Vicious Desire by Leslie V. Walker

Chapter Seven


“You Never Know” by The Goo Goo Dolls plays in my earbuds as I wait for Jason to pick me up at school. I had another tutoring session with Lillie, but this time about Chemistry. I stayed overtime to clean the classroom we were allowed to use.

Sleep-deprived and frustrated I was excited to head home to my bed until I saw Jason has yet to arrive. He didn’t have practice today so instead, he went home and told me to call him when I was out. It was exactly twenty minutes ago and he’s still not here.

Frustrated with life and my stupid sense of fashion I tug my black jeans higher and fan myself with my ‘The Office’ t-shirt. I should have known not to wear skinny jeans when living in California, but it was the only thing I had available. I’m too lazy for laundry.

I click on Jason’s number again to text him. Jason is not really one for calls unless he abruptly has a mood change.

Me:Where are you?

Leaning against the wall I decided to wait a few more minutes to see if he will reply before going to take the bus. It’s an option I never liked since it takes more than two hours for the bus to get to my location.

I scroll through Fakebook’s explore page looking over stupid videos and photos of people ruining food for said comedy purposes. I’m not sure why but I always get annoyed looking through here, but I can’t stop from watching this ridiculousness.

My fingers freeze as I take in the friend suggestion that pops up. Spencer Allen’s photo is on my phone bringing in memories of when we interacted that summer. The girl with the bitchiest attitude yet the one to love the biggest.

I remember her and her sisters like it was yesterday. Julie, Winter, and Sasha Allen. Spencer and Sasha are twins and are a picture-to-picture Hollywood rich girls, tall, slim, and gorgeous with dirty blonde hair. Julie and Winter are the youngest with the exact opposite of one another, Julie with a darker blonde hair that looks brown just like Winter’s.

I haven’t seen them after everything what went down that summer.

Fire. Screams. Gun fire. They all surrounded me. And with the truth of who Brendan Carter truly was and losing my closest friend who was like a sister to me.

Just like Spencer and her sisters I haven’t heard from Summaya Young in four years. The only difference is the rumors of Spencer’s dad dragging her and her sisters back to England and sticking them into a boarding school.

Spencer and I were never friends, but towards the end she was there when I felt lost.

A loud car horn drags me out of my thoughts, and I jump in place. The wind blows causing my hair to get in the way as I send the most terrifying glare, I can master to him.

Brendan Carter’s car comes into view, and I take it as my signal to stop waiting for Jason and start my long walk home.

Tightening my hold on my phone, I stop the music and type a text out to Jason to not bother to come anymore. I take out my headphones to be more aware of my surroundings. I began walking the same way he came in.

I try to ignore his dark gaze as he tracks m every move, “What are you doing?” he asks.

“What does it look like?” I roll my eyes.

“It looks like you got five seconds to get in the car.” He deadpans his voice threatening as he comes to a complete stop. Every ounce of my body wants to ignore him then continue on, but the reminder of what happened this weekend.

Turning to look at him our eyes crash as I try to stare him down. The darkness of those green forest eyes causes something to stir inside of me, setting me off. Shifting from foot to foot, I scowl at him in annoyance.

I just want to go back to being invisible to him, to where before that night ever happened. Not just because it would have made my life easier over the past years but because I wouldn’t have this burning desire to try something more vicious.

Taking in a deep breath I say, “I’m perfectly fine walking or taking the bus.”

I want him to go. I need him to go.

He’s like gum under a shoe. The fucker follows you wherever you go.

“We have shit to discuss. Remember?” He quirks an eyebrow as I contemplate life. If I just do what he says just this once maybe he would go away. The gum will finally get off my shoes.

I’ll have more time for myself and getting to the bottom of what I found in the library. Which I have still yet to do.

Whoever said Senior Year was supposed to be the year of doing nothing. They were fucking lying. I’m swamped with so much shit lately that I barely had time to process this situation with Brendan.

“Come on. I promise you won’t enjoy it.” he grins at me, and I narrow my eyes at him trying to dig into all his secrets.

Why is he pressing this so hard? He has much better people who can get any job done. So, why is he pestering me besides what happened on Friday?

Brendan Carter knows everything going on in this town and…

That’s it. He knows everything going on in this town. This means he has to know what happened years ago. If following his lead just for once gets me more information, I’m all in.

“Fine. But I don’t like you so don’t speak to me.” I get in his black Tesla—just my luck he’ll own the car I despise the most.

‘Free Spirit’ by Khalid plays. The wind blowing through the open window as he speeds off to the middle of town where all the business is.

My eyes glance at him behind the wheel, his ripped jeans, boots, and dark red shirt leaving everything to my wild imagination.

Too wild, in fact, I have to distract myself by asking questions before things take a different turn.

“What do you need me to do? I got the card and everything, but I still have no idea what this debt is you’re talking about. You don’t need me.”

“On the contrary. You’re the most important chess piece. Without you, there’s no game. Which is why we’re off to get you a dress for the Halloween Bash.” Just then we pull up to a boutique that screams crazy expensive.

Its tall windows shine with the brightness of the sun giving us a feel of what’s behind the brick building with a white door. Stacked between a neighborhood Cafe and my all-time favorite movie store. Cars bypass us as we pull in in reverse and he parks the car.

“I’m not going with you to the dance. How does a Halloween Bash help out anything?” It’s ridiculous. I am not going to the dance with Brendan Carter.

“Were you planning on going with somebody else?”

“I wasn’t planning on going at all.”

“Then it’s settled. You have to be there.” He stalks out of the car leaving me behind gaping at him like a fish out of water.

What the hell is wrong with him?

I follow him a few seconds later moving quickly and carefully to not bump into anyone. Just as I catch up to him, he opens the door and I say, “I never said yes.”

“You don’t have much of a choice.”

My phone dings with an incoming text breaking me from my thoughts.

Dad:Where are you? I never gave you permission to be out this late. Get home now. Your mother is crying like the bitch she is.

My fists clench at my sides at the way he describes my mother. It makes me want to strangle him with my own hands. I will never understand how he can be this cruel.

I hate him. This is why I get deep gratification at the thought of being here with the guy he hates most in this world. I’m not sure why, but ever since I could remember my dad has had a deep hate for the Carters that he would always warn me to stay clear of them.

With a tight smile on my face, I take in my surrounding of the place.

The walls are all white and there are chandeliers everywhere glowing like stars in the sky. Clothes hang neatly around the store with full-length mirrors in almost every corner.

A mid-forty-year-old woman approaches us with a bright smile on her face as she stares at Brendan but soon drops as her eyes land on me. Her grey eyes roam around between us and once she realizes were together, she forces the smile back, only now it’s not so bright as before.

‘Paradise’ by Coldplay plays in the speakers of the store set up the mood to shop.

“Mr. Carter, what a lovely surprise. How may I help you today?” The old woman asks.

Yeah, I’m not going to be polite. Not, by the way, her stance is tight, and she keeps fighting as if I was going to rob the store or something.

“We’re looking for this one over here.” He tilts his head toward me.

“Well, I can see what I can find for this one.” She points to me.

“This one? I have a name.” I protest stepping closer so we’re all evenly the same.

“Yes, and the adults are talking.” He mocks ignoring me once again as he continues to talk ideas with the worker.

Yanking him by the arm to get his attention, “I’m older than you.”

“By a few months don’t get your hopes up. Besides I’m not the one who failed Pre-K and had to repeat a grade.” A gasp leaves me.

“I did not! How do you even know that?” He ignores my questions and finishes talking with the lady. She then turns around and gestures us to follow her.

Placing a palm on my lower back tsunami of butterflies erupt in my stomach and I have to press a palm to it to cause it to calm down. Just as I got to push his hand off me, he takes a hold of my wrist and pulls me into his chest as we continue down a path to the back.

Pulling me in close he whispers huskily as his lips skim my earlobe. “What’s wrong, Wilson?”

“What are you doing?” I breathe out, my heart pounding rapidly against my ribcage.

“Taking measurements.” His hands start to roam but before he can get far, I push away from him turning toward him I point to the only other worker in the store who happens to be a guy and say, “He’s cute. Might take him to the dance.”

“Funny.” His face hardens but I don’t pay him any more attention wanting to get this over with.

We step into this back hidden room that’s filled with mirrors from top to bottom. Black chairs surround the space and just in the middle facing the mirrors and a few feet away from the changing room is a small round stage. The walls in here are different, elegant with gold patterns all over silver.

I don’t notice when the lady—who’s name tag said Donna—left but when she comes back in the room, and I have finished admiring it she hands me a set of dress. “I believe these somewhat seem your style and mightlook nice.”

Might? Did she just...

“You can leave now.” Brendan orders as he settles himself in one of the many couches. Donna places them in a neat stack next to the dressing room before leaving.

I take a hold of a blue tight dress looking over it before nearly having a heart attack. The dress is just plain and costs more than my liver. “I can’t afford any of these and even if I can, I would never buy it. There’s a TJ Max just a few minutes out of town we can look there instead.”

I walk toward him signaling him to get his ass up, but he stays sitting looking down as he types on his phone. “I got it covered.” It’s all he says as he continues to ignore me and flicks his hand as if to tell me to hurry up.

My fists clench and I stick out my middle finger as a fuck you which he sees and rolls his eyes.

I grab ahold of the hideous blue dress and quickly try it on. Already knowing I’m going to look like a blueberry I walk toward the small stage. Facing him I meet his eyes and he stares at me as if I’m the ugliest looking thing in the world. I might as well be with this dress.

“What the fuck are you wearing? You look like a Smurf. Try on a different dress, we’re not getting it.”

“Why yes because I was dying to wear this dress for the dance. Will you be my Papa Smurf?”

He glowers at me. “I don’t have all fucking day. Hurry up. I have shit to do.”

“I’ll make it easier for you. Let’s not do this at all. We both hate each other,” I signal between us inching closer to him, “We both don’t want this. So why make us both suffer when we can just never see one another again.”

A heavy sigh leaves his lips as he shakes his head at me as if I were just a nine-year-old kid. “You really are ridiculously stupid.”

“No. I just don’t understand...”

“Well, let me clarify it for you. You don’t get a say in shit. All you have to do is go to the dance and maybe a few other things but that’s it. I don’t want to hear you yapping and whining. No one told you to stick your nose in someone else’s business. So, you’ll do as I say.”

“One thing. I’m not doing anything else for you.” I turn around getting back in the dressing room and putting on dress after dress, but none seems to lift his spirits one bit.

I’m on the final dress he chose for me. We’ve been here for an hour and all I want to do is snuggle in bed with a Stephen King Novel.

“Find out what they mean. Check all over town. Even at the school. God knows what they could be hiding. There’s something this town is hiding beside someone turning on us. Search for it.” Curiosity takes the better of me if they are talking about what I found in the library just the other day.

I stay behind the door listening to the conversation to try to hear more, but they move on to a different course of discussion. So, I decided to head out so he wouldn’t notice. From what it seemed like there is more shit happening than I know of. And the lover of all things mystery and thriller in me is coming out to play.

Once he notices me, he hangs up the phone. Doing the same thing I have done, I face the mirrors, only this time I’m not disgusted but completely in awe. The black long dress he chose for me has a slit down my left leg and a silver strap on both sides of my shoulders. The dress flows smoothly down my body-hugging my curves in all the right places.

My attention is fully consumed by the dress that I don’t notice how close he has gotten to me. His warmth shields my body as I watch him through the mirror. His eyes take me in slowly as he raises something in his hand bringing it to my face. When I sense he’s done I open my eyes and see a silver mask in the shape of a skull that only covers the right side of my face.

I stare at my reflection and feel complete even with the silver weirdly comfortable heels he also picked out for me. He has undone my hair so it’s flowing down my back beautifully.

“Why the mask?” I’m finally able to get out.

“It’s you. It hides your true face. Hides your lies and secrets. Yet... it also shows how you’re missing a part of yourself. So desperate to get out of your skin, Wilson. It shows.” A growl leaves me as I push him away.

“You’re fucking annoying. We’re leaving. Now.” Laughter leaves him at my scrolling face as I go to get dressed.

I’m done. Today has been terrible. Brendan Carter is so fucking intoxicating to be around I’d rather carve my eyes out.

There has to be another reason he is making me do all these things. There’s no way just because I saw him and his friends beating the life out of someone. I can tell by the way his eyes light up from time to time and when he would just stare at me thinking I didn’t notice.

Well, trust me I notice. And I don’t like it one bit.