My Ten-Year Crush by Olivia Spring

Chapter Nineteen

Icouldn’t find anything. Unsurprisingly, there wasn’t a single thing in my wardrobe that would fit Mike. Not even my baggiest T-shirt or jumper would squeeze over those big shoulders and biceps. Even if I could find something to cover his top half, there was definitely nothing to slide comfortably up those solid thighs. And judging by what I’d heard (not to mention what I remembered feeling when he was beneath me all those years ago), a pair of my pyjama shorts wouldn’t be able to accommodate his package…

‘So… what you got for me?’

Oh. Dear. Lord.

I looked up and saw Mike leaning against my bedroom doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist and I thought I was going to pass out.

I’d seen him topless during our uni days. We’d all shared a bathroom, so it was inevitable that I’d see him coming out of it at some point. He’d looked good then, but good Lord, he looked even better now.

His chest looked like it had been carved from the smoothest marble by the most talented stonemason.

‘Um, er… I…,’ I stuttered. Pull yourself together, Bella, my brain commanded. ‘Nothing. There’s nothing in here that will fit you.’

‘Let me take a look.’ He squeezed in front, rubbing his bum against me, which sparked a tingle between my legs. Mike reached inside the wardrobe, then paused. ‘Do you mind?’

‘Go for it. Don’t rate your chances, though.’

He scrolled through the hangers.

‘How about this?’ He pulled out a purple cardigan.

‘There’s no way that’s going to fit you.’

‘Wanna bet?’

Thankfully the sleeves were wide and floppy, so he managed to get his arms through them, but it barely covered twenty percent of his chest.

‘You look ridiculous!’ I giggled as the cardigan strained against his pecs. ‘Take it off before you rip it.’

‘So you want me to strip?’ he teased. ‘Okay…’ He removed the cardigan and every part of me wished his towel would come off with it. Sadly it was still firmly in place.

‘What about this?’ He plucked a floral kaftan from the wardrobe and held it up against his glistening chest.

‘You have got to be joking?’

‘Why on earth would you say that? Don’t you think it’d suit me?’ He burst out laughing.

‘In a word: no.’

‘I’m hurt.’ He clutched his heart. ‘I’m just messing around. I got way too serious earlier, so just trying to lighten the mood again. Oh, wow!’ Mike plucked a hanger from the rail. ‘You’ve still got this orange top.’

‘What? You remember it?’

‘Of course I do. You used to wear it with your light blue jeans and your favourite brown boots. I used to love when you wore this. Really brought out your eyes…’ He smiled.

‘Why, thank you.’ My heart fluttered. There went the tingles for about the hundredth time today.

I knew I was very out of practice with men, but I was pretty sure Mike was flirting with me—like, properly—and I really wanted to do something about it. It was risky, though…

Just as I was weighing up my options and attempting to draw from my non-existent flirting bank, there was a loud thud followed by a heavy vibrating noise. Talk about ruining the moment.

‘What was that?’ Mike frowned.

‘Probably my annoying washing machine. It goes a bit crazy on the spin cycle and bangs against the integrated door. I better go and check.’ I really needed to get around to sorting that out. Sometimes it made so much noise it sounded like it was going to fall through the floor.

‘Oh, okay.’ He seemed disappointed. He wasn’t the only one.

‘Feel free to help yourself to anything you like in my wardrobe,’ I smirked. ‘After I’ve sorted out the clothes, I’m going to have a shower.’

Once the machine had finished spinning, I quickly draped Mike’s clothes over the living room radiator, which was the biggest and hottest in my flat, and darted into the shower.

Just knowing Mike had been in here naked minutes before sent shivers all over my body. I imagined the stream of hot water trickling down every inch of him, rubbing the shower gel over his gorgeous skin…

I really needed to calm down.

When I came out of the bathroom, I peeked into the living room and saw Mike sitting on the sofa, still with just the towel around his waist.

Seriously. How was I supposed to control myself when he looked like that?

I darted into my bedroom, slipped a lacy black bra and knickers over my freshly creamed skin, then wrapped my silky dressing gown around me. Yes, I could have worn a T-shirt and a long skirt, but as Mike was half-naked, I’d be half-dressed too. It was purely a selfless action to make him feel more comfortable. Nothing to do with trying to look sexy at all. Nope.

I was tempted to check the progress of his clothes on the radiator, but I didn’t want to. I was enjoying the view. He looked so good exactly how he was.

‘I knew it’d be hot in here, so thought I should wear this, so I don’t overheat.’ I slid onto the sofa. It was true. That radiator made the room like a furnace when it was turned on full blast, and even though it had been raining earlier, it was still a pretty warm day.

‘No complaints from me. I did spot a blanket that I was going to cover up in, but then I was getting pretty hot myself, so I thought I’d be better off staying like this. Hope you don’t mind.’

‘Definitely no complaints from me either…’ The shoulder of my dressing gown slipped down, revealing my bra strap. Mike’s eyes burned. And this time it was clear: they were definitely, one hundred percent filled with desire.

‘You’re so beautiful, Bells.’ He moved up closer to me on the sofa and brushed his thumb over my cheek. His touch sent shockwaves through my body. ‘You always looked great. Even when we’d been up all night finishing assignments and had no sleep. You never needed to wear loads of make-up either—you were just naturally pretty.’ He continued stroking my face. ‘Being around you was always so fun and easy.’

I swallowed hard and tried to process what was happening. Mike had called me beautiful and fun to be around. He’d said something similar on our graduation night, but somehow over the years, I’d told myself he didn’t mean it. Mike liked to travel and party. I was a geeky nerd who stayed in my room and studied or read books. I wasn’t glam and outgoing like Rebecca, so I couldn’t understand how someone like him could be interested in me.

But now, ten years later, I was starting to wonder if somehow I’d misjudged things. Maybe I’d been wrong to doubt him and have such a low opinion of myself.

Although I still didn’t know what was going through his mind that night, as I looked into his eyes, right now, I knew Mike was being genuine. It really felt like he meant every single word.

I wanted to do or say something, to respond somehow, but I was scared. Truth was, I had been ever since I’d heard that he was going to be at the reunion. I was afraid to see him again and discover that the feelings I had for him back then were real.

I’d tried suppressing them for so long. Tried to deny that I really wanted him. Made excuses and created reasons for why we could never be more than friends. But now it was obvious something was finally brewing, I owed it to myself to be brave and take a chance. Nothing crazy. Just flirt back.

Come on, Bella. You can do it.

‘As I remember, you looked pretty good yourself back then too. But if I’m honest, you’re looking even better now…’

‘Oh really…?’ His hand trailed down to the side of my neck and my stomach flipped.

‘Yeah…’ I reached out and ran my fingers down his chest. My heart thudded. My fear had suddenly been overcome with pure lust and desire and I couldn’t seem to stop myself. ‘With these insane abs’—Mike closed his eyes and let out a groan of pleasure—‘and these big, muscular arms’—I squeezed them gently, imagining how good they would feel wrapped around me.

Our eyes locked and we both fell silent.

Mike began to stroke my bare shoulder. Oh. So. Slowly. My dressing gown fell around my waist and I could feel a pulsing sensation between my legs.

As I ran my hands across Mike’s chest again, I felt his heart beating fast too. His eyes were now like flames. He wanted me and I definitely wanted him. After over a decade of waiting, it was finally happening.

Our faces started moving together, getting closer and closer. Mike leant forward and I tilted my head. Our lips were now inches apart and I could feel the heat of his warm sweet breath on my skin.

Just as he leaned in to close the gap, loud ringing vibrated through the living room, causing us both to jump. Mike pulled back quickly, like the effects of a spell that had been cast on him had suddenly worn off.

‘My phone,’ I said. It was like I’d been in a deep dream and just regained consciousness. I jumped up, quickly wrapping the dressing gown back around me, and headed over to the house phone on the other side of the living room. I knew exactly who it was. ‘It’s my parents. I better get it—might be urgent.’ They were the only ones to call my landline. Well, them and salespeople who always phoned right in the middle of Eastenders or at the most inconvenient time. If this was a sales call, I’d scream.

‘No worries.’ Mike’s eyes darted to the floor. ‘I’ll just check on… see if my clothes are almost dry.’ He looked guilty, like he’d just realised what we were about to do and felt bad about it.

‘Hi,’ I answered the phone quickly, wishing they could have called just a few minutes later. Even thirty seconds later would have been better. Then I would have got to feel Mike’s lips on mine. I would’ve been able to see if they were just as soft and delicious as I remembered.

Ten minutes later and who knows? I might have got to feel his hard body pressed against mine. And with just his towel and my underwear between us, I was sure that it wouldn’t have been much longer until I could have finally felt him. All of him.


After causing me to miss out on all of that, something I’d wanted for so long, my parents had better be calling to tell me their lottery numbers had just come up.

‘There you are!’ my mum shrieked. ‘What’s the point of always telling me to call your mobile telephone if you don’t answer it?’

‘Sorry.’ I immediately looked over at the coffee table, which was where I normally kept it if I was in the living room. Then I remembered it must still be in my handbag. ‘I left it in the hallway, so I didn’t hear it ring. Is everything okay?’

‘No. We thought we’d drive to Plymouth, but the car’s broken down. Your father has got his head stuck under the bonnet, convinced he can fix it himself. I’ve said it’s better to call the breakdown service people, but I don’t have the number.’

‘Where are you? On the motorway?’

‘No, pulled over on a normal road. We didn’t get that far.’

‘That’s good…’ I saw Mike take his clothes off the radiator and head out into the hallway and got distracted. I wanted to call after him.

‘How is that good?’

‘Much better than Dad tinkering under the bonnet on the hard shoulder of a busy motorway.’

‘Do you have their number, Bella?’

‘Not to hand, but don’t worry, I can get it for you. How come you didn’t have it in your phone or stored somewhere safe?’

‘Your dad has it, but he’s being stubborn,’ she huffed. ‘So I’m going to call them myself.’

‘Mum, if you give me a minute, I’ll look the number up for you. Hold on…’ My mother’s phone resembled a brick and was so basic it didn’t even have internet.

I went and got my phone from my bag in the hallway. Mike must be in the bathroom as the door was closed. I tried turning on the phone, but the battery was dead. I’d just get the number from my computer instead.

‘Are you still there, Bella?’

‘Yes, Mum. Just waiting for the computer.’ Why did it have to take so long? I needed to get back to Mike. When it eventually did load, the spinning ball of doom popped up on the screen. It had crashed. I really needed to get a new computer. I went to charge my phone, but after hunting in the bedroom and living room, for some reason I couldn’t find the charger, so I returned to my computer. By the time my internet browser successfully launched, almost twenty minutes had passed. So annoying.

Mike entered the room fully dressed. Dammit. He started mouthing something to me. I held my finger up to say one second.

‘Everything okay?’ Mike whispered.

‘Yeah—my mum’s car won’t start. I’m just going to get the number for the AA.’

‘Okay. Actually, Bells, I’m gonna go.’

‘Oh no! You don’t have to… I mean, are your clothes even dry yet?’

‘I better get back. I’ve got a load of lesson planning to do, so… my clothes are fine. The sun’s out again, so they’ll be dry by the time I walk to the station.’

I hoped Mike was okay. For a moment I wondered if he was having second thoughts like last time and was trying to run off again, but I quickly pushed those ideas out of my head. Mike had spent most of last night and all afternoon helping me. He had a life of his own, and it would take him ages to get back. Mum’s badly timed interruption had just reminded him he needed to take care of his responsibilities, that was all. Sigh.

‘Hello!’ I heard my mum shout down the phone. ‘Are you there? Is that a man’s voice I heard? Who is it? Where are you and why are his clothes wet?’

‘Um, yes, I’m still here, Mum. I’m at home. With Mike—he was just helping me with my… he just popped round.’

I realised Mum didn’t know about the course or that Mike was my tutor. And I couldn’t exactly tell her he was helping me with my CV because I wanted to leave school. She’d tell Dad and all hell would break loose.

‘Lovely Michael! I’m so glad you’ve met up with him again. You two were inseparable and I remember you fancied the pants off him. I always thought you two would get married.’

‘Mum!’ I winced. Thank goodness I didn’t have her on speakerphone. I wondered if Dad could hear her. Hopefully not. She said his head was under the bonnet and she planned to call the AA against his wishes, so Mum must be in the car or out of earshot.

‘Let me talk to him!’

‘Er, Mike has to catch his train, but he says hello.’ There was no way I could let her speak to him. She’d give him the Spanish Inquisition, and once she found out that he was single and had been alone with me in my flat, she’d start saying a load of embarrassing things, and this situation had already turned awkward.

‘Hello, Mrs Walker,’ Mike shouted.

I started walking towards the hallway, clutching the cordless phone to my chest. ‘I’m just going to see Mike out.’

Mike followed me and put on his shoes. ‘So, I guess I’ll see you on Monday, Bells…’

‘Yeah.’ My heart sank. If only my mum had put the car breakdown number in her phone or if Dad wasn’t so stubborn, this wouldn’t be happening.

No, no. I shouldn’t be thinking about an almost-kiss when my mum needed me. ‘See you then. Thanks again for your help.’

‘No worries.’ Mike gave me a half smile, turned and walked down the communal stairs, then out of the main door.

So close.

We were so close.
