Vicious Desire by Leslie V. Walker

Chapter Sixteen


The car ride is deadly disturbing, Neo asks questions here and there trying to get me to talk about my family, but I’d quickly shut it down. But one thing he wouldn’t shut up about was how he couldn’t stop thinking about the days leading up to him asking me to the dance.

It made my insides itch at the thought that he was even thinking of me at all. I ignored it but would feel his eyes staring at me intently in a weird manner.

For a second, I thought he was going to murder me until I saw the parking lot to the school and slightly relaxed. I just had to get away from him though, my mind was screaming at me to get away and all I wanted to do was find him to feel safe.

The AC is on full blast, sending goosebumps all over my legs and arms. I adjust the mask on my face thankful to feel at least a little protected. I wear the black dress that fits me in all the right places with silver heels and a mask, my hair is straightened back with light blended makeup on.

Jason texted me to tell me he was already here with his date and it’s packed. My nerves grow higher, the only person I’ve ever spoken more than one sentence to in all four years were Nina and Jason. And now everyone waves at me or even tries to get me to sit at their table for lunch.

I don’t like the attention, so today my goal is to stand in a corner with Jason until this night ends, or until I have the opportunity to sneak out.

The car comes to a stop, and I open the door grabbing my small purse before stepping out. Neo comes around the car locking it before bringing a hand to my back. I flinch taking a step back away from his touch if he notices he doesn’t say as he tugs me close to him.

“You look stunning,” he whispers into my ear looking me over.

God, this was a bad idea.

We start to walk to the school which is decorated with pumpkins and lights for today. Ashbourne Hills tends to celebrate when Halloween falls on a Saturday since it only comes once in a blue moon.

I personally love Halloween on any day, I would always stack on junk food and have a full-on horror movie marathon. I’m a horror fanatic and live for this stuff. I find it thrilling and I love the pounding of my heart.

People call me a freak for enjoying such things but it’s okay to be strange.

“I was so glad you accepted to come with me tonight,” He says.

“Yeah...” I don’t know how to respond so I pick up my pace hoping to arrive faster, moving past the long hallway and exiting the south wing we finally make it.

‘Mr. Brightside’ by the Killers plays as groups of people dance in the middle surrounded by tables some occupied and others not. I look around loving all the Halloween vibes.

“I’m a go say hi to a few friends. Save me a dance, will you?” Neo walks away before I can say anything leaving me alone. My eyes narrow at his protruding back at why he chose to ask me here if he’d just leave but I forget about it, actually grateful he did.

I look for Jason until I finally spot him chatting away with Nina next to the food table, a red-looking bloody cup of punch in his hands. Walking toward them Jason looks up, spotting me his eyes widen and a goofy smile plays at his lips.

Nina turns around and her eyes widen, “Oh my god, Ayanna! You look gorgeous!”

“Thank you. You both as well.” I give her a hug before taking in their appearance. Nina is dressed as Scarlet Witch, the outfit fits her perfectly along with the wig, Jason has on a shirt that reads ‘I am Washington’ paired off with a look alike hat. I shake my head, of course, he didn’t try as hard as I thought.

“Love the outfit. Who picked it out? Your sugar or baby daddy?”

“Stop it!” I punch his shoulder making sure to make him stumble slightly.

“He’s not my anything.” I clarify to him as he sips on the punch that’s most likely spiked.

I go to stand next to him watching as Nina drags Michael out to the dance floor. “Which is why you chose to come with Neo instead, even though you were already going with Brendan,” a sigh leaves me, “Gotta admit. Never seen anyone aim so low.”

“Yeah, well... I never even wanted to go with him in the first place. He forced me, so I decided to go against his wishes.”

“So instead, you chose to go with the guy he hates most in this world?” Yeah...

“Yes. I don’t care if it sounds childish...”

“It is childish.”

I turn to glare at him. “The only reason I’m in this predicament is because he forced me—”

“Did he force you to kiss him too?” He cuts me off and I lose all wording.

I hate when Jason gets all logical with me, He’s too smart for my choosing.

“No,” ss all I say because even when the petty part of me wants to fight back and say yes, I know it wouldn’t be right. Because if I had the opportunity to turn back time, I’d do it again and again, even let him get father just how he wanted before his phone interrupted us.

“Right. Well, we better prepare ourselves cause he’s going to go crazy when he gets his hands on you dressed like that.”

I turn to look at him, “And what makes you say that?” I ask.

Jason smirks throwing his cup away and says, “because he’s looking like he wants to murder everyone in the room.”

My head snaps to where he’s looking and right at the front of the gym, just entering, they walk in together, the crowd parting as if their God has arrived. My breath hitches when I take a look at Brendan wearing the exact same mask, but a black skull on his left side, making ours together complete. He’s wearing black tucks and dress shoes paired off with a silver watch on his right hand.

Those green eyes of his meet mine and for a moment time stops and it’s just the two of us here, on opposite sides of the room, the music fading in the background so only the pounding of our hearts will be heard.

My mouth parts as I feel the heat of his gaze all over me making me flush, but it quickly turns to rage. My fingertips itch to tug at his smooth hair, I don’t get a chance to process because a body meets my back pinning. Neo pins me to him an arm wrapping around my waist his lips touching my earlobe, causing bile to run up my throat as he whispers, “Let’s dance. I want to feel you all over me.”

I try jumping out of his grip, but he just holds on to me tighter. A loud laugh comes from ahead and I immediately recognize it to be Rocco who has a hand on Brendan’s shoulder shaking him, he wears a t-shirt that reads ‘I’m you but a better-looking version.’

I look for Jason but see he has been dragged to the dance floor by his date who I still have yet to meet. Neo grabs my arm pulling me with him to the dance floor and I curse myself for acting like a child and not choosing to come.

No words leave me as I follow him to the dance floor. A slow song starts to play. Neo pulls me to his chest wrapping his arms low on the back of my waist tugging me harder to him, my hands stay at my sides not wanting to touch him as I stare past his shoulder.

We stay like this, neither of us making a sound. Although part of me wants to ask him what he is playing at I keep my mouth shut not wanting to get in the middle of him and Brendan.

I stare at the number of people around the gym wondering what their lives are like. I spot Lillie sitting next to Gunner, chatting his ear off as he ignores her.

Rocco gives me a thumbs up from beside Brendan who talks with Zane as he types on his phone.

I turn my attention away from them, looking at the other students who I don’t know, but are graduating with me. Funny how you grew up with so many people but never once found out their name because in the end you’d both go separate ways.

Were silent throughout the dance and it isn’t until the third slow song comes up that he finally speaks, “You want to get out of here?”

I tilt my head back to get a better look at him, untangling myself from his hold, “What?”

“Let’s get out of here, I know this place in the woods where I use to go as a kid. Remember?” I rear back in shock. What is he talking about? What place?

I see as his eyes scan my body from head to toe though this time instead of sensing the lust once portrayed is now consumed by hatred and something carnal, I start to back away. I see the desire for blood in his eyes as if he’s fascinating about killing me.

What the—

“May I cut in?” Neo protests, but Gunner simply grabs a hold of me and turns us away till he’s out of sight. I stay watching him until he turns and leaves to who knows where.

I feel his lips at my ear, and I startle trying to get out of his hold that tightens, one hand around my waist and the other holding my arm up as if we’re in a waltz. “What are you doing?”

We dance around gently moving to the soft beat, but I stay wary of his attentions. Gunner has never been one to approach me, where Zane is straightforward and shows how much he hates me. He still at least talks to me where Gunner does absolutely nothing.

I don’t know what Gunner thinks of me and it’s driving me crazy.

He doesn’t respond and instead stays silent looking past me toward were he used to be, only know his seat is occupied by some freshman who’s talking to Lillie.

“You have really nice eyes, from afar they seem black but their actually blue.” He looks to me bored and my muscles tighten more at the uncomfortable situation.

I want out of this situation, but I’d choose to be with Gunner over Neo in a heartbeat.

“You’re digging your own grave. You’re both acting like children.” His deep rough voice surprises me causing me to jump.

He’s talking... and it’s fucking scary.

“I’ve never met any two people more stubborn than the both of you before in my life.”

“It’s none of your business,” I say not wanting to talk to him about this.

“It is when it comes to a brother of mine,” we stop moving, facing one another in the center of the room. “I don’t care if you’re the nicest person in the world or the Pope’s daughter, you fuck with my friend again, I won’t hesitate to strike back.”

I shake my head trying to remain calm. “All four of you tend to confuse me. You speak as if I did anything in the first place. If anyone should be blamed for what happened four years ago it’s him, I got over it. You all should too, instead of putting the blame on me.”

“It wasn’t you, was it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. The last thing I remember is being all over social media for something he did.”

A chuckle leaves him as he takes slow steps back, “You both are clearly confused. I suggest talking it out.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“You got it?” he finally asks.

“In my left hand,” I motion to the paper sticking out slightly.

“Did he see you?”

“No. I’m pretty sure I can steal something very easily,” I retort.

“Could have fooled me.”

I shake my head, already wanting this plan to start.

It was simple when we came up with it. The inner circle formed an illegal hangout place in Eastview where we suspect Neo takes Brendan’s men to kill. Our suspicions have been solid, yet we can’t have him knowing.

They’re supposed to meet again tonight, yet I changed the addresses to Trailstar instead of Eastview, so we’ll be able to go. Which is the reason why they needed me here today, the guys knew about Neo’s fascination with me and knew he’d asked me to the dance once word got out Brendan did.

If Neo knew we’d go meet up with the inner circle he’d instantly get rid of them, which is why the guys started chatting with Michael only ten minutes ago. As being one of Neo’s friends, we’ve convinced him to lie to him to go to Trailstar with just a few deals.

I ignore everyone of Brendan’s friends through the next hour except for Rocco who would make me dance with him every so often. I finish my cold cup of water as I get a notification from my phone.

Jason:Meet me in the boy’s locker room.


I feel a coldness watch over me as I read the last text again and again. Sophomore year Jason decided to try one of the world’s hottest peppers and immediately texted me pepper after. I could sense the urgency of his text, so ever since then we decided that we are only allowed to text it if there was an emergency of life and death.

I look around hoping it was just a prank, but I don’t spot him anywhere. I have no idea why he would be in the locker room, but I don’t question it as I head there.

The hallways are empty as I enter the locker room, I look around a few lights shining but not enough to where it’s still dark. My pulse quickens as I walk in further looking around, it’s just the same as the girls’ locker room, filled with showers and bench chairs in between lockers.

I make my way toward the back near the showers when I hear someone behind me. My muscles lock and I instantly know who it is just by its effect on me.

Turning around, I stare at him fully taking him in since I couldn’t really the last time. My eyes roam him my thighs clenching as he catches me in action.

“What do you want, Brendan? I suppose it was you who requested me here.” I ask ignoring the way my body melts just for him as his eyes bore into me.

He’s breathing hard on the brink of losing control and causing a massacre.


“What about me?” I slowly take off my mask and place it on the top lockers to my right, my eyes never leaving his.

“You left me to come to the dance with that fucking bastard.” He seethes.

“You only said I had to go to the dance, you never once specified it had to be with you.” I tilt my head sticking out my bottom lip in a pout.

“Pretty sure that was evident.”

“Probably should have specified.” I shrug seeming like I don’t care when in reality, I’m hating myself for it.

“Yeah? And you think I should have specified when I shoved my tongue down your throat as you rubbed your sweet pussy against me or when I had my fingers deep inside you? Didn’t think there was any other sign.” He moves closer to me watching me like a hawk in case I tried to escape.

I wouldn’t. I want to be here. I want to be with him.

“It was just a kiss.”

He shakes his head, coming closer as I take steps back. “No. You and I both know it wasn’t just a kiss.”

My throat dries, no words leaving me as we finally come chest to chest. His left hand wraps around my throat squeezing hard causing a soft moan to leave me lips. We stand in a shower, a few lights illuminating us.

“You and I both know what we have is more than just lust. It’s vicious and consumes us both.” My hands come to his biceps holding on as my body tingles of the feeling of him on me. His scent around me.

Brendan bites down on my lower lip hard causing it to bleed. My eyes close a whimper leaving me, as he sucks it clean.

“I didn’t do it.” I blurt out.

He stops his lips trailing down my neck to look up at me, “What?”

“Whatever it is you blame me for I had nothing to do with it. I’d never willingly hurt you.”

He cups my cheeks into his rough palms, “I know.”

Water pours down from the showerhead, making my dress stick to my body. “I didn’t mean what I said last week. I was just scared but I...”

“Shh, it doesn’t matter now. You’re mine and it’s time for me to stake my claim.”

I’m his.

I’ve always been his.

I can feel my clit pulsing a mile a minute as we stare into one another, our fantasies running wild. He lets go of my neck running his hand down my side. “You’re stuck with me.”

My arms tighten, “How fun.” I joke, earning a slap on the ass.

I jerk away before pulling him close to me and licking a trail from his jaw down to his meeting pulse before biting hard making sure to leave a mark. He groans coming down on me, his hands roam my back and grip my ass hard pulling me into his hard erection.

A moan leaves me lips as I look up at him, watching as the water pours down his face and clothes. I want them off, but before I can say anything, his lips come crashing down on mine, I lift myself up more even on my heels to reach his full six-foot-two frame.

My hands instantly tug at his hair, and he groans in my mouth his tongue meeting mine. Reaching down to the back of my thighs, he lifts me up and I instantly wrap my legs around him.

Lifting his hand up to the slit of my dress his fingertips roughly grab my hips enough to leave a bruise. “Fuck, baby, no panties.”

“No bra,” I also say a groan leaving him again as his hand feeling up my left breast pinning me between his body and the wall.

“And you fucking dare let another man touch you in this. This was meant only for me and no one else.” He growls, tightening his hold on me, which only makes my thighs tighten around him and my hips begin to buck up looking for friction to stop the ache heightening a mile a minute.

“Just shut up and fuck me.” I can’t take this anymore; I need him inside me.

Instead of denying me like the last time, a growl leaves him, his eyes go incredibly dark and before I can stop him, he’s ripped my dress apart with his bare hands, leaving me with only my heels on.

“I liked that dress,” I pout.

“I’ll buy you another one. I’ll buy you anything you want.” He takes off his clothes fast, the same need scorching through his body.

A smile breaks free as my hands go up to his bicep and trail over his tattoo, a hibiscus flower. God, he’s handsome. I don’t waste another second tugging him back so ours lips meet one another.

We clash together like a violent sea. His tongue roams my mouth while he consumes me entirely. I feel my legs weaken and I’m thankful his hand and the wall sustain me. My hands wrap around his neck as bites down on my lip before licking down my neck to suck and bite me.

A laugh leaves me at this feeling. I’ve never felt so alive like this before. I never want it to end.

My hips buck, seeking friction, “Fuck me already.”

He doesn’t hesitate as he unzips himself and I help him tug down his pants with my heels and with both hands under my ass, mine on his shoulders, and while never breaking eye contact, I lower myself on his thick hard cock.

My lips part, as he enters me slowly, stretching me and filling me to the hilt. My eyes flutter as his hands tighten on my ass and mine on his shoulders. His mouth falls open in a groan as we stay there looking at one another as we come together in one.

Pain and pleasure fill me whole my body aching for more, the pleasure so good its blinding. I use my hands on his shoulders to lift myself up and then back down hard my head falling back against the wall as shocks of euphoria scorch through me.

“Fuck. You’re so tight and beautiful. So, fucking beautiful.” I try to catch my breath but all I can do is feel him inside of me stretching me so good it feels like I’m free falling.

Seconds pass by and I start to move in place the ache getting so strong my body feels on fire. He stays still watching me intently as I try to move but fail as my muscles tighten and give out, already drained but wanting more.

“Why aren’t you moving?” I ask running my hand down the side of his face and jaw.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” My heart flutters.

“You won’t.”

“You don’t know that” he protests.

I straighten up the water beating down on us getting calmer, “Yes, I do. I’m not fragile, Brendan. I can handle you.”

His eyes search mine for a moment to make sure I’m not lying, once he finds out I’m telling the truth he kisses me softly before turning it rough. One by one he moves his hand to under me knee and grabs on to my thighs, I hold myself up on his shoulders.

“Ahh!” My nails scratch his back as he takes himself out almost completely and thrust himself deeper than before. I clench around his cock loving the feel of him inside of me.

He drives in harder and harder never once slowing down, moans leave me as growls leave his. I stare into those green eyes reading everything. Mine. They say with so much possessiveness my legs start to shake at the feel of the pulsing of his dick inside of me.

I reach the back of his neck to have him chest to chest with me. He moves his hand so they’re holding me from my back and as he pounds into me. Each thrust going deeper than the other, he drops one of my legs, still in heels I stand on the tip of my toes holding on.

My breath hitches with each thrust, my legs shaking uncontrollably.

Our breathing morphs into one as we don’t break eye contact our lips hovering over each other. My legs burn and as if sensing it he picks me up again one arm under my ass as the other wraps around my throat. His tongue skims across my lips and I use it to my advantage kissing him hungrily.

“I’m yours,” he says, “and you are mine.”

My eyes close my head tilting back as I tug at his hair his hold around my neck tightens making me lightheaded.

“Look at me,” he orders.

I open my eyes, meeting his and his pace quickens violently hitting me right at the spot that makes my body tingle and my toes curl.

Our foreheads meet as he hits me deep and my whole body shakes our eyes never leaving one another as I fall apart in his arms clenching hard.

He doesn’t stop until he too is a complete and utter mess coming deep inside me.

Leaning in, he kisses me softly for what seems like hours but only minutes. Chest to chest. Naked. In each other’s arms.

He pulls out of me, brining me to stand, and my legs feel like jelly, but I use the wall to right myself up as I feel his cum coming down my thighs. A smirk pulls at his lips as he takes in the sight turning off the now cold water.

“I’m on the pill, thanks for asking.”

“Cry.” He mocks pouts.

“Fuck off.” I laugh as he takes a hold of my hips sinking to the ground.

“Hold on,” he orders.

“What?” In a flash he has both legs over his shoulder and stands up, his hands tightening around my thighs to keep me from falling at this height, and then his lips suck on my clit and feast on me, hungry.

“Ah!” A moan leaves me, and I grab the curtain handle before I fall off his shoulders as he quickens his place.

I love the danger that comes with being this high off the ground as he eats me faster and faster. Soon enough he has me a shaking mess all over again, tugging at his hair as I moan his name.

He puts me down on unsteady legs and his lips are on mine making me taste myself as he comes at me his hands grabbing at my breast and his lips suck my nipple before biting down hard. “Fuck,” I moan.

I feel so high on having him I don’t stop him as he plays with me just how we both like it, just then he turns me around so that I’m facing the wall, positioning my hands as he fucks me.

We forget tonight and everything in the past and only focus on us. Now, in this very moment.