A Lock Of Death by Beena Khan


Nights bled into days.

More than two weeks had passed.

Nine and Dimitri were one state away from New York, and they couldn’t stop fucking.

He’d checked the news often, about the killing he’d done overseas. The police had come up empty. He’d made sure of it that they had. They only found burnt corpses and burnt rooms. The supply in the room had melted in the fire, only leaving behind ragged burnt plastic.

He didn’t worry about the marriage contract that the police would’ve found. It never had Nine’s legal name on it. No one could link him to the murder or the Bratva. His organization was safe, and he would always protect it.

Sitting on the bed in sweatpants after another round and another shower, he eyed the restroom where Nine was. He’d never shared a shower with a female before.

His lip twitched, and his body jerked up like a predator seeking its prey. His eyes gleamed at the thought of surprising her. He was almost off the bed when his phone vibrated noisily.

He paused and stared at the phone.


He hadn’t spoken to his brother since the delivery night even though his phone had blown up every night. Alexander was Pakhan, the Boss, who could easily track Dimitri using his sim, but he hadn’t come for him yet. Dimitri wondered why.

He answered the phone on the third ring.

Remaining silent, he waited for his older brother to speak first. “Boris Fedorov is dead.”

That’s all that came out of Alexander’s voice.

He didn’t accuse him since their phones were probably being tapped by cops.

“I heard,” Dimitri only replied, playing along.

Alexander sighed and muttered Russian cuss words under his breath. “Where is Nine?” he seethed out under his breath.

Dimitri eyed the bathroom, the shower still running inside.

“She’s with me,” he replied.

Zasranetc. Asshole, are you fucking with me?” Alexander demanded, his voice losing the smoothness as he spoke callously. “Out of all people, you picked your assignment?”

More cuss words dropped in the air.

Dimitri’s lip twitched.

“Out of all people, you picked an agent?”

Alexander shut up now, and Dimitri could feel a smile forming on his lips.

What a goddamn mess.

“Speak for yourself, Brother,” Dimitri chided under his brother. “We can’t choose who we… want sometimes. How is what I did less wrong than what you have done?”

Alexander’s voice taunted, “Idi k chertu.” Go to hell. “And you don’t fucking feel.”

Dimitri’s eyes filled with amusement.

“She makes me feel, a tiny little bit that I’m capable of. I feel for her, and I’m not letting her go.”

His brother was silent before he protested, “Nine doesn’t belong to you. She was promised to someone else. That is the fucking damn difference between you and me.”

Dimitri arched an eyebrow.

“You can’t promise a woman that doesn’t want to be kept.”

Alexander sighed and fell silent.

“You disobeyed me, Dima.”

Dimitri shook his head.

“No, Brother, I did not,” he corrected. “I carried out your command till the very end. I didn’t let anything get in between my assignment. I thought about keeping her for myself, but I listened to you because you came first to me. You’re my brother. My leader. I only disobeyed when I reached there. Do you know what he did to her?” he sneered. “Do you have any idea what has happened under your nose and mine?” his voice ached with torment and disbelief.

Alexander’s voice filled with surprise. “What happened?”

Dimitri’s lip curled up in a snarl.

“I’ll be paying Madame Gospel a visit.”

“I don’t understand,” Alexander replied after a beat.

Dimitri raked a hand through his hair.

“He touched her,” Dimitri shot out. “That stupidfucker touched her when she was in the tower, alone and high as fuck. That night of the marriage contract when I left, he returned. And you know what else?” Dimitri exclaimed. Without waiting for a reply, he answered his own question, “He pretended to be me just to touch her. She thought it was me the entire time.”

He eyed the door in case Nine came out and heard the conversation. He didn’t want her to be upset. It’ll ruin her mood and remove those smiles she always flashed at him.

Her cries still echoed in his mind sometimes. The ones he’d seen that night at Boris’ mansion. She’d crumbled to the floor hopelessly with despair he’d never seen on her before.

She’d shattered before him, losing herself completely.

She broke.

The image of her tears never left his mind.

They were powerful enough to make him feel, even a tiny glimpse. He never wanted to see Nine like that again.

At first, Boris had left him confused when he revealed the truth, but then he’d taken one look at Nine and realized someone hurt her. Someone who fucking pretended to be him.

Exhaling, Dimitri continued, “He fucking used my identity to do his fuckery shit. How would you feel if someone pretended to be you to get to Ghislaine? To touch her? To fuck her?” He used her name purposefully, just to hit his brother harder.

“Watch your fucking tone,” Alexander threatened.

Dimitri held back a bite.

Rage bubbled out of Alexander as he spoke.

“You’re my brother, so I’ll forgive you for what you have just said, Dima. If you disrespect her name ever again, I will forget the blood relationship between us and put you in a fucking grave.”

Before Dimitri could say anything, Alexander continued, “You fucked up an assignment. It gives me a bad rep, and you have let me down.” Then, he paused. “But it’s not something I can forgive. You have made a mockery of me, Bratan. My brother. I won’t harm you, but you will be punished. Your punishment is you’re no longer my second. Your title will be stripped off publicly in front of every Russian brother.”

Exiled. That was worse than death in their world.

Dimitri stilled, his heart almost stopped beating.

Breathing an uneven exhale, his jaw ticked.

“I’ll have those two people ready for you. See you in New York, Dima.”

Then, his brother hung up.

Gritting his teeth, Dimitri smashed the phone across the wall with a strong throw of his arm. Pieces of it shattered and it collapsed onto the carpet floor.

Five seconds later, Nine exited the bathroom wrapped in a white, thin towel. Her eyes went to the broken phone and her pretty lips parted before her eyes fell on him.

Her eyes widened.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

Baby. A nickname he’d never been called before.

He secretly kind of liked it.

“I’m stressed,” he admitted, grimacing.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at him questioningly.

“Bratva is pissed.”

Nine moved toward him with a sweet smile.

“I hope they forgive you.”

How could she look innocent and be devious at the same time? That image of her burning herself still ran in his mind.

Something he could never forget.

Dimitri’s eyes fell on her drenched body that was wrapped around in that towel, covering every inch of her.

He stiffened in his pants. He wanted to replace that fabric with his own body. She was fucking his.

He couldn’t believe he was jealous of a damn towel.

What the fuck was this girl doing to him?

One look at her and he was doomed.

Too much fucking substance.

Those hazel hues of hers sparkled as she continued smiling sweetly at him. If only she knew the filthy thoughts running in his mind, she would lose that smile quickly then. He’d already fucked her in several positions in his mind, bending her body over in ways that she didn’t even know she was flexible in.

Her wet long, silky locks clung to her face like a second skin. He was drawn to her pull, and he wanted to walk beside her and protect her from all harm… even himself. His gaze fell on the faded marks on her knuckles. The ones he’d left behind once.

Her eyes followed his movement and she picked up her scarred hand. Scars that should have never marked her. He wished he could take them back.

He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

He didn’t know how to apologize and actually mean it. The words that would come out of his mouth would be only fake.

He wanted to tell her Dimitri Nikolaev had done that to her.

Blue would never harm her.

Blowing out a breath, he asked, “Does your hand still hurt?”

Nine’s eyes softened and she shook her little head.

He licked his lips slowly before moving forward and filling the space between them.

Nine’s throat bobbed up and down and lost that smile quickly. Her eyes dropped to his tattooed bare chest before shifting lower to his pounding erection evident through his sweatpants. Her cheeks pinked and she stared shyly at the floor.

It was cute when she blushed. Kind of adorable. He didn’t know he could like such a small thing.

Her hesitant eyes met his.

His upper lip twitched, satisfaction running through his veins. His hand reached out for her scarred hand. Lifting two fingers with his other hand, he trailed the little marks on them, his eyes softening. Nine’s breathing hitched.

“I won’t do that again,” he promised, his voice a whisper. “I…I…” He couldn’t form the right words. He grimaced and exhaled before he tried again, “Will you ever run away from my sickness? My illness?”

He didn’t meet her eyes as he spoke.

A strange, unfamiliar feeling settled into his heart.

Fear. It was a tiny glimpse, but he recognized it.

“Will you ever leave me?”

He was afraid of her answer.

He didn’t know what he’d do if she chose to leave him. He could easily bring her back using force and violence, but her essence would be destroyed then.


His eyes shot up at Nine’s single word answer.

Her eyes softened.

“You call me your woman,” she whispered, “That means you’re my man. I would never leave you whether you are Blue or… Dimitri Nikolaev.”

His pulse spiked.

Lowering his hold from her hands, he reached up and grasped the edge of her towel, the edge that was tucked safely into the corner, holding her towel up.

Pulling at it, she yelped when it dropped and pooled beneath her feet. Water droplets still clung to every inch of her skin, and he wanted to lick them off with his tongue.

Krasivaya. Beautiful.

His sex bruises still marked her skin. Like a panther, his body moved around her in slow, deliberate circles.

She bit her lip and tucked her wet tendrils behind her ears. With his gaze etched permanently into her skin, she reached up her hands to cover her body from him but then she dropped them back to her sides. Her breath hitched when he stood right behind her, towering a good foot over her.

Leaning closer, Dimitri inhaled her floral, flowery scent mixed with clean water and soap. His pupils probably dilated too. She smelled so good, and he wanted to taste her.

“I’m in so much trouble because of you,” he whispered against her hair.

Her body tensed in front of him.

“I think you’ve been a bad girl.”


His hand collided with her firm left ass cheek.

She jumped and her mouth yelped. She stepped forward, probably to run away but his fingers dug into her flesh, keeping her firmly in place.

“Dimitri,” she squeaked like a mouse, her eyes glancing over her shoulder, wide in surprise. Those beautiful eyes of hers turned glassy and her cheeks flushed. Her lips parted with another tiny gasp. A look that he would describe as desire. She quickly turned back around and stayed still.

His eyes narrowed.

That was the first time she called him by his real name.

“No Blue today?” he demanded.

His hand landed on her rear again, and his eyes glinted at the red handprints forming on her pretty skin.

He rubbed the spot before he continued.

“Dimitri is cruel,” she whispered, “Blue would never…”

His lip turned upward.


Dimitri’s hand clapped down on her other ass cheek.

She jumped and moaned this time.


Nine’s little round ass was painted a scarlet red.

Caressing her sore flesh, his hand struck again.


She yelped again.

Dimitri’s hand left her ass and moved toward her pussy, his delighted eyes half-closed when his fingers met her smooth glistening folds. Her softness wrapped around him.

Her slickness made it easy to slide a finger inside. Wrapping an arm around her full tits possessively, he continued to jam his finger into her. Little whimpers left her mouth as she sagged against him, her wet locks rubbing against his dry, bare chest.

He shoved another finger inside, and her pussy moved against his hand in need. She moaned shamelessly before him without holding back.

“I may not have been your first, Goldie,” Dimitri whispered. Wrath boiled in his voice, wanting to bring the entire charter back to life just so he could murder them with his very hands.

His lips ran along her neck, his nose inhaling her addicting scent while still fucking her with his fingers. Nine yelped.

“But I’m the first man you have willingly fucked,” he continued, his breath caressing her skin, his voice laced with need. Goosebumps erupted on his body, and he blew a breath on her cool skin. Her exhales grew gruff under him.

“Your first was stolen, and you never had a real lover… until me. Your body and soul are for me because you have willingly given those parts of yourself to me.” When she didn’t reply, he asked, “Do you have any triggers I should know?”

“That sounds like Blue,” Nine replied, and he could tell she was smiling through her teeth. “Dimitri barely even talks.”

His upper lip twitched.

“Well, Blue didn’t exist… until you came along.”

She laughed, her smooth musical laughter filling the air before she stopped smiling.

After a moment, she whispered, “I don’t like orgies.”

He paused and waited for the fury in his veins to pass.

Exhaling, he shook his head, trying to shove off his thoughts. Increasing his speed with his fingers, he pushed another finger inside of her. She kept chanting Blue through her lush lips the entire time as he fucked her with his hand.

A scream left her mouth as she came on his hand. Sagging against him, she rested her back on him. He allowed it for three seconds before his clean hand reached up and dug into her hair.

He liked her long locks.

So lush and full. He liked fisting them.

Turning her around, her glassy, bright eyes met his.

His gaze fell on her lips, a part of her that he hadn’t tasted.

He had never kissed a woman before. It was too intimate.

He still hadn’t kissed Nine, and she hadn’t called him out.

Nine’s sneaky tongue reached out and licked her lips.

Pulling up his hand, he lifted the slick hand still soaked in her arousal. He pressed his fingers against her lips, coating her own juices on her mouth. He arched a subtle eyebrow. His eyes softened when her pink tongue left her mouth and licked her lips. Her curious eyes narrowed at the taste.

Still holding her hair, he stared her dead in the eye and shoved her head down.

She looked up with surprise.

“On your fucking knees.”

She pressed her lips together and her cheeks burned.

Her body lowered, and her knees touched the floor.

Her head jerked up, meeting his eyes, looking for his approval.

It only egged him on.

Eyeing her, he pulled out his erect cock free from his sweats.

It jumped and landed on Nine’s forehead.

She yelped like it was a monster like it would attack her. His lip curled up. Her accusing furious eyes snapped up at him like he’d done it purposefully.

Dimitri’s eyes softened, filling with amusement as he studied the female creature on her knees for him. His lips stretched wider until he smiled down at her.

She looked half-horrified and half-shocked. It only made him smile harder. He grinned and a throaty, deep chuckle escaped his lips. Nine blinked rapidly like he was the one high today.

“Holy fuck. You know how to laugh.”

Her mouth looked ready to hit the floor.

It only made him laugh harder, his shoulders shaking with the movement. His deep laughter chortling through the air. He had his cock out for her, and he couldn’t stop laughing.

“You know how to smile!” Nine accused. “You never smiled at me before.” She continued huffing and she wrinkled her cute nose. “You’re such a dick.”

Dimitri’s smile froze.

His eyes narrowed before he grabbed the back of her head and shoved his cock in her mouth. Tears filled her eyes at the sudden movement, and she gagged on him. He pulled back a little, and her accusing eyes met him again.

“You call me a dick one more time and I’ll do that again,” he challenged with a flair of warning.

Nine remained quiet for once, probably because her mouth was full.

His lip curled up again.

Her hand lifted, holding onto the root of his cock before her mouth slid off. Saliva dribbled on the corner of her lips.

“Do that again and I’ll bite your dick off,” she challenged.

He raised an eyebrow, meeting her challenge. “If you do, I’ll never be able to fuck you again. Remember that.”

She frowned and only stared up like a bruised wildcat.

“Open that mouth,” he ordered.

He thought she might clamp her teeth shut but a second later, she reached forward and tasted him again, licking him.

He sighed and lifted a hand to graze through her lioness mane. Grabbing a fistful of hair, he pushed her head forward onto his cock. He stared as it disappeared halfway in her mouth, inch by inch. “How deep can you go?” he wondered.

She couldn’t reply with her mouth full.

Her watery eyes peered up at him and continued sucking him, her head bobbing back and forth on him. She reached out her other hand and cupped his balls. He hissed under his breath. Her eyes narrowed, locking on him before she lunged for him and took him fully into her mouth... without gagging this time.

A grunt left his mouth.

Every inch of him disappeared in her mouth and his head hit down her throat. The muscles in her throat tightened as she took it further down. She didn’t choke at all.

Jesus. She pulled back and a gleam filled her eyes.

“I’ve been deep throating for years,” she whispered before sucking on him again.

A surge of jealousy strummed through his body.

His lip curled up and he yanked her by the hair, making her drop her mouth from his cock. Her wet lips still glistened, and her cheeks flushed.

“Who else?” he demanded, his voice laced with malice.

He would fucking raze every single man and woman who had touched her to the ground.

Nine cheekily smiled. “Mule life.”

Oh. The jealousy in his bones evaporated before she took him in her mouth again.

That made sense, he guessed.

All those balloons. Fucking balloons.

“No balloon is ever going down your throat again.”

Only him.

Fuck, what was wrong with him?

Being jealous of balloons too.

He wanted to whip her bottom again for purposefully irritating him.

He couldn’t help but be proud though.

Cunning. Manipulative. Dark.

The things he saw in himself, he’d seen in her too.

His own reflection.

She made noises but continued filling her mouth with him.

Nine licked all over the bright red head and even stuck her tongue at the slit at the end for a couple of seconds. Licking the underside of his shaft, her wet tongue swirled around. He only watched and moved her head back and forth on his manhood.

Soon, he could feel his release coming but he pulled the back of her head and stopped her.

Puzzled, Nine glanced at him.

“My turn,” he murmured.

She wiped the back of her hand on her mouth and gave a devious smile.

Dimitri’s hand shot out and pulled her upright by the hips. Picking her up, he tossed her onto the bed like a ragged doll and she yelped as she landed on her elbows. Lifting her head, she parted her lips as her dreary eyes met him. She looked completely disheveled, and he hadn’t even fucked her yet.

“Spread your legs for me.”

Her lips twisted before she opened her thighs for him.

Fuck. His eyes zeroed in on her pink, glistening smooth pussy bared out to him.

Her clit engorged and swelled the more he looked at it.

Grabbing her legs, he pulled her toward him and kneeled on the floor with her still lying flat on the bed.

“I’ve never kneeled for a woman before.”

He wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

It was an unknown, unfamiliar territory.

“I would do it for you. A million times for you. You have some of my firsts too,” he continued, meeting her eyes.

Her eyes watered, and he hoped she wouldn’t start bawling.

She grinned through her teeth. “Lucky me.”

Dimitri dropped his head toward her pussy, running his tongue along her inner thighs, inhaling the aromatic scent of her sex. “I’ve never eaten a woman out before either.”

He didn’t know why that slipped out.

A little gasp filled the air, and he didn’t know whether or not he should meet her eyes.

“You’re my first.”

His mouth landed on her pussy’s lips and licked her with the broad, flat strokes of his tongue. Finding her tiny hole, he stuck his tongue in and out of her.

An estranged groan filled the room.

Nine’s legs trembled around him.

Focusing on the taste, he licked his lips, memorizing it.

Tangy, metallic, and a little sweet.

It kind of tasted like the same metallic when he got blood on his mouth. A distinct taste, the hint of the same flavor there.

He wanted it some more.

His hand went toward the bottom of her ass before lifting her legs. Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled him closer.

He licked her clit in circles, toying with it, and the moistness in her skin grew. The more he licked, the damper she became.

She was even softer inside her pussy lips, the texture like velvet. The flat of his tongue went over the top and around the bottom before sucking her clit straight into his mouth.

Glancing up, he noticed she played with her erect nipples, her hands pushed her tits together, with her half-closed misty eyes and her face twisted in bliss. Little moans left her lips.

He lifted her by the ass and her eyes fully opened, clashing with his. Her back arched against the mattress, pushing her full tits in the air. She lifted herself upright and her crazy eyes stayed on him with her hair disheveled, sticking out from everywhere and her cheeks turned rosy, pink. She sat there with her eyes locked to him. He always liked looking into her eyes, seeing every expression, every curve on her face.

He lapped at her juices, and she inched closer to him, shoving herself further into his mouth and wrapping her legs tightly around his neck, trapping him in her pussy with no escape from her like she wanted to suffocate him.

Suffocation by her pretty pussy. It wasn’t a bad death.

Nine gave a sly smile, and his eyes flared.

Fucking devious Goldie.

Her hands reached out and dug deep into his hair, yanking it hard. It left a burn in his scalp, and he hissed against her clit, the sound vibrating against her skin. Nine moaned.

His tongue danced around her little hole, liking the pretty noises chirping out of her mouth. He held her clit in his mouth and bit down on it cruelly. She was still at his mercy even though he was the one kneeling.

It ticked her off like a time bomb and she screamed, grinding against him. He hummed against it, vibrations falling everywhere through her clit.

Nine’s voice sang through the atmosphere. His fireball buckled her hips before she released into his mouth.

Her sly smirk disappeared. Now, he smirked.

Her shoulders sagged and she collapsed back onto the bed, drained of energy.

Her juices spilled down his mouth, and he licked his lips before wiping his chin with the back of his hand.

Lifting himself from the floor, Dimitri looked down at his beautiful mess.

Lapetite mort,” he murmured.

Her unfocused glassy eyes landed on him.

“It means Little Death in French. Every time you come is like being reborn. Are you ready to die again, Goldie?”

His eyebrows lifted, his eyes taking every inch of her sensual, glistening body as he waited for her reply.

Her lips parted and she shook her head wildly.

He grinned. He was doing that more often now.

It seemed more effortless now… Less fake.

“Oh, no you don’t,” he commanded. “I’m not even close to done.”

Her mouth dropped like he was joking before sighing.

“We already screwed four times already like rabid animals.”

Reaching out a hand, he tugged at her nipple that had turned soft. It came to life under his fingertips again.

“Making up for lost time,” he whispered.

Pulling down his sweats, he stepped out of them and hovered over her like an angel of death.

Her legs were still opened wide. Her pussy still glistening and moist. Her eyes fell on his still erect cock, the precum shining on it. One side of the length was veiny.

She stared at it hard like he was a fucking science experiment gone wrong, and it jumped up, wanting her attention.

Nine yelped again.

“It won’t eat you,” he chided with a sly smirk.

She frowned. “You’re a giant.”

Dimitri lifted his leg and climbed over her body. Resting his hands on the mattress on each side of her head, he peered down at her. Her lips opened and closed, and her eyes looked afraid yet thrilled at the same time.

Placing himself between her knees, he aimed the head of his cock against her entrance.

He held her gaze as he shoved himself inside her with a violent thrust and buried himself to the hilt of her pussy.

Nine gasped and her eyes rolled into the back of her head, arching her back and exposing her throat to him. He reached down and nuzzled it with his mouth.

“Baby, I’m sore,” she whispered.

Tilting his head, he looked at her sideways, at her parted, quivering lips.

Not moving at all, he rested himself deep inside her.

Averting his eyes, he focused on the soft flesh of her skin, and leaning forward, he clamped his teeth down on her. She whimpered and clawed at his back with her long fingernails. He winced but didn’t stop. He continued sucking and biting her neck, blurring the line between pain and pleasure.

“Do you have any idea who you have given yourself to?” he spoke, his voice vibrating against her neck before meeting her dilated eyes. “If you think I’ll ever let you go to another man, you’re mistaken. I don’t like it when people touch my belongings. You’re going to take me every single fucking time like the bad little slut you are.”

He still hated talking, but he knew that she liked it.

Her tight muscles clenched him in.

He guessed, they liked it too.

“You feel so good. Fuck. Don’t hate me for this.”

With that, Dimitri pulled back and slammed inside of her so roughly the bed creaked under them.

Nine arched her back and cried out.

Leaving her neck, his mouth trailed down her collarbones and popped a hard nipple in his mouth. He thrust into her again and bit down on her nub at the same time. His teeth raked on it again and again until he drew blood.

She screamed again, and he wondered if the neighbors in the next room would call the cops.

That would be unfortunate.

“Baby, that hurts,” Nine whined.

She scratched against his back again, and he only pinned her hands over her head.

“Shit. I’m sorry,” Dimitri whispered.

He meant it… a little.

Well, whatever little feeling he was capable of.

Blinking, she glanced at him with tears in her eyes as he licked the metallic blood away.

He glanced at her nipped nub. It wasn’t torn but pierced from his teeth. Nine whimpered and buckled under him as he continued thrusting and mauling her with his teeth.

He repeated the same pattern to her other neglected nipple, drawing out blood. She screamed wildly again.

“I’m not a gentle lover, Goldie,” he murmured. “I need you like I have never needed anyone before.”

He flipped her over onto her stomach and shoved himself inside from the back.

She moaned in surprise.

He loomed over her and pressed each of her hands further into the bed as he rammed inside of her, her tight muscles pulling him deeper every time he did. A grunt left his lips.

She was so warm and soaked. She cried out every single time. He stared at the side of her face, the other pressed face down against the mattress.

“I hate how fucking beautiful you are,” he said roughly.

He thrust into her again.

“Before I even met you, I found you beautiful.”

She whimpered below him, and he rested his jawline against the crook of her neck.

“I would live inside of you if I could.”

He pulled back and rammed into her again.

“Dimitri,” she moaned.

He smirked.

She knew the difference between Dimitri and Blue now.

“I love you.”

He lost his smile and paused mid-thrust.

“I do,” Nine continued, her voice dropping in a voice so low, he had to strain his ears just to make sure he’d heard her right. “I didn’t want to, but I love all of you. Both Blue and Dimitri. I love both sides, the gentle and the dark.”

Dimitri stayed mute, and all the breath in his body vanished.

His ears rang, his lungs closed up, and he couldn’t breathe.

“Do you love me?” she asked quietly, her voice laced with hesitation and conflict.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he didn’t answer and thrust into her again, hoping she would shut up instead. The last time a woman asked him that, he’d snapped her neck.

He couldn’t do that to Nine though. If he didn’t have her by his side, he had nothing.

I don’t know her real name, but I want her to have mine.

She continued talking and he silently sighed in his head.

“Dimitri,” she whined.

He didn’t reply and she repeated his name.

Snaking a hand under her face, he clamped his hand on her mouth and rammed into her with another powerful thrust. She screamed against his hand, and he only pressed firmer.

His other hand reached under and mashed her breasts together. She hissed when his fingers brushed against her sore and bruised nipples. His hand muffled her sounds and he thrust into her again and again, each stroke cruder than the previous.

Nine’s tears fell on his hand, and he took her like a selfish bastard again and again even though she was still sore. He needed a distraction, and he didn’t want to recall what she’d just said. He never met anyone who could love such a monster. He never met anyone who could love someone with no emotions.

She screamed again when she released around his cock, shattering like a ragged doll under him.

My Goldie. Her shoulders sagged restlessly.

He pulled his hand away when he exhaled roughly and released too, spilling himself deep inside of her.

Later that night, Nine snuggled against him, her warm body wrapped around him.

Dimitri hated snuggling but she seemed to like it.

So, he caved and let her.

He rested an arm over his head with his eyes closed.

“You never answered my question.”

His eyes snapped open at her words and he dropped his elbow. Grazing a finger across his lip, he asked a question of his own. “What is your real name?”

Nine fell silent, and for a moment, he thought she wouldn’t open up to him. Five seconds passed and her mouth opened and revealed it.