was the most beautiful and sexiest woman I had ever seen.  Her long, strawberry blonde hair hung in waves down her shoulders, and her chocolate brown eyes shined in the light as she stared at me, waiting for a response.  She was so small and delicate that I was afraid that I had hurt her running into her.  Before I had a chance to recover, I became fixated by her mesmerizing ruby red lips.  They looked so soft and warm, and I wanted to press my own lips to hers, forming a perfect kiss.  Realizing that I was staring, I took a deep breath and shook my head, snapping out of the trance I found myself in.

“I’m fine,” I barely squeaked, not at all sounding like the Daddy I was.  Clearing my throat, I tried my response again.  “I’m fine.  That just startled me is all.”  I then examined her business suit, looking for the telltale sign of coffee being spilt.  “Are you okay, though?  I hope I didn’t hurt you.”  Her face was so red few that she looked like she might pass out any second, and I couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to hold her tiny frame in my arms.

“I’m okay,” she said as she looked down at her own clothing.  “I didn’t spill any on myself, which is more than I can say for you.  I’m so sorry about your shirt.”  I gave her a reassuring smile and shook my head.

“Oh, this old thing?” I asked, trying to still my racing heart as I watched the woman.  “It’s an old shirt.  I’m not worried if it gets ruined.”  I looked over at her coffee mug and saw that she had spilled almost the entire mug on me.  When I realized I wasn’t in any pain, I decided to continue.  “I am sorry about your coffee, though.  Can I get you another cup?”  The redness in her face had gone down, but it wasn’t gone as she nodded.

“I would like that,” she told me, and I made my way over to the counter to refill the mug.

What on Earth was wrong with me?  Why was it so hard to talk to this woman?  Why did I so badly want this woman to turn out to be a Little?  I hadn’t had much luck with Littles before, especially after everything that happened with Sarah over the last year.  Everytime I thought that things were finally going to work out, she came in and ruined everything for me.  Now, I had a school crush on one of the first people I met at my new job, and it made me very uncomfortable to know that I had gone from a proud Daddy to a nervous school boy.  Seizing my confidence once again, I finished filling her mug and handed it back to her.

“Be careful,” I instructed her in my best Daddy voice.  “It’s hot.”  She accepted the mug gracefully and held it in both hands.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she muttered, almost inaudibly, and my heart stopped dead in my chest as she stared at me in horror.  “Oh my God…”  Her face turned beet red as she shook her head, grasping for the words to say.  “I mean…  I just…  I…”  Before either of us could find the words, Skye and Stephanie raced into the break room.

“What is going on?” Skye demanded before stopping dead in her tracks and staring at the two of us, the wheels in her head churning as she processed the scene before her.  Meanwhile, an evil grin took over Stephanie’s sweet and innocent face as she looked at Bernice.

“Well, Bernice,” she giggled as she covered her mouth in a forced attempt to contain her amusement.  “You recovered fast.”  Skye stopped and looked at Stephanie.

“What are you talking about?” Skye asked as she looked from Stephanie to the woman and back.  “What did you do?”  I raised my hands up in surrender, hoping to difuse the situation before everything got any further out of hand.

“It was my fault,” I admitted to them as they turned to stare at me.  “I came in to get some coffee, and she turned around and walked into me because I didn’t make myself known.”  Skye and Stephanie exchanged looks before examining Bernice, who looked like she wanted nothing more than to drop dead and escape the embarrassment, and me.  After a moment of silence, they both erupted in laughter and looked back at each other.

“I won!” Stephanie declared as she wiped a tear from her eyes.  “I knew this might happen.”  She then turned to Bernice.  “So, did you call him Daddy yet?”  Seeing the look of rage and horror on Bernice’s face, Stephanie’s eyes widened.  “No way.”  She turned to look at me, and I became uncomfortably aware of the arousal that had grown erect in my pants.  Skye shook her head at us both.

“No,” she stated as she crossed her arms.  “No, no, no, no.  Absolutely not.  There will e no funny business in the office.”  Bernice found her voice and shook her head.

“But we didn’t do anything!” she protested, and Stephanie scoffed.

“Yet,” she remarked, and everyone looked at her.  Smiling innocently at us all, she tilted her head to the side.  “What?”  Skye took a deep breath and looked at me.

“You know what?” she asked as she stared up at me, and I grew curious as to what she was doing.  “I changed my mind.  We don’t need help today, and you should take the rest of the weekend off.”  She then turned to look at Bernice.  “You can still work at the office, but I’m going to have you start Monday rather than today.  I don’t need you disappearing on me should anything happen.”  Before either of us could protest, Skye took a step back and motioned towards the door.  “Now, please go.  I’ll see you both on Monday.”  I looked down at Bernice, who had a strange look on her face as she marched towards the door, looking like a kicked puppy.  Holding my head high, despite what just happened, I followed her out of the office and over to the nearest bus station.

“Well, that went well,” I said as I sat down next to her on the bench.  “I’m sorry for getting you in trouble.”  She stopped and looked at me, her brown eyes rimmed with tears.

“It’s all my fault,” she said as she shook her head.  “I’m so sorry.”  I shook my head as she leaned over and cried into my shoulder.

“It’s okay,” I reassured her as I stared down at her, unsure of how I should handle this.  Finally deciding on a gentle hug, I held her close, amazed by how delicate she was yet how great her perfume smelled as it wafted towards me.  After a moment, I came up with the perfect way to break the ice.  “Hey, how would you like to go with me to breakfast?”  Her eyes shined as she looked up at me.

“You mean it?” she sniffled as she wiped the tears from her face.  I nodded.

“Of course,” I told her.  “Give me a chance to get to know the woman who just called me Daddy.”