Daddy’s Accidental Little Heartbreak by Penny Snoak













Of course he heard that part…  I couldn’t help it at the time.  The way he handed me the mug reminded me of when I was with Zane, and the words escaped me before I could even stop them.  I hated myself for letting it slip, and I was even more embarrassed at the fact that he remembered my mess up.  As we sat there on the bus bench, I took a deep breath and attempted to recover what remained of my dignity.

“About that,” I started as I gave the man an awkward smile.  “I didn’t mean that.”  He frowned a little as he stared down at me, a look of stern disapproval on his face.

“What do you mean?” he asked, and I winced.

“I didn’t mean to call you Daddy,” I admitted, cringing at how awkward everything was becoming by the second.  “That was an accident.”  He looked confused as he processed this.

“So, you’re not a Little?” he asked, taking me by surprise.  I was going to answer, but everything froze inside me.

Admitting to being a Little was one of the hardest things to do.  It usually led to ridicule from those who didn’t understand the kink as well as any number of issues.  However, simply admitting it was the best way to confirm it to other Daddies so that they knew you knew about the kink.  Either way, it was usually the strangest, most awkward conversation any Little would ever have.  Taking a deep breath, I finally found my voice.

“I am a Little,” I admitted with a cautious smile.  “I didn’t mean to call you Daddy, though, and I’m sorry for embarrassing you or causing any trouble for you inside.”  Much to my surprise, as soon as I tried to get up, he held me closer, keeping me in place, and I grew vaguely aware of the scent of the cologne he used.  Without meaning to, I turned my face into his ruined shirt and took a deep whiff, enjoying how safe and warm I felt in his arms.

“I don’t mind it, Little One,” he purred as he held me close.  “Don’t tell anyone, but I rather enjoyed being called Daddy once again.”  My heart raced as I looked up and got my first decent look at him.

His eyes were a stormy gray, and his hair was black with gray peppered in on the sides as it slicked back.  The facial hair looked like it had been kept out all this time, but a faint stubble grew in, shadowing his chin.  He was massive in comparison to Zane, and his suit seemed to barely contain him.  The coffee stained shirt seemed to match his tan, and I froze when I saw the bulge in his pants.

“Oh, I, uh…” I began, but the words left me before they could even form.  He tilted his head to the side, his smile blindly white as he watched me.

“Let me treat you to breakfast, Little One,” he insisted as he rose to his feet.  “I saw a nice little diner I wanted to try.”  Lost in his gaze, I absentmindedly rose to my feet and stood beside him, wondering why I was able to follow his commands so naturally.

The bus pulled up beside us, and he motioned for me to climb on first.  Much to my surprise, he stopped me and paid the bus fare for me before gently guiding me down the aisle to an empty seat.  He sat next to me, and I was firmly placed between the window and him.  After a long, awkward silence, I took a deep breath and looked up at him.

“I’m Bernice,” I informed him, not sure if he had a chance to catch my name throughout all the chaos.  The man smiled as he looked back down at me and nodded.

“I’m Nathan,” he informed me, his voice calm and rich like the darkest chocolate, and I felt shivers run down my spine.  What was wrong with me?  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Little One.”  I adjusted myself in my seat, growing more awkward and aroused as each second passed.

“So, have you worked at the office for a long time?” I asked, hoping to end the silence between us.  He shook his head.

“No, actually, today was supposed to be my first day,” he informed me casually, his eyes on the surrounding city that passed us by.  “I just moved here from Texas, and I’m to be the in office legal consultant so that Derek can focus more on the firm than having to run back and forth.”  My interest peaked as I stared in amazement at him.

So, he was a lawyer from Texas?  Not only did that explain his calm demeanor throughout the entire situation, but I was wondering about that Southern accent he had.  It was sexy and had my entire body vibrating, but I fought to control myself.  I might be a Little, but I wasn’t the kind to throw myself at every Daddy who came into my life.  That was more Bianca’s thing.

“Right here,” Nathan said suddenly as he stood up to pull the cord, signalling that we needed to get off the bus.  I stayed where I was as the bus lurched to a stop, and Nathan offered me his hand as soon as we stopped.  “Come on.  I can’t wait to try this place.”  I nodded obediently and took his hand, letting him pull me off the bus and over to the diner.

The diner looked like an old fashioned fifties diner, and, as we approached, I smelled the freshly cooked smashed burgers and fries as well as freshly baked pie.  My mouth watered as I entered the diner, Nathan tugging me along as he smiled and looked around for a seat.  After a moment, he started towards a booth, still pulling me gently behind him.  Once we were seated, he smiled and looked at me.

“Order whatever you want,” he told me.  “It’s my treat.”  I took a deep breath and smiled as I looked at the menu, starving for his attention almost as much as I was starving for the food I smelled.

Within minutes, we ordered our food, and I felt his foot nudge mine from under the table as we sipped our sodas.  What was he doing?  He didn’t seem like a conventional Daddy, but I was falling for him more and more with each passing second.  Things didn’t get any better after the food arrived, either.  As we ate, we talked about our lives and joked about how awkward our first encounter had been.  I stated that it seemed like something out of a sitcom, and he argued that it was more like a rom-com than a sitcom.  We ate our fill, and, by the time he pulled out his wallet to pay the bill, I found that, despite my best efforts, I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

“So, what should we do now?” Nathan asked as he rose to his feet and guided me to the door, my tiny hand wrapped in his.  “Do you want me to take you home, or should we go somewhere else?”  I paused as I realized that I didn’t have access to Stephanie’s house since everyone was at work.

“I, uh…” I began, a pit forming in my stomach.  “I can’t go home right now.”  He frowned as he looked at me.

“Why not?” he asked, his voice genuinely curious as he spoke.  I rubbed the back of my neck with my free hand, nervously hoping that I hadn’t just ruined my chances of getting to see him again outside work.

“I’m currently staying with Stephanie while I look for a place of my own,” I finally admitted, wincing when the words poured from my mouth.  Rather than looking disappointed or confused, he gave me a gentle smile and nodded.

“That’s okay,” he told me.  “I’m staying with my friend, Derek, and his Little, Skye.”  He then looked around the busy streets around us.  “Well, since neither of us can really go home…”  He stopped when he saw the hotel across the street.  “Why don’t we check into a hotel and go swimming?  It’s too hot to go roaming around too much.”  I raised an eyebrow at him as I attempted to determine if he was serious.

Something deep in my gut told me he didn’t just want to check into the hotel to go swimming.  At least not the regular kind of swimming…  My heart raced as I gave a coy smile and looked up at him, staring into his gorgeous eyes.

“I don’t have a bathing suit,” I informed him, and he grinned as he looked me up and down.

“Well, if you want, we don’t have to go swimming,” he said as his arm snaked around me, holding me close to him.  “If you want, we can just go to the room and watch some TV.”  I thought for a moment before nodding.

“Very well then,” I finally agreed.  “Anything to get out of this heat.”