Until Love by May Gordon


She's pushing me away and I fucking hate it. Most importantly I’m not going to let it happen. I’ve felt like a new man the past month because of her and Posie. I’m working through my shit, slowly but it’s a start. My triggers have not only lessened, they’re farther apart when they do happen. And my recovery from them are much easier. I want to do and be better for my girls. Why is she doing this? There’s no way in hell I’ll let her get away with it. I don’t know what caused it, just that it has something to do with those damn marks. They infuriated me.

Rose won’t spill the details, but I know who will. With my mind made up I call Princess and head towards the last place I knew she was. When I enter the bakery, Alice nods and heads toward the back, as if she was expecting me. Once we’re inside her office I explode the second the door closes.

“What the fuck happened?”

"She didn't tell you anything?" She sounds surprised.

"No, but it's obvious something did happen."

"She asked me not to say anything." She cringes hearing how stupid her own words sound.

I can appreciate her loyalty to her friend, but this is different. "Fucking tell me, Alice." I don’t mince my words.

"She was mugged in the alley just outside." My eyes twitch from the rage I’m trying not to unleash.

“Why would she keep this from me? From anyone.” I mutter not really looking for an answer.

Alice shrugs. "I don't think she wanted to bother anyone with it.”

More specifically, me. Does she doubt I can handle it? I know I’m still struggling with some baggage, but she can rely on me. I thought she knew that.

"Don't worry about Rose,” I assure Alice. “I'll take care of her." Alice can’t hide her relief as we walk out of her office and she returns to her customers.

My first destination is where Alice told me it occurred. Looking around the area I find a travel size container of floss as well as a chapstick. They must’ve fallen from her purse. That’s not all I see, though. There’s a camera pointing directly at the spot she was attacked.

Taking my cell from my pocket, I quickly dial Sage, thankful when he answers immediately. "Hey, man."

"I need your help." Words I don’t think I’d ever said since leaving town.

"Name it," Sage says without hesitation.

"I want to see the surveillance footage from the alley next to the bakery."

"Of course. Can I ask why?"

"Rose was mugged and I want to find the bastard who did it." He curses, promising to send one of his guys to retrieve it and for me to meet him at the office. An hour later, we’re sifting through it, and as I suspected, the only thing we can see is a man in a suit and sunglasses. "I want this fucker dead." I say the moment I lay eyes on him.

Sage snorts. “Trust me when I say I get your anger, but you’re letting it cloud your thinking. Watch it again.”

I do, finally realizing what he’s trying to show me. “What mugger wears a suit?"

"None of them,” he replies. “This is something else." Leaning back, I remember the asshole near Rose’s car and mention it to Sage. "Can you tell if it's the same guy?"

"No, but what are the odds it isn’t?" None of this makes sense. "I need you to dig up everything you can about Rose."

Sage quirks a brow at that. "You sure you want to cross that line?"

"When it comes to her, yes. I’ll step over all of them." She won’t like it, and I don’t give a fuck, but if she and Posie are safe, that’s what matters. "What?" I ask when I see Sage staring at me.

"You've changed, for the better," he clarifies. "They’re exactly what you needed." Thankfully he doesn’t dive deep into that statement.

He's not wrong. "I still have a long way to go, but I want them beside me while l do it."

"The most important part is that you took the first step," he explains with a smile. "I'll get on this personally. I suggest you keep a close eye on Rose until we figure this out."

"Don't need to tell me that twice." Standing, I rouse Princess from his nap under Sage’s desk, then we get in my truck, making a quick pit stop for food to make later before driving to Rose’s. I knock on the front door of their apartment, about to bust in the door when Posie opens it. She looks sad, and I can’t have that. "Hey, kid. Where’s your mom?"

Posie gives Princess a hug, clearly needing the comfort our dog can provide. "She's in her room, crying." There’s more she’s not telling me, but that’s okay. I’ll find out for myself.

I enter the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me. I kneel down to her eye level “Everything is going to be alright. I promise Posie.”

She shakes her head and says, “It’s not a small problem, Robbie.” Now I know why she’s always seemed so much older than her age dictates. God knows what her and Rose have had to deal with all this time.

“Put on a movie for you and Princess while I go talk to your mom, okay? Come get me if you need me.”

“You sure you can make it better?” The hope in her questions strengthens my resolve to do exactly that.

“Don’t doubt me now kid.” I smile at her.

She gives me a hug, her warmth doing wonders for the chill I’ve been dealing with from my anxiety of this whole situation. Pulling back I give her a kiss one the forehead then get them set up, covering them both with a blanket, then make sure the lock is engaged and the blinds are closed.

“Don’t worry so much kid.” I stroke her blades curls. Then I seek out Rose’s bedroom and knock on the door. I can hear her sniffling inside as she responds, understandably thinking I’m Posie.

"Can you give mommy five more minutes, please?" I quietly enter, which is ironic considering I rip the covers off her once I do. Subtlety never was my strong suit. "What the hell?" She asks when she whips around and sees me. Her eyes are red and puffy. She looked scared at first, then relived and annoyed. "I told you I needed time."

"Fuck that," I say as I sit next to her, my fingers wiping away her tears from her cheeks. "You can't really be surprised. You had to know I’d come for you." Softly stroking her neck, I urge her to, "Tell me what happened, and don't say it was a fucking mugger."

She shakes her head. "I can't. Please understand."

"I don't. Why won’t you let me know so I can help the two of you?" This isn’t good, I’m only getting more agitated.

"I can't put this on you." There it is, like I’m a failure that can’t handle it or protect them.

I explode. "I'm not fragile!" Then I pause, rethinking that and concede, "Well, I was, but not anymore.”

She yells back, not in the least upset by my anger and needing to shed her own. "I love you too much to let the shitshow that is my life and family infect you."

"And I love you too much to stand by and watch you just leave me. I won’t let you or Posie suffer from whatever this is.”

Suddenly we both seem to realize what we’ve just admitted at the same time, I didn’t want to tell her this way, but there you have it. It’s out in the open. We love eachother.

"Really?" her voice is fragile. “You love me?”

"With everything in me." I feel refile now. The words blooming in my heart just hearing them out loud. Holding her hands in mine, I explain, "You and Posie are my salvation. I’ll do everything in my power to protect what's mine."

Her whole face changes now. Wrapping her arms around me, she whispers, "And you’re ours." I pin her to the mattress, letting my hands explore her body. She’s perfect and feels fantastic under me just like I’ve always dreamed of, I’ve been wanting this since the moment I laid eyes on her. "Posie," she whispers in question.

Getting up quickly and going to check on her, I find her and Princess passed out, the movie still playing on the screen. I decide to leave them there for now. After ensuring the place is secure once again, I return to Rose and scoop her up. “They’re asleep,” I state as I throw her over my shoulder. She lets out a small scream before covering her mouth and giggling while asking where we’re going. "We need a shower."

I place her down on the bathroom counter then I turn the water on and test it making sure it’s the perfect tempature. Then I turn back to her, and slowly start to remove her clothes but my patience have vacated me and I end up basically tearing them off. As sexy as she looks in the simple cotton underwear that’s being revealed, it has to go. She feels the same about my own garments and attempts to rid me of my top, but I stop her. Gripping her hands in mine.

“I’m riddled with scars Rose. I don’t want you to be grossed out.” I warn her, needing her to be prepared for the sight. But I should’ve known it wouldn’t bother her.

"I want to see all of you." she leans up to kiss me. This time, I let her strip me, relaxing when she tells me to, I fear her reaction nonetheless. She has one, just not any I expected. Once my shirt if off she takes her time looking over my body, investigating everything. She leans in and her lips brush over those on my chest as her fingers trace the rest. Her touch is healing the wounds inside me as she pays attention to those on the outside.

It all becomes too much, I need her now. "Get in," I demand as I lose patience and control, causing her to laugh when I playfully slap her naked ass. That sound is music to my ears after hearing her cry. As the water rains down on us, our hands touch each other everywhere, neither of us seeming able to stop. Her breasts fit my hands perfectly, her pink nipple begging to be sucked. Leaning down, I take it in my mouth as I grip her ass and pull her against me. The intimate act and sensation so foreign to me.

"Robert," she moans, her hands reaching into my hair and gripping it tightly. "More, please."

Returning to her lips, I kiss her as my fingers find her pussy and push inside. "Fuck, you’re so tight and wet." I’m ready to blow my load from this alone. I haven't been with a woman since I was a teenager. While I was serving, I had zero interest in becoming involved, the mere touch of anyone making me sick. Abstaining has been the easiest thing in the world these past years, but since meeting Rose suddenly It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

"I want you inside me," she urges. “I’m so close.”

Fuck, that plea has my cock jerking between us. Grabbing her legs, I help her wrap them around my waist and press her against the tile wall of the shower. Without delay, I plunge inside her, grunting at the feel of her surrounding me. She’s so snug, like we were meant to be. Perfectly made for one another. It’s a blinding sensation of pure pleasure and passion. I think I died and gone to heaven.

Rose gasps from the intrusion, concerning me. “Are you okay? Please be okay. God it’s been so long, I’m out of practice.” I groan, not sure if I could even stop at this point.

"I'm fine," she pants. "Feel free to practice with me anytime."

Then she moans as I move inside her, a smile of male arrogance crossing my face because I did that. I fuck her hard and fast. Loving the pain of her nails piercing my skin. I want her to mark me, have something to prove this even happened tomorrow.

"Harder." Giving her what she asks for, I hammer into her, knowing we’re both about to come as she clamps down on me. Her liquid heat coats me as I fill her and it’s like a dream I never knew I wanted coming true. If I didn’t feel so fucking great, I would be embarrassed. That was fast, I wanted to make it last longer, maybe romantic but there has been too much built up sexual frustration between us. We needed this.

Resting my head on her shoulder, my dick still wedge in her, she sleepily whispers, “That was amazing.”

"It was," I agree.

She’s still breathless, and I kiss her, then unable to hold back, I share what’s in my heart once again. "I love you." She’s so beautiful, her hair wet and her blue eyes clear and bright. I’ve never loved anyone like this before, my whole heart beats for her. She’s my everything.

"I love you, too." She’s all sweet and soft in my arms, making it very hard not to do her again, but I already promised myself that the next time I take her it will be on a bed.

We spend the next half hour in the shower. I wash her beautiful hair and body with the rose scented soap I carved for her. We stay in the shower till we are wrinkly, and then we get out to dry. I take the thick fluffy towel and start to dry her hair gentle. I hate to ruin our moment, but reality is setting in, and I need answers.

“Rose.” All I need to do is say her name and she nods her head in understanding.

"Okay, I’ll tell you everything, but can we wait till tonight? After Posie goes to sleep.” I agree instantly and lean down to kiss the top of her head, grateful we don’t need to argue about this again.

I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her and Posie.

Even if it means killing anyone that gets in my way.