Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


Are you okay?” Wyatt asks in concern as he takes Carter out of my arms. He soothes his back to stop him from crying. I look around everywhere to try to find Travis again, but he’s nowhere.

My lungs contract against each other, making every breath hard to breathe. I’m relieved that it wasn’t Travis but fear still simmers under my skin at the possibility that I really saw him.

“Mae,” Wyatt says, startling me.

“I’m sorry, what?” He looks at me in concern.

“Are you okay?” No. But I don’t tell him that.

“Uh, I’m not feeling well. Can we go back to the apartment?” Wyatt just stares at me for a few moments, trying to see what’s really wrong, but he doesn’t say anything further.

Before I know it, we’re making our way back to the cafe. Without interacting with anyone, I take Carter and hide in the apartment. I sigh in relief when I make it there safely. I hold Carter to me till we both fall asleep.



I watch Mae make her way upstairs toward the apartment. Her shoulders are tense and the way she’s holding on to Carter alerts me. She’s acting as if they’re in danger.

When I saw them outside the flower shop with Mae zoned out in fear and Carter crying out a lung, I knew something was wrong. When she wanted to come home, it gave more of an indication.

I’m having a gut feeling that something bad is happening. What could have changed?

“Hey, you okay?” Camila asks on the other side of the counter.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She tilts her head, trying to see if I’m lying.

“Okay, if you need anything, I’m here.” My face softens as I look at her.

“Thank you,” I whisper. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without my friends.

I offer her another smile as I make my way to the kitchen. James is glazing doughnuts and I can’t help but think of Mae. Since she’s had Carter, she hasn’t touched another doughnut. I think she outdid her doughnut intake with Carter for a lifetime.

“You okay?” James asks.

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” I chuckle humorlessly.

“‘Cause you look concerned.” I shake my head and sigh heavily.

“It’s Mae.”

“You guys didn’t make up?” He stops what he’s doing to give me his full attention.

“No, yeah, we did. And we had a really good day together. Just, I left her alone while she was feeding Carter to get flowers and when I came back, something switched. She looked frantic and scared.”

“Did you ask her why?” I shake my head. “Why not, dude?”

“I didn’t want to push her. She’s been through so much.”

He nods as he watches me. “I get that, but she needs to heal from her past or she’s going to end up dragging you down with her.”

“I’m not leaving her.”

He looks at me seriously and points at me. “That’s your problem, Wyatt, you can’t fix everyone.”

“I’m not trying to fix her,” I say defensively.

“But aren’t you?” he questions, watching me with concern.

“No, I’m trying to help her.”

James comes closer and leans his hip against the island. “Listen, Wyatt, you’re too good for this world. I know you’re trying to help, but when something is too broken, those pieces will end up cutting you.”

“No one’s ever too broken. Everyone deserves a chance at being saved.” Without another word, I walk out and go find my family.